Bihar Board Class 10 English Reader Solutions Chapter 2 Allergy

Guys who are planning to learn the fundamentals of English can avail the handy study material Bihar Board Class 10 English Reader Solutions Chapter 2 Allergy Questions and Answers here. Refer to the Bihar Board English Solutions for Class 10 PDF available and score better grades. Simply click on the quick links available for Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions and prepare all the concepts in it effectively. Take your preparation to the next level by availing the Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Chapter 2 Allergy prepared by subject experts.

Panorama English Reader Class 10 Solutions Chapter 2 Allergy

Do you feel the concept of English difficult to understand? Not anymore with our Bihar Board Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 2 Allergy Questions and Answers. All the Solutions are given to you with detailed explanation and you can enhance your subject knowledge. Use the Bihar Board Textbook Solutions PDF free of cost and prepare whenever you want.

Question 1.
What are the symptoms that tell you that you are suffering from any allergic disease? What precaution would you take to overcome it?
When the secure and free system of human body fails to function normally for some time causing terrible reactions against usually harmless
substances in our natural surroundings, it may be called “allergens”. Such .. reaction causes inflammation which in tum can lead to various, symptoms, such as hay fever, eczema, asthma and other conditions popularly referred to as allergies.

As a precautionary measure against the violent reaction of allergies, we must carefully adopt the following measures:—
(a) to wear pollen masks while moving on the grass or doing house cleaning.
(b) We should not allow indoor plants, animals wet clothes and leather, producing pollution and making the surroundings dirty.
(c) In spring season keep windows and door closed.
(d) Wash bedsheets, carpets, and other clothes at short intervals.
(e) In case if one can afford he should use airconditioner in the house and car. as well as air filter and dehumidifier.

Question 2.
Which type of common allergic diseases are generally found in children of 0-6 years of age?
Genetic and environmental factors are responsible for the allergic diseases generally found in children of 0-6 years of age. They suffer mostly. due to the aforesaid reasons and become victims of the allergic diseases causing a number of diseases due to it.

Question 3.
What is allergy march? Explain.
In the beginning, allergy often appear in favorable and peaceful conditions in the primary period (age) such as hay fever. It is true that many people gradually develop allergic conditions over many years before they experience any symptoms relating to it. Sometimes, unfortunately, a certain food or drug or an ordinary insect-bite becomes the cause of sudden life-threatening which start as eczema or gastrointestinal problem. Such condition. turns into asthma involving respiratory symptoms.

Therefore this direct path of development is widely referred to as the allergy march.

Question 4.
Name some particular disease which is caused due to weather. Also, mention its remedial measures.
There are certain diseases which are caused due to weather. Some of such diseases are eczema or gastrointestinal problems, asthma, inflammation, etc.
The remedial measures for such diseases is (i) to wear a pollen mask, (ii) to stay indoors in the morning when the pollen count is at its highest
degree and on windy days (iii) to keep the doors and windows closed during 1. heavy pollination season etc.

Question 5.
Can allergic reactions be life-threatening? Name a few of such instances of allergy.
Sometimes allergic reactions can be life-threatening. It becomes fatal if proper precaution is not being taken. As for example eczema, gastro:
intestinal problems, asthma hay fever, etc. are such sort of life-threatening diseases mainly develop due to allergic reactions.

Question 6.
Suggest a few possible ways to avoid allergy.
It is better to avoid the allergic condition than to cure it through medicines and other remedial measures after inviting it due to our negligence. There is a proverb “Prevention is better than cure.”
We must adopt the following measures to avoid allergy:—
(a) Suggestions to avoid allergens.
(i) Wear a pollen mask when moving on the grass or doing house leaning.
(ii) Stay indoors in the morning (when the pollution is at its highest), and on windy days.
(iii) Read and understand food labels (for people with food allergy), just to save from taking contaminated foodstuff.
(iv) Keep windows and doors closed during heavy pollination seasons.
(v) Keep indoor plants and other sources of mildew away from home.
(vi) Don’t allow danger-producing animals in the house.
(vii) Wash sheets, mattress pad, and blankets weekly in hot water (at least 1300F).
(viii) Use physical (insecticide chemical), acaricide or á tannic acid solution.

(b) Some measures for those who can afford:
(i) Use the air-conditioner in the house and car
(ii) Use air fitters.
(iii) Use a dehumidifier.

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Bihar Board Class 10 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

Guys who are planning to learn the fundamentals of English can avail the handy study material Bihar Board Class 10 English Reader Solutions Grammar Active and Passive Voice Questions and Answers here. Refer to the Bihar Board English Solutions for Class 10 PDF available and score better grades. Simply click on the quick links available for Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions and prepare all the concepts in it effectively. Take your preparation to the next level by availing the Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Grammar Active and Passive Voice prepared by subject experts.

Bihar Board Class 10 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice

Active, Passive Voice & Quasi Passive
निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़िए और इसपर विचार कीजिए कि list A और list B के वाक्यों में क्या अंतर है, विशेषकर उनके verbs के अर्थ और रूप में
A – B
I teach English Grammar. – English Grammar is taught by me.
He reads a book. – A book is read by him.
We hear songs. – Songs are heard by us.

List A के वाक्यों में transitive verbs-teach, reads, hear से बोध होता है कि उनके कर्ता कुछ करते हैं। I teach; He reads; We hear-इनमें कर्ता की प्रधानता है। क्रिया के person और number भी subject के अनुसार है। लेकिन list B के verbs, is taught, is read, are heard से पता चलता है कि उनके कर्ता कुछ करते नहीं हैं, कर्ता को ही कुछ होता है। इन वाक्यों में वस्तुत कीता है। यहाँ तक कि verb के number और person भी listA के वाक्या क objects के अनुसार हैं।

इस तरह, इन वाक्यों के विवेचन से पता चलता है कि एक ही transitive verb का दो प्रकार से इस तरह व्यवहार किया जाता है कि एक से subject की प्रधानता झलकती है और दूसरे से object की। Transitive verb के इसी रूप-परिवर्तन को अंगरेजी में Voice द्वारा व्यक्त करते हैं।

वास्तव में, Voice क्रिया का एक प्रकार का रूप है, जिससे हमें यह मालूम होता है कि वाक्य में subject कुछ कर रहा है या subject पर ही किसी के द्वारा कुछ किया जा रहा है।

जिस वाक्य में subject की प्रधानता हो और जिसका finite verb subject के number और person के अनुसार हो, उसे Sentence in Active Voice कहते हैं। और जिस वाक्य में object को प्रधानता देकर finite verb को object के number और person के अनुसार ही रखना पड़ता है, उसे Sentence in Passive Voice कहते हैं।

Note-वस्तुतः, voice तो verbs का ही होता है और वह भी transitive verbs का; लेकिन verbs के voice परिवर्तन के कारण समूचे वाक्य का भी ऐसा रूपान्तर हो जाता है कि हम कह सकते हैं कि वाक्य active voice में है या passive voice में

Some special verbs – Active in form but Passive in sense
बहुत-से verbs ऐसे हैं जिनका रूप active की तरह मालूम होता है, लेकिन अर्थ passive की तरह होता है। इन्हें Quasi-Passive Verbs कहते हैं। जैस-

  1. The table feels hard (= is hard when it is felt) – टेबुल कड़ा मालूम पड़ता है (जब उसका स्पर्श किया जाता है)।
  2. Sugar tastes sweet (= is sweet when tasted) – चीनी मीठी लगती है (जब किसी के द्वारा चखी जाती है)।
  3. Rolse smells good (= is good when smelt) – गुलाब अच्छा महकता है (जब सूंघा जाता है)।
  4. Your poem reads well (=sounds well when it is read) – आपकी कविता अच्छी लगती है (जब पढ़ी जाती है)।
  5. This book sells well (is purchased by many) – यह किताब अच्छी तरह बिकती है (जब बेची जाती है तब अधिकांश लोग खरीदते हैं)।

ऊपर के सभी वाक्यों में transitive verbs अपने complement के साथ हैं। अब कुछ ऐसे transitive verbs का अध्ययन कीजिए जिनका न कोई complement है और न कोई object ही स्पष्ट रहता है, फिर भी ऐसे verbs रूप में active लेकिन अर्थ में passive होते हैं; जैसे-

  1. A place is building (एक महल बनाया जा रहा है)
  2. The drum is beating (ढोल बजाया जा रहा हैं)
  3. The guns are firing (बन्दूकें चलाई जा रही हैं)
  4. This book is printing (यह किताब छप रही है, या छापी जा रही है)
  5. The cow is milking (गाय दूही जा रही है)

How to change Active Voice into Passive Voice
Verb को active voice से passive voice में बदलते समय पूरे वाक्य का रूपान्तर करना पड़ता है। Active voice में जो noun या pronoun nominative case में रहता है, उसको objective case में बदलकर उसके पहले ‘by’ जोड़कर उसे object की जगह पर ले आते हैं। और, जो noun या pronoun active voice में objective case में रहता है, उसके nominative case में ला subject की जगह पर रख देते हैं और तब इस नए subject के number और person तथा tense के अनुकूल verb ‘to be’ का उपयुक्त रूप जोड़कर verb के past participle का प्रयोग करते हैं।
Verb ‘to be’ के उपयुक्त रूप ये हैं-
Present Tense में is या am या are.
Past Tense में was या were.
Past Participle में been.
निम्नांकित तालिका का अध्ययन करें-
Bihar Board Class 9 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice 1

How to change Active Voice with two objects into Passive Voice
साधारण नियम तो यह है कि अगर active voice में किसी verb के दो object रहें, तो एक को subject बना दिया जाए और दूसरे को retained object [देखें Chapter 4 के अन्तर्गत Five kinds of object] बनाकर object ही रखा जाए। जैसे-
He gave me a pen.
(i) I was given a pen by him.
or (ii) A pen was given to me by him.
Active voice के verb ‘gave’ के यहाँ दो objects हैं- me (indirect object), pen (direct object). वाक्य (i) में ‘me’ को I में बदलकर pen को ज्यों-का-त्यों retained object बनाकर रखा गया। वाक्य (ii) में pen को ही subject बनाकर ‘me’ को retained object बनाकर रखा गया। व्याकरण की दृष्टि से ये दोनों वाक्य शुद्ध हैं और विद्यार्थी दोनों का व्यवहार कर सकते हैं। लेकिन आधुनिक usage के अनुसार वाक्य (i) ही अधिक उपयुक्त है। Allen का कहना है: ‘Active voice में यदि transitive verb के दो objects हैं, तो passive voice में personal object को ही subject बनाना चाहिए।’

Verbs which cannot be used in Passive Voice.
पहले कहा जा चुका है कि verb को active voice से passive voice में बदलने के लिए subject को object और object को subject बनाना पड़ता है। इससे यह स्पष्ट है कि
(a) जिस verb का object नहीं होता, उसको passive voive में नहीं बदला जा सकता है। चूंकि intransitive verb (अकर्मक क्रिया) का कोई object नहीं होता, इसलिए intransitive verb का passive voice नहीं हो सकता। यह साधारण नियम है, लेकिन कुछ अवस्थाओं में intransitive verb का भी passive voice होता है। जैसे-

(i) अगर intransitive verb के बाद preposition आने से वह transitive verb बन जाए और उसका कोई object रहे, तो उस verb का passive voice हो सकता है। जैसे-
He laughed at the dwarf. – The dwarf was laughed at by him.
They spoke to the man. – The man was spoken to by them.
इन वाक्यों में preposition को verb का ही अंश माना जाएगा और passive voice में भी वह verb के बाद अवश्य आएगा।

(ii) अगर किसी intransitive verb का cognate object रहे, तो उसका passive voice हो सकता है। जैसे-
We ran a race. – A race was run by us.
He dreamt a sweet dream. – A sweet dream was dreamt by him.

(iii) अगर किसी intransitive verb का causative verb की तरह व्यवहार हुआ हो, तो उसका passive voice हो सकता है, जैसे-
They grow rice. – Rice is grown by them.
We feed the poor. – The poor are fed by us.
The labourers felled a tee. – A tree was felled by the labourer
(b) Perfect continuous tense – present perfect continuous past perfect continuous, future perfect continuous के verb का Passive voice नहीं होता।
(c) Quasi-passive verbs का साधारणतः passive voice नहीं होता, क्योंकि उनका अर्थ तो passive होता ही है। इसलिए इन वाक्यों के verbs का passive नहीं होगा-
The poem reads well.
The honey tastes sweet.

Passive Voice में object के पूर्व ‘by’ के स्थान पर अन्य शब्द
ऊपर कहा जा चुका है कि passive voice में बदले जाने पर active voice का subject objective case में बदलकर object की जगह पर आता है
और उसके पहले preposition by का प्रयोग होता है। लेकिन इसके कुछ अपवाद ‘भी हैं:
(i) कुछ passive verbs के बाद by के बदले किसी दूसरे preposition का (जो उस. verb के उपयुक्त हो) व्यवहार किया जाता है। जैसे-
Active – Passive
Ram knows me. – I am known to Ram.
His behaviour surprised me. – I was surprised at his behaviour.
Your attitude displeased them. – They were displaced with your attitude.
My son annoyed me. – I was annoyed with my son.
इसी तरह, astonished, pleased, disgusted इत्यादि verbs के बाद by नहीं प्रयुक्त होता। किसी दूसरे उपयुक्त Preposition का व्यवहार किया जाता है।
(ii) बहुत-से वाक्यों में जहाँ active voice का subject अनिर्दिष्ट है, जैसे- they, nobody, no one इत्यादि, वहाँ passive voice बनाने में विद्यार्थियों की कठिनाई होती है। उनकी सुविधा के लिए यहाँ कुछ उदाहरण दिए जा रहे हैं-
Active – Passive
People in East Bengal speak Bengali. – Bengali is spoken by the people in East Bengal.
They say that health is wealth. – It is said that health is wealth.
No one can do this work. – This work cannot be done by anyone.
Nobody reads this book. – This book is not read by anyone.

More About Voice
Interchange of Active Voice and Passive Voice
Voice के प्रसंग में आपको active voice से passive voice में बदलने के कुछ प्रमुख नियमों से अवगत कराया गया है। यहाँ हम interrogative, imperative, complex, compound sentences इत्यादि को active से passive voice में बदलने के तरीके पर विचार करें।

Infinitive वाले वाक्य का Passive Voice
अगर वाक्य में finite verb, intransitive रहे और उसके बाद infinitive का प्रयोग हो तो infinitive को उसके past participle रूप में कर देने से वाक्य passive voice में. हो जाएगा। जैसे-
Active – Passive
I expect to win him over. – I expect him to be won over.
He tried hard to obtain some help. – He tried hard for some help to be obtained.
He likes his subordinates to flatter him. – He likes to be flattered by his subordinates.
It is time to open the shop. – It is time for the shop to be opened.
There is nothing to do. – There is nothing to be done.
I have nothing to hope for. – There is nothing to be hoped for.

Imperative Verb on Passive Voice
Imperative a transitive verbs a passive voice बनाने में इस वाक्य को let से प्रारम्भ करते हैं (भले ही वाक्य में पहले से let नहीं रहे) और तब verb के बदले उसके passive infinitive, without to का प्रयोग करते हैं।
Active – Passive
(You) Fetch a glass of water. – Let a glass of water be fetched (by you).
(You) Take him home. – Let him be taken home (by your).
(You) Hear him. – Let him be heard (by you).
Note – विद्यार्थियों को उचित है कि बायीं ओर के वाक्य में subject you जो लुप्त है, उसे लिखकर, voice का परिवर्तन करें। जैसे-
Read this book = (You) read this book.
और यह passive voice में हो जाएगा-
Let this book be read by you.

Interrogative sentence के transitive verb का passive voice में परिवर्तन
1. अगर interrogative sentence, auxiliary verb से शुरू हो-
विद्यार्थी अगर गलती से बचना चाहते हों तो उनहें चाहिए कि voice परिवर्तन के पहले ऐसे वाक्य को assertive sentence में बदल लें। फिर, ऊपर दिए गए साधारण नियमों के अनुसार वाक्य का voice बदल दें। और, voice परिवर्तन के बाद sentence को पुन: interrogative sentence के रूप में लिख लें; जैसे-
Did you read this book? इस बाक्य में verb ‘read’ active voice में है। हम इसको passive voice में बदलने के पहले-
(i) इसको assertive sentence के रूप में लिखें – You read this book.
(ii) यह passive voice में हो जाएगा – This book was read by you.
(iii) अब इसको interrogative sentence के रूप में लिखें – Was this book read by you?
कुछ अन्य उदाहरणों का अध्ययन करें-
Active – Passive
(a) Did he kill the dog?
Assertive – He killed the dog.
Assertive-Passive – The dog was killed by him.
Interrogative-Passive – Was the dog killed by him?

(b) Did you like dinner?
Assertive – You liked the dinner.
Assertive-Passive – The dinner was liked by you.
Interrogative-Passive – Was the dinner liked by you?
(2) अगर transitive verb वाला interrogative sentence ‘who’ से प्रारम्भ हो तो passive voice में बदलने के लिए ‘who’ को active voice का subject मानकर साधारण नियमों के अनुसार वाक्य को passive में बदल देंगे, जैसे-
Active – Passive
Who did this? – By whom was this dotted?
Who killed the dog? – By whom was the dog killed?
Who reads this book? – By whom is this book read?
Note – Who का objective case ‘whom’ होता है-
तो इस question word को पहले वाक्य से निकालकर ऊपर (1) में दिए गए तरीके से passive voice बना लें और तब question word का पुनः passive voice के वाक्य के शुरू में जोड़ दें; जैसे-

  1. Why did you read this book?
  2. When did he kill the dog?
  3. How did they admit all students?
  4. How did you like dinner?

इन वाक्यों से अगर why, when, how को हटा लें तो इनका सही रूप रहता है जो (1) में दिए गए वाक्यों का है, तो हम (1) में बताए गए नियम के अनुसार इनका passive में रूपान्तर कर लेंगे और तब क्रमश: why, when, how को वाक्य के आरम्भ में जोड़कर लिखेंगे

  1. Why was this book read by you?
  2. When was the dog killed by him?
  3. How were all students admitted by them?
  4. How was the dinner liked by you?

Change of transitive verb in complex and compound sentences from the active voice to the passive voice
अगर किसी वाक्य में एक से अधिक finite verb रहें और वे सभी transitive हों तो एक को Passive voice में बदलने पर दूसरे को भी passive voice में बदलना पड़ेगा। जैसे, हम इन वाक्यों को लें
Active – Passive
(i) He told me that he had read the book. – I was told by him that the book had been read by him.
(ii) He wrote this book and gave it to Bharati Bhawan for publication. – This book was written by him and it was) given
(by him) to Anjana (P&D) for publication.
(iii) She wrote the letter but tore it to pieces. – The letter was written by her but (it was) torn (by her) to pieces.

ऊपर दिए गए वाक्यों में हम देखते हैं कि प्रत्येक में दो-दो clauses हैं।
(i) He told me + that he had read the book.
(ii) He wrote this book + and + (he) have it to Anjana (P&D) for publication.
(iii) She wrote the letter + and + (she) tore it to pieces.
इन वाक्यों को passive रूप में लाने के लिए हम दोनों clauses को अलग-अलग passive रूप में ले आते हैं, और तब उनको जोड़ दते हैं।
Note – अगर एक ही clause में एक finite verb रहे और उसके साथ infinitive verb रहे तो हम दोनों को passive voice में नहीं बदल सकते, क्योंकि double passive का व्यवहार नहीं हो सकता।

Passive Voice से Active Voice बनाने का नियम
(i) अगर दिए हुए वाक्यों में कुछ शब्द लुप्त हों तो उनको कोष्ठ (brackets) में लिखकर वाक्यों को पूरा कर लीजिए। अकसर passive voice में by + object लुप्त रहता है। ऐसी हालत में अपनी ओर से by + उपयुक्त object जोड़कर वाक्य को पूरा कर लीजिए। जैसे-
The thief was arrested. = The thief was arrested (by the police).
My watch was stolen. = My watch was stolen (by someone).
It is said that he is poor. = It is said (by them or by people) that he is poor.
The letter was written by her and torn to bits. = The letter was written by her and it was) torn to bits (by her).

(ii) इसके बाद passive voice के वाक्य में से object को निकालकर nominative case में ले आइए और active voice के वाक्य का उसे subject बना लीजिए।

(iii) Passive voice के subject को objective case में ले आइए और उसे active voice के वाक्य में object की जगह पर लिखिए।

(iv) Verb ‘to be’ को हटाकर, verb के past participle रूप को नए subject of 3 CHR FC FCI

(v) Passive voice के object के पहले ‘by’, ‘to’ य अन्य कोई preposition रहे तो उसे हटा दीजिए; जैसे-

Passive Voice – Active Voice
He was sentenced to death (by the judge). – The Judge sentenced him to death.
He is not known to me. – I do not know him.
Trespassers will be prosecuted (by the Government). – The Government will prosecute the trespassers.
Let the tea be brought. – Bring tea.
You will be compelled to resign your post (by the circumstances). – Circumstances will compel you to resign your post. Heavy casualties have been reported (by the Press). – The Press has reported heavy casualties.
It is time for the bell to be rung. – It is time to ring the bell.
Have the trees been cut (by somebody)? – Has somebody cut the trees?
Let it be tried by all of us. – Let all of us try it.
Let silence be observed. – Observe silence.
What cannot be cured (by us) must be endured (by us). – We must endure what we cannot cure.
The field has been overgrown with grass. – Grass has grown over the field.
English is spoken all over the world (by people). – People speak English all over the world.
The injured are being treated (by the doctors). – The doctors are treating the injured.
The house was burnt to ashes (by the fire). – The fire burnt the house to ashes.
Cricket is not liked by me but football is (liked by me). – I do not like cricket, but I like football.
Reference books must not be taken away (by readers). – Readers must not take away reference books.
It cannot be done (by anyone). – No one can do it.

नोट-उपर्युक्त passive voice के वाक्यों में कोष्ठ के अन्दर जो शब्द दिए गए हैं वे प्रश्न में प्रायः लुप्त रहते हैं। यहाँ विद्यार्थियों के समझने के लिए केवल संकेत हैं।

More Exercises Solved
Change the following sentences from Active to Passive:
Note : उत्तर प्रत्येक वाक्य के सामने तिरछे अक्षरों (italics) में दिया गया हैं।

Active – Passive

  1. He knows me. – I am known to him.
  2. My father has taught me. – I have been taught by my father.
  3. Help the poor. – Let the poor be helped.
  4. He gave me a book. – I was given a book by him.
  5. The Headmaster gave him a prize. – He was given a prize by the Headmaster.
  6. Raju has built this house. – This house has been built by Raju.
  7. The soldiers took her to the soldiers. – She was taken to the camp by the camp.
  8. Who killed the bird? – By whom was the bird killed?
  9. Do it at once. – Let it be done at once.
  10. The mother looks after the child. – The child is looked after my mother.
  11. Motilal Nehru admired Gandhiji. – Gandhiji was admired by Motilal Nehru.
  12. Who taught you English? – By whom were you taught English?
  13. Who wrote this poem? – By whom was this poem written?
  14. They made him captain. – He was made captain by them.
  15. Who has stolen my purse? – By whom has my purse been stolen?
  16. The teacher guides me. – I am guided by the teacher.
  17. Give me your pen. – Let your pen be given to me.
  18. Who has killed the tiger? – By whom has the tiger been killed?
  19. Gandhiji respected all living creatures. – All living creatures were respected by Gandhiji.
  20. We have polluted wells. – Even wells have been polluted by us.
  21. May destroy the Beautiful cities. – Beautiful cities are destroyed by man.
  22. We must preserve forests. – Forests must be preserved by us.
  23. He has bought a house. – A house has been bought by him.
  24. The police arrested the thief. – The thief was arrested by the police.
  25. Mr Das teaches us English. – We are taught English by Mr Das.
  26. Satish may do the work. – The work may be done by Satish.
  27. We should do it. – It should be done by us.
  28. They caught the thief. – The thief was caught by them.
  29. Ramesh was writing a letter. – A letter was being written by Ramesh.
  30. Do not insult the poor. – Let the poor be not insulted.
  31. Cut down the tree. – Let the tree be cut down.
  32. I do not know him. – He is not known to me.
  33. You can win a prize. – A prize can be won by you.
  34. Who taught you grammar? – By whom were you taught grammar?
  35. Leela is learning music. – Music is being leurnt by Leela.
  36. She will sing a song. – A song will be sung by her.
  37. I have finished the work. – The work has been finished by me.
  38. She wrote a letter. – A letter was written by her.
  39. Do this work. – Let this worki’be done.
  40. You must learn English. – English must be learnt by you.
  41. He cannot do this work. – This work cannot be done by him.
  42. Please help me. – You are requested to help me.
  43. I helped the beggar. – The beggar was helped by me.
  44. We should not punish him. – He should not be punished by us.
  45. He bought a pen. – A pen was bought by him.
  46. Post the letter. – Let the letter be posted.
  47. Call the man waiting outside. – Let the man be called waiting outside.
  48. We expect good news. – Good news all expected by us.
  49. My father has taught me. – I have been taught by my father.
  50. He gave me a look. – A book was given to me by him.
  51. Raman is solving the task. – The task is being solved by Raman.
  52. I saw him opening the box. – He was seen opening the box.
  53. Brutus accused Caesar of ambition. – Caesar was accused of ambition by Brutus.

(B) Removal of Too’
Romove Too’ in the following sentences.
Note: उत्तर प्रत्येक वाक्य के सामने तिरछे अक्षरों (italics) में दिया गया है।
Active – Passive

  1. The tea is too hot for me to take. – The tea is so hot that I cannot take it.
  2. It is too good to be true. – It is so good that it cannot be true.
  3. It is too heavy to be lifted. – It is so heavy that it cannot be lifted.
  4. It is too cold. – It is excessively cold.
  5. The weather is too cold to go out. – The weather is so cold that one cannot go out.

We wish the knowledge shared regarding Bihar Board Solutions for Class 10 English Grammar Active and Passive Voice Questions and Answers has been helpful to you. If you need any further help feel free to ask us and we will get back to you with the possible solution. Bookmark our site to avail the latest updates on different state boards solutions in split seconds.

Bihar Board Class 10 English Reader Solutions Chapter 5 Sun and Moon

Guys who are planning to learn the fundamentals of English can avail the handy study material Bihar Board Class 10 English Reader Solutions Chapter 5 Sun and Moon Questions and Answers here. Refer to the Bihar Board English Solutions for Class 10 PDF available and score better grades. Simply click on the quick links available for Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions and prepare all the concepts in it effectively. Take your preparation to the next level by availing the Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Chapter 5 Sun and Moon prepared by subject experts.

Panorama English Reader Class 10 Solutions Chapter 5 Sun and Moon

Do you feel the concept of English difficult to understand? Not anymore with our Bihar Board Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 5 Sun and Moon Questions and Answers. All the Solutions are given to you with detailed explanation and you can enhance your subject knowledge. Use the Bihar Board Textbook Solutions PDF free of cost and prepare whenever you want.

Let’s discuss

Question 1.
Suppose you are Sun. There was a party at your house last night in which you were not allowed to attend. How did you feel? and how did you face such situation?
Yes, I am Sun. A party was held at my house last night. I was not allowed to participate in that party. I felt it much. My depth of feeling and subtlety is insight. I wielded with the gleaming blade of irony. I felt isolated and dejected.

Question 2.
Do you think the young children should also have right to attend the party especially designed for adults. Why not? Give reasons.
No, I do not think so. Young children should not have right to attend party especially designed for adults. Because young women and young men gather there to make merry. It is a fine assembly of gay people. Present hearts beat together happily to the accompaniment of music. Music and dance go together. Beautiful women look lovingly at men and the young men reciprocated. Such scenes should not be allowed to be watched by young children. School children are motivated. They will hamper their schooling and natural growth. They will have become a phenomenon and a potent force in making the children wayward and westernised.

Question 3.
A young boy is sometimes reprimanded when he interferes while the elders are talking. Have you ever faced such a situation? Write your views or feelings.
I do not interfere with any body when he is talking with another man. It is out of manner. I have never been reprimanded by anyone. But I feel if anyone is reprimanded he would feel dejected, disturbed and inhumane.

Question 4.
What message does Katherine Mansfield want to give to the readers? Explain.
The writer Katherine Mansfield gives a message to the young children that they should form a good character. Moral instruction starts very early in life. The parents are best equipped to impart them the moral education. They can not only preach but also by percept inculcate good values in the children whose tender minds get suitably molded by the environment at house. They should not allow them to see such ball dancers. They will spoil them.

We wish the knowledge shared regarding Bihar Board Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 5 Sun and Moon Questions and Answers has been helpful to you. If you need any further help feel free to ask us and we will get back to you with the possible solution. Bookmark our site to avail the latest updates on different state boards solutions in split seconds.

Bihar Board Class 10 English Grammar Prepositions

Guys who are planning to learn the fundamentals of English can avail the handy study material Bihar Board Class 10 English Reader Solutions Grammar Prepositions Questions and Answers here. Refer to the Bihar Board English Solutions for Class 10 PDF available and score better grades. Simply click on the quick links available for Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions and prepare all the concepts in it effectively. Take your preparation to the next level by availing the Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Grammar Prepositions prepared by subject experts.

Bihar Board Class 10 English Grammar Prepositions

Do you feel the concept of English difficult to understand? Not anymore with our Bihar Board Solutions for Class 10 English Grammar Prepositions Questions and Answers. All the Solutions are given to you with detailed explanation and you can enhance your subject knowledge. Use the Bihar Board Textbook Solutions PDF free of cost and prepare whenever you want.
ध्यातव्य: English grammar में Preposition एक महत्त्वपूर्ण विषय है। इसकी सही जानकारी नहीं रहने के कारण अनेक गलतियाँ होती हैं और वाक्य अशद्ध हो जाता है।
अंग्रेजी में Preposition की परिभाषा इस प्रकार है-
A Preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show its relation to some other words in the sentence.
अर्थात Preposition किसी Noun या Pronoun के पहले आता है एवं यह उस Noun या Pronoun का सम्बन्ध किसी दूसरे शब्द के साथ दिखाता है। जैसे-
The book is on the table.
He writes with a pen.
यहाँ on और with Prepositions हैं। क्योंकि ये क्रमश: table और pen के साथ संबंध स्थापित करते हैं।

Use of Prepositions with Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs:
(i) नीचे लिखे Nouns के बाद Preposition with लगता है-
affection, ambition, anxiety, appetite, blame, candidate, capacity, compassion, desire, liking, match, need, opportunity, passion, pity, reputation.
(ii) नीचे लिखे Nouns के बाद Preposition with लगता है-
acquaintance, alliance, comparison, enmity, intimacy, relations.
(iii) नीचे लिखे Nouns के बाद Preposition of लगता हैexperience, failure, proof, result, want.
(iv) नीचे लिखे Nouns के बाद Preposition from लगता है-
escape, exemption, inference, descent, respite.
(v) नीचे लिखे Nouns के बाद Preposition to लगता है-
access, antidote, alternative, approach, assent, attachment, attention, disgrace, dislike, exception, indifference, invitation, key, limit, obedience, objection, opposition, preface, reference, submission.

Adjectives followed by Prepositions
(i) नीचे Adjectives के बाद to Preposition लगता है-
addicted, accustomed, adjacent, affectionate, alive, appropriate, beneficial, common, contrary, deaf, devoted, due, equal, essential, faithful, fall, foreign, hostile, inclined, indebted, inimical, limited, loyal, natural, necessary, obedient, obliged, opposite, painful, profitable, reduced, related, responsible, sacred, sensitive, subject, suitable, true, tantamount.
(ii) नीचे लिखे Adjectives के बाद in Preposition लगता है-
accurate, backward, correct, defective, deficient, experienced. fertile, honest, interested
(iii) नीचे लिखे Adjectives के बाद Preposition with लगता है-
acquainted, busy, contented, delighted, disgusted, gifted, infected, infested, intimate, invested, overcome, popular, satisfied.
(iv) नीचे लिखे Adjectives के बाद Preposition of लगता है-
accused, acquitted, afraid, aware, certain, composed, confident, conscious, convicted, convened, deprived, desirous, devoid, dull, envious, fearful, found, greedy, guilty, ignorant, informed. innocent, lame, proud, sick, sure, suspicious, tolerant, void, weary, worthy.
(v) नीचे लिखे Adjectives के बाद Preposition for लगता है-
anxious, eager, eligible, fit, good, grateful, prepared, proper, qualified, ready, sorry, useful, sufficient.

Verbs followed by Prepositions
(i) नीचे दिए Verbs के बाद Preposition to लगता है-
accede, adapt, allot, apologize, appoint, assent, attend, belong, consent, contribute, lead, listen, object, prefer, refer, revert, stoop, submit, succumb, surrender, yield.
(ii) नीचे दिए Verbs के बाद Preposition from लगता है-
abstain, alight, debar, derive, differ, escape, prevent, prohibition, protect, recover, refrain.
(iii) नीचे दिए Verbs के बाद Preposition with लगता है-
associate, bear, clash, comply, condole, credit, disagree, dispense, fill, part, quarrel, side, sympathize.
(iv) नीचे दिए Verbs के बाद Preposition of लगता है-
acquit, beware, boast, complain, despair, die, disapprove, dispose of, dream, divest, repent, approve.
(v) नीचे दिए Verbs के बाद Preposition for लगता है-
canvass, care, feel, hope, mourn, pine, start, wish, vote
(vi) नीचे दिए Verbs के बाद Preposition in लगता है-
delight, employ, excel, fail, indulge, persist.
(vii) नीचे दिए Verbs के बाद Preposition on लगता है-
comment, depend, dwell, encroach, insist.

नीचे कुछ Important Nouns. Adjectives तथा Verbs दिए जाते हैं जिनके साथ भिन्न-भिन्न Prepositions का प्रयोग वाक्यों में करके दिखाया गया है। छात्र उन्हें ध्यान से पढ़ेंगे और प्रयोग जान लेंगे।

Important Questions Solved

Question 1.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition given in the brackets.

  1. I am agreed ________ you (in, at, with)
  2. He fell ________ the well. (in, on, into)
  3. He is at home ________ English. (in, up, by)


  1. with
  2. into
  3. in

Question 2.
Select suitable preposition and fill in the blanks.

  1. He is leaning ________ a wall. (to, towards, on, against)
  2. He will soon start ________ home. (to, for, towards, at)
  3. He send me a box ________ books. (with, of, for to)


  1. against
  2. for
  3. of

Question 3.
Select suitable prepositions and fill in the blanks.

  1. The frog fell ________ the well. (down, into, in)
  2. Rama went ________ market. (from, away, to)
  3. Nancy is afraid ________ days. (of, from, with)


  1. into
  2. to
  3. of

Question 4.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions given in the brackets.

  1. The Principal is ________ the office. (in, into, on)
  2. Radha writes ________ a pen. (by, with, from)
  3. A novel is written ________ him (with, by, of)


  1. in
  2. with
  3. by

Question 5.
Select the suitable prepositions and fill in the blanks.

  1. I am anxious ________ the result. (for, from, on)
  2. He is disqualified ________ the post (for, from, t0)
  3. He deals ________ rice. (in, with from)


  1. for
  2. for
  3. in

Question 6.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

  1. It is ________ ten o’clock. (above, as, about)
  2. The sun was ________ the clouds. (before, by, behind)
  3. I bought this pen ________ five rupees. (from, for, in)


  1. about
  2. behind
  3. in

Question 7.
Fill in the blansks with appropriate prepositions given in the brackets.

  1. He felt pity ________ the poor. (with, to, for)
  2. It is a disgrace ________ your school. (on, of, to)
  3. It is ten ________ my watch. (with, by, as)


  1. for
  2. to
  3. by

Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions given in the brackets:

Note – प्रत्येक वाक्य के अंत में brackets के अंदर मोटे-काले अक्षरों में उत्तर दिया गया है।

Question 1.

  1. I prefer milk ________ tea. (with, to, by)
  2. She is proud ________ her beauty. (of, with on)
  3. You have no taste ________ music. (in, for, on)
  4. He felt pity ________ the poor. (to with, for)


  1. to
  2. of
  3. for
  4. for

Question 2.

  1. He does not listen ________ me. (for, on, to)
  2. I am waiting ________ the postman. (on, for, to)
  3. How will you deal ________ him? (in, on, with)
  4. Men are different ________ animals. (with, from, on)


  1. to
  2. for
  3. with
  4. from

Question 3.

  1. He came here ________ three o’clock. (on, at, for)
  2. It has been raining ________ Monday. (for, on, since)
  3. I have not seen him ________ five days. (from, since, for)
  4. He goes to school ________ bus. (on, by, from)


  1. at
  2. since
  3. for
  4. by

Question 4.

  1. It is ten ________ my watch. (with, in, by)
  2. She danced ________ joy. (with, for, in)
  3. They set the house ________ fire. (on, with, to)
  4. It is a disgrace ________ our school. (on, for, to)


  1. by
  2. with
  3. on
  4. to

Question 5.

  1. Take care ________ your health. (on, of, about)
  2. The teacher is angry ________ you. (at, upon, with)
  3. He died ________ cholera. (of, with, by)
  4. Beware ________ mad dogs. (to, on, of)


  1. of
  2. with
  3. of
  4. of

Question 6.

  1. I agree ________ you. (in at, with)
  2. He fell ________ the well. (in, on, into)
  3. He is at home ________ Englsih. (in, up, by)
  4. A thief broke ________ my house. (in, into, on)


  1. with
  2. into
  3. in
  4. into

Question 7.

  1. Be attentive ________ your duty. (to, on from)
  2. I believe ________ what he says. (on, upon, in)
  3. We should abide ________ your advice. (to, by, from)
  4. He was brought ________ by his grandfather. (on up, in)


  1. to
  2. in
  3. by
  4. up

Question 8.

  1. Some people have a real liking ________ the parrot. (for, to, in)
  2. Manish appeared ________ the examination. (in, at, on)
  3. He was making fun ________ her. (at, of, in)
  4. I am anxious ________ the result. (for, from, on)


  1. for
  2. at
  3. of
  4. for

Question 9.

  1. He is disqualified ________ the post. (for, from, to)
  2. The book fell ________ the ground. (at, on, to)
  3. He believes ________ hard work. (in, on, upon)
  4. They laughed ________ me. (on, at, for)


  1. for
  2. to
  3. in
  4. at

Question 10.

  1. Gandhiji had no ill-will ________ the Lancashire labourers. (for, against, about)
  2. The village panchayat sat ________ the banyan tree. (of, on, under)
  3. He looked ________ his parents. (on, after, up)
  4. She is pleased ________ you. (at, upon, with)


  1. against
  2. under
  3. after
  4. with

Question 11.

  1. The ring was sold ________ rupees sixty. (in, for, on)
  2. I called ________ the Chief Minister of Bihar yesterday. (at, on, to)
  3. Miranda was aware ________ the danger. (from, of, for)
  4. He is angry ________ his sons. (at, upon, with)


  1. for
  2. on
  3. of
  4. with

Question 12.

  1. The car came ________ a halt. (to, on, by)
  2. We are not found ________ sweets. (for, of, with)
  3. He stopped to look ________ the notice-board. (up, at, in)
  4. Our school breaks ________ at five o’clock. (up, on, by)


  1. to
  2. of
  3. at
  4. up

अब आपकी सुविधा के लिए प्रत्येक वाक्य के सामने brackets के अंदर केवल उत्तर दिया गया है ताकि आप उसे शीघ्र याद कर सकें।

Question 13.

  1. I am pleased ________ you.
  2. Don’t laugh ________ the beggar.
  3. He is superior ________ this man.
  4. I do not agree ________ you.
  5. He waited ________ you.


  1. with
  2. at
  3. to
  4. with
  5. for

Question 14.

  1. He has no interest ________ games.
  2. He is always in need ________ help.
  3. He travelled ________ his friend.
  4. He travelled ________ car.
  5. What is the time ________ your watch?


  1. in
  2. of
  3. with
  4. by
  5. by

Question 15.

  1. She is blind ________ her faults.
  2. The dog jumped ________ the river.
  3. He was absent ________ school.
  4. She succeeded ________ her examination.
  5. I am satisfied ________ him.


  1. to
  2. into
  3. from
  4. in
  5. with

Question 16.

  1. None will approve ________ your action.
  2. We should abide ________ your advice.
  3. I believe ________ what he says.
  4. He is disgusted ________ his life.
  5. Good health depends ________ several factors.


  1. of
  2. by
  3. in
  4. with
  5. on

Question 17.

  1. Macbeth was written ________ Shakespeare.
  2. She was standing ________ the gate
  3. He was born ________ 1978.
  4. She is jealous ________ me.
  5. He is interested ________ music.


  1. by
  2. at
  3. in
  4. of
  5. in

Question 18.

  1. Girls are found ________ dolls.
  2. The book feil ________ the ground
  3. I am not acquainted ________ him.
  4. He has been working ________ four hours.
  5. I have faith ________ him.


  1. of
  2. to
  3. with
  4. for
  5. in

Question 19.

  1. I have been reading this book ________ three hours.
  2. Please keep ________ the grass.
  3. He was ashamed ________ his deeds.
  4. You must pay attention ________ your health.
  5. He is eligible ________ this post.


  1. for
  2. off
  3. with
  4. to
  5. for

Question 20.

  1. You should give ________ smoking.
  2. He went home ________ Monday.
  3. He took ________ his coat.
  4. He was deaf ________ my requests.
  5. Be good ________ others.


  1. up
  2. on
  3. off
  4. to
  5. to

Question 21.

  1. She is blind ________ the right eye.
  2. He is prepared ________ the worst.
  3. Satish is very ________ English.
  4. We write ________ a pen.
  5. He is fond ________ sweets.


  1. in
  2. for
  3. in
  4. with
  5. of

Question 22.

  1. He is afraid ________ me.
  2. Please send ________ a doctor.
  3. The glass is full ________ milk.
  4. He objected ________ my proposal.
  5. The teacher is kind ________ all students.


  1. of
  2. for
  3. of
  4. to
  5. to

Question 23.

  1. This house belongs ________ me.
  2. She is sorry ________ what she did.
  3. He deals ________ rice.
  4. The work was done ________ haste.
  5. The teacher is kind ________ at students.


  1. to
  2. for
  3. in
  4. in
  5. to

Question 24.

  1. I am tired ________ this work.
  2. What brought ________ the quarrel?
  3. He is famous ________ his wisdom.
  4. What are you talking ________?
  5. I bought this book ________ Rs. 50.


  1. of
  2. about
  3. for
  4. about
  5. for

Question 25.

  1. You cannot compete ________ him.
  2. You prevented me ________ doing this.
  3. He cried ________ the top of his voice.
  4. He was disqualified ________ the post.
  5. They were invited ________ tea.


  1. with
  2. from
  3. at
  4. for
  5. to

We wish the knowledge shared regarding Bihar Board Solutions for Class 10 English Grammar Prepositions Questions and Answers has been helpful to you. If you need any further help feel free to ask us and we will get back to you with the possible solution. Bookmark our site to avail the latest updates on different state boards solutions in split seconds.

Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Poem 8 Martha

Guys who are planning to learn the fundamentals of English can avail the handy study material Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Poem 8 Martha Questions and Answers here. Refer to the Bihar Board English Solutions for Class 10 PDF available and score better grades. Simply click on the quick links available for Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions and prepare all the concepts in it effectively. Take your preparation to the next level by availing the Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Poem 8 Martha prepared by subject experts.

Panorama English Book Class 10 Solutions Poem 8 Martha

Do you feel the concept of English difficult to understand? Not anymore with our Bihar Board Solutions for Class 10 English Poem 8 Martha Questions and Answers. All the Solutions are given to you with detailed explanation and you can enhance your subject knowledge. Use the Bihar Board Textbook Solutions PDF free of cost and prepare whenever you want.

A. Pre-reading questions:

Answer the questions briefly:

Question 1.
Have you read any fairy tale?
Yes, I have read so many fairy tales, as for example, ‘Alice in the wonderland’.

Question 2.
Do you find its events as real as in life?
No. I don’t find dream’s event as real as in life. When I woke up from sleep I do not find any real events.

Question 3.
Does it have any logical sequence of events?
Dream is a state of mind in which going on around one seem real… psychologists are of the opinion that a man dreams whatever is not fulfilled in his real life. Regarding dream, this is the logical sequence of events.

B. While reading questions:

B.1. Write True (T) or False (F) for the following sentences:
1. Martha tells her stories over and over again.
2. If one watches her eyes, it seems story is told by her beautiful eyes.
3. Her stories were turbulent
4. She would sit with clasped hands round her neck.
5. Martha would tell her stories in greenish-brown valley.
1. (F)
3. (F)
4. (F)

B.1.2. Answer the questions briefly:

Question 1.
What does Martha do in the Hazel glean?
Martha usually tells her sweet stories in the Hazel glean. She made the atmosphere of hazel glean fully alive and lively.

Question 2.
What is the colour of Martha’s eyes?
The colour of Martha’s eyes is clear and grey.

Question 3.
Who are staring at ease?
Children are used to gaze on her with wonder at ease.

Question 4.
How do they sit to listen Martha’s story?
They (Children) sit down on the earth with their heads resting on : their elbow and pay rapt attention to her story..

Question 5.
How were half of the stories said?
Her voice, her chin, and her grave lovely head conveyed half the effect of the story which she was telling. The effect produced by her story was that sult not only of the words used by her but also of her physical features.

B. 2. Fill in the blanks on the basis of your reading of the poem:

Like a dream, you dream…..the night.
Fairies and gnomes stole…..
…… the leaf green light.
And her beauty far……..
Would fade as her voice ran……
(i) in
(ii) out
(iii) in
(iv) away
(v) on

B.2.1. Write True (T) or False (F) for the following sentences:

1. Fairies and gnomes stole out Martha’s beauty.
2. Like a dream, her beauty gradually faded away
3. Her voice could be heard until hazel and summer sun and other things faded away.
4. Clouds in the sky are on lower height.
5. Our hearts are shocked.
6. Martha tells her story today.
7. Her stories have tranquil effect.
1. (T)
2. (T)
3. (T)
4. (F)
5. (F)
6. (F)
7. (T)

C.1. Long Answer Questions:

Question 1.
Describe Martha’s physical features.
Martha is a beautiful young lady with lovely physical features. She is described here as very fond of children and they too are equally fond of her company. She was a lovely lady with clear grey eyes, slim hands, a narrow chin, and a grave small lovely head.

Question 2.
Is this poem like a dream? How can you say that?
No, the poem is not like a dream. But its effect is like a dream. Children lost all consciousness, as it were, except that of the dreamy at i mosphere of the past to which the stories of martha related. Martha was able to transport her bewitching mode of narration, and thus she revived her them the glories of the fairyland, which were things of the distant past. The children seemed to have been transported to that distant past and vision of the wonderful land of fairies and gnomes.

Question 3.
How does this poem end?
The story of Martha left on the minds of her young listeners. They had then no consciousness (चेतना) except that of the atmosphere (वातावरण) of the dreamy past to which the story of Martha related. Martha had revived (पुनर्जीवित किया) for them the glories of the fairyland which were things of the distant past. They were almost mysteriously (रहम्यमय रूप से) taken to the world of the past and the vision of that wonderland left them mute.

Question 4.
Do you think that Martha and the children enjoyed stories?
Yes, I think Martha and the children both were enjoying the stories. Martha was one such story-teller. She knew how to create an atmosphere of
make-believe. She was keen interested in telling the stories. She used her appearance, her tone, her gestures (चेहरे का भाव) all contributed (सहायता किया)
to the effect of her stories.

And the children listened to her stories with rapt attention. They were enjoying the stories perfectly. They were so charmed that they began to like imaginatively (काल्पनिक) in the world of dreams and fairies.

Question 5.
Martha begins with happy and tranquil note and ends with sadness. Why does she do so? Explain. …
Martha knew how to create a proper atmosphere to make her stories sound and impressive. The characters of her stories, fairies and ghosts seemed to appear secretly through the green leaves of hazel trees and the faint passing rays of the sun. Her beauty seemed to fade away. This is one of the situation of. : sadness. The second situation of sadness is the misty, faded-greenish light in the glen helped the children to believe as if actually the spirits and the fairies were hiding behind the tree

Question 6.
Explain the mood of the poet when he says “Our hearts stood still in the hush of an age gone by”.
This is the concluding line of the poem Martha by. Walter De La Mare. In this line, the poet describes what the effect of the stories of Martha left on the mind of her children (the poet himself when he was a child).

The stories created such a deep impression on the minds of the children that they seemed to be struck with awe and wonder. Their heart stopped beating and became still like motionless clouds high up in the sky. The. silence and wonder of the distant past left them mute with wonder.

Question 7.
Describe the poet’s feeling when he started the poem.
Walter De La Mare has unique (अनोखा)contribution (देन) to English poetry. He can create an effective and haunting atmosphere. In creating such situation, he imagines delicately and fancifully. The poet himself becomes a story teller like Martha. The poem has been written in a reminiscent (स्मृति उद्दीपक) mood. The poet goes back to the world of his childhood and, shows how happy he was then. He longs to go back to the past. This shows his love for wonder and fantasy. This is feeling of the poet.

E.2. Rearrange the jumble words taken from the lesson.
misl, denb, ryou, .rdwo
Slim, round, bend, our, word.


1. मेरी दादी कहानियाँ सुनयोगी |
2. उनकी आंखोँ आंखों का रंग हल्का भूरा है |
3. कहानियाँ हमारे दिल और दिमाग को सुकून देती है |
4. पहाड़ियों पर बादल थे |
5. उसकी आवाज बहुत प्यारी है |
6. मैने एक सपना देखा |
7. धीरे-धीरे उसकी आवाज कम हो गयी |
8. हमारा दिल बैठ गया |
9. हम उन्हें एकटक देख रहे थे |
10. उसकी आंखो आधी बात कह देती है |
1. My grand mother will tell stories.
2. The colour of her eyes is , grey.
3. Stories comfort our heart and mind.
4. There were clouds on the hills.
5. Her voice is very sweet.
6. I dreamt a dream.
7. Gradually her voice fainted.
8. Our hearts sank
9. We were staring at him/her.
10. Her eyes tell half of the matter.

Comprehensive Based Questions with Answers

Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow each.

1. “Once……Once upon a time…..”
Over and over again,
Martha would tell us her stories.
in the huzel glen.
(i) Who was Martha?
(ii) What is hazel glen?
(iii) Why did Martha begin her stories
(iv) Explain the words : “Would tell”
(i) Martha. is the name of a lady. She was young and would tell stories to children.
(ii) It is a depression or hollow hills, surrounding on all sides by hazel trees?
(iii) This is the traditional way in which all stories of older day’s started. Since the stories related to distant past, their exact period could not be fixed. They were started with a vague denotation of time in the above manner.

2. Hers were those clear gray eyes
You watch, and the story seems
Told by their beautifulness
Tranquil as dreams.
(i) Explain the line : “And the story…. beautifulness.”
(ii) What do you mean by saying” Tranquil as dreams’?
(iii) Explain the words ” ‘You watch.’
(i) It means it appeared as if the stories were told by her not from her mouth but from her beautiful eyes, She filled in most of the details of her stories with the expression of her eyes.
(ii) It means, the stories seemed to have flowed into the heart of the listers quietly, just as dreams creep into the vision silently.
(iii) It means you keep your eyes fixed on the’eyes of Martha because of the charm in her eyes.

3. She’d sit with her two slim hands
Clasped round her bended knees;
While we on our elbows lolled,
And stared at ease.
(i) How did she sit to tell her stories?
(ii) Find the words from the stanza which mean:
(a) lay lazily (b) the children.
(i) She used to sit with bended knees holding them with lean hands.
(a) looled
(b) we

4. Her voice and her narrow chin.
Her grave small lovely head.
Seemed half the meaning
Of the words she said.
(i) How was her voice?
(ii) Explain the line: “Seemed half…..she said.”
(iii) Find the word from the stanza which means: ‘person is quite serious iņ appearance’.
(i) Her voice was sweet.
(ii) Her voice, her chin, and her grave lovely head conveyed half the effect of the story which she was telling. The effect produced by her story was the result not only of the words used by her but also of her physical features.

5. “Once…Once upon a time….”
Like a dream, you dream in the night.
Fairies and gnomes stole out
in the leaf-green light.
(i) Name the poem and the poet of the poem from this stanza has been taken.
(ii) (a) Explain : (a) ‘Stole out’
(b) ‘In this leaf-green light’
(i) The poem is ‘Martha’ and its poet is Walter de la Mare.
(ii) (a) Stole out means-Stepped out stealthily without the knowledge of anybody.
(b) It means-The glen was surrounded by thick hazel-trees, and hence it was dark.

The sun’s rays penetrated (cos’k fd;k) into the glen through small gaps in the foliage (iUkh) and produced a faint light in the
glen. This light being reflected by green leaves looked green.

6. And her beauty far away
Would fade, as her voice ran on,
Till hazel and summer sun
And all were gone:—
(i) What happened when Martha told her storics?
(ii) Explain the following words:
(a) ran on
(b) all were gone.
(i) When Martha told her stories even the face of Martha seemed to
(ii) (a) Ran on means, continued to ring in their ears.
(b) All were gone-it means, all disappeared from their consciousness.

7. All fordone and forgot;
And like clouds in the height of the sky.
Our hearts stood still in the hush
Of an age gone by.
(i) What does it mean, “All fordone and forget?”
(ii) (a) Explain like clouds…..the sky”
(b) Our hearts stood still.
(i) It means, everything else except the story, having completely vanished from the minds of the listeners.
(ii) (a) Like clouds……the sky means the clouds high up in the sky look stationary or motionless because of distance.
The heart of the children also stopped to beat on account of the feeling of wonder and awe left on their mind by Martha’s Stories.
(b) It means, our hearts failed to beat on account of the feeling of awe and wonder left on our mind by the stories.

We wish the knowledge shared regarding Bihar Board Solutions for Class 10 English Poem 8 Martha Questions and Answers has been helpful to you. If you need any further help feel free to ask us and we will get back to you with the possible solution. Bookmark our site to avail the latest updates on different state boards solutions in split seconds.

Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Poem 7 The Sleeping Porter

Guys who are planning to learn the fundamentals of English can avail the handy study material Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Poem 7 The Sleeping Porter Questions and Answers here. Refer to the Bihar Board English Solutions for Class 10 PDF available and score better grades. Simply click on the quick links available for Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions and prepare all the concepts in it effectively. Take your preparation to the next level by availing the Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Poem 7 The Sleeping Porter prepared by subject experts.

Panorama English Book Class 10 Solutions Poem 7 The Sleeping Porter

Do you feel the concept of English difficult to understand? Not anymore with our Bihar Board Solutions for Class 10 English Poem 7 The Sleeping Porter Questions and Answers. All the Solutions are given to you with detailed explanation and you can enhance your subject knowledge. Use the Bihar Board Textbook Solutions PDF free of cost and prepare whenever you want.

A. Work in a small group and discuss the question given below:

Question 1.
Suppose you have to climb up the fourth floor of a building with a heavy load on your back. Will, you feel any trouble doing so? Talk about the trouble that you will face.
Climbing on the fourth floor of a building with a heavy load on my back is a very difficult task. Going on the fourth floor makes me quick gasping for breath. I will be sweating and out of breath. Climbing will make me breathing trouble. It will make me weak and painful.

B. 1. Answer the following questions very briefly:

Question 1.
How much load have the Porter on his back?
A twenty-five-kilo load, the porter has on his back.

Question 2.
What distance does the Porter cover in the snows of winter?
The Porter covers six miles distance in the snows of winter.

Question 3.
Who is challenging the mountain?
The Porter is challenging the mountain.

Question 4.
What type of Cap is he wearing?
He is wearing a dirty, sweaty black cap.

Question 5.
What type of smell does the Porter emit?
The Porter smells a sulphur-like sour smell.

B. 2.1. Answer the following questions:

Question 1. What is there on the cliff?
There is a hut on the cliff.

Question 2.
What is the mother searching?
The mother is searching for nettles and vines.

Question 3.
Who is the hero of the mountain?
The porter is the hero of the mountain.

Question 4.
What is meant by lid of night?
It means that the sky is covered with stars. The poet imagines it as a lid of the night.

Question 5.
Who is reigning over the rich kingdom of sleep?
The porter is reigning over the rich kingdom of sleep because he was in deep sleep due to tiredness of his day’s work.

C. 1. Long Answer Questions:

Question 1.
The poet has focused on trials and tribulations of the porter. Elucidate.
Life is full of little trials Neither happiness nor SouTuw is our ultimate destiny or goal Rather it is action that leads us to each new day away from the day that is past. We should work a trial because action and achievement in
the present is what helps one to make our lives remarkable. Tribulation is a : situation which one has to be maintained. While working a time of ribulation (दुःख तकलीफ) appears. Porter bears such tribulation bravely. Thus he gets success.

Question 2.
A mother is searching for nettles and vines who is she? Why is she I searching such things?
She is the mother of the boy who is shivering with cold. :. : She is searching nettles and vines. Nettles have power to remove the pain of hunger. Because her son is hungry she must remove her son’s hunger.
The second thing is vine. If she would get that she must get ride of hunger. i.

Question 3.
Determination, hard work and continuity win the race. Do you agree? Write your opinions with reference to the poem “The sleeping Porter?”
Those who are full of determination, steady and hard-working succeed in the long run. If we are steady in our efforts and go on doing a thing with a strong mental make-up, we can surely win the race. We should consider it as our duty. Duty gives us solace and comfort from the woes of life and gives us the sight to behold its beauty and love. Duty inspires us frail spirits to brave the struggles of life and provides with protection and shelter. This inspiring poem is full of zeal and hope-inspiring one to be a leader and a hero. like the partner who struggles even in poverty and succeeds.

C. 2. Group Discussion.

Question 1.
The Porters are the symbols of hard work.
The Porters are the symbols of hard work. It is true to say. A portion: is an important worker. He carries heavy loads on his head and back. His lot is very hard. His duty inspires us. His life is a symbol of reality, a truth and hard ..: work. Action is the keystone of a complete life as it heralds each new day lays . to rest the day gone by. Porter’s action and hard duty help us to understand something. Just as a porter does hard labour to support his family, he works with full determination and in continuity to get money. We should learn to labour. Our hearts which appear strong and courageous are actually taking us : nearer of our physical deaths. So we should labour constantly as porter does.

Question 2.
All human beings are Porters on this earth.
All human beings are Porters on this earth, is true to say. Every man has to do work to live. One should believe that to work like a porter shows the paths of duty. It is duty towards himself, family, society and towards the nation. Duty serves to overwhelm the futile (निरर्थक) terrors. of failure and grief that haunt us by setting us free from useless temptation. It sets a course : governed by rules and order for us and helps to give peace and respite to tired and weak humanity engaged in the struggle of life. Thus we all are like porters have to do hard work to live a human life.

C. 3. Composition

Question 1.
Write a letter to your mother explaining how labour never goes in vain.

201h March 2012

My Dear Maa,
I was overjoyed to receive your long-awaited letter yesterday. Reading it made me forget my homesickness for a while, and brought forth pleasant memories. My studies are going on at an even pace. I do hard labour. I know honest labour never goes in vain. We all know that our sincere labour for anything often succeed. You know Mamma that a man who works with hear and courage never fails in achieving his aim. It is this that we need to do honest labour to go to great height in life. An easy-going man who depends on chances and fate rarely (शयद ही) reaches the top of life. In true sense that labour not only does it help us in living a life of dignity but also give d. tremendous self-confidence. Hard work and devotion become immortal.

Thus I would also seek your blessings in pursuing this career please give my regards to daddy, and love to my dear sister Pranita.

Your affectionate son

D. Word Study
D.1. Dictionary Use:

Ex. 1.
Write the meanings of the words given below:

rulea luggage-carriercurse
underconsisting of twospot

Rule = law = कानून
A luggage-carrier = porter = कुली
Curse = evil words = शाप
Under = below = नुचे
Consisting of two = made up of two = दो से बना हुआ
Spot = small mark — दना

Ex. 2.
Write the antonym for each of the following words:




Comprehensive Based Questions with Answers

Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow each.

1. A twenty-five-kilo load on his back
spine double bent
a six-mile climb up in the snows of winter
naked bones, skeleton-like frail frame
yet facing an uphill task
he is challenging the mountain. [Board Exam. 2011 (A)]
Questions :
(i) Name the poem and the post.
(ii) Who is described in these lines?
(iii) What does he do?
(iv) What is his task?
(v) Find word from the passage which means: Weak structure.
(i) This stanza has been taken from the poem ‘The sleeping Porter’ and the poet is Laxmi Prasad Devkota.
(ii) A porter is described in these lines.
(iii) He does a work of coolie. Taking a load of twenty-five kilo he climbs a six-mile up the mountain.
(iv) His task is to climb uphill taking heavy load.
(v) Frail frame.

2. He is wearing a black cap
dirty, sweat-stained
his body is an abode of fleas and lice
his mind very dull
although it emits a sulphur-like sour smell
but what a stout human figure!
(i) Who has been described in this stanza?
(ii) How is his body?
(iii) How is his mind?
(iv) What type of man is he?
(v) Explain : fleas and lice’.
(i) A porter and his alleviation have been described here.
(ii) His body is an abode of fleas and lice.
(iii) His mind is rit wit (ean)
(iv) Though his appearance is penurious condition yet he is a man of bold personality.
(v) Porter’s body is full of insects and lice due to his dirty living. He would not wash his clothes and even his body. In such condition, lice grow in human body.

3. Like a bird.
his heart is twittering, panting
he is sweating and out of breath
A hut on the cliff
his son shivering with cold
woes of hunger
the mother searching for nettles and vines.
(i) How does the poet give us an idea of time?
(ii) What made the poet in grieve?
(iii) Why is the porter’s son shivering?
(iv) Explain nettles and vines.
(i) The porter’s son is shivering with cold. This line shows the idea that it is the time of winter.
(ii) Porter’s family is poor, so his son is shivering with cold, due to lack of warm clothes arid is hungry also. These things make poet in grieve to describe them.
(iii) The porter’s son is shivering with cold, It shows that due to poverty he has no sufficient clothes for the cold weather.
(iv) The poet has used two words, nettles and vines: They have hid den meaning. Nettle is a stinging plant which is used to remove for any sharp pain of body or mind, the string of a whip, northeast wind or hunger. Since the boy woes of hunger, his mother has no food to feed him, so she is searching nettlė plants so that she may remove the pain of hunger.

The second word is Vines. It means any plant which produces like peas,’ grapes or hop. Mother is in search of such plant so that she may get some peas, grapes or hop, so that she may feed him in to get rid of his hunger.

4. Beneath this hero of the mountain
the proud conqueror of nature
are the snow-clad peaks
only the star-studded lid of night.
In this night
the porter is in deep slumber
“reigning over the rich kingdom of sleep.
(i) Who is the conqueror of the nature?
(ii) Why is the porter in deep sleep?
(iii) What is the realisation that comes to the speaker in the end?
(iv) What is the message that the poet wants to convey?
(i) The porter is the conqueror of the nature.
(ii) Because he was dead tired of hard work.
(iii) The speaker is surprised to find that in spite of excessive cold the porter is in deep sleep.
(iv) The concluding lines give a message that we should do our duty. He advises everyone to ‘Labour and wait’. Let us act, with a heart strong enough to face any challenge of destiny, working hard all the while and waiting for the results.

We wish the knowledge shared regarding Bihar Board Solutions for Class 10 English Poem 7 The Sleeping Porter Questions and Answers has been helpful to you. If you need any further help feel free to ask us and we will get back to you with the possible solution. Bookmark our site to avail the latest updates on different state boards solutions in split seconds.

Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4

Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4 Text Book Questions and Answers.

BSEB Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4

Bihar Board Class 10 Maths निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4

प्रश्न 1.
बिन्दुओं A (2, -2) और B(3, 7) को जोड़ने वाले रेखाखण्ड को रेखा 2x + y – 4 = 0 जिस अनुपात में विभाजित करती है, उसे ज्ञात कीजिए।
दिया है, बिन्दु A = (2, -2) तथा B = (3, 7)
यहाँ x1 = 2, y1 = -2, x2 = 3, y2 = 7
माना दिए हुए बिन्दुओं से बना रेखाखण्ड रेखा 2x + y – 4 = 0 को m1 : m2 के अनुपात में विभाजित करता है जबकि प्रतिच्छेद बिन्दु (x, y) है।
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4 Q1
बिन्दु (x, 3) रेखा 2x + y – 4 = 0 पर स्थित होगा;
अतः इसके निर्देशांक रेखा 2x + y – 4 = 0 को सन्तुष्ट करेंगे।
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4 Q1.1
अत: अभीष्ट अनुपात = 2 : 9

Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4

प्रश्न 2.
x और y में एक सम्बन्ध ज्ञात कीजिए यदि बिन्दु (x, y), (1, 2) और (7, 0) संरेखी है।
माना बिन्दु A = (x, y), B = (1, 2) तथा C = (7, 0)
यहाँ, x1 = x, y1 = y, x2 = 1, y2 = 2, x3 = 7, y3 = 0
∆ का क्षेत्रफल = \(\frac{1}{2}\) [{x1y2 + x2y3 + x3y1} – {y1x2 + y2x3 + y3x1}]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) [{x × 2 + 1 × 0 + 7 × y} – {y × 1 + 2 × 7 + 0 × x}]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) [{2x + 0 + 7y} – {y + 14 + 0}]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) [2x + 7y – y – 14]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) [2x + 6y – 14]
= \(\frac{2}{2}\) (x + 3y – 7)
= x + 3y – 7
परन्तु यदि बिन्दु A, B, C संरेख हों तो ΔABC का क्षेत्रफल शून्य होना चाहिए।
x + 3y – 7 = 0
अतः x और में सम्बन्ध : x + 3y – 7 = 0

Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4

प्रश्न 3.
बिन्दुओं (6, -6), (3, -7) और (3, 3) से होकर जाने वाले वृत्त का केन्द्र ज्ञात कीजिए।
माना A(6, -6), B(3, -7) तथा C(3, 3) बिन्दु एक वृत्त की परिधि पर हैं और वृत्त का केन्द्र O(h, k) है।
तब, OA, OB तथा OC वृत्त की त्रिज्याएँ होंगी।
अतः OA = OB = OC
⇒ OA2 = OB2 = OC2
OA2 = [ केन्द्र O(h, k) और बिन्दु A (6, -6) के बीच की दूरी]2
⇒ OA2 = (h – 6)2 + (k + 6)2
⇒ OA2 = h2 – 12h + 36 + k2 + 12k + 36
⇒ OA2 = h2 + k2 – 12h + 12k + 72 ……..(1)
OB2 = [केन्द्र O (h, k) और बिन्दु B (3, -7) के बीच की दूरी]2
⇒ OB2 = (h – 3)2 + (k + 7)2
⇒ OB2 = h2 – 6h + 9 + k2 + 14k + 49
⇒ OB2 = h2 + k2 – 6h + 14k + 58 ………(2)
OC2 = [केन्द्र O(h, k) और बिन्दु C(3, 3) की दूरी]2
⇒ OC2 = (h – 3)2 + (k – 3)2
⇒ OC2 = h2 – 6h + 9 + k2 – 6k + 9
⇒ OC2 = h2 + k2 – 6h – 6k + 18 ………(3)
समीकरण (2) में से समीकरण (3) को घटाने पर,
20k + 40 = OB2 – OC2 = 0
⇒ k = -2
समीकरण (1) में से समीकरण (2) को घटाने पर,
-6h – 2k + 14 = OA2 – OB2 = 0
⇒ 6h + 2k = 14
⇒ 6h + (2 × -2) = 14 (∵ k = -2)
⇒ 6h – 4 = 14
⇒ 6h = 14 + 4 = 18
⇒ h = 3
अत: वृत्त का केन्द्र = (3, -2)

Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4

प्रश्न 4.
किसी वर्ग के दो सम्मुख शीर्ष (-1, 2) और (3, 2) हैं। वर्ग के अन्य दोनों शीर्ष ज्ञात कीजिए।
दिया है, वर्ग के दो सम्मुख शीर्ष (-1, 2) व (3, 2) हैं।
वर्ग के एक विकर्ण का मध्य-बिन्दु = \(\left(\frac{-1+3}{2}, \frac{2+2}{2}\right)\) = (1, 2)
वर्ग के विकर्ण की लम्बाई = \(\sqrt{(-1-3)^{2}+(2-2)^{2}}\)
= \(\sqrt{(-4)^{2}+0}\)
= √16
= 4 मात्रक
तब, विकर्णों के प्रतिच्छेद बिन्दु E(मध्य बिन्दु) से प्रत्येक शीर्ष विकर्ण × \(\frac {1}{2}\) = 2 मात्रक दूरी पर होगा।
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4 Q4
चित्र से स्पष्ट है कि शेष दोनों बिन्दु विकर्ण BD पर होंगे जो AC पर लम्ब होगा। तब प्रत्येक बिन्दु का भुज +1 होगा। माना कोटि y है।
तब, बिन्दु (1, 2) की बिन्दु (+1, y) से दूरी = 2 मात्रक
⇒ \(\sqrt{0+(y-2)^{2}}=2\)
⇒ ±(y – 2) = 2
⇒ y – 2 = ±2
⇒ y = ±2 + 2
⇒ y = 0 या 4
अत: वर्ग के शेष दोनों शीर्ष (1, 0) व (1, 4) हैं।

Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4

प्रश्न 5.
कृष्णानगर के एक सेकेण्डरी स्कूल के कक्षा X के विद्यार्थियों को उनके बागवानी क्रियाकलाप के लिए एक आयताकार भूखण्ड दिया गया है। गुलमोहर की पौध (sapling) को परस्पर 1 मीटर की दूरी पर इस भूखण्ड की परिसीमा (boundary) पर लगाया जाता है। इस भूखण्ड के अन्दर एक त्रिभुजाकार घास लगा हुआ लॉन (lawn) है, जैसा कि आकृति में दर्शाया गया है। विद्यार्थियों को भूखण्ड के शेष भाग में फूलों के पौधे के बीज बोने हैं।
(i) A को मूलबिन्दु मानते हुए, त्रिभुज के शीर्षों के निर्देशांक ज्ञात कीजिए।
(ii) यदि मूलबिन्दु C हो तो ∆PQR के शीर्षों के निर्देशांक क्या होंगे?
साथ ही उपर्युक्त दोनों स्थितियों में, त्रिभुजों के क्षेत्रफल ज्ञात कीजिए। आप क्या देखते हैं?
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4 Q5
बिन्दुओं P, Q व R से सम्मुख अक्षों पर लम्ब खींचे गए हैं। (चित्र देखिए)
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4 Q5.1
(i) यदि A मूलबिन्दु हो तो
बिन्दु P = (4, 6),Q = (3, 2) तथा R = (6, 5)
यहाँ x1 = 4, y1 = 6, x2 = 3, y2 = 2, x3 = 6, y3 = 5
∆PQR का क्षेत्रफल = \(\frac{1}{2}\) [{x1y2 + x2y3 + x3y1} – {y1x2 + y2x3 + y3x1}]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) {{4 × 2 + 3 × 5 + 6 × 6} – {6 × 3 + 2 × 6 + 5 × 4}]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) [(8 + 15 + 36) – (18 + 12 + 20)]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) [59 – 50]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 9
= \(\frac{9}{2}\) वर्ग मात्रक

(ii) जब C मूलबिन्दु हो तो
बिन्दु P = (-12, -2), Q = (-13, -6) तथा R = (-10, -3)
यहाँ x1 = -12, y1 = -2, x2 = -13, y2 = -6, x3 = -10, y3 = -3
∆PQR का क्षेत्रफल = \(\frac{1}{2}\) [{x1y2 + x2y3 + x3y1} – {y1x2 + y2x3 + y3x1}]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) [{(-12 × -6) + (-13 × -3) + (-10 × -2)} – {(-2 × -13) + (-6 × -10) + (-3 × -12)}]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) (72 + 39 + 20) – (26 + 60 + 36)]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) [(131) – (122)]
= \(\frac{1}{2}\) × 9
= \(\frac{9}{2}\) वर्ग मात्रक
अत: दोनों ही स्थितियों में त्रिभुज का क्षेत्रफल समान है।

Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4

प्रश्न 6.
एक त्रिभुज ABC के शीर्ष A (4, 6), B(1, 5) और C (7, 2) हैं। भुजाओं AB और AC को क्रमशः D और E पर प्रतिच्छेद करते हुए एक रेखा इस प्रकार खींची गई है कि \(\frac{A D}{A B}=\frac{A E}{A C}=\frac{1}{4}\) है। ΔADE का क्षेत्रफल परिकलित कीजिए और इसकी तुलना ΔABC के क्षेत्रफल से कीजिए।
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4 Q6
दिया है, ΔABC के शीर्ष A (4, 6), B(1, 5) और C (7, 2) हैं।
\(\frac{A D}{A B}=\frac{1}{4}\)
⇒ AB = 4AD
⇒ AD + DB = 4AD
⇒ DB = 3AD
⇒ \(\frac{A D}{D B}=\frac{1}{3}\)
माना D के निर्देशांक यदि (x, y) हों तो
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4 Q6.1
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4 Q6.2
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4 Q6.3
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4 Q6.4

Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4

प्रश्न 7.
मान लीजिए A(4, 2), B(6, 5) और C (1, 4)एक त्रिभुज ABC के शीर्ष हैं।
(i) A से होकर जाने वाली माध्यिका BC से D पर मिलती है। बिन्दु D के निर्देशांक ज्ञात कीजिए।
(ii) AD पर स्थित ऐसे बिन्दु P के निर्देशांक ज्ञात कीजिए कि AP : PD = 2 : 1 हो।
(iii) माध्यिकाओं BE और CF पर ऐसे बिन्दुओं Q और R के निर्देशांक ज्ञात कीजिए कि BQ : QE = 2 : 1 हो और CR : RF = 2 : 1 हो।
(iv) आप क्या देखते हैं?
[नोट – वह बिन्दु जो तीनों माध्यिकाओं में सार्वनिष्ठ हो, उस त्रिभुज का केन्द्रक (centroid) कहलाता है और यह प्रत्येक माध्यिका को 2 : 1 के अनुपात में विभाजित करता है।]
(v) यदि A(x1, y1), B(x2, y2) और C(x3, y3) त्रिभुज ABC के शीर्ष हैं तो इस त्रिभुज के केन्द्रक के निर्देशांक ज्ञात कीजिए।
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4 Q7
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4 Q7.1
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4 Q7.2 (1)
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4 Q7.3 (1)
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4 Q7.4

Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4

प्रश्न 8.
बिन्दुओं A(-1, -1), B(-1, 4), C(5, 4) और D(5, -1) से एक आयत ABCD बनता है। P, Q, R और S क्रमश: भुजाओं AB, BC, CD और DA के मध्य-बिन्दु हैं। क्या चतुर्भुज PQRS एक वर्ग है? क्या यह एक आयत है? क्या यह एक समचतुर्भुज है? सकारण उत्तर दीजिए।
दिए हुए बिन्दु A = (-1, -1), B = (-1, 4), C = (5, 4) और D = (5, -1)
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4 Q8
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 7 निर्देशांक ज्यामिति Ex 7.4 Q8.1
∵ चतुर्भुज PQRS में, PQ = QR = RS = SP और विकर्ण PR ≠ विकर्ण QS
अत: चतुर्भुज PQRS एक समचतुर्भुज है।

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 4 in Hindi

Bihar Board 10th Science Objective Questions and Answers

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 4 in Hindi

प्रश्न 1.
दाँतों को साफ करने के लिए दंत-मंजन प्रायः होता है
(a) क्षारीय
(b) अम्लीय
(c) लवणयुक्त
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(a) क्षारीय

प्रश्न 2.
क्लोरीन के परमाणु की बाह्यतम कक्षा में इलेक्ट्रॉनों की संख्या कितनी होती है?
(a) 5
(b) 6
(c) 7
(d) 8
(c) 7

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 4 in Hindi

प्रश्न 3.
सुरंगम किस राज्य की जल संग्रहण व्यवस्था है?
(a) हिमाचल प्रदेश
(b) तमिलनाडु
(c) केरल
(d) कर्नाटक
(c) केरल

प्रश्न 4.
वायुमंडल में प्रकाश का कौन-सा रंग (वर्ण) अधिक प्रकीर्णन करता है?
(a) लाल
(b) नीला
(c) पीला
(d) नारंगी
(b) नीला

प्रश्न 5.
विद्युत आवेश का SI मात्रक क्या है?
(a) वोल्ट
(b) ओम
(c) ऐम्पियर
(d) कूलॉम
(d) कूलॉम

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 4 in Hindi

प्रश्न 6.
सामान्य अनुशिथिलन रक्त दाब होता है
(a) 80 mm
(b) 100 mm
(c) 120 mm
(d) 130 mm
(a) 80 mm

प्रश्न 7.
इनमें से कौन पादप हॉर्मोन है?
(a) इंसुलिन
(b) थाइरॉक्सिन
(c) एस्ट्रोजन
(d) साइटोकाइनिन
(d) साइटोकाइनिन

प्रश्न 8.
चालक का प्रतिरोध निर्भर नहीं करता है
(a) चालक की लम्बाई पर
(b) चालक के अनुप्रस्थ काट क्षेत्रफल पर
(c) चालक के तापमान पर
(d) चालक में प्रवाहित विद्युत धारा पर
(d) चालक में प्रवाहित विद्युत धारा पर

प्रश्न 9.
धोबिया सोडा का रासायनिक सूत्र है
(a) NaHCO3
(b) Na2CO3 . 10H2O
(c) Ca(OH)2
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(b) Na2CO3 . 10H2O

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 4 in Hindi

प्रश्न 10.
रुधिर का कौन-सा अवयव रक्त स्राव को रोकने में मदद करता है?
(a) लसिका
(b) प्लाज्मा
(c) प्लेटलेट्स
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(c) प्लेटलेट्स

प्रश्न 11.
निम्न में से कौन-सा जीवाणु-जनित रोग नहीं है?
(a) गोनोरिया
(b) सिफलिस
(c) मस्सा
(d) इनमें से सभी
(c) मस्सा

प्रश्न 12.
निम्न में से कौन-सा पर्यावरण अनुकूलन नहीं है?
(a) पैदल चलना
(b) साइकिल से चलना
(c) मोटर साइकिल से चलना
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(c) मोटर साइकिल से चलना

प्रश्न 13.
निम्न में से किस धातु का गलनांक सबसे कम है?
(a) Al
(b) Na
(c) Cu
(d) Fe
(b) Na

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 4 in Hindi

प्रश्न 14.
निम्न में से किस दर्पण की फोकस दूरी धनात्मक होती है?
(a) समतल दर्पण
(b) उत्तल लेंस
(c) अवतल दर्पण
(d) इनमें से सभी
(b) उत्तल लेंस

प्रश्न 15.
निम्न में से कौन-सा उपधातु है?
(a) Zn
(b) Ca
(c) Ge
(d) C
(c) Ge

प्रश्न 16.
कौन-सा अधातु कमरे के तापमान पर तरल अवस्था में पाया जाता
(a) मरकरी (पारा)
(b) ब्रोमीन
(c) सल्फर
(d) सोडियम
(b) ब्रोमीन

प्रश्न 17.
निम्न में से कौन-सा स्वच्छ ऊर्जा स्रोत है?
(a) कोयला
(b) लकड़ी
(c) प्राकृतिक गैस
(d) इनमें से सभी
(c) प्राकृतिक गैस

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 4 in Hindi

प्रश्न 18.
स्वपोषी पोषण के लिए आवयक है
(a) पर्णहरित
(b) सूर्य का प्रकाश
(c) कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड
(d) इनमें से सभी
(d) इनमें से सभी

प्रश्न 19.
निम्न में से कौन-सा संबंध सत्य है?
(a) V = \(\frac{1}{R}\)
(b) V = \(\frac{R}{I}\)
(c) V = IR
(d) V = IR2
(c) V = IR

प्रश्न 20.
निम्न में से कौन एकलिंगी पुष्प है?
(a) गुड़हल पुष्प
(b) सरसों पुष्प
(c) पपीता पुष्प
(d) गुलाब पुष्प
(c) पपीता पुष्प

प्रश्न 21.
निम्न में से कौन एक उभयलिंगी जन्तु है?
(a) केंचुआ
(b) कुत्ता
(c) बिल्ली
(d) बकरी
(a) केंचुआ

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 4 in Hindi

प्रश्न 22.
पादपों में पाया जाने वाला वृद्धि हॉर्मोन निम्न में से कौन-सा है?
(a) जिब्बरेलिन
(b) एड्रीनेलिन
(c) इंसुलिन
(d) थाइरॉक्सिन
(a) जिब्बरेलिन

प्रश्न 23.
कौन-सा हाइड्रोकार्बन सबसे सरल यौगिक है?
(a) मिथेन
(b) इथेन
(c) प्रोपेन
(d) ब्यूटेन
(a) मिथेन

प्रश्न 24.
संगमरमर का रासायनिक सूत्र क्या है?
(a) CaO
(b) Ca(OH)2
(c) CaCO3
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(c) CaCO3

प्रश्न 25.
किसी अंतरिक्ष यात्री को आकाश कैसा प्रतीत होता है?
(a) काला
(b) नीला
(c) लाल
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(a) काला

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 4 in Hindi

प्रश्न 26.
मेरुरज्जू निकलता है
(a) प्रमस्तिष्क से
(b) अनुमस्तिष्क से
(c) पॉन्स से
(d) मेडुला से
(a) प्रमस्तिष्क से

प्रश्न 27.
अतिभारण के समय विद्युत परिपथ में विद्युत धारा का मान
(a) बहुत कम हो जाता है
(b) परिवर्तित नहीं होता है
(c) बहुत अधिक बढ़ जाता है
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(b) परिवर्तित नहीं होता है

प्रश्न 28.
किसी कोश में इलेक्ट्रॉनों की अधिकतम संख्या होती है
(a) n2
(b) 2n2
(c) 3n2
(d) 4n2
(b) 2n2

प्रश्न 29.
ओजोन परत किस हानिकारक विकिरण से पृथ्वी को सुरक्षा प्रदान करती है?
(a) अवरक्त विकिरण
(b) तापीय विकिरण
(c) पराबैंगनी विकिरण
(d) इनमें से सभी
(c) पराबैंगनी विकिरण

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 4 in Hindi

प्रश्न 30.
ऑक्सीजन के दो परमाणुओं के बीच कितने आबंध बनते हैं?
(a) एक आबंध
(b) द्वि-आबंध
(c) त्रि-आबंध
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(b) द्वि-आबंध

प्रश्न 31.
हमारा शरीर किस pH परास के बीच कार्य करता है?
(a) 4.0 से 4.8
(b) 5.0 से 5.8
(c) 6.0 से 6.8
(d) 7.0 से 7.8
(d) 7.0 से 7.8

प्रश्न 32.
नेत्र में प्रवेश करने वाली प्रकाश किरणों का अधिकांश अपवर्तन कहाँ होता है?
(a) कॉर्निया के बाहरी पृष्ठ पर
(b) अभिनेत्र लेंस पर
(c) नेत्रोद में
(d) दृष्टि पटल पर
(a) कॉर्निया के बाहरी पृष्ठ पर

प्रश्न 33.
विभक्त वलय का उपयोग किस उपकरण में किया जाता है?
(a) विद्युत मोटर
(b) विद्युत जनित्र
(c) एमीटर
(d) गैलवेनोमीटर
(a) विद्युत मोटर

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 4 in Hindi

प्रश्न 34.
कौन-सा परंपरागत ऊर्जा स्रोत है?
(a) जैव मात्रा (बायो-मास)
(b) नाभिकीय ऊर्जा स्रोत
(c) भूतापीय ऊर्जा स्रोत
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(a) जैव मात्रा (बायो-मास)

प्रश्न 35.
रासायनिक अभिक्रिया के दौरान किसी पदार्थ में ऑक्सीजन का योग कहलाता है?
(a) अपचयन
(b) उपचयन
(c) संक्षारण
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(b) उपचयन

प्रश्न 36.
निम्न में से कौन बौने पौधे को दर्शाता है?
(a) Tt
(b) tT
(c) tt
(d) TT
(c) tt

प्रश्न 37.
निम्न में से किस माध्यम में प्रकाश की चाल अधिकतम है?
(a) हवा
(b) जल
(c) शीशा
(d) हीरा
(a) हवा

प्रश्न 38.
किसी लेंस द्वारा उत्पन्न आवर्धन का SI मात्रक क्या है?
(a) मी.
(b) सेमी.
(c) मिमी.
(d) मात्रक विहीन
(d) मात्रक विहीन

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 4 in Hindi

प्रश्न 39.
ऐल्केन (Alkanes) का सामान्य सूत्र है
(a) CnH2n+2
(b) CnH2n
(c) CnH2n-1
(d) CnH2n-2
(a) CnH2n+2

प्रश्न 40.
जैव विविधता का विशिष्ट स्थल है
(a) फसल क्षेत्र
(b) नदी तट
(c) समुद्र तट
(d) वन
(d) वन

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 3 in Hindi

Bihar Board 10th Science Objective Questions and Answers

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 3 in Hindi

प्रश्न 1.
निम्नांकित में से कौन मलेरिया परजीवी है?
(a) प्लाज्मोडियम
(b) लीशमैनिया
(c) प्रोटोजोआ
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(a) प्लाज्मोडियम

प्रश्न 2.
निम्न में से उत्तम ऊर्जा स्रोत कौन-सा है?
(a) कोयला
(b) लकड़ी
(c) पेट्रोलियम
(d) बायो-मास
(d) बायो-मास

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 3 in Hindi

प्रश्न 3.
सल्फर परमाणु की बाह्यतम कक्षा में इलेक्ट्रॉनों की संख्या कितनी होती है?
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 7
(c) 6

प्रश्न 4.
मानव हृदय में कोष्ठों की संख्या कितनी है?
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
(c) 4

प्रश्न 5.
कवक में पोषण की कौन-सी विधि पाई जाती है?
(a) मृतजीवी
(b) समभोजी
(c) स्वपोषी
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(a) मृतजीवी

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 3 in Hindi

प्रश्न 6.
निम्न में से कौन-सा असंतृप्त हाइड्रोकार्बन है?
(a) CH4
(b) C2H6
(c) C2H4
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(c) C2H4

प्रश्न 7.
निम्न में से किस लेंस की फोकस दूरी धनात्मक होती है?
(a) अवतल लेंस
(b) उत्तल लेंस
(c) समतल-अवतल लेंस
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(b) उत्तल लेंस

प्रश्न 8.
किस लेंस का उपयोग कर दीर्घदृष्टि दोष को संशोधित किया जा सकता है?
(a) अवतल लेंस
(b) उत्तल लेंस
(c) कभी अवतल लेंस और कभी उत्तल लेंस
(d) बेलनाकार लेंस
(b) उत्तल लेंस

प्रश्न 9.
ऐलुमिनियम पर मोटी ऑक्साइड की परत बनाने की प्रक्रिया कहलाती है
(a) जस्तीकरण
(b) एनोडीकरण
(c) समृद्धिकरण
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(b) एनोडीकरण

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 3 in Hindi

प्रश्न 10.
विद्युत ऊर्जा का व्यापारिक मात्रक क्या है?
(a) वाट
(b) वाट/घंटा
(c) यूनिट
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(c) यूनिट

प्रश्न 11.
सामान्य नेत्र के लिए दूर-बिंदु है
(a) 25 मी.
(b) 25 सेमी.
(c) 25 मिमी.
(d) अनंत
(d) अनंत

प्रश्न 12.
हाड्रोजन के दो परमाणुओं के बीच कितने आबंध बनते हैं?
(a) एक आबंध
(b) द्वि-आबंध
(c) त्रि-आबंध
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(a) एक आबंध

प्रश्न 13.
निम्न में से कौन आहार श्रृंखला का निर्माण करता है?
(a) घास, गेहूँ तथा आम
(b) घास, बकरी तथा मानव
(c) बकरी, गाय तथा हाथी
(d) घास, मछली तथा बकरी
(b) घास, बकरी तथा मानव

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 3 in Hindi

प्रश्न 14.
कौन अंत: स्रावी और बाह्य ग्रंथि जैसा कार्य नहीं करता है?
(a) अग्नाशय
(b) पीयूष ग्रंथि
(c) अंडाशय
(d) वृषण
(c) अंडाशय

प्रश्न 15.
कौन-सा कार्बन यौगिक सबसे अधिक अभिक्रियाशील है?
(a) CH4
(b) C2H6
(c) C2H4
(d) C3H8
(c) C2H4

प्रश्न 16.
किस दर्पण का उपयोग सामान्यतः वाहनों का पश्च-दृश्य दर्पणों के रूप में किया जाता है?
(a) समतल दर्पण
(b) अवतल दर्पण
(c) उत्तल दर्पण
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(c) उत्तल दर्पण

प्रश्न 17.
रासायनिक अभिक्रिया के दौरान किसी पदार्थ में ऑक्सीजन का ह्रास कहलाता है
(a) उपचयन
(b) अपचयन
(c) संक्षारण
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(b) अपचयन

प्रश्न 18.
कौन-सी गैस वैश्विक ऊष्मण के लिए उत्तरदायी है?
(a) कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड
(b) ऑक्सीजन
(c) नाइट्रोजन
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(a) कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 3 in Hindi

प्रश्न 19.
पित्त रस कहाँ से स्रावित होता है
(a) अग्नाशय से
(b) यकृत से
(c) छोटी आंत से
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(a) अग्नाशय से

प्रश्न 20.
कौन-सा अभिलक्षण वंशागत नहीं है?
(a) आँख का रंग
(b) चमड़ी का रंग
(c) शरीर का आकार
(d) बाल की प्रकृति
(d) बाल की प्रकृति

प्रश्न 21.
आधुनिक आवर्त सारणी में समूहों की संख्या है
(a) 7
(b) 8
(c) 9
(d) 18
(d) 18

प्रश्न 22.
ग्लूकोज के एक अणु में ऑक्सीजन के कितने परमाणु होते हैं?
(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) 8
(d) 12
(b) 6

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 3 in Hindi

प्रश्न 23.
शुद्ध जल का pH मान होता है
(a) 6
(b) 7
(c) 8
(d) 9
(b) 7

प्रश्न 24.
किस वर्ण (रंग) का तरंगदैर्ध्य सबसे बड़ा है?
(a) लाल
(b) नीला
(c) पीला
(d) बैंगनी
(a) लाल

प्रश्न 25.
फ्लेमिंग के वामहस्त नियम के बाएँ हाथ की तर्जनी संकेत करती है
(a) चालक पर आरोपित विद्युत बल की दिशा
(b) चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र की दिशा
(c) चालक में प्रवाहित विद्युत धारा की दिशा
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(b) चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र की दिशा

प्रश्न 26.
निम्न में से कौन-सा यौगिक ईंधन के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है?
(a) इथेनॉल
(b) प्रोपेनॉल
(c) इथेनॉइक अम्ल
(d) इनमें से सभी
(a) इथेनॉल

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 3 in Hindi

प्रश्न 27.
कौन-सा पदार्थ लाल लिटमस को नीला कर देता है?
(a) अम्ल
(b) क्षार
(c) लवण
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(b) क्षार

प्रश्न 28.
नयी कार्तीय चिह्न परिपाटी के अनुसार दर्पण के सामने रखे गये बिंब की बिंब दूरी ली जाती है
(a) धनात्मक
(b) ऋणात्मक
(c) कभी धनात्मक कभी ऋणात्मक
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(b) ऋणात्मक

प्रश्न 29.
खाद्य पदार्थ के डिब्बों पर जिंक के बजाय टिन का लेप होता है, क्योंकि
(a) टिन की अपेक्षा जिंक मँहगा होता है
(b) टिन की अपेक्षा जिंक का गलनांक अधिक है
(c) टिन की अपेक्षा जिंक अधिक अभिक्रियाशील है
(d) टिन की अपेक्षा जिंक कम अभिक्रियाशील है
(c) टिन की अपेक्षा जिंक अधिक अभिक्रियाशील है

प्रश्न 30.
निम्न में से कौन-सा अंग संवेदीग्राही नहीं है?
(a) कान
(b) आँख
(c) नाक
(d) दिमाग
(d) दिमाग

प्रश्न 31.
समान्तर क्रम में संयोजित प्रतिरोधों की संख्या घटने के उपरांत संयोजित प्रतिरोधों का कुल प्रतिरोध
(a) बढ़ता
(b) घटता है
(c) अपरिवर्तित रहता है
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(a) बढ़ता

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 3 in Hindi

प्रश्न 32.
समजात अंगों का उदाहरण है
(a) हमारा हाथ और कुत्ते के अग्रपाद
(b) हमारे दाँत और हाथी के दाँत
(c) आलू और घास के ऊपरी भूस्तारी
(d) उपरोक्त सभी
(a) हमारा हाथ और कुत्ते के अग्रपाद

प्रश्न 33.
निम्न में से कौन-सा पद विद्युत परिपथ में विद्युत शक्ति को निरूपित करता है?
(a) I2R
(b) IR2
(c) V2I
(d) VI2
(a) I2R

प्रश्न 34.
ताँबे की तार की एक आयताकार कुंडली किसी चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र में घूर्णी गति कर रही है। इस कुंडली में प्रेरित विद्युत धारा की दिशा में कितने परिभ्रमण के पश्चात परिवर्तन होता है?
(a) दो
(b) एक
(c) आधे
(d) एक-चौथाई
(c) आधे

प्रश्न 35.
निम्नांकित में से कौन पुनरुद्भवन का उदाहरण है?
(a) हाइड्रा
(b) अमीबा
(c) स्पाइरोगाइरा
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(b) अमीबा

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 3 in Hindi

प्रश्न 36.
कौन-सा अजैव निम्नीकरण कचरा है?
(a) टिशू पेपर
(b) केले का छिलका
(c) थर्मोकोल
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(c) थर्मोकोल

प्रश्न 37.
टिंडल प्रभाव प्रकाश की कौन-सी परिघटना को प्रदर्शित करता है?
(a) प्रकाश का परावर्तन
(b) प्रकाश का अपवर्तन
(c) प्रकाश का विक्षेपण
(d) प्रकाश का प्रकीर्णन
(d) प्रकाश का प्रकीर्णन

प्रश्न 38.
पुष्प का नर जननांग कहलाता है
(a) पुंकेसर
(b) जायांग
(c) पंखुड़ी
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं
(a) पुंकेसर

Bihar Board 10th Science VVI Objective Questions Model Set 3 in Hindi

प्रश्न 39.
विरंजक चूर्ण का रासायनिक सूत्र है
(a) Ca(OH)2
(b) CaOCl2
(c) CaCO3
(d) Ca(HCO3)2
(b) CaOCl2

प्रश्न 40.
निम्न में कौन गंगा-प्रदूषण के लिए उत्तरदायी नहीं है?
(a) गंगा में मछली पालना
(b) गंगा में कपड़ों का धोना
(c) गंगा में अधजले शव को बहाना
(d) गंगा में रासायनिक अपशिष्ट उत्सर्जन
(a) गंगा में मछली पालना