Bihar Board Class 12th English 50 Marks Important Short Answer Questions Poetry Section

Question 1.
A Who wrote “The Daffodils” ?
William Words worth wrote “The Daffodils”.

Question 2.
What did he see at a glance ?
Willian Wordsworth saw thousands of golden daffodils at a glance.

Question 3.
In which condition did he see the daffodils beside the lake ?
William Wordsworth saw the daffodils dancing and tossing in the gentle breeze beside the lake.

Question 4.
What does the poet feel to see the daffodils ?
The poet feels very happy and he is overjoyed to see the daffodils in the garden.

Question 5.
Why does the poet enjoy the beauty of the golden daffodils ?
The poet enjoys the real pleasures of Nature to see the daffodils twinkling like the stars on the milky way.

Question 6.
What did the poet see and where ?
The poet saw a large number of golden daffodils growing by the side of a lake beneath the trees. They presented a very lovely sight and good look like the stars which shine and twinkle in the sky.

Question 7.
What was the impression of the poet on seeing the daffodils ?
The daffodils had a very good impression on the mind of the poet. He enjoyed the golden daffodils like the countelss stars shining in the milky way of the sky at night. Actually the daffodils were spread over a very wide area on the bank of the lake. They presented a very good look and beautiful sight.

Question 8.
Who wrote the poem “Echo” ?
Walter De La Mare wrote this poem, “Echo”.

Question 9.
What is the central idea of tech poem, “Echo” ?
The central idea of the poem is mystery behind an echo. To the poet, it seems that he is being followed by some persons who always try to answer back whatever he says.

Question 10.
Who is “I” in the poem ?
The poet is “I” in this poem.

Question 11.
Why were the birds baf fled ?
Actually the birds were baffled or confused to hear the entire forest producting an echo. They did not see the people forest but they heard the voices answering to the poet.

Question 12.
Give two examples of anomatopoeia ?
The word anomatopoeia is a figure of speech which means sound – signifying sense. For this word two examples are
(i) hissing
(ii) shispering.

Question 13.
What do you understand by the following lines.
“Eyes in the green, in the shade,
In the motionless brake,
Voices the said what I said,
For mockery’s sake”.
In the above said stanza the poet means to say that he looked here and there that is, “in the green in the shade”, but he found no one there Naturally is seemed to him that somebody was replying to him mockingly.

Question 14.
Who wrote the poem, “If” ?
Rudyard Kipling wrote this peom, “If”.

Question 15.
What qualities and habits should a person cultivate to attain success in life ?
It is very difficult to assess what qualities and habits should possess to get success in life. Actually the man who wants to get success in life must . have a clam, steady and resolute mind and temper. He must learn how to work hard. He must not be confused. He must not be hopeless and nervous. He must not be bewildered and perturbed to meet with danger difficulty and failure. Buthe should go on making efforts again and again.

Question 16.
Why are “Trimph”and “Disaster” called imposters ?
It is true to say, That generally all of us are affected with triumph and disaster. We are very happy when we get success. On the other hand we I hopeless and nervous when we meet with failures and disasters. As a matter of fact “Triumph” and

“Disaster” are personified. They are imagined here as two persons whom we may come across in our life. They are governed by false appearances which deceive them to feel delight or grief. This is why they are called imposters. That is, persons who pretend to be What they are not.

Question 17.
Who wrote this poem, “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” ?
W. B. Yeats wrote the poem, “The Lake Isle of Innisfree”.

Question 18.
Who is the “I” in this poem ?
The poet, W.B. Yeats himself, is the‘I’in this poem,

Question 19.
What does the poet say about “peace” in this poem ?
Actually the poet enjoys the beauty of Nature. He hopes to get some peace on the island of Innisfree. He knows that, “peace comes dropping slow” “from the veils of the morning” to the place “where the cricket sings”.

Question 20.
What did the poet intend to. do there ?
The poet intended to build a small cabin there of clay and wattles.

Question 21.
What does the poet say about the beauty of the small island of innisfree ?
The poet, W. B. Yeats, says that the island of Innisfree is veiy beautiful. It presents a very attractive sight. The midnight is “all a glimmer” and the noon is a ‘purple glow’ There. The morning is very peaceful and the evening is very pleasant. As a matter of fact the island of Innisfree is fully of beauty and charm.

Question 22.
Explain: but everyone was bird, and the song was wordless, the singing will never be done,
The news of the Armistic made everyone happy and joyful body was jubilant and overjoyed. Everyone felt the same joy that a caged bird feels when it is suddenly let loose and is allowed to fly at its sweet wile over orchards and green meadows. As a matter of fact the song was in every one’s heart.

Question 23.
What is Innisfree ? Where is it ?
Innisfree was a small lake island with very fine natural scene and scenery. It was an actual place of Ireland. The poet knew this place and he liked it. He had spent sometime there.

Question 24.
How does the poet express his sense of relief from the confinement and horror of french to warfare ?
The poet had taken active part in the first world war. Actually he was a commissioned officer. During the war period he had to lead a cabined and confined life is same joy after getting freed one like the caged birds when they are made from then their respective cages. He was very pleased as he got relief from the confinement and horror of french to war fare.

Question 25.
How does the poet express his send of sadden ecstasy ?
There was a sudden outburst of song all around when the news of armistice came it was a day of great joy and happiness. Actually the poet’s heart was filled with the pleasure felt by caged birds when they are suddenly released and allowed to fly with a new found liberty over orchards and meadows. There was universal rejoicing, with the breath of new life that was on the air every body was possessed with the glad emotions of song birds.