Bihar Board Class 12th English 50 Marks Important Short Answer Questions Prose Section
Question 1.
Show how a person relies on machinery in his daily life. Give four examples.
At present all the people in the world depend on machinery to perform different kinds of household and office work. The water that we need to, wash ourselves, to bathe or to use in kitchen is supplied through a network of pipes by the water works department. The gas that is used for cooking is supplied in every house by again a network of pipes.
Telephone or mobile phone has also become an important part of our daily life. And the car or the bus or the metro that people use to reach their place of work is also an example of the indispensability of machinery in modem man’s daily life.
Question 2.
Do men invent machines because they are lazy ?
At first glance it does appear that men invent machines because they are lazy. But this is far from die truth. Machines take a long tune to be invented there goes behind then die patient study, investigation and labour of a dedicated team of scientists and research assistants.
Could a lazy man have done this ? In fact, machines have been invented by man to perform his work with greater efficiency.
Question 3.
Why are order and safety necessary for civilization ?
What we call civilization is the work of thinkers, writers, artists, doctors and engineers. Our grand houses, big roads, metros, railways, aircraft and medicines are things and facilities developed by experts.
But can we imagine that adoctor can attend to a patient when he is threatened by a criminal or when he has the risk of being attacked in his house? All this work of development has been possible because of order and safety. It is this that creates the atmosphere in which men can carry on their pursuit of science, technology research and art.
Question 4.
What is our Chief hope for preventing war ?
Our chief hope for prevention of war lies in the functioning of an institution that has the power of the power of the government of the whole world.
Question 5.
Why are order and safety necessary for civilization ?
No work, no research, no study can take place in absence of older and safety. And without work, research and study civilization can not progress. Or, we can say civilization may be wiped out in absence of order and safety.
Question 6.
Show how a person relies on machinery in his daily life ?
At home-from bedroom to kitchen-man uses several gadgets-geyser, bulbs, gas, stove, piped water, electric shaver, toaster etc. And when one goes to office one uses a bus, a train, a cab. Inside the office again he has to use a typewriter, computer, telephone etc. in order to be in touch with other colleagus of firms.
Question 7.
What things from other countries does a man use in his daily life ?
The food one eats comes from all over the world. They come from strange countries and over far off seas. There are organges from Brazil, dates form Africa, rice from India, tea from China, sugar from USA.
Question 8.
What examples of inequality does C.E.M. Joad give in his essay ?
The writer gives several examples of inequality in the modem world. While some people live in luxury, many have not enough to eat and drink and wear. Even in the finest of the world’s cities thousands of people live in dreadful surroundings.
There are families of five or six persons who live in single room; in this room they sleep and dress and wash and eat their meals; in this room they are born, and in this room they die. And they live like this not for fun, but because they are too poor to afford another room.
Question 9.
What power blocks does the author of Our own Civilization refer to ?
At the time there exist two power blocks-two groups of countries divided by ideology, there was the Western Block including out of Europe and America, and there was the Eastern Block, including Russia and the countries of Eastern Europe and supported by China. Each spend great quantities of money in making terrible weapons.
Question 10.
How has the power over nature increased the dangers of war ?
Man has learnt to tap the force of the earth and space and use them for his purpose. Now, if his purposes are of destruction every advance in his mastery of nature only increases the dangers of war, as men learn to destroy men in greater numbers, form greater distances in varied and ingenious ways.
Man has now discovered how to release the enormous forces locked up in the atom. Nobody can know the consequences of atomic war.
Question 11.
What kind of people take remarks too literally?
It is only stupid people who take remarks literally. Thus when a friend says. “You will not be going past post office, will you?” he may mean, I should be grateful if you could post a letter for me. If you say No it may show that you a not inclined to take a little trouble for him.
Question 12.
What had be done with the author’s mouth ?
The photographer had adjusted the mouth a little because he found writer’s mouth too law.
Question 13.
What happened to the healthy young man ?
Once the healthy youn man fell ill seriously. His life was is danger. There recovered he. was extremely weak. He had become so weak that he Id not walk even very slowly. Previously he was a very strong man.
Question 14.
What did the young man notice in trains and buses after-words
The young man noticed some story young man sitting at case in the trains and the buses. Actually he was very tired. He considered some others also very tired because they were standing. He started feeling gsympathy for others after he fell ill dangerously.
What did he always do afterward?
After he had fallen ill seriously he gave up his seat and offered it to others to travel comfortably. Actually he always he always gave up his seat for any older person in need of a seat.
Question 16.
What should you be careful of when speaking to some one ?
Whenever I am speaking to someone. I should be careful and attentive that the person whom I am talking to should hear and follow me. For this. I should speak clearly, frankly and sufficiently loudly.
Question 17.
What should be the rule about conversation?
The rule about the conversation should be that in company one should take only a fair share of the conversation. On should be polite to another one in conversation. When there are two persons, one should take only half of it. The way of conversation should be accommodative and balanced.
When one has said a little, one should keep quiet and give his friend and companion a chance and freedom to say something. This is the best way and manner of conversation.
Question 18.
What factors produce good manner?
There are many factors to produce good manners. One can have good manners if one has sympathy. Through sympathy a good sense is developed. One can show his good manners if he is polite. One can show kindness to others if he is gentle and meek. As a matter of fact we should have sympathy with others and we should know limitations. In fact sympathy is the best thing to produce good manners.
Question 19.
Why do some people have difficulty in writing letters ?
Some people have difficulty in writing letters because they can not express the atmosphere in which they live in concrete words. They have no gift of self-expression.
Question 20.
Why was letter-writing done carefully in the past ?
Letter-writing was done more carefully in the past because in those days people had more leisure time for such work and postage was much more expensive than it is today. Actually they were not in a hurry.
Question 21.
What has finally helped to destroy the art of great letter writing ‘
Recent means of communications and modem facilities such as the telegraph, the telephone and type writer have finally helped to destroy the great art of letter-writing.
Question 22.
What is the difference between good essay and a good Setter ?
There is a great difference between a good essay and a good letter. A good essay is generally written in orderly and elaborate style while a good letter is written in simple colloquial and intimate way bearing a personal touch of die writer,
Question 23.
Make a list of things which you yourself after forget to do ?
Sometimes I forget to keep the following things to do. Here I am giving a list of it.
(a) Oftenly I forget to post a letter in a letter box.
(b) Sometimes I forget to wear my tie. It happens when I put on my garments.
(c) I always forget to have my necessary articles when I in a bus or train.
(d) Occasionally I forget to take my pencils or pen When I go to school.
Question 24.
Why do some people not remember to take medicines ?
Some people do not remember to take medicines with them. They forget to have medicines with.them because of their dislike for pills of medicines. Most of the people do not like to use medicines as they hesitate to have them. Actually they neglect the medicines.
Question 25.
What according to the author, is the commonest form of forgetfulness?
According to the author the commonest form of forgetfulness is posting the letters. Such incident occurs with the common people. It is so common that the author is also involved in such mistake.
Question 26.
Why does the author not curry an umbrella ?
The author does not carry an umbrella with him. He fears that he may lose it anywhere else.
Question 27.
How did the author obtain his dog ?
The author bought this dog for fifteen rupees. Pincha was the smallest and the thinnest of the litter. Jim Corbett named Robin, in memory of a faithful old collie who had saved his young brother, aged four. He trained the dog with great care.
Question 28.
For what purpose was Robin being trained ?
Robin was being trained properly. Actually the author had made him a good friend. As we know that Jim Corbett was a great hunter. Hunting was his hobby. He always liked to spend his times in hunting. Thus, he trained Robin so that it might help him, in hunting and hours of need and crisis in life.
Question 29.
What happened after Robin chased the langur dawn the hill side ?
The author and Robin spent the summer in the hills and on their annual journey to the foothills in November, at the end of a long fifteen-mile walking when they went to a comer, a longer of a big troop jumped of the hill side and Crossed the road a few inches away from Robin. Without hearing the command of the author. Robin chased it and it safely went up a tree. It was very dangerous to chase langur.
Question 30.
What lesson did Robin learn from this experience ?
Robin learn a very good lesson from this experience. He was very proud of his dog. But, one day he got bitter experiences in the Jungle. His life was in danger. Any how he saved his life from the leopard. Since then he was very alert and conscious. He had wonderful control over his nervous and always remained mute in the forest while doing tracking.
Question 31.
Why is it best to go shooting on foot ?
To go shooting on foot is the best way. Sometimes it is very dangerous to go shooting by riding on an animal. It is very difficult to save oneself by riding on an animal. On the other hand it is very easy to run away on foot to see a dangerous beast in the bush. Actually it is much easier to kill an animal shooting on foot.
Question 32.
Why was the author very careful about approaching the leopard ?
It is true to say that the author was very much careful about approaching the leopard. He feared that the leopard might attack him. He always remained with his rifle and arms. In the jungle he was alert and active. He took all measures to protect himself and his friends from all dangers. He came to the range first to shoot at the leopard. He tried for his correct aim to fire at. Actually hew a scarefull all the time.
Question 33.
What did Robin do when the leopard finally sprang?
Robin was very active in all respects. But, once it so happended that leopard’s spring and his short were simultaneous. He took side-step and went to die left and leaning back so far as he could, he fired the second barrel from his hip into his side as he passed him. As he was very expert, he took correct measures. He did his duty tactfully.
Question 34.
What happened to the leopard in the end ?
Robin and his hunting dog worked jointly. They did their duty actively. Robin shot at the leopard skillfully. He fired at him with a correct aim. He tried many times. At last he shot at the leopard. At a little distance the leopard was lying dead, who put on a good battle but lost at last.