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BSEB Bihar Board 12th English Book 50 Marks Solutions Chapter 5 Forgetting
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Bihar Board Class 12 English Forgetting Text Book Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Make a list of things which you yourself often forge to do ?
I, Myself often foret many things to do here. I am giving list of it.
(a) In posting a letter in a letter box.
(b) At the time of wearing clothes I forget to wear my tie.
(c) I forget to take my things when I travel in a bus or train.
(d) Somethig I forget to take my pencils or pen when I got to school.
(e) I also forget to wear my vest to take umbrealla etc.
Question 2.
Why do some people not remember to take medicines ?
People do not remember to take medicines because they wish to forget them it may be that it is because of their dislike for pills of medicines.
Question 3.
What according to the author, is the commonest form of forget fulness ?
The commonest form of forgetfulness according to the author occurance in posting letter. It is so common that the author has in relanbon a departing vision.
Question 4.
Why does the author not carry an umbrella ?
The author does not carry umbrealla for fear of losting it.
Question 5.
What suggests that sports men have poor memories ?
Sportsmen have poor memories. They always forget to take balls and bats, when they travel in trains. They are in the vision of playing fields. Their heads are among the stars & their hearts are in their boots. They often forget to take personal things.
Question 6.
Why does the author says that absent mindedness may be a virtue?
The author says that the people often forget because their minds are filled with glorious things. The absent minded men is often a man who is making the best of life & therefore has in time to remember the personal things. So the author says that absent mindedness may be a virtue.
Question 7.
Does the author think that poets need good memories ?
Yes, the author thinks that poets need good memories minded are half the substance of their art. So they need good memories.
Question 8.
What does the author say about statemen’s memories ?
The author says that statesmen have extraordinary bad memories. When two or three statesment get opportunity to deliver a speech in a public meeting each of them tell us that the other story is inacquarate.
Question 9.
What did the woman in the story expect her husband to say when the returned ?
When her husband returned she expected to say that she thought him a lesson. She somethings cheerfully asked. “Well my Dear, what is for lunch to clay. She again asked, why she forget the baby & the children.
Question 10.
Are most people absent minded ?
Yes, most people are absent minded. We bom with pusaically efficient memories. If it were not so, the instalution of the family could not live in any great modem city.
Grammetical Questions
Use the following prepositions once only in the sentences below. The extract will help you.
in, as, for, of, on, at
(a) He was astonished ………….. the size of the fish.
(b) They sat on a heard bench ………….. six hours.
(c) She has a great interest ………….. facts and figures.
(d) ………….. a rule I remember of post my letters.
(e) Most of us are capable ………….. remembering hundreds of things.
(f) I cannot rely ………….. my memory for names.
(a) at
(b) for
(c) in
(d) As
(e) for
(f) on.
Question 2.
In the following sentences certain words or phrases are in italics. Use words or phrases from this extract in their place so as to give the same meaning (refer to para 1-5 only).
(a) The were amazed at the speed of his horse.
(b) Is fresh cheese obtainable in the market there days ?
(c) He rarely forgets the names of his customers.
(d) This picture will be a means of remembering your visit.
(e) That street is full of shopkeepers selling medicines.
(f) Do you think we can trust that porter ?
(g) The thief was forced to turn his pockets put.
(h) What was the reason for his behaviour last night ?
(i) There was a hole in her handbag and several things had dropped out.
(j) Children should be accompanied by at least one ground up person.
(a) They were amazed at the speed of his horse.
(b) Is fresh cheese obtainable in the market these days ?
(c) He rarely forgets the names of his customers.
(d) This picture will be a means of remembering your visit.
(e) That street is full of shopkeepers selling medicines.
(f) Do you think we can trust that porter ?
(g) The thief was forces to turn his pockets out.
(h) What was the reason for his behaviour last night ?
(i) There was a hole in her handbag and several things had dropped out.
(j) Children should be accompanied by at least one ground up person.
Question 3.
use the following words once only in the sentence below:
achieve, prescribe, citizen, circumstances, exceptional, imaginative, provincial, reluctant, anticipate, destination.
(a) What did the ………… Nothing. He came away empty-handed.
(b) She was to talk about the of her brother’s death, so I didn’t ask her again.
(c) I …………… a rise in wheat prices in the next few days.
(d) The Central Government has certain powers over the ………….. governments.
(e) The weather has been ………….. for May : very cool and cloudy.
(f) On his passport it says he is a ………….. of India.
(g) The doctor may ……………… penicillin for your bad throat.
(h) We shall reach our …………………. at seven tomorrow morning.
(i) He is a very ………………. cook he often prepares unusual dishes.
(a) achieve
(b) imaginative; anticipate
(c) reluctant
(d) provincial
(e) circumstance
(f) citizen
(g) prescribe
(h) destination
(i) exceptional
Forgetting Word Meanings
Article = सामान, सामग्री । publish= प्रकाशित करना | astonished = आश्चर्यचकित । absent-minded = भुलक्कड़ । fellow = साथी । statistical records = सांख्यिकीय, विवरण | efficiency = कार्य-पटुता | compel= बाध्य करना । appointment = मिलने का पूर्व निश्चित समय । long-past = बहुत दिन पहले का । provincial = प्रांतीय । vile = अत्यन्त बुरा । item = वस्तु । scarcely = hardly, admit = स्वीकार करना । perfection = श्रेष्ठता | methodical = नियमानुसार चलने वाला । prescribe = (दवा) लिखना । unwilingly = अनिच्छिापूर्वक । cure-all = हर मर्ज की एक ही दवा, रामवाण । delight = आनन्द देना I stuff = सामना । swallow = निगलना । make their fortunes = अपना भाग्य बना लेते हैं (अर्थात् बेहिसाब कमा लेते हैं) । occur = घटित होना । post = डाक में डालना । relunctant = अनिच्छुक | trust = विश्वास करना | departing visitor = जानेवाला आगन्तुक । weary = थका हुआ । chain of circumstances = घटनाक्रम । embarrass = घबरा देना | umbrella = छाता । achieve = प्राप्त करना ।
property = सम्पत्ति, सामान | destination = गंतव्य । hearts in their boots = उबाऊ, साधारण । dreamland = स्वप्नलोक । angler = मछली (बंसी में) मारने वाला I fishing-rod = मछली मारने की बंसी | magnificent = शानदार, भव्य । behaviour = व्यवहार । reality = वास्तविकता | daydream = दिवास्वप्न देखना । feat = exploit = बड़ा काम | glorious = शानदार । virtue = गुण | Possession = रखना । desirable = वांछनीय । fallible= त्रुटिपूर्ण । superiority = उच्चता, प्रवरता । quote = उद्धृत करना । marvellous = शानदार । intellect = बुद्धि । exceptional = अपवादात्मक, असाधारण | substance = सामग्री, वस्तु 1 statesman = कूटनीतिज्ञ | extraordinarily = असाधारण रूप से । inaccurate = गलत | tempt = लालच दिलाना । sunny = खुली धूप वाला । pause = ठहरना । slip = चुपके से घुस जाना । horror = भय । wheeled away = लुढ़का कर ले गई । terror = भय । anticipate = पूर्वानुमान करना । quickering lips = काँपते हुए होंठ। annoyed = खींझा हुआ । rank = श्रेणी । capable = समक्ष | intitution = संस्था ।
Forgetting Summary in Hindi
Robert Lynd अंग्रेजी में आधुनिक युग के अत्यन्त आनन्ददायक एवं प्रभावशाली निबंधकारों में एक है। निश्चय ही उसकी गणना आधुनिक गद्य के सफलतम लेखकों में की जा सकती है । उसने अपने साहित्यिक जीवन का प्रारम्भ एक अखबार के संपादन से किया था एवं अपने.समय के पत्र-पत्रिकाओं में भी वह लेख लिखा करता था । उसके निबंध सामान्यत: चार्ल्स लैम्ब (प्रसिद्ध अंग्रेजी निबन्धकार) की परम्परा में लिखे होते थे-अंतरंग, नगण्य, विषयों पर, यद्यपि उनमें करना और आकर्षण का एक खासपुट होता था ।
इस आह्लादक निबन्ध का विषय है मानव स्मरणशक्ति की प्रकृति एवं उसकी विचित्रताएँ । लिण्ड के ये विचार एक अखबार में प्रकाशित रेल-यात्रियों के खोये सामानों की सूचियों से प्रेरित हुए हैं । मानव स्मरणशक्ति की कुशलता सचमुच विस्मयकारी है, किन्तु बहुधा यह असफल हो जाती है जिससे तरह-तरह की समस्याएँ उत्पन्न हो जाती हैं। यदि स्मरणशक्ति बहुत अच्छी है तो इसका यह अर्थ कदापि नहीं लगाया जा सकता है कि यह एक प्रखर बुद्धि का द्योतक है। हालांकि संगीत या साहित्य के सभी महारथियों में असाधारण स्मरणशक्ति के प्रमाण मिलते हैं।
लिण्ड अपना निबंध इस स्थापना से प्रारम्भ करता है कि उसके लिए अधिक आश्चर्यजनक है मनुष्य की स्मरणशक्ति की कुशलता न कि उसकी अकुशलता । अखबार में प्रकाशित खोये हुए सामानों की सूची में ऐसा लगा कि कुछ रेल यात्री अपना सामान भूल गये होंगे। किन्तु इस तरह का भुलक्कड़पन बहुत सामान्य हो, ऐसी बात नहीं है । साधारणतया तो टेलीफोन नम्बरों, पतों, भेंट-मुलाकात के पूर्व-निश्चित समयों आदि के मामले में लोगों की याददाश्त बहुत ही अच्छी होती है । फिर भी समय पर दवा खाने आदि जैसे कुछ मामलों में मानव स्मरणशक्ति बहुत अच्छी नहीं होती । मनोवैज्ञानिक तो हमें यह बताते हैं कि हम उन्हीं चीजों को भूलते हैं जो हमें नापसंद होती है । लेकिन कुछ और मामलों में भी अक्सर स्मरणशक्ति काम नहीं करती । उदाहरणार्थ-चिट्ठियाँ छोड़ना या किताबों, घड़ियों जैसी चीजों को ट्रेन या टैक्सी में छोड़ देना । फिर भी अधिकतर लोग सफर में अपनी चीजों के बारे में काफी सतर्कता बरतते हैं । अक्सर स्मरणशक्ति की ऐसी भूलें पुराने लोगों की तुलना में नई उम्र के लोग ही अधिक करते हैं। शायद इसका कारण यही है कि वे बराबर अपने विचारों और दिवास्वपनों में खोये रहते हैं । लिण्ड के विचार से इस तरह – का भुलक्कड़पन कोई दोष नहीं, बल्कि एक गुण ही है-जब हम रूमानी चीजों के ख्यालों में खोये रहते हैं तो नीरस चीजें बिल्कुल भूल जाते हैं।
इसी प्रकार के तर्कों के आधार पर कुछ कमजोर स्मरणशक्ति वाले लोग भी अपनी श्रेष्ठता का दावा पेश करते हैं । असाधारण स्मरणशक्ति वाले लोगों में संभव है अत्यधिक बुद्धिमत्ता न हो । हालांकि महान लेखकों, संगीतशास्त्रियों एवं कलाकारों में उत्कृष्ट स्मरणशक्ति पाई जाती है। फिर भी सामान्य जन में भी अच्छी स्मणशक्ति होती ही है और जिनमें नहीं होती वे उसी प्रकार के अपवाद होते हैं जैसा वह पिता था जो अपने बच्चे को उसकी गाड़ी में घुमाने ले गया और (बच्चे को बाहर छोड़कर) एक शराबखाने में बियर पीने के लिए घुसा और बाद में बच्चे और उसकी गाड़ी को वहीं छोड़कर घर लौट आया-स्तम्भित पत्नी के पास । अन्त में लिण्ड कहता है कि सौभाग्य से हममें से अधिकांश लोगों में कामचलाऊ कुशलता वाली स्मरणशक्ति होती है नहीं तो हमारा पारिवारिक जीवन नष्ट ही हो जाता ।
लिण्ड ने जीवन के एक अति-साधारण तथ्य-लोगों के भुलक्कड़ के आधार पर एक आश्चर्यजनक निबन्ध की रचना की है । लिण्ड के विषय सामान्यतः ऐसे ही अति-साधारण हुआ करते हैं-दैनन्दिन जीवन के कुछ अति-सामान्य तथ्य । लेकिन उन्हीं में से वह कुछ असाधारण निष्कर्ष निकाल लेता है; और वह भी एक अत्यन्त सरल एवं सीधी-सादी शैली में । जैसी एक समीक्षक की अत्यन्त सटीक उक्ति है-“प्रारम्भ में ही लिण्ड के विचार उभरने लगते हैं पाठक का ध्यान बंध जाता है; तर्क तुरंत विकसित होता है और निकष्कर्ष शीघ्र निकल आता है ।
Forgetting Summary in English
Robert Lynd is one of the most delightful as well as illuminating essayists of the modem period. He certainly deserves to be classed among the “Modem Masters” of prose. He began his literary earner by editing a newspaper and writing articles in the journals of his day. His eassys were generally in the Lamb tradition-intimate inconsequential, but with an artistry and charm all their own.
The nature and vagaries of human memory is the theme of this delightful essay. The reflections are occasioned by a list of lost articles by railway traveller published in a newspaper. The efficiency of the human memory is truly wonderful but quite often it fails had creates problems. A very good memory does not necessarily mean a great intellect though all great geniuses in music or literature have exceptional memoris.
Lynd begins this essay with the observation that it is the efficiency of human memory rather than its inefficiency that compels wonder in him. Some railway travellers might have forgotten about their baggage as the list of lost articles published in the newspaper showed. But such absent-mindednessis not a very common thing. Generally people have very good memories for telephone numbers, addresses, appointments, and so on. In ordinary life people remember everything that they need to remember.
But even so human memory performs poorly in certain matters like taking medicines on time. The psychologists would tell us that we tend to forget things we do not like. There are certain other areas also where memory fails oftener. For example, posting letters, or, leaving articles like books or walking-sticks or umbreallas in trains and taxis. Yet most people are quite careful about their belongings as they trvel. Often it is the younger people ratehr than the older ones who suffer from such lapses of memory. Perhaps they remain too much engrossed in their thoughts and daydreams. Lynd thinks that forgetfulness of this kinds is rather a virtue than a vice-when we forget the prosaic for the romantic.
It is on similar grounds that men with fallible memories have tried to make a case for their superiority. Men with exceptional memories may not be possessing great intellect. Thought generally great writers, composers and artists have excellent memories.
Lynd has created a wonderful essay out of a very ordinary-looking fact of life : the absent-mindedness in people. Lynd’s themes are generally trivial looking-ordinary day-to-day facts of life. But he draws profound conclusions from them and in a manner that is utterly simple and straight forward. As one critic has very aptly observed-The point is apparent at the outset; the reader immediately intrigued; the argument swiftly developed; the conclusion short”.
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