Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Model Papers

Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Model Question Paper 3 in English Medium

Time: 3 Hours 15 Min
Marks: 70

Instructions for the candidates:

  1. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
  2. Figures in the right-hand margin indicate full marks.
  3. 15 minutes of extra time has been allotted for the candidate to read the questions carefully.
  4. This question paper has two sections: Section – A and Section – B.
  5. In Section – A, there are 35 objective type questions which are compulsory, each carrying 1 mark. Darken the circle with black/blue ball pen against the correct option on OMR Sheet provided to you. Do not use Whitener/ Liquid/Nail on OMR Sheet, otherwise, the result will be treated as invalid.
  6. In Section – B, there are Non-objective type questions. There are 18 Short answer type questions, out of which any 10 questions are to be answered. Each question carries 2 marks. Apart from this, there are 6 Long answer type questions, out of which any 3 of them are to be answered. Each question carries 5 marks.
  7. Use of any electronic device is prohibited.

Objective Type Questions

Question No. 1 to 35 has four options provided out of which only one is correct. You have to mark, your selected option, on the OMR-Sheet. Each question carries 1 (one) mark. (35 × 1 = 35)

Question 1.
Which of the following is an element of sensing the opportunities?
(a) Innovation quality
(b) Ability to perceive
(c) Insight into the change
(d) None of these
(a) Innovation quality

Question 2.
Economic policies determine, what?
(a) Direction of Business
(b) Volume of Business
(c) Nature of Business
(d) Direction and volume of Business
(b) Volume of Business

Question 3.
Incentives are not concerned with
(a) Exemption from tax
(b) Lump-sum payment
(c) Rebate
(d) Provision of capital
(d) Provision of capital

Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Model Question Paper 3 in English Medium

Question 4.
The one included in demand forecasting is
(a) Short term forecasting
(b) Long term forecasting
(c) Consumer forecasting
(d) Marketing forecasting
(a) Short term forecasting

Question 5.
Is included in the nature of marketing
(a) Customer
(b) Production
(c) Product planning
(d) Selling
(c) Product planning

Question 6.
Which of the factors affect market assessment?
(a) Demand
(b) Production cost
(c) Selling price
(d) Microenvironment
(b) Production cost

Question 7.
Demand forecasting is termed as what out of the following?
(a) Marketing
(b) Demand
(c) Supply
(d) Marketing Demand
(d) Marketing Demand

Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Model Question Paper 3 in English Medium

Question 8.
Entrepreneur fulfils responsibilities:
(a) Managerial
(b) Social
(c) Statutory
(d) None of these
(a) Managerial

Question 9.
To be considered in the selection of services
(a) Competition
(b) Product planning
(c) Practicality
(d) Market Assessment
(c) Practicality

Question 10.
Essential elements of a selection of an Enterprise
(a) Secrecy
(b) Business Activity
(c) Area of Operation
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Model Question Paper 3 in English Medium

Question 11.
Factors which determine the form of organisation
(a) Location
(b) Study
(c) Size
(d) Innovation
(d) Innovation

Question 12.
Increases sales and profit in the market
(a) Marketing
(b) Promotion
(c) Innovation
(d) Location
(b) Promotion

Question 13.
Execution of project establishment
(a) Entry into the market
(b) Trial production
(c) Building construction
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

Question 14.
Included in the establishment of enterprise
(a) Raw material
(b) Report
(c) profit-loss
(d) Technology
(a) Raw material

Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Model Question Paper 3 in English Medium

Question 15.
Of all managerial activities planning is the
(a) Beginning and end
(b) Beginning
(c) End
(d) None of these
(b) Beginning

Question 16.
A good plan is
(a) Expensive
(b) Flexible
(c) Rigid
(d) Time-consuming
(b) Flexible

Question 17.
According to “Terry” types of planning are
(a) 04
(b) 14
(c) 16
(d) 08
(a) 04

Question 18.
Incentives are not concerned with
(a) rebate
(b) exemption from tax
(c) provision of seed capital
(d) lump-sum payment
(d) lump-sum payment

Question 19.
Project is not concerned with
(a) Risk
(b) Creativity
(c) Innovation
(d) Vision
(b) Creativity

Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Model Question Paper 3 in English Medium

Question 20.
The project report is a summary of
(a) Analysis
(b) Facts
(c) Information
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

Question 21.
Lack of standardization of the equipment is due to
(a) Regulatory Barriers
(b) Government Barriers
(c) External Constraints
(d) Internal Barriers
(d) Internal Barriers

Question 22.
Resources of production functions are
(a) Money, Import
(b) Import, Export
(c) Commerce, Export
(d) Money, Import, Export, Commerce
(b) Import, Export

Question 23.
Which of the following is a type of Physical Resource?
(a) Marketing
(b) Finance
(c) Resources
(d) None of these
(c) Resources

Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Model Question Paper 3 in English Medium

Question 24.
Regular working capital is the part of
(a) Permanent working capital
(b) Variable working capital
(c) Regular & seasonal working capital
(d) All of the above
(a) Permanent working capital

Question 25.
Long terms loan bears
(a) Flexible rate of interest
(b) Zero rates of interest
(c) Fixed-rate of interest
(d) Rate of 1% interest
(c) Fixed-rate of interest

Question 26.
Included in the utility of BEP
(a) Profit improvement
(b) Risk valuation
(c) Diagnostic tool
(d) All of these
(d) All of these

Question 27.
India Investment fund was established by
(a) IFCI
(b) State Bank
(c) Grindlay Bank
(d) Can Bank
(b) State Bank

Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Model Question Paper 3 in English Medium

Question 28.
Non-Bank sources are
(a) Open Accounts
(b) Trade loans
(c) Public Deposits
(d) All of these
(b) Trade loans

Question 29.
A personal account is related to
(a) all types of assets
(b) all types of income
(c) person, company and firm
(d) none of these
(c) person, company and firm

Question 30.
Accounting system is
(a) single-entry system
(b) double entry system
(c) cost system
(d) both (a) and (b)
(b) double entry system

Question 31.
Of all managerial activities planning is the
(a) beginning
(b) end
(c) beginning and end both
(d) none of these
(a) beginning

Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Model Question Paper 3 in English Medium

Question 32.
Telephone expenses are
(a) fixed
(b) variable
(c) semivariable
(d) none of these
(c) semivariable

Question 33.
Subsidy is
(a) discount
(b) concession
(c) repayment
(d) none of these
(b) concession

Question 34.
Element affecting growth rate is
(a) competition
(b) change in technology
(c) creativity
(d) all of these
(d) all of these

Question 35.
Long-term loan bears
(a) a fixed rate of interest
(b) zero rates of interest
(c) flexible rate of interest
(c) none of these
(a) a fixed rate of interest

Non-Objective Type Questions

Short Answer Type Questions

Question No. 1 to 18 are short answer type. Answer any 10 questions. Each question carries 2 marks. (10 × 2 = 20)

Question 1.
Is management a profession?
Management’s a well-defined body of knowledge there is an organization made to regulate whatever managers do. There is also a code of conduct for managers. But management’s not considered a profession because it needs a minimum number of qualifications, it’s essential for its practitioners to register themselves with a professional body and there’s no universally accepted code of conduct.

Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Model Question Paper 3 in English Medium

Question 2.
What does the opportunity cost?
The opportunity cost of anything is the next best alternative that could be produced instead of the same factors by an equivalent group of factor costing the same amount of money.

Question 3.
What is short-term forecasting?
Short-term forecasting refers to that forecasting which made for a short-time generally, short-term forecasting is made for the period of six months to one year.

Question 4.
What do you understand by expansion project?
Under the expansion of project consisting the work, such as to the production of the new product to set up of new production unit to increase in capacity to produce goods and evolution of new markets.

Question 5.
How will you determine net working capital?
Determination of networking capital = Net Working Capital = Current Assets – Current Liabilities
Current Assets = Sundry debtors stock Cash, B/R prepaid expenses, etc.
Current Liabilities = Sundry Creditors Bill payable(B/P) outstanding etc.

Question 6.
What is Fund flow?
A fund flow statement is a statement prepared to indicate the increase in the cash resources and the utilisation of such resources of business during the accounting period.
Unearning of fund flow: The term fund flow of funds means changes in working capital
Funds: Current Assets – Current liability

Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Model Question Paper 3 in English Medium

Question 7.
What is expressed by the solvency ratio?
Solvency ratio: Solvency means the ability of a firm to pay its liabilities on the due date.
In a broader sense, the analysis of solvency can be divided into two groups:

  • Short-term solvency
  • Long-term solvency

Question 8.
State any two features of the modern concept of marketing.
Following are two features of modern marketing:

  • The modern concept of marketing lays maximum stress on consumers satisfaction
  • In the modern concept of marketing goods and services are produced keeping on view the desires and requirements of the consumer or customers.

Question 9.
What are the elements of the project cycle?
Followings are elements of the project cycle:

  • Project formulation stage
  • Project appraisal
  • Selection of project
  • Project implementation,
  • Project commencing.

Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Model Question Paper 3 in English Medium

Question 10.
Write anyone cause of difference between fixed and working capital.
Following are the causes of differences between fixed capital and working capital:

  • Meanings
  • Period
  • Nature
  • Sources
  • Necessity.

Question 11.
What is the importance of venture capital?
The amount of capital should be adequately balanced otherwise increase of over or under capitalisation, both the condition are total to a venture capital hence it must be available in a balanced proportion.

Question 12.
State any two factors which affect physical resources.
Followings are the two factors which are affecting the physical resources:

  • Location of land, size and its cost
  • The conditions for installing machinery and its repairs etc.
  • Effect on the environment.

Question 13.
Write three elements of the marketing mix.
Following are the three elements of the marketing mix:

  • Product mix
  • Price mix
  • Promotion mix.

Question 14.
Define Break-even analysis.
“The break-even point is that point of sales volume where total revenues and total expenses are equal, it is also said as the point of zero profit or zero loss.”

Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Model Question Paper 3 in English Medium

Question 15.
Define venture capital.
“The primary stage of finance which is related to the new and young organisation who wants to the regular development of their organisation given.

Question 16.
Is management considered a profession?
Management fulfils some of the major characteristics of the profession (specialised knowledge, technical competency, training and experience and formal arrangement for enhancement of these. Priority to the feeling of devotion and service.) however some of the other characteristics (such as the formation of a professional union or body code of conduct etc.) are as yet not forcibly developed. Development of management as a profession in India even today is in the infantile stage and is making very slow progress.

Question 17.
What is product design?
To making product design is a primary work of any enterprises because of the image and capacity of getting a profit of any enterprises are mostly depend on product design.

Question 18.
What is the object of branding?
There are the following objects of Brand:

  • The brand is a broad term which is used to identify a product
  • Proud in a concrete or an abstract from establishes the identity of the product of a particular organisation that distinction is from that of other competitions
  • Act the means of identity to a brand are included in the brand.
  • The brand is a catalyst in the popularity and sales promotion of the product.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question No. 19 to 24 are long answer type. Answer any 3 questions. Each question carries 5 marks. (3 × 5 = 15)

Question 19.
Describe the nature of planning.
Characteristics of Planning: Planning should have the following characteristic
(i) Objective-Based: A good planning is made keeping in view the objectives of the organisation. Whatever kind of plan may be and whichever department it may belong to it always makes scope for the various activities to be directed toward the achievement of goals.

(ii) Simple & Flexible: Planning should have the qualities of simplicity and flexibility. It should be simple in the sense that the person who implements it understand It. He should not feel the necessity of coming to planners again and again for seeking classification. Planning should be flexible as well.

Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Model Question Paper 3 in English Medium

(iii) Co-ordination: It should not be a lopsided plan proper co-ordination should be maintained within the cane accordingly without for its storage, It means it is lacking co-ordination.

(iv) Leading to efficiency and Economy: A properly drawn-out planning should lead to improving efficiency. It should suggest the right kinds of machines to be operated by workmen. It should also indicate the quality of raw materials to be used by the workmen. If the proper machine and proper raw material have been provided to the right kind of man the efficiency is bound to increase.

(v) Comprehensive: Planning should be comprehensive. It should deal with all aspects of the organisation. A list of all the activities of the organisation should be made. Even the smallest activity should not be an escape from this list.

(vi) Indicating Quantum: The overall targets are always given in the objectives. To achieve the prescribed target, each person in the organisation has to make his contribution. Good planning not only lays down the target of the expected outcome of each department but also of each sub-department.

Question 20.
Describe the factors affecting working capital.
Factors affecting the working capital: There are the following factors affecting the working capital as:
(i) Nature and size of Business: The working capital depends on the nature of the business to a great extent. If a business is engaged in the production process more working capital will be required on other hand business firms engaged in trade activities will ‘require less working’ capital.

(ii) Business Cycles: The need for working capital keeps on increasing or decreasing according to business cycle. During Boom periods the businessman try to keep the maximum possible stock of goods in order to escape from the price increase.

(iii) Term of Buying & Selling: If businessman buy the necessary material for cash he requires more working capital. If the business unit has the policy of credit sales, more working capital will be required.

Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Model Question Paper 3 in English Medium

(iv) Duration of Production: The amount of working capital also depends upon the time taken in the manufacturing of a product. If the time required for the manufacture of the product is more, more working capital is needed to be.

(v) Volume & Procurement of Raw Material: If the amount to be spent on raw material is more in total investment more working capital will be required.

(vi) Manual Vs Automation: If a business unit uses automatic machines for production less working capital will be required. If the production is labour oriented like the workers engaged in tea, coffee, rubber etc. More working capital will be required.

(vii) Form of Taxation: Government policy of taxation also influences the need for working capital more capital will be required if all taxes are to be paid in advance, otherwise the need will be less.

(viii) Seasonal goods: If business units are engaged in such goods in which seasonal conditions play an important role need for working capital will be felt according to seasonal requirements.

(ix) The intensity of competition: If the market competition is intense, more amount of working capital is required as a competitive firm has to keep huge quantities of a long-range of products.

(x) Business growth: If a business is expanding it requires more money for raw materials wages etc.

Question 21.
Explain the nature of Management.
Nature of Management: There is much important nature of Management as follows:
(i) Management is an art as well as science: Management can be treated as an art as well as a science because it has both qualities. It has similar qualities to science as well as arts.

(ii) Management is a process: It is a process because a large number of events are done under a management system for the achievement of certain goals or objectives. Such as planning, organising, staffing directing and controlling etc.

Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Model Question Paper 3 in English Medium

(iii) Management is a universal process: It is an important feature of management. It is called a universal process because it has gained a wide area of application. In fact, the principle of management can apply each and every form of the organisation either it may be business organisation, social or political organisation.

(iv) Management is a social process: Management can consider as a social process because it is concerned with human and their relationship.

(v) Management is a goal-oriented Approach: Management refers to a goal-oriented approach because it is directly related to the goals or objectives of the organisation. It provides a certain platform to the organisation to perform its various activities in the best way.

(vi) Management is a continuous process: It can be described as a continuous process because it is not an event which is concerned with the point of time. It is a never-ending process. It needed at every walk of life of an organisation.

(vii) Management is a creative function: It is a creative function because it creates so many things for all-around the development of people. It contributes to new investment incomes and new business etc in the nation.

Question 22.
Define planning. What are its features?
Planning refers to opening the best alternatives after careful consideration. By imaging in the womb of future of option of the right advice and a follow up is termed as management or business planning. In other words, tomorrow’s job is to be determined right now or today is planning.

Definition of Planning: According to knootz and O’Donnell, “Planning is a judicious process which opens the door to various activities in which the decisions on objectives facts and pre-conceived estimates are to be taken.
According to W. H. Numan, “Generally to determine before what is to be done is planning. From this point of view, planning is a manifestation of vast human conduct.”
Characteristics or value of planning:

  • Definite object and goal: Planning aims at achievement the certain objectives and every entrepreneur keeps such objectives in mind and plans accordingly.
  • Forecasting: The second important phase of planning is to look towards the future with overuse of anticipation. According to Fell, “Planning is a synthesis of the forecasts be they be long term or short term, general or particulars forecasts.”
  • Utility: Unity is also an essential feature of planning. At one time only one planning can be executed as any dual planing at a time can lead to chaos and uncertainty.
  • Selection of the best among alternative courses of action: It refers to the option of the best alternatives available with the entrepreneur who has several options, policies and methods for managing the affairs.
  • Planning is a continuous and flexible process: Future remains unpredictable. Nobody can assert with certainty what will happen tomorrow since planning is also recalled to future.
  • Primary function: Planning, of course, is a primary function. In any commercial venture, planning is placed on the highest pedestal and the rest of the job are scored a secondary primary.
  • Intellectual and mental process.

Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Model Question Paper 3 in English Medium

Question 23.
Explain the marketing concept and its objectives.
The study of these five constituents is essential for the emergence of an enterprise:

  • Labour or men: In all the resources of production, the ingredient of labour is the most mobilising element that stimulates all other factors and turns even the most useless thing into a useful one.
  • Raw material: If the enterprise is production oriented a prior arrangement should be emphasised with regard to availability,type,cost/price and regular supply of the raw materials.
  • Machine: Whatever be the scale of the enterprise whether big or small, machines are required in either case.
  • Money: Money/capital is the lifeblood of an enterprise without which the establishment is an inconceivable presumption. The capital in the long and short term and its amount and the capital resources are a pre-emptive requirement.
  • Market: A prior estimate is to be formed in terms of market consumption before the establishment of the enterprise.
  • Place: It is also an important aspect and be decided where the enterprise should be set up.

Bihar Board 12th Entrepreneurship Model Question Paper 3 in English Medium

Question 24.
Name the various elements included in total cost.
Marketing is used almost by everybody as per his status ability need and environment as a normal word. All, therefore, mentioned ideas are the various aspects of marketing.
According to Pyle, “Marketing comprises both buying and selling activities.”

According to Clark and Clark, “Marketing consists of those efforts which affect transfers in the ownership of goods and services and provide for their physical distribution.”
There are the following functions of marketing manager:

  • Buying: Buying is the first step in the marketing function. In a manufacturing unit, the raw material and int business unit, the finished goods is purchased.
  • Selling: Selling is the most significant function of marketing. Selling refers to the transfer of merchandise or services from the owner to the customer.
  • Pricing: The third important task is to determine the price of the products which necessitates a wider contemplation. According to the principle of Economics, the price of a product is linked to the demand and supply of a product.
  • Physical distribution: This is the last function of marketing but not the least. Physical distribution implies the delivery of the product at an appropriate time, at the right place, in the right quantity and in right hands.