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Do you feel the concept of English difficult to understand? Not anymore with our Bihar Board Solutions for Class 10 English Poem 2 Ode On Solitude Questions and Answers. All the Solutions are given to you with detailed explanation and you can enhance your subject knowledge. Use the Bihar Board Textbook Solutions PDF free of cost and prepare whenever you want.

Very Short Answer Type Questions
A. Answer the following questions very briefly :

Ode On Solitude Questions And Answers Bihar Board Question 1.
How many of you want to be happy? What constitutes happiness?
Every body wants to live happily. Nobody wants an unpeaceful and distressing life.

Real happiness lies in a carefree and peaceful life. Simple life of contentment constitutes happiness in true sense.

Ode On Solitude Poem Questions And Answers Bihar Board Question 2.
What makes our life happy-money or contentment or both? Discuss.
Contentment makes our life happy. Simple and quiet life gives us real pleasure. Though money is also needed for our requirements and comforts. As such both are necessary for a happy life.

Solitude Poem Questions And Answers Bihar Board Question 3.
Have you ever visited a remote village adorned with natural beauty and a capital town full of sky-scrappers. Which one would you like and why?
I have visited a remote village and I live in a capital town, I would like the village life most. For its peaceful atmosphere and the natural beauty, free from all sorts of care or anxiety. But capital town life is full of joley and unhealthy environment. There is no peace of mind whereas villages are free from pollution and an unhealthy atmosphere.

Very Short Answer Type Questions
B.1. Answer the following questions very briefly :

Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solution Question 1.
Who is a happy man:
A man who passes his hours, days and years, in good health without any anxiety and content with his few acres of paternal land, is a happy man.

Ode On Solitude Meaning In Hindi Bihar Board Question 2.
Whom does the pronoun ‘his’ in the third line of the Ist stanza refer to?
‘His’ in the third line of the Ist stanza refers to a happy man who is content without any anxiety.
Question 3. Who gives him milk?
His cattle provide him with milk.

Bihar Board English Book Class 10 Pdf Download Question 4.
What gives him bread?
His fields give him bread.

Ode On Solitude Poem Meaning Bihar Board Question 5.
From where does he get his clothes?
He gets his clothes from the flock of sheep.

Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solution Pdf Download Question 6.
How do trees help him?
Trees help him by providing shelter with their shadow in summer and wood from which he can make fire for himself in winter.

B.2. Answer the following questions briefly :

Class 10 English Bihar Board Question 1.
Name the poem and the poet.
The poem is “Ode on solitude” and the poet Alexander Pope.

Bihar Board 10th Class English Book Pdf Question 2.
Who is a blessed man?
A care-free man having healthy body and peace of mind is a blessed man.

Class 10 English Book Bihar Board Question 3.
How does a happy man spend his time?
A happy man spends his daytime in study and recreation and night in sound sleep.

Question 4.
Whom does “me” refer to in the last stanza?
Word “me” has been referred by the poet for himself.

Question 5.
What do you mean by“Slide soft away”?
The word “Slide soft away” means passing days peacefully and without cares and anxieties.

Question 6.
What does the poet wish after the death?
The poet does not wish to have a tombstone placed on his grave to tell others about him. He wishes to die, secretly.

Question 7.
How does the poet want to live?
The poet wants to live “unseen, unknown”, which means to live a simple life without name or fame.

Question 8.
How does the poet want to die?
The poet wants to die quietly without being lamented by anyone.

Question 9.
What are the features of a happy life?
The features of a happy life are to live without worries or anxieties passing hours, days and years in good health and peace of mind.

C.1. Long Answer Type Questions :

Question 1.
The poet thinks that those who are contented with what they have, are happy men. Do you agree? Give reasons.
Really, those who are contented with what they have, are happy in true sense. I agree with the poet.

A man can be happy if he is satisfied with whatever he has got. He has a sound sleep at night. His time is equally divided between his study or any other work and recreation. His innocence helps him in his meditation. He prefers to live in the midst of nature to enjoy its pleasure.

Thus a contented man remains free from cares and anxieties. He has a healthy body and peace of mind. He wants to live a life of solitude, away from the din and bustle of life. So the life of contented people is happy in all respects.

Question 2.
What does the speaker mean by “together mixt sweet recreation”, can these things be mixed? Have you ever tried to do so?
“together” mixt sweet recreation means to mix up different factors of recreation together.

The poet meant to say in the aforesaid line of the poem that for sweet recreation a man should have peaceful atmosphere. He will have sound sleep at night. Then only he can study books or do any other work and take rest after being tired during day time. He can spent time happily. He will live in innocence and enjoy meditation.

Thus he will be able to entertain the pleasure of mixt (mixed) re-creation. So, mostly in my life. I enjoy sound sleep at night to become fresh to comfortably work in the day. After getting tired I take rest to relax. In this way, I enjoy the mixed sweet recreation together.

Question 3.
Why does the poet want to live and die stealthily from the world? How many of you would like to do so? And why?
A happy man according to the poet is he who lives a solitary life. To be in society is to be in sorrow. So he wants to live a simple life of contentment in a solitary place. Thus he will be able to enjoy sound sleep. He will get enough time for study and meditation. It is only possible in living a quiet life or a life of solitude away from the din and bustle of life. Even if he dies none should shed tears and place a stone on his grave. So he wants to die in peace unnoticed by the people, stealthily.

Very few people will like to follow the sentiments expressed by the poet. Everybody wants to enjoy the pleasure of living in this materialistic society. Nobody wants to live a solitary life. “Eat, drink and be merry” is the mentality of the people and they have no contentment. As such none is ready to live a simple life of contentment and to live in solitude.

Therefore rare persons will want to live and die stealthily.

Question 4. How do you think, the title of the poem is justified? Can you suggest any other title? Give reasons for your choice.
Alexander Pope draws a beautiful picture of a happy man in the present poem “Ode on solitude”. Ode means lyric poem. The poet has very well explained that the real happiness lies in a simple life of contentment and that too in solitude. As such the title of the poem, “Ode on solitude” is quite appropriate.

The poet further adds that a man should not be greedy and should be satisfied with his limited resources such as the few-acres of land inherited from his ancestors. He should also be contented with his food (crop) from his field, milk from his cattle, wool for clothing from his sheep, shade, and firewood from his trees. At the end, the poet suggests to live such a life and die in peace without being lamented by people.

He even dislikes a tombstone to be placed on grave. It is obious from his expression that it is better to live and to die in solitude. The theme of the poem is :
“The happiest life is a simple life spent in solitude”. So, the title of the poem is justified.

Though the title of the poem is self-explanatory and most suitable taking into account the theme of the poem, still there may be some equally appropriate titles of the poem. Just as (i) “The pleasure in solitude” (ii) The lappiest lite : Simple life in solitude” I have suggested these two titles because they represent. the true spirit of the poem according to the theme.

E. Grammar

Look at the following examples:
(a) He lives in his own ground.
(b) Can you finish the work by day?
Here words ‘in’ and ‘by’ used above to show relationship. Such words are called prepositions. :
Use-Prep. normally precede nouns and pronouns.
Some more examples:

 (A) Prepositions of Time and DateTravel and MovementPosition
at, on, by, before, in, from, since, for, during, to, till, until, after, after wards, etc.from, to, at, in, by, on, into, onto, off, out, of, with, across, through, along, etc.above, below, over, under, beside, between, among, behind, in front of, but, except, etc.

Ex. 1.
Find out five prepositions from the poem and frame sentences of your own.
Prepositions are to, in with, of, by.
use To : He went to market.
In : I live in Patna.
With : I agree with him to this matter.
Of : The cost of this book is low.
By : He came to me by car.

Ex. 2.
Insert suitable prepositions in the following sentences:
1. He was knocked down …………. bus.
2. She saved him ………. drowning.
3. What is it made ………….?
4. Yesterday I had an argument ………… Mr. Sinha.
5. It look us an hour …………. complete this assignment.
1. by
2. from
3. of
4. with
5. to.

Comprehensive Based Questions with Answers

1. Happy the man whose wise and care
A few paternal acres bound,
Content to breathe his native air
In his own ground.
(i) Name the poet who wrote these lines.
(ii) Who, according to the poet, is the happy man?
(iii) How is the content?
(i) Alexander Pope wrote these lines.
(ii) According to the poet, the man who is satisfied with a few acres of land inherited from his forefathers is happy.
(iii) He is content to live peacefully on his native land. He cultivates a few acres of land inherited from is forefathers.

हिन्दी भाषान्तरः
कवि सुखी व्यक्ति का अत्यन्त सजीव वर्णन उपयुक्त पंक्तियों में कर रहा है

  • वह व्यक्ति सुखी है जिसकी इच्छा तथा चिन्ता
  • कुछ एकड़ पैतृक भूमि तक सीमित,
  • अपने गृह प्रदेश की हवा में साँस लेने से संतुष्ट
  • अपनी निजी भूमि में।

भावार्थ :
वही व्यक्ति सुखी है जिसकी इच्छा तथा चिन्ता अपनी कुछ एकड़ पैतृक भूमि तक सीमित है अर्थात् वह इतने से संतुष्ट है। अपने गृह-स्थान की हवा में साँस लेकर वह संतुष्ट है। वह अपनी पैतृक भूमि में रह सकता है तथा उसपर खेती कर सकता है।

2. Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread,
Whose flocks supply him with attire;
whose trees in summer yield him shade,
In winter fire.
(i) Name the poem from which this stanza has been taken.
(ii) Who. gives milk to the happy man? How does he get bread?
(iii) From where does he get his clothes? How do trees help him?
(i) This stanza has been taken from the poem ‘Ode’ on Solitude’.
(ii) The happy man’s cattle give him milk. He gets bread by growing corns in his fields.
(iii) He gets his clothes from his flocks of sheep. Trees give him shade , in summer and wood for fire in winter.

हिन्दी भाषान्तर :
जिसके पशुओं के झुंड दूध के साथ, जिसके खेत रोटी के साथ, जिसके पशुओं (भेड़ें) के झुंड उसे वस्त्र (पोशाक) प्रदान करते हैं; जिसके वृक्ष ग्रीष्म ऋतु में उसे छाया प्रदान करते हैं, जाड़े की ऋतु में आग (जलावन की लकड़ी)।

भावार्थ :
कवि का कथन है कि वही व्यक्ति, अत्यन्त सुखी है-..
“जिसके पश उसे दध की आपति करते हैं तथा खेत रोटी (भोजन) प्रदान करते हैं। जिसकी भेड़ें पहनने के लिए वस्त्र उपलब्ध कराती हैं तथा जिसके वृक्ष ग्रीष्मऋतु में शीतल छाया तथा जाड़े की ऋतु में ठंड से रक्षा के लिए जलावन की लकड़ी प्रस्तुत करते हैं।

3. Blest, who can unconcernedly find
Hours, days, and years, slide soft away
In health of body, peace of mind,
– Quiet by day.
(i) Who wrote the above lines?
(ii) Who is a blessed man?
(iii) What qualities of body and mind does the happy man possess?
Answers :
(i) Al onder Pope wrote the above lines.
(ii) A blessed man is one who has no cares and anxieties. His days pass on smoothly. He enjoys physical health and peace of mind.
(iii) The happy nan possesses perfect health and a peaceful mind.

हिन्दी भाषान्तर :

  • (उसे) ईश्वर का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त है (भाग्यशाली) जो चिन्ता से मुक्ति प्राप्त कर सकता है।
  • घंटे, दिन तथा साल, कोमल (सहज) ढंग से धीरे-धीरे सरकते हुए
  • शरीर के स्वास्थ्य तथा मन की शान्ति में,
  • दिन के समय शान्त, निश्चल । .

भावार्थ :
वह भाग्यशाली व्यक्ति होगा। उसका समय प्रसन्नतापूर्वक व्यतीत होगा, चिन्ता तथा उत्कंठा से मुक्त । उसका शरीर पूर्ण स्वस्थ तथा मन शांत होगा। वह एकांत में रह सकता है।

4. Sound sleep by night; study and ease
Together mixt, sweet recreation
And innocence, which most does please
With meditation.
(i) Name the poem from which these lines have been taken.
(ii) How does a happy man spend his time?
(iii) What pleases the happy man most?
Answers :
(i) These lines have been taken from the poem Ode on Solitude’.
(ii) A happy man spends his daytime studying books, and taking rest when he is tired.
(iii) The happy men spends his leisure in sweet recreation but meditation, pleases him most.

हिन्दी भाषान्तर:

  • रात्रि में गहरी नींद, अध्ययन तथा विश्राम
  • एक साथ मिलकर, सुखद आनन्द अथवा मनोरंजन,
  • तथा भोलापन जो अत्यंत प्रसन्न करता है ।
  • एकाग्र अथवा एकांत मनन तथा चिन्तन (ध्यान) के साथ

उसे रात्रि में गहरी नींद आएगी । वह पुस्तकों का अध्ययन कर सकेगा तथा थकावट अनुभव करने पर विश्राम कर सकेगा। वह अपना समय स्वस्थ तथा आनन्दपूर्ण मनोरंजन में व्यतीत कर सकेगा । वह भोलापन का जीवन-यापन करेगा । एकान्त तथा एकाग्र चिन्तन के प्रति उसे प्रेम होगा।

5. Thus let me live unseen, unknown;
Thus unlamented let me die;
Steal from the world, and not a stone
Tell where I lie.
(i) What kind of life does the poet like?
(ii) What kind of death does the poet desire?
(iii) What kind of grave does the poet want?
(iv) What does the poet write about hi path?
(i) The poet likes a life of seclusion.
He is not eager for any recognition by mankind.
(ii) The poet longs for a quiet death not mourned by anyone.
(iii) The poet does not want any tombstone to be erected over his grave to tell where he lies buried.
(iv) The death of the poet should never create any fuss in the world.
The poet wants an undisturbed life. He also wants an undis turbed death. None should know even about the place of his burial.

हिन्दी भाषान्तर:

  • इस प्रकार मुझे अदृश्य तथा अनजान (एकांत) रहने दें,
  • इस प्रकार मुझे शोकरहित जीवन त्यागने (मृत्यु) दें;
  • संसार से छिपकर तथा एक भी पत्थर (समाधि पर) नहीं
  • जो यह बतलाये कि मैं कहाँ दफन हूँ।

कवि एक प्रकार का सादगीपूर्ण जीवन व्यतीत करना चाहता है। वह एकान्त में रहना चाहता है जहाँ पर उसे अधिक लोग नहीं जान या पहचान सकें । वह नहीं चाहता कि लोग उसकी मृत्यु पर दुःख अथवा संवेदना व्यक्त करें । वह इस संसार को रहस्यमय ढंग से चुपके से छोड़कर जाना चाहता है। वह अपनी समाधि पर शिलालेख भी नहीं चाहता जिससे उसकी मृत्यु की सूचना लोगों को प्राप्त हो।

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