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Rainbow English Book Class 11 Solutions Poem 4 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
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Bihar Board Class 11 English Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Textual Questions and Answers
A. Work in Small groups and discuss these questions :
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Questions And Answers Class 11 Bihar Board Question 1.
You arc going somewhere for a very important work On the way you come across a beautiful landscape. You wish you could spend a day or two there. What would you choose-the landscape or the work ?
[Hints]: I would choose the work because without the work is over. I could not enjoy the beauty of the landscape. It may be possible that I might stay there at the time of returning when the work is finished successfully.
B. 1. Write T for True and F for false statement :
- The speaker is passing through a jungle.
- The speaker is riding a horse.
- He sees a farmhouse in the jungle.
- He certainly knows the owner of the jungle.
- It is snowing.
- The speaker is riding the horse in the morning.
- The speaker shakes the harness bell.
- The wind is blowing hard.
- The horse is very big.
- True
- True
- False
- True
- True
- False
- False
- False
- False
B.1.2. Answer the following questions briefly :
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Questions And Answers Bihar Board Question 1.
Why does the horse find the situation strange ?
This is unusual, because the horse usually stops a farm house, and at that moment no house is near by that is why the horse wonders as to why, why his master, the rider, should stop there at such a lonely place.
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Question Answer Class 11 Bihar Board Question 2.
The speaker refers to the owner of the woods in the opening stanza. Who does the owner stand for here ?
According to the poet the owner of the woods lives in a nearby village. He is a villager.
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Questions And Answers Class 11 Odisha Board Question 3.
Does the speaker like the scene ? Which words or phrases suggest this ?
The speaker likes the scene. The scene is full of natural beauty. The phrase suggests the scene in the phrase ‘woods’ and flake.
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Question Answer Bihar Board Question 4.
How many times does the speaker use the word ‘woods’ ? Which adjective does he use for woods ?
The word “woods” has been used four times ‘Dark’ adjective has been used for the word ‘Woods’.
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Question Answer Class 11 Odisha Board Question 5.
What does ‘Sleep’ mean in this poem ?
In this poem ‘Sleep’ mean ‘to take rest’, or, ‘to die’.
Stopping By The Woods On A Snowy Evening Question Answer Question 6.
Which promises is the speaker talking about ?
The speaker is talking about his promises and his obligations at home where he has to reach without delay.
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Answers Question 7.
What does ‘And miles to go before I sleep’ suggest ?
The poet reminded himself that he had to travel long before he might take rest. So, he resumed his journey. He thought that he had to keep his promises. He had thus to go miles before he could take rest. He had to cover a long distance before he could enjoy sleep. In this connection the seance of duty ‘ became stronger. He altogether, rejected temptation of stopping there.
Question Answers Of Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Question 8.
Find out the rhymes scheme of the poem ?
The poem is imaginative and suggestive. It is highly inspiring and motivating. The rhyming of the poem is very impressive. In the first stanza, the first line rhymes with the forth line. In the second stanza the first line rhymes with the forth line. In the second stanza, the first, second and forth line, rhyme. In the third stanza the first line rhymes with the second line and the third line. In the fourth and the last stanza all the four lines rhyme with one another.
Stopping By Woods Questions And Answers Question 9.
Which words evoke the sense of sound ? Make a list of such words.
The following words evoke the sense of sound ag given here-woods, know, though, snow, lake, darkest, shake, mistake, black, dark, deep, keep and sleep.
C. 1. Long Answer Type Questions :
Question And Answer Of Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Question 1.
Does the horse in the poem suggest anything about the speaker ? What and how ?
The horse is surprised about the speaker. There is no farm house in the woods. The horse is very much disturbed why his rider has stopped at that place where there is no farm house. Here the horse represents the commonsense of a man who sees only the obvicus and visible realities. The speaker stands for wisdom knowledge and insight.
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Poem Answer Question 2.
What function does the repetition in the last two lines of the poem serve ?
The poet Robert Frost composed by the poem ‘Stopping by Wood on A snowy Evening’ the poet has repeated the same line in the last stanza. The whole theme of the poem revolves round the last two lines. These two last lines reveal the main ideas of the poem.
The poet has come to a lonely forest where the master of the woods was not present. But the poet was so charmed with the beauty of the nature that he did not want to leave that place. The horse of the poet reminds the poet not to stay there because there was no form house there. The poet too reminds of his duties. He had to cover a long distance. He is fully aware o the responsibilities that he had. He is not .o rest unless the goal of life fully achieved.
The poet here in the last two lines stands for wisdom, knowledge and insight. Hence the poem more impassive and praise worthy. The hole theme of the poem revolves round these two lines. The dual meaning of these lines is quite suggestive. The lines are very simple. But the ideas, are very high. The lines are highly inspiring and motivating. The reader wants to read these lines again and again.
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Poem Questions Answers Question 3.
What does ‘harness bell’ suggest here ?
Here in this poem the ‘harness bell’ is very indicative and suggestive. These two words indicate the true motto of the poem. The poet is staying in the woods, the master of the woods is not present there. But the poet is so charmed with the beauty of the nature that he wants to stay there at night. But his horse was standing there. The horse was very much disturbed. Why his master was not marching ahead.
The horse here stands for man who sees the realities. The harness bell of the horse gives the sound. It means the sound suggests that the poet is forgetting his duties to life. He has to do a lot of work. He should not stay there. He should remember his responsibilities. The poet becomes conscious as soon as he hears the harness bell. So, the harness bell is very suggestive and indicative. It suggests the duties and responsibilities of life.
Questions And Answers Of Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Question 4.
‘The woods are lovely, dark and deep’. Explain.
This line has been taken from the poem ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’ composed by Learned English poet Robert Frost. He was the great lover of nature. Here the poet describes the beautyness of the woods.
The poem narrates the story of a rider who was marching through the woods on a snowy evening. He was very much impressed by the beauty and loveliness of the natural objects. He stopped there for a short time to enjoy the beauties of nature.
There was no farm house anywhere nearby where the rider could spend some time. There was no shelter from the bac weeather. There were the woods on one side and the frozen lake on the other side of the road. It was the darkest scene of the woods. In this way the beauty of nature was more lovely, dark and deep. The scene was very lovely. It was the month of December. So night was very dark. The forest was very big. It was spreading upto very deep areas.
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening Question Answers Question 5.
The path of life abounds in temptations of every sort, you cannot carry out your mission unless you overcome these temptations. Do you agree ? Illustrate with examples.
The path of life abounds in temptation of every short, one cannot carry out his mission unless one over comes these temptations. That is the true fact of life. We agree to this point. Man’s life is full of temptation. Every man likes to live a glorious life. The same thing is found in the present poem “Stop ping by Woods A Snowy Evening” written by Robert Frost. The poet is charmed with the beauty of nature. He does not want to leave the woods. He wants to enjoy the happiness in nature. He has forgotten all his duties to life. But he did do not so in order to live happy and real life. A man must overcome the temptations and glories of life. Temptations and glories are not everlasting. A man must leave a real and responsible life.
Question 6.
If you have to choose between worldly pleasures and the goal of your life, what will you choose ? Why ? Give reasons.
If I have to choose between worldly pleasures and the goal of my life. I would prefer to live a real life. Worldly pleasures are purely temporary. They are not everlasting. They do not give real pleasure of life. The real goal of life is everlasting and for well being of the masses. The real goal of life is to discharge one’s responsibilities and duties to the society.
C. 2. Group Discussion :
Discuss the following in groups or pairs :
Question a.
Resolution and determination bad us to our goal but deprive us of worldly pleasures. Do you agree ? Give example in favour of your arguments.
It we are determined to do some work we forget to enjoy the worldly pleasure. We have intoxication to achieve our goal nothing else is seen before our work. Once I resolve to bring 88% marks in the matriculation examination. Though I was an average student ever then I laboured hard. Even I forget to live in proper manner or to take meal in time. I had only goal in my mind. I forget all the pleasure and entertainment. I left to see even. T.V. ultimately I achieved my goal. I secured 88% marks and got place in the merit list of B.S. S.E. Board. I topped in my school.
Question b.
Can work and pleasure go together ? Why or why not ? If yes, how ?
Work and pleasure cannot go together. Work is a serious performance which requires devotion, seriousness and labour. Pleasure is, on the other hand, the thing of relaxation. A man forgets every pain and problem at the moment of pleasure. The achievement of goal after serious and hard labour gives pleasure to a dedicated man. None of the worldly pleasure can be so much pleasure some for a dedicated man.
C. 3. Composition :
Expand the ideas contained in the following in about 100 words.
(a) Work is worship
(b) The world is too much with us.
(a) ‘Work is worship is a famous saying. It is also truth. Without work worship has no meaning. If you only worship to pan the examination without reading according to the syllabus, you cannot in fair way. The truit of labour is sweet. Only worship without accompanied with work is futile. If one works hard and also prays to God for right direction and success in the work it will bad you to a grand success.
In Bhagwad Geeta also Lord Shree Krishna has advocated in favour of work. He says that dedicated work without desire of its fruit leads a man to solution and brings him to. Him (Lord Krishna). So to pay attention to our duty should be our first mission. If we spare time to worship after performing our duty it is much better in our life because work and worship both go together option becomes meaningless.
(b) We are worldly being. We live with the worldly material. In life there is too much importance of the worldly thing. At every step of life the world is with us. We require bread, cloth and sheltre as our basic requirement of life. These things cannot be fulfilled without the help of worldly being. One man can do nothing. If he is kept out from the worldly co-operation, he will be bound to spend his life like an animal. World provides us essential things for our survival, it provides us a society in which our requirements are fulfilled. We get education and get a job to maintain our life in good manner.
One man can do one work. If he is an agriculturist he requires plough to cultivate the field which is made with the help of a carpenter and a blacks with. He require spade. It is also made with the help of both of them. He also requires the help of bulls and many hands. All these things are provided by the world So, the world is the inseparable part of our life.
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