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Bihar Board Class 12 English Essay Writing
1. Your Aim in Life [Model Paper 2009 (A)]
A man without an aim in life cannot be treated as a human being. His life is just like a bike without a break. He cannot attain success in life. Every man must have some definite aim in life. But all our desires cannot be fulfilled in life. There are many problems in life, too. But a man should not be disappointed. He should try hard to succeed. He must have hope and confidence.
I do not know what will happen to me. But I want to become an engineer. This is the aim of my life. I want to serve the nation by becoming an engineer. We know that India is free. We have many plans and projects for the development of the country.
India is rich in natural resources. But we do not use them properly. It is because we have no trained hand in adequate numbers. Our country needs more and more well-trained engineers and technicians. I shall try to do whatever a little bit I can do for the country.
The main aim of my life is to serve the country in the best possible way. I shall be a science graduate in a few years. Before that, I shall try to obtain admission in an engineering college. India needs mechanical engineers more. So, I want to specialize in that branch.
I like to go abroad for higher studies. I want to go either to the USA or to Russia. I shall enrich my knowledge there. When I return, I shall try for a job in some factory, of course, I shall earn money and live a decent life. At the same time, I shall be serving my motherland too.
2. Hostel Life [Model Paper 2009 (A)]
Sometimes students have to live in hostels. There is a great difference between home life and hostel life. At home a student is free. He is under the care and supervision of his parents. They try to give him all the necessary comforts. Such comforts and affections cannot be found in hostels. In hostels, a student gets more freedom than what he gets at home. He also gets lots of facilities which help him in the all-round development of his personality.
Hostel life has its joys. A student enjoys lots of freedom. A hostel is run by a school or college. It is under the supervision of a hostel superintendent. He looks after the students. He also goes around the hostel to see how the students behave. Freedom gives a sense of joy to students in the hostel. They learn a number of virtues here. They have to get up early in the morning.
They have to read during the study period. In the evening they have to play some games. The strict routine of the hostel creates in them a sense of discipline. Hostel life teaches students how to live together. Students from different places come to the hostel. They live together.
They develop the qualities of love, friendliness and co-operation. But there are some disadvantages of hostel life, too. The arrangement for food is generally poor. Again, if freedom is misused, students may lose their moral virtues. Sometimes the boarders develop bad habits and undesirable manners. But on the whole, hostel life is very useful.
3. Floods [Model Paper 2009 (A)]
Flood is the overflow of water in the wrong direction. It causes heavy damage to crops and property. It creates a horrible scene. During the rainy season, if it rains heavily, rivers and ponds are full of water. The rain-water falls in the mountains. The snow also melts. Thus the rivers are overflooded. Then the water overflows the banks of rivers.
Then, water is seen everywhere. There is water in the field. There is water on the road. There is water in the house. It washes away crops and houses. Sometimes cattle and human beings are also swept away.
Sometimes the flood comes all of a sudden. People are sleeping in the night, when they wake up in the morning they find water all around. Sometimes the flood comes in the daytime also. Many people lose their lives in the flood.
The flood causes untold miseries. Houses are washed away. All crops are destroyed People become homeless. Farmers become disappointed. After the flood, there spred some diseases. They kill people again. So, the flood creates a horrible scene.
A rich man becomes poor overnight. Sometimes the flood causes heavy damage to roads and railways. The Kosi river in Bihar, for example, is a permanent headache. It is the duty of the Government to tame such rivers. But the flood is not only an agent of destruction. It is also advantageous to agriculture. It brings silt (fneel). The silt increases production. Farmers produce more after the flood. Now all efforts are being made to control the flood.
4. Your Favourite Leader Or. The Leader You Like Most [Model Paper 2009 (A)]
There are many leaders in the history of ouf country. But I like Mahatma Gandhi most. He is called the ’Father of the Nation”. He was one of the greatest men of the world. Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2nd October 1869 in Gujarat. His father, Kaba Gandhi, was the Dewan of Rajkot, Mahatma Gandhi was a student of average merit He was very poor in English and geometry. He went to England for a degree in law. He returned to india in 1891. He began his career as a lawyer in Mumbai. He went to Sourth Africa also. He did a lot for the Indians there.
Gandhiji’s real political career started in india. He visited Champaran in Bihar. Under his leadership, the freedom movement got a new life and direction. Gandhiji was experimenting with truth and non-violence. Gandhiji brought Hindus and Muslims close to each other. He started his Non-co-operation Movement in 1920. In 1942 the famous ‘Quit India’ movement was started. Gandhiji did a lot for the welfare of Harijans.
Gandhiji was the father of’Basic Education’. He felt that English education was not suitable for India. He thought that Basic Education should be job- oriented. India needed that kind of education for its progress. Gandhiji was a true Indian. He suffered a lot at the hands of the British authorities. He led the Indians to success during the freedom movement. But alas ! Gandhiji was shot dead on 30th January, 1948. Gandhiji died. But Gandhism is still alive. We all love and respect him.
5. Your Hohhv [Model Paper 2009 (A)]
Every man has some hobby or the other. A hobby means an object of personal interest apart from one’s daily life of routine. We do not cultivate a hobby for profit. It is necessary for us to have some hobbies of our own. We are not machines. We cannot always go on working for profit. There is the proverb, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. If we go on working all the time, our life will become dull. All of us want to get out of such a dull life. In fact there is time to work, and there is also time to relax. We need some hobby to remove dullness and to create interest in life.
There are different kinds of hobbies. The important among them are gradening, fishing, reading books, photography or painting, music, collecting stamps and others. Of all these popular hobbies, I like stamp-collecting most. I like to collect stamps scientifically. I started this collection first when I was about ten.
Now, I purchase stamps from different countries from time to time. My collection is not costly. I have little resources. Stamp-collecting is of great value. Stamps have historical importance. Stamps also give geographical information. Postal stamps give us information about many things. I like stamp-collecting because it is of great interest. The collection of new stamps give me the joy of discovery. By pursuing this hobby. I like to make friends all over the world.
6. A Journey bv Bus [Model Paper 2009 (A)]
A journey by bus is generally troublesome in our country. The buses are crowded. They do not run in time. A journey by bus is not comforatable. It is difficult to get a seat in the bus. Only last week I made a journey to patna by bus. I had my suitcase with me. I went to the Muzafi’arpur bus-stand to catch a bus.
When I arrived at the bus-stand, I found a large number of passengers standing there. As soon as the bus came, I rushed towardse it. I thought that I would not be able to find a seat. Anyhow, I entered the bus. In a few minutes, the bus was full. Even then passengers went on coming in. Some stood at the door. A good number of them sat on the roof of the bus. I had booked my ticket
The bus started after some time. It was the month of August. We were in great trouble. The bus was so crowded that we were not getting fresh air to breath. We felt sufforcated. Some of the passengers were talking loudly. A few of them were smoking. It was very difficult to sit inside the bus. Some persons were criticizing the government.
Any way, the bus was moving very slowly. It stopped at several places between Muzaffarpur and Patna. The two-hour journey became a five-hour Golden Series Passport journey. I was very tired by the time. I reached Patna. Thank God, my journey ended safely.
7. A Journey Bv Train [Model Paper 2009 (A)]
A Railway Journey is a pleasant one. It affords us all facilities. It is less risky than others. It was about 10 pm. We were at the Howrah Junction. We were waiting for the train. We were informed that the train would not enter the platform before 10.45. a large number of passengers were also waiting there. So, we were a bit consoled. We were going to Varanasi. We wanted to spend our Puja holidays there. As soon as the train arrived. We with the help of coolies got into the compartment We were quite comfortable. The train was about to leave. There was no rush in the compartment We thanked God and prayed for a happy journey.
I soon fell asleep. God knows what happened on the way till it was morning. Thus the sun rose in the east. We passed through a station. Soon the hot rays of the October sun made the compartment uncomfortable. I was a bit disturbed. Throughout the journey from Calcutta to Varanasi, nothing has happened that could be remembered. Of course, I made friend with some, passengers in the compartment. We talked about various things.
It was about 2.40 in the afternoon. We were about to come to the end of our journey. The train entered the bridge oyer the Ganges. We had a grand view of the beauty of the city from there. After crossing the bridtge, the train halted for a few minutes. Then it moved to Varanasi. Here we got out of the compartment with our luggage. We went to a hotel. Thus our train journey ended happily.
8. The Happiest Day in Your Life. A Memorable Event in Your Life [Model Paper 2009 (A)] Or. A memorable Dav [Model Paper 2010 (A)]
I had the happiest day of my life in 1994. It was the month of January. My Annual Examination was over. I secured the highest marks in the school. So, the headmaster decided to give me the first prize. The prize-distribution ceremony was arranged. The school was decorated. All the rooms were cleaned. The playground was also given a new look. Our headmaster was busy, supervising the arrangements. The chief guest was Prof D. Thakur, DPI, Bihar. He came at the right time.
The function started. A large number of people were invited. There were students and their guardians, too. My parents were also there. Prof. Thakur presided over the function. Our Headmaster spoke a few words to welcome the guests and other people. Then the prize-giving ceremony started.
I was the first to be called for the prize. He introduced me to the chief guest. He gave me the prize. He congratulated me. He wished me all success in life. I received five books as a prize. My name was written on those books. Everybody clapped when I went up to the dais to receive the prize. My heart was filled with great joy.
Prof Thakur delivered his presidential address. He advised us to work very hard for success in life. I returned home happily. The prize-distribution day will ever remain fresh in my memory. Everybody in the house was happy. My pasents congratulated me again and again. I slept peacefully at night.
9. Mv Village [Model Paper 2009 (A)]
Last week I spent an eveming is my village. My village is about 30 kilometres away from Mu raffarpur. It is on the road side. Its name is Manpura. I have been to my village with my friends. An Indian village has its own charms. My village is small. The people are mostly farmers. But no one is landless in my village, Of course, some farmers are better off than others. My villagers are hard-working. In the daytime, they work in their fields. In the evening they return to their honses and spend the night peacefully.
When we reac ted the village, we found the villagers busy. They were feeding their cattle Some of them were cleaning the cattle sheds. Some others were bringing water from the wells. There were yet others who were bringing grass for their cattle. An evening in the village is pleasant. There is a peaceful atmosphere all around. Birds are flying about. Children are playing, women are getting ready to cook their evening meals. The sun is about to set. Cowboys return with their cows. The day’s work is going to end in the village.
There is a difference between an evening in a village and a town. Evening activities do not stop in a town after sunset. A town is noisy in the evening. School children return from schools. Office-goers also come back home. We do not find such scenes in a village. But the village has its natural beauty which can be seen in the morning and in the evening.
10. Advantages of Village
Life India is a country of villages where about eighty per cent of the people live. There is a great difference between city life and village life. In the village life, we havQ many advantages which are not available in a city. The 1 st advantage of village life is that there is a peaceful atmosphere in a village. The din and bustle of a city is not found in a village. The village is entirely free from noise- pollution. In a village, we do not have loud speakers blowing out music day in and day out. The noise of cars and fuses playing in a city is absent in a village. Here the sun set ends the day and the sun-rise begins the day. At night there is the silence of a churchyard in the village. The pollution spread by fumes generated by automobiles is not found in a village.
The second advantage of village life is that there is social compactness in a village. The social circle is narrow. Therefore, every day is almost known to everybody. In a city, the social life is not compact. We live like strangers in a city, whereas in a village we live like family members. At the time of any emergency, the village people rush to the place with full devotion. There is personal contact with one another. The third advantage of village life is that the cost of living is not high. Even a poor man can happily live even by spending little amount over their family’s texpenditure. From a hygienic point of view, a village life is an ideal one. There is little chance of breaking out of any epidemic.
At the time of need, people come forward to help one another. In a village, people live a life of peace and happiess. They have no tension of a city-lifte. Life of a villager is without any pomp and show.
11. A Football Match [Model Paper 2009 (A)]
The Federation Cup Tournament is held every year in India. It was 3rd of December 1994. The final of the football match was held at the Salt lake Stadium at 6.50 pm. About fifty thousand people had gathered in the stadium to witness the match. Besides, lakhs of people saw the match on TV (TVs). Many others heard running comentaries on their radios. Mohan Bagan and Est Bengal were in the final. Mohan Bagan had defeated the Mahindra and East Bengal had defeated the Salgaonkar team.
I slso sat in front of the TV set. A number of people were anxious to witness the match. The referee blew the whistle. Both the teams came to the ground. The players of Mohan Bagan team were dreassed in black while the players of the East Bengal team were dressed in white. Both the teams had entered the final several times.
The match started at 6.50 p#. sharp. The play was really superb. The players of Mohan Bagan played the game according to Latin American countries. But East Bengal followed the European style.
Before the interval, neither side could score a god. Mohan Bagan played beautifully through short passes. Their forwards were well combined. But East Bengal put a little pressure on Mohan Bagan. The teams were evenly matched. After the interval, both the teams began to attack each other with all their art and force. Each side missed a few chances to score. The time was running out. It was difficult to say which side would win. But eight minutes before the final whistle, Mohan Began put the ball into East Bengal’s net. Thus Mohan Bagan secured the trophy. The match was really superb.
12. An Exciting Match Or. A Cricket Match
I was watching the match which was one day match between India and Pakistan, the played a well exciting match for me. Pakistan made 300 runs in 50 overs. Indian players played well up to 7th player and made 250 runs in 40 overs. Indian players and the captain were confident to win the match but suddenly in 5 overs the condition of the match changed and two players of India were bowled in only 25 runs and Indian made 275 runs in 45 overs and had only one wicket and runs were to be scored 25.1 was watching the match seriously.
All the spectators became silent waiting for the result of that match. After 4 over Indian players made 20 runs more and score became 295 and only one ball remained and five runs were required to win the match. I was very excited in that situation. At last Indian players scored six runs and India wonthe match. I always remember that event. It was really an exciting match.
13. Indian Festival Or. Durga Puia [Model Paper 2010 (A)] [Model Paper 2009 (A)]
India is a land of festivals. The Indians celebrate them with great joys. There are festivals like Holi. Diwali and Durga Puja which are celebrated by the Hindus. The Muslims celebrate Id and Muharram. Christians celebrate Easter and Christmas.
Of all the festivals of the Hindus, I like Durga Puja. It has a spiritual meaning. Worship to Goddess Durga purifies the soul. Durga Puja has a religious background. It is said that Goddess Durga killed Mahishasur who was a terror to all. This Puja shows the victory of Good over Evil. Durga is the symbol of love and hope.
Durga Puja is generally held in October or November. Nature looks very beautiful. The air is cool. It is neither too hot nor too cold. The image of Goddess Durga is put up at a public place. The image is well beautified. The Puja continues for several days. Scools, colleges and offices are closed on this occasion.
People celebrate this Puja with great joy. children put on new clothes. A fair also is held. Children, ladies and grown-up men visit the fair. They make offerings to Goddess Durga. This Puja is celebrated both in towns and in villages. On the Deshami evening, the images are taken to a river or pond and are immersed in the water. Durga Puja is a religious festival. It is deeply rooted in Indian life and culture. It is one of the most important Indian festivals.
14.The Bihar Of Mv Dreams [Model Papei’2009 (A)]
The Bihar of my dreams, every man will have a high moral sense and a deep love for the state. Our’state is backward in the field of science and industry. I want Bihar to be a leading state in new technology so that our industries should grow fast. We should produce everything we need. The Bihar of my dream every man will get a job of his choice. Education will get its due importance. Students will be devoted to their studies politicians will not be allowed to misuse students.
Today we find a big gap between rich and poor. There is corruption in all walks of life. The Bihar of my dream will have social justice. The gap between the rich and poor will be narrowed down. Everybody will get equal opportunity. There will be no shortage of anything. There will be discipline, peace and progress all around. Nationalism will over come to the feelings of casteism and regionalism. There will be an atmosphere of equality, brother hood and freedom all over the state. There will be ‘Ram Rajya’ in the true sense of the term. My God fulfil my dream!
15. The Game I Like Most [Model Paper 2009 (A)]
In all the games, I like Football most. The reasons for my liking it is given below. It is an outdoor game. It is an international game. It is played in almost all the countries of the world. It is very easy to play. This game is not costly. It is not time taking. We play it in the evening for an hour and sometimes for one and a half hour. It is very interesting to play. One football will do. It needs a spacious ground. Twenty-two players; eleven in each side take part in it. Here is one refree. He conducts the game and all the players have to obey him. Nobody can object his decision otherwise there would be a great disturbance in the ground. It develops us mentally, physically and morally. It is meant for all round development.
We can play it in off hours. Our college breaks up at 4 P.M. Afterwards, we may go to the field and play it. It removes our worries to a great extent. Play is a play. We must not make it very serious. It is a great pity that some players fall out while at play. Foul games should always be objected. This will tarnish the value of the game. Its matches are very interesting. Some matches are friendly and some competitive. We cheer up the players. The scorers are always appreciated. Good players should always be rewarded. Cricket and some other games are time taking. Sometimes our whole day time is spent on them. We can save time by taking part in football.
16. Festivals
Every festival belonging to any religion comes to us with all pleasures, ceremonies and charms. Some festivals are international as Holi, Deepawali, Id, Durga Puja and others. Every festival has got its own importance. It may belong to any religion, but we have shown our pleasures in it. In Holi, coloured water, muds and some times, refuses are thrown upon the peole. If any one does not like it, he should be spared. There should not be bad scenes anywhere.
In every festival, delicious food is prepared at home.
We invite our friends and relations at home. This is a good sign. It gives us joys. In “Id” we embrace one another and show our great pleasures. “Id” is an Arbic word which means happiness. It also brings joys everywhere. We have to foreget and forgive our past bitterness.
All the festivals come to us with certain missions. We have to fulfil them. We must not make the festival very expensive. We have to help the poor as far as possible. God will certainly be pleased with us. There is a very fine story behind every festival. We have to remember everything and abide by them.
17. Is Science A Blessing or a Curse
Science is never a curse, rather it is a blessing. Some persons call it a curse. I don’t agree with them. It is people who use it in different ways. Here science is not at fault. Bombs, atom bombs and atomic energies were not invented for wars or the people to be killed by using against them. Planes were not invented to carry the weapons for war.
‘Today is the era of Science. We can’t do anything without it. Science is our life. In every walk of life, we need science. A peasant has to apply the methods of science for his agricultural purpose. Then he will get a good result. Electricity, Railways, Cars, and Planes are the gifts of science.
Electricity gives us light and water. Both are essential for us. Water is our life. We sit under the electric fan and work smoothly. We travel by trains, cars and planes and finish our work in no time. The time is past when we covered our journey on foot. The country which is scientifically developed is certainly a developed country. If we lag behind in science, we would lag behind in other things also.
The blessings of science can’t be explained in words. Now we hav e reached the Moon and have started thinking of going to the other planets. Science is a wonder. Television, Radios and Phones are very useful things and they are also the wonders of science. Science has proved a great boon to us.
18. Mv Country
India is our motherland. It is better than most of the countries of the world. The Gangay is the most important holi river of India. The Himalayas is the greatest mountain in the world. It is an agricultural country.
It had been a slave for long. The English ruled over it. It got freedom in the year, 1947 by dint of untold sacrifices of its leaders and patriots. Gandhiji, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Ballabh Bhai Patel and others were the main leaders. Here the famers work hard, no doubt, yet their condition is wretched. They grow food, but they do not get it to their fill. They are mostly illiterate. They do not get fertiliser, seeds and water in time.
Here people of all castes live. The Hindus and the Muslims are main among them. They live in unity. They love their country most. Here is extreme poverty. Most of the literate young men are unemployed. What to talk of others, some doctors and engineers are also sitting idle. It is a vast country. Its population is dense. We love our country most.
19. Examination Day Or. Examinations [Model Paper 2009 (A)]
An examination day is a very hard day for all. We prepare for this day for months and months. We reach the gate of the Examination Hall before time and start-talking to other examinees regrading the probable questions. We talk of the guesses, we talk of our preparations and so on. The gate opens. We enter the hall. We hunt out seats for our Roll No and Roll Code. We are guided by some teachers in locating the seats. There is peace in the hall. The invigilators distribute the answer books in time. The questions are distributed just at 10 A. M. We stand up and receive the question papers. We start reading them.
Some times, we find that the question is very stiff. Then we get nervous, but we should not be so. A nervous man con’t do anything. We should go through the question paper again and again. Some solution must come out. Nervousness is the worst thing. It does not let any one think anything properly. We start writing the answers in the name of God. Our Examinantion is over at 1. P.M. Before submitting the ‘Answer Books”, we revise the answer book.
20. Corruption In India [ Board Exam. 2009 (A)]
Corruption means, adopting of wrong and unlawful practices to gain something. It causes great dislocation and agonies in human life. Corruption has become a way of life in India. It has entrenched itself deeply in the social, political, economic and religious life of the nation. To be true, right from the Prime Minister down to the ordinary cleark in the office, no one is free from the suspicion of being a corrupt person. The criminalization of social and political life has only sanctified corruption in every walk of life.
Rajiv Gandhi’s government was badly defamed because of “Bofors” deal. Narasinmha Rao had been implicated in a number of cases by the CBI. It seems corruption has percolated from the top to the bottom. In Series Passport India a parallel economy of “black-money” operates are controlled and regulated by the dones of the underworld.
Simple living and high thinking used to be the ideals of oiir leaders during the struggle for independence. But now the priorities have changed. These days scams and scandals dominate their political and social lives. Mammon (Kubera), the god of wealth has corrupted their minds and morals.
Top posts and jobs can be bought. The members of the state legislatures and the Parliament are vulnerble to corrupt paractices and bribery. Even the security of the nation has been compromised by the self-serving politicians and their agents and power-brokers. The need of the hour is an inspiring leadership equipped with a firm political will to fight and root out the growing cancer of corruption.
21. The India of Mv Dream [Model Paper 2009 (A)]
In the India of my dream, every man will have a high moral sense and a deep love for the nation. Our country is backward in the field of science and industry. I want India to be a leading country in new technology. Our industries should grow fast. We should produce everything we need. The India of my dream will be to go nuclear for peaceful purposes. Education will get its due importance. Every countryman will get the job of his choice. Students will be devoted to their studies. Politicians will not be allowed to misuse students.
India must be a very strong country in the world. We have to protect our hard earned freedom. The defence of the country will be very strong. India is a peace-loving country. But it will have to be ready for war if it is thrust on us. The India of my dream will follow the policy of truth and non-violence. We have peace only when we are very strong. Our country will like to have friendly relations with its neighbours. The India of my dream will be a mighty country on all fronts.
Today we find a big gap between the rich and the poor. There is a corruption of all walks of life. The India of my dream will have social justice. The gap between the poor and the rich will be narrowed down. Everybody will get. equal opportunity to be at his best self. There will be discipline, peace and progress all around. Nationalism will overcome the feelings of casterism and regionalism. There will be an atmosphere of equality, brotherhood and freedom all over the country. The India of my dream will bring heaven on the earth. There will be Ram Rajya in the true sense of the term. May God fulfil my dream!
22. Mankind Wants Peace Not War
There is a great difference between peace and war. Peace in a country, in a family and in the world is the need of the hour. Man is a peaceful human being. Mankind always requires peace. If a country is in peace, everybody living in the country gets full opportunity to work and develop himself. Peace is a divine thing. It provides pleasure. So, we should always try to maintain peace and harmony in society. On the other hand, war is never good and nobody likes it. Mankind do not want war. A country on war with another country can never get peace. The people of the country facing the challenge of war cannot progress their country.
War is another name of destruction. There is destruction everywhere during war. It was the second world war that destroyed the Hirosima and Nagasaki cities of Japan. People of these cities still not recovered and face many physical problems. So, peace is constructive whereas war is destructive. That is why mankind wants peace not war.
23. A Book I have Recently Read Or. The Book You (T) Like Most [Model Paper 2010 (A)]
I have recently read a book that is, The Bhagwat Gita. I like The Bhagwat Gita very much. The Bhagwat Gita is a holy book of the Hindus. It is said that Lord Krishna himself narrated the reality of life and the duties to be performed while dealing with certain problems, to Aijuna. He had also thrown light on mortality. A great battle was fought at Kurukshetra. It is said that Lord Krishna gave his support to the Pandavas. He was Aijuna’s chariot driver. First, Aijuna refused to fight against his own men. At this Lord Krishna made a long speech.
Lord Krishna advised Aijuna to take heart. He encouraged him to fight. Lord Krishna told him not to think of the result but he should go on doing his duty. He also showed the real nature of the world to Aijuna. Thus Aijuna was convinced of the need to fight. He realized the nothingness of human life.
The Bhagwat Gita is a great book; Every Hindu worships this book and reads it This book presents the basic principle of Indian philosophy. It tells us that all questions regarding castes, races and religions are meaningless. It also says that all people are the children of God. A man must do his duty.
The Bhagwat Gita is a book of everlasting value. Every Indian finds hope and light in its pages. This book has been translated into all the great languages of the world. I love this book. I like to read it again and again. I worship it too. It is the poetry of human life.
24. India In The Space Ape [Model Paper 2009 (A)]
This is the age of science. It has changed our whole life. It discovers sthe secret of nature. The distance of time and space has reduced to a larger extent. The science has turned the modem age into the age of space. Indian science has also developed to a great extent. Now India is also in the space age. Space research in India has revolutionised the natural resources management. It has also done a lot in the field like food storage and open-heart surgery. The Indian space programme (Indian National Satellite (INSAT system) has given input to telecommunications, weather forecasting and television expansion.
India is striding towards the international levels of space research. The work on the designing of spy plane is being carried out at present. In April 1999. INSAT-2E was launched successfully from our own land. A resolution radiometer in the satellite has become operational. On May 26, 1999, the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS-P4) was launched successfully by the polar satellite launch vehicle (PSLV). Ocean Sat-1, as it is called is dedicated to ocean studies. Tv o satellites a German and a Korean were also launched with 1RS-P4 which demonstrated the achievements of Indian space technologists.
25. Travelling As a Part of Education
“Home keeping youths have homely wits”, says a man of learning. This means that unless people travel, they cannot enlarge the experiences of their life. Variety is the spice of life and travelling provides this variety. Thus, travelling serves two primary purposes: knowledge and entertainment. While travelling a man comes across strange people. He exchanges views with them. He learns something new. He has to adapt to new situations. He has to practise tolerance. That is, travelling teaches a man how he should exercise control over his emotions.
Awareness of human life is widened by travelling. People travel from one place to another. They meet people of different castes, creeds and religions. They meet people of different customs and superstitions. What they have learnt through books is verified. When people visit the places of historical importance, their historical curiosity is satisfied. A visit to Kashmir or to a valley of mountains, or rivers and rivulets enriches the knowledge of geography. Travel to Mount Kailash or to Gangotri makes the traveller conversant with the religious past of the country. While travelling educates the sensibility of the traveller, it also fills him with dehght. Woods, snow¬capped mountains and gurgling rivers bring to him sweet delight. It is thus evident that travelling is both edifying and amusing. Bacon has rightly pointed out; “Travelling in the younger sort is. a part of education; in youth a part of the experience.”
26. Enviommental Pollution
The fight against the pollution menace has been on since time immemorial. The magnitude of the entertaining problem was less alarming in the earlier times and its solution was also less sophisticated. Even Ashoka the great put premium on the protection of animals and plants. The world today is full of the terrible problem of pollution. We cannot put the clock back and we cannot hark back to a simplistic natural state. Technology has made a foray into our life. Industrialization is here to stay. We must have a defence mechanism against alarming pollution which threatens the extinction of human lives.
The government is out to minimise the effects of industrial pollution. The thrust of the anti-pollution on the campaign should be to force industries to adopt modem scientific modes to bring down to the minimum the toxity of industrial wastes. To contain the escalating pollution legal compulsions coupled with restrictions must be resorted to. Acts for monitoring pollution does levels in varied ecospheres have started functioning with tremendous success in developed states. The third measure should be initiated to entrap hazardous discharges or the emitting smoke from factories and to neutralise them by filters and absorbers. The accessory plants must be set up to convert toxic by-products into sustances of utilitarian import.
The pollution has resulted from deforestation. Solutions to the vexing problem of air pollution are to be met in the forms of afforestation. Nature has furnished us with a solution to the problem of oxygen deficiency in the ambiance in the process of photosynthesis of plants. Hence planting of trees is a remedy to air pollution. After air, soil and water are the major affected areas of bio-shpere. Mining and quarrying for minerals, felling of trees for fuel, cleaning of forest for agriculture degrade the soil. The trees should not be axed down. There must be an accent on the afforestation. Overdose of pesticides is another Threatening menace in the agricultural sector. Protection of the environment is a sine quanon for the survival of life in this planet.
Now in schools and colleges, the environmental study has been made the regular shubject for studies. The programmes are being launched to combat this hydra headed monster of pollution. There must be an awareness for the preservation of nature. This awareness will be our shield against pollution.
Thus plant trees and save the earth is the clarion call of environmentalists.
27. The Scientist you Like Most
It is the Scientists who have sharted in modem civilization. Francis Bacan is called the father of modem science. Scientists from Bacan to Einstein have made a great contribution to the march of civilization in the world. All of them are worthy of love and respect. Among the scientists of the world, Galileo has a remarkable place. No scientist of the world had to suffer for his scientific thinking.
It was he who proved that the earth is round and moves round the sun. It was Iff Copemiches who said that the earth is round, but he had not proved this idea. It was Galileo of Italy who proved by the demonstration that the Earth is round and moves around the sun. At the time of Galileo, everybody believed that the Earth is standstill.
The Catholic Church in Italy had a great influence on the idea of the common people. The state itself was under the people. But, Galileo was a fearless man who gave the idea in opposition to general belief. He was put into the prison for his new and revolutionary idea that the Earth is round.
It required great courage to say something which was opposite to what the church believed. Since Galileo has to suffer for his belief, his sacrifices are greater than anybody else’s. That’s why I like Galileo who not only contributed to the advance of Scientific thinking but also showed great courage. ‘
28. Terrorism
Newspapers are flooded with reports of Terrorism in Kashmir and Assam. The “ulfa” outfit gunned down military Jawans and Kasmiri militants kill the innocent villagers”. These sensational reports at frontpage appear in our newspapers daily. The extremists keep hostages of innocent persons. The hijacking of aircraft has become the order of the day. The Kalashnikov culture is reigning supreme today. The gun culture having its heyday in the Kashmir valley. These are ominous signs of the dismemberment of the country. Terrorism is assuming a global feature. It has spread its tentacles in western countries too. Theysuperpowers like America and Russia have shown grave concerns over terrorism.
Terrorise *s a political weapon being used all-over the globe. The hijacking of planes and lobbing of hand grenades, raining of bullets of AK-47 from ambush, the landmine blast-all these have become the order of the day. The guerillas are out to fulfil their political objectives. Wave upon wave of wanton violence is rocking the foundation of our country. There is a striptease
dance of naked violence by ultras in our country. Negative terrorism is a scourage of humanity. It should be curbed with an iron hand. The Indian Parliament has passed anti-terrorist Bill to combat the meanacing problem of terrorism in the country. Terrorism is being played on international fora. The disgruntled youths must be brought into the mainstream of the country. Expeditous steps must be initiated to stem the rot so that people may be concooned in security and peace.
29. Value Of Education [Model Paper 2009 (A)]
This world is a world of science and technology. A man meets his requirements if he values education. Education is the Mother of knowledge. Everyman in the world has an aim in his life. The aim can be achieved of the values education properly. A Country can progress with the mental growth of its people. Mental and physical fitness depends on the value of education. If a man fails to value education, he fails over all and he can do nothing in future.
In this present era of computer education, we find that foreign countries are in a better position. They value the required education.
In our country, we have many engineers produced by I.I.Ts. They are competent enough to make any change as per die requirement. They are up- to-date in the field of science, and technology. They are honoured even in foreign countries as they valued education. All the research, inventions of long range weapons, aeroplanes and fighter planes are the products of education.
A progressing man is a life-long learner of education. All the developments are the out-come of education. Progressed countries like America, England, Russia etc are the creation of education. If we value education we can understand the problems to come in future. If we successfully understand a problem we can solve it as per our requirement. Thus, we all are expected to value education it is the demand of the time.
30. Television as Entertainment Or. Television [Model Paper 2010 (A)]
We live in the modem world and here the lots of work to do and there are many tensions. Forgiving up this tension and gaining mental energy for doing other day work, only one entertainment is found in everywhere and every house which is television. We can say that television is a good entertainer for all age and all groups of workers who are doctors, engineers, lawyers, players etc. Television also entertains children by giving cartoon programmes and games. Television gives many programmes which entertains so that they feel energetic for their respective work. Television also entertains the students by giving some education programmes in which education become a game and students enjoy the studies. Television provides film, dramma, serial for much entertaining, so, Television is a good entertainer in these days. We see television for entertainment mostly.
31. Computers Or. Computers in Everyday Life [Board Exam. 2009 (A)]
We are in the 21st century and it is the era of computers. In every step of our life computer works and makes the work easy and fast. Every step of life, whether it is the matter of entertainment, computer makes a major role in these days. Computers make us developed in every side. It gives us education by many cassettes. The computer gives us the internment facility by which we find that where the study is best and where we have to apply for. “It gives us full information. Every country is based on its economic system. In the economy, system computer has a great side. It works more fast than hundred workers so it saves the money of the country. So the computer works as a saver of Indian economy. The computer is useful in every walk of life, if we want to give our biodata then we need a computer. So, the computer is required in every walk of life.
32. My Family [Board Exam, 2009 (A)] Or. An Ideal Family [Model Paper 2010 (A)]
An ideal family maintains cordial and friendly relations with their neighbors and those persons who come in their contact. My family consists of nine persons, myself, my wife, two sons, their wives, and three grandsons. It is an ideal and well-planned family. All of the family members are co-operative, meek, and gentle. I feel proud of them. My grandsons are obedient, well mannered, and smart. They take a keen interest in their studies. In their pastime, they participate in games like cricket football, etc. Though sometimes they indulge in some quarrel among themselves it is only for a while. It is but a fact that all the children are usually free from cares and fears;
Everybody in my family possesses a keen sense of discharging his duties and responsibilities. They never have any differences or disputes among themselves. If any time some mi sure demanding arises among them, my wife pacifies and settle it peacefully. We maintain the most co-operative and friendly relationship with our labors and all other persons who come in our contact. On the whole, my family is the best example of an ideal unit of society.
33. Railway Station
[Board Exam. 2009 (A)] The railway station is a very colorful place. It is full of life and activities. Passengers are seen walking or talking leisurely till their train arrives. With the arrival of the train, there is an increase in the magnitude of noise and excitement. Every passenger is on his legs. As the train stops everyone rushes towards the compartment. Sometimes a large number of passenger hasten towards one compartment only. The porters higgle and argue with the passengers for their charges. In the rush that follows in getting into and coming out of the compartments, pick-pockets pick the pockets of some of the passengers. When the train steams off, there is calm on the platform. The most interesting comer of a railway station is the second class booking-office. We can see a great crowd near it. People puch one another. They try to get their tickets as soon as possible.
34. A Picnic Party
[Board Exam. 2009 (A)] A picnic is an outing during which a meal is taken out of doors. It is very charming. It brings a change in our dull and mechanical life. It is pleasant to take part in a picnic. Our life is full of cares and anxieties. When we join a picnic, we forget our cares for some time. When we are fed up with the monotony of our everyday life, we organize a picnic. The purpose of a picnic is merry-making, so a program of music is an essential feature of a picture.
People collect the necessary things on the fixed day and go out for the picnic. They take all the necessary things with themselves. When they reach the picnic sport they start cooking their food. Some members of the party gather fuel and make a fire, some prepare vegetables, some bring water. When the food is ready. They sit on the ground and do full justice to the dishes. A picnic gives great pleasure. It makes us happy. It breaks the monotony of our everyday life. It refreshes our minds. It makes us forget our sorrows and anxieties. So a picture party is very pleasant. The picnic party was very delightful I wish I would enjoy party again.
35. A Book fair[Board Exam. 2009 (A); [Model Paper 2010 (A)]
Books are the treasure house of knowledge. Books are our real companions. A book has a great power to shape our life. Good books prove useful and provide guidance. Books enable us to cultivate our mind and they broaden our outlook. Reading also provides an intellectual feast of knowledge and satisfies our hunger. Books cover innumerable subjects and reading them is always a pleasure. A visit to a bookfair provides us a unique opportunity of having bocks relating to almost all spheres of life under one roof. One is almost lost in the wonderful world of books and it seems very difficult to pull oneself out of the fair. Books provide food for thought and are a storehouse of knowledge and wisdom. Hence a bookfair should never be missed.
Recently, I visited a bookfair in Patna Gandhi maidan. Bookfair held in Gandhi Maidan was a very big book fair. Publishers from all over the country had installed their shops in the fair. Books written by many eminent writers were being sold there. The fair lasted for about a fortnight. Students from all over Bihar used to visit the book fair and purchased books on different subjects. Boys, girls men, women and children in the large numbers used to visit the fair and purchased book on different subject and classes. It was a very grand fair. Our chef Minister Sri Nitish Kumar inaugurated the fair. I also visited the fair thrice.
36. The Value of Discipline [Board Exam, 2009 (A)] Or. Discipline [Model Paper 2010 (A)]
“Discipline regulates our actions and life. ” Discipline is the crux of life. Its nature leads a law-abiding life, we the human beings must work for a system tht many urge us to a disciplined life. For this we need regularity, punctuality and proper mental set up because it is the discipline that guarantees progress prosperity and success. Discipline is the key to all progress and promotion. In our society, it is essential on out part to live a regulated life so that others may lead a good and harmonious life. We should keep in mind the motto of “Live and let live”.
Indiscipline endangers our survival and the gutters of the nation will be full of dead bodies and blood. Everyone will be killing or hitting the other. There will be a complete disorder and anarchy in society. The progress and project of the nation would come to a standstill. Life will not run smoothly and people will “resort to Jungle rule. Might is right”. This will put our civilization in a great mess.
Discipline has great significance in our life. So we should adopt it naturally from the very beginning so that we may choose and develop a way to lead a disciplined life. The school, colleges and other institutions should impart such type of education should import to the students so that they may lead a disciplined and regulated life. The school is the best stage where the teachers mold the lives of the students to give it a proper shape. In the schools, we find a great stress son punctuality and regularity. Japan is an outstanding example for us to follow. We should lead a life of inner and outer discipline. Our country needs men of disciplined nature. Without discipline, we are bound to lose in every way. Let us endeavor our best to remain disciplined throughout our life.
37. Co-Education [Board Exam. 2009 (A)]
Co-education means the education of girls and boys arranged together in the same school, college or other institutions. In this modem world segregation of girls and women in any walk of life sound not only ridiculous but also an outdated proposition. However, our outlook towards the opposite sex is unhealthy. If boys and girls are to have a healthy relationship they have to be exposed to one another from an ender age. Mixing up with the opposite sex makes one liberated and the chance of developing wrong notions is less.
Some consider that boys and girls are basically different in nature. In a non-coeducational school, this division is further developed. However, there is a definite disadvantage of non-exposure to the opposite sex which can at times lead to complications later in life. The students of non-co-educational backgrounds have greater chances of developing misconceptions and wrong attitudes towards girls.
The sense of competition is more in a co-educational atmosphere Naturally the young people try to impress the members of the opposite sex. One the other hand, in a non-co-educational school, the opposite sex is always an enigma. Conservative thinking leads to false fears. Repression generally brings out the worst in individuals.
Only a healthy understanding of the other sex and the scientific outlook can shape the child’s value as a social being. This can be possible only in a coeducational atmosphere.
38. The Post Office[Board Exam. 2009 (Arts)]
Introduction: Post Office is the main source (important means) of sending our massages, parcels and other articles to other persons and different places anywhere in the world. It is also a very cheap medium of communication. 229
History: Post Office is made of two words Post and Office (a) Post means (i) to travel with speed (ii) to post letters in some office, to send it to certain places, (b) Office means-place of business. As such Post office is a place to arrange the delivery of letters and other articles to different places anywhere in the world. We may deposit our money also, in different schemes of the Postal Savings Bank account.
In ancient times there was no such arrangement. The system of postal communication was not introduced. But in the course of time man has found out this system. Centuries back it was started with the help of horse-driven coaches and carriages. Men were also engaged to deliver letters door-to-doors. They were called “Post Man”. In present time, the same system with the extraordinary improved system is serving the people by means of trains, airmail and internets, etc. Even today the Postman delivers letter by moving door-to-door.
The post-office is the backbone to a nation. It has brought a new revolution in the field of postal service by its services to each and every comer. In true sense it is our real friend. We cannot think of the day without its assistance.
39. Diary-Writing [Board Exam. 2009]
Introduction: Diary writing is really the fairest and fine practice and a good hobby as well. Diary is the personal account of our day-to-day life and an important record. Purpose and Utility: Diary means to note down our day to day activities. There are different ways and various forms of maintaining a diary. To record our daily activities is truly reflected in our personal diary. It also reveals our .shortcomings along with the contributions to our family and society.
Importance of diary writing: All the great men like Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawahar Lai Nehru etc had maintained their diary of day to day account. Their diaries helped them in compiling their autobiography. Different forms of diaries: People maintaining dairies have different purposes and objectives as well as different forms and processes behind it. Some of them write down their daily account of expenditure and income, while some others for their work and engagements to be materialized in different dates in future.
But the real spirit and objective of writing diaries is just to record the details in short of our day to day activities. Conclusion: On the whole, dairy is the mirror of one’s life, showing them their-in all one’s right and wrong acts. Thus it is the true description of which we perform in our day-to-day life.
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