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BSEB Bihar Board Class 7 English Book Solutions Chapter 7 Japan – The Land of the Rising Sun

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Bihar Board Class 7 English Japan – The Land of the Rising Sun Text Book Questions and Answers

A. Warmer

Work in small groups and. discuss the following:

Bihar Board Class 7 English Book Solution Question 1.
Do you like travelling ?
Yes, I like travelling very much.

Bihar Board Class 7 English Solution In Hindi Question 2.
Name some of the neighboring countries/states ? Have you visited any of the neighboring coun-tries/states ? Share your experiences with your classmates.
They are Tibbet, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangla Desh, Bhutan, Shrilanka, Myanmar (Burma). Yes, I have visited Nepal. It is a beautiful country.

B. Let’s Comprehend

B. 1. Think and Tell

Answer the following questions in a word or phrase.

Bihar Board Class 7 English Question 1.
Which country is called ‘The Land of the Rising Sun’?
Japan is called so

Bihar Board Class 7 English Book Question 2.
What adds to Japan’s beauty ?
Snow-clad high mountains adds to its beauty.

Bihar Board Class 7 English Book Pdf Question 3.
What is the chief food of the Japanese ?
Rice and fish.

Bihar Board Class 7 English Solutions Question 4.
What is the Feast of Dolls’?
Playing with dolls.

Class 7 English Book Bihar Board Question 5.
What is the ‘Feast of the Carp’ ?
Plying fish like kites.

Bihar Board Class 7 English Solution Question 6.
How do the Japanese treat with their guests ?
They treat their guests very politely.

Class 7 English Bihar Board Question 7.
How do they bear pain ?
With a smiling face, they bear their pain.

Bihar Board Solution Class 7 English Question 8.
How can you say that the Japanese are polite?
They are soft-spoken and well mannered that say that the Japanese are polite.

B. 2. Think and Write.

B. 2. 1. Answer the following questions briefly.

Bihar Board 7th Class English Book Solution Question 1.
Why is there no smoke in a Japanese house ?
They use stoves for cooking so smoke is not found there.

Class 7 Bihar Board English Solution Question 2.
What do the Japanese boys and girls love ?
The Japanese girls love doll playing and boys love kite flying very much.

Class 7 English Chapter 7 Bihar Board Question 3.
What do the Japanese do on New Year’s Day ?
The Japanese rejoice greatly visiting their friends – and giving them presents on New Year’s Day.

Class 7 English Chapter 7 Question Answer Bihar Board Question 4.
What is the carp ? Why is it significant to a Japanese ?
Carp is a strong and brave fish strangeness and braveness to significant to a Japanese.

B. 2. 2. Answer the following questions in detail.

Bihar Board Class 7th English Solution Question 1.
What are various Japanese customs ?
The Japanese customs are adorable. Shintoism is their chief religion that teaches them to respect the dead and to love the beautiful things. They celebrate two important festivals the feast of dolls and the feast -of’ the carp. They . celebrate New Year’s Day with great pomp and show.

Question 2.
How do the Japanese boys and girls enjoy them-selves ?
The Japanese boys do enjoy themselves by celebrating the ‘Feast of the Carp’. They fly kites on this day. The Japanese girls enjoy themselves by celebrating the ‘Feast of the Dolls playing with dolts.

Question 3.
Describe the behavior of the Japanese children.
Japanese children love to live cleanly. They keep themselves neatly dressed. They never spit in the room and always knock at the door before they enter. They are polite and humble and dream to become strong person.

Question 4.
How can you say that the Japanese love their country ?
Japanese lose for their country is praise worthy. They are ever ready to die for there. sake of their country. They respect their country with bottom of their heart. They work very hard for the development of their dear country and can ever let it down by any means.

Question 5.
What is Shintoism ? What does it teach ?
Shintoism is the chief religion of the Japanese. It teaches the Japanese to honour their dead ones to love beautiful objects. So, the Japanese are found of beautiful things in making and using and very polite.

Question 6.
Make a comparison between the life style of an Indian and a Japanese.
An Indian can be seen spitting here and there very commonly but this can’t be expected by a Japanese. Whereas a Japanese is hard-working, well-mannered and Very polite, an Indian is not. An Indian will become unhappy and show pain when fallen down, but a Japanese bears the pain with a

B.2.3. Arrange the following sentences in a proper order to make a meaningful passage.

  1. The people of Japan are very brave.
  2. They love their country and are always ready to die for their country.
  3. They never sit idle.
  4. They value time.
  5. The Japanese love their culture.
  6. They have their own customs and manners.
  7. The chief religion of the Japanese is Shintoism.
  8. It teaches the people of Japan to love beautiful things and to honour the dead.
  9. It is called the Land of the Rising sun.
  10. Japan is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.


  1. The people of Japan are very brave.
  2. They love their country and are always ready to die for their country.
  3. They never sit idle.
  4. They value time.
  5. The Japanese love their culture.
  6. They have their own customs and manners.
  7. The chief religion of the Japanese is Shintoism.
  8. It teaches the people of Japan to love beautiful things and to honour the dead.
  9. It is called the land of the Rising sun.
  10.  Japan is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

C. Word Study

C. 1. Match the words given under Column ‘A’ with their meanings given under column ‘B’.

stone(a) lamp with a transparent case protecting a flame etc.
rickshaw(b) carrying part of a machine, a vehicle.
carp(c) fresh water fish often reared for food.
holiday(d) light two wheeled hooded vehicle.
straw(e) closed apparatus burning fuel or using electricity for heating or cooling.
carriage(f) period of recreation.
lantern(g) dry cut stalks of grain as folder or material for leading, packing etc.
stove(h) solid non metallic mineral matter; rock.
split(i) material made from the skin of an animal by tanning etc.
leather(j) eject (esp. saliva) from the mouth.


stone(h) solid non metallic mineral matter; rock.
rickshaw(d) light two wheeled hooded vehicle.
carp(c) fresh water fish often reared for food.
holiday(f) period of recreation.
straw(g) dry cut stalks of grain as folder or material for leading, packing etc.
carriage(b) carrying part of a machine, a vehicle.
lantern(a) lamp with a transparent case protecting a flame etc.
stove(e) closed apparatus burning fuel or using electricity for heating or cooling.
split(j) eject (esp. saliva) from the mouth.
leather(i) material made from the skin of an animal by tanning etc.

C. 2. Correct the spelling of the following words.

  1. mountians
  2. wsno
  3. streems
  4. beautifull
  5. rideing
  6. habits
  7. alaways
  8. tether
  9. religon
  10. streits
  11. coton.


  1. mountains
  2. snow
  3. streams
  4. beautiful
  5. riding
  6. habits
  7. always
  8. leather
  9. religion
  10. streets
  11. cotton.

C. 3. The people of Japan are called ‘The Japanese:

What are the people of the following countries/states called ?

  1. The people of India are called the _________
  2. The people of China are called the _________
  3. The people of Germany are called the _________
  4. The people of America are called the _________
  5. The people of Bhutan are called the _________
  6. The people living in Bihar are called the _________
  7. The people of Nepal are called the _________
  8. The people living in Assam are called the _________
  9. The people of England are called the _________
  10. The people living in Kashmir are called the _________


  1. Indian
  2. Chinese
  3. German
  4. American
  5. Bhutanese
  6. Bihari
  7. Nepali
  8. Assamese
  9. English
  10. Kashmiri.

D. Let’s’Talk

Discuss the following in groups or pairs.

Question 1.
Travelling is the best means of education.
Fahien and Hieun-Tsang were great Chinese pilgrims and travellers. They wrote their travelling experiences in vol-umes which give a broad and detail information of the ancient India. We come to know about the glory of Bandanna and Vikrainshila Universities by their noble writings which were only made possible due to travelling. There are other great travellers in our history who founded new lands and discovered new races and places. So, we come to the conclusion that travel¬ling it complete education which makes a man complete or perfect.

E. Composition.

Question 1.
Write a letter to your pen friend living in Japan describing him your visit to Rajgir. Also, invite him to visit Rajgir, a place of historical and religious importance.

Dear Shuji Senorita

Nand Niwas, Monghyr.
9th April, 2011

I was very glad to receive your letter since a long time. Your letter pleased by heart. I was very glad to know about your country Japan through your kind letter. I want you to please visit my home soon so that we would go to visit Rajgir. It is a place of historical and religious importance and worth watching.

Rajgir’s natural scenery is very beautiful. It was once the capital of the king Jarasandh. Pawapuri, Nalanda University and some other places of international fame are nearby. Hot springs of Rajgir are very famous. The electric swing is also a nice thing to experience. Please let me know when are you coming to India. I’ll be very pleased seeing you.

Yours Arjun

F. Translation

F. Translate the following sentences into English.

Question 1.

  1. जापानी बड़े मेहनती होते हैं।
  2. वे कभी बेकार नहीं बैठते हैं।
  3. वे अपने देश से प्यार करते हैं।
  4. वे अपने मेहमानों का आदर करते हैं।
  5. वे चाय पीने के शौकीन हैं।
  6. वे लोग अच्छा खाना खाने के शौकीन हैं।


  1. Japanese are laborious.
  2. They never sit idle.
  3. They love their country.
  4. They respect their guests.
  5. They are found of taking tea.
  6. They are fond of eating good food.
  7. On the occasion’of festivals they give presents to their friends and. relatives.

Question 2.
Translate the following sentences into your mother tongues.

  1. Patna is a very old city.
  2. It is also called Azimabad.
  3. There are many ancient and famous buildings in the city.
  4. It is also the birthplace of Guru Govind Singh.
  5. Kumhrar Park and Patna Planetorium are worth seeing place at Patna.


  1. पटना एक बहुत पुराना शहर है।
  2. यह अजीमाबाद भी कहलाता है।
  3. इस शहर में कई प्राचीन और प्रसिद्ध इमारतें हैं।
  4. यह गुरु गोविन्द सिंह का जन्म-स्थान भी है।
  5. कुम्हरार पार्क और पटना तारामंडल, पटना में दर्शनीय स्थान हैं।

Japan – The Land of the Rising Sun Summary in English

Japan is popularly called the ‘Land of the Rising Sun’. It is widely famous for its beautiful scene and scenaries. Snow- clad high mountains, beautiful lakes and streams and lovely gardens with the most beautiful flowers and lovely fruits adds to the beauty of this land. Japanese live mostly in wooden houses due to their geographical conditions.

The Japanese are clever, hard-working, cultured, polite, brave and great patriots. Their chief religion is shintoism which teaches them to love beautiful things and respect the dead.

Japan – The Land of the Rising Sun Summary in Hindi

 जापान लोकप्रियता से ‘उगते सूर्य का देश’ कहलाता है । यह देश अपनी प्राकृतिक सुन्दरता के लिए विख्यात है। बर्फ से ढंके हुए पहाड़, झील और झरने, अत्यंत सुंदर फूलों व प्यारे फलों से परिपूर्ण यहाँ के बाग-बगीचे इस देश की सुन्दरता में चार चाँद लगा देते हैं।

अपने देश की भौगोलिक स्थितियों ‘ के परिणामस्वरूप जापान के लोग अधिकतर लकड़ी के बने मकानों में रहते हैं। जापान के लोग चतुर, परिश्रमी, सुसंस्कृत, विनीत, बहादुर और महान् देशभक्त होते हैं। उनका प्रमुख धर्म है शिनटोइज्म जो कि उन्हें सुंदर चीजों से प्यार करना व मृतकों के प्रति सम्मान करना सिखाता है।

Japan – The Land of the Rising Sun Hindi Translation of The Chapter

जापान ‘उगते हुए सूर्य का देश’ के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है। यह अपनी प्राकृतिक सौन्दर्य के लिए भी प्रसिद्ध है। बर्फ से ढंके पहाड़ इसे और भी सुन्दर बनाते हैं। यहाँ के सुन्दर झील और चाँदी की तरह चमकते झरने इस देश की .सुन्दरता को और भी बढ़ा देते हैं। यहाँ के बगीचों के सुन्दर फूलों और फलों को देख सैलानियों का मन-प्राण खिल जाता है।

जापान की भौगोलिक स्थिति हमारे देश से बिल्कुल भिन्न है। यही वजह है कि वहाँ पर हमारे देश की तरह के मकानों का दर्शन नहीं होता । जापान के लोग ईंटों अथवा पत्थरों के घर बनाकर नहीं रहा करते । उनके घर लकड़ी ‘के बने होते हैं, जिनकी दीवारें मजबूत मोटे गत्ते या कागज के बने हुए होते हैं। जापानी अपने घरों में तीन या चार चौकोर शीशा लगाते हैं जो कि खिड़कियों का काम करते हैं। है न बिल्कुल विचित्र यह सब! .

जापान के लोग खाना बनाने के लिए अपने घरों में आग नहीं सुलगाते हैं। भोजन पकाने के लिए वे स्टोव जापान के लोग एक प्रकार की छोटी और हल्की गाड़ी में सवारी करने के शौकीन होते हैं। उनकी यह छोटी सवारी एक आदमी के द्वारा खींची जाती है। इस सवारी गाड़ी को वे रिक्शा कहते हैं।

साथ ही साथ जापानी लोग तिनकों के बने हथपंखे भी अपने हाथों में । लेकर घूमने के शौकीन होते हैं। साफ-सफाई के मामले में जापानी बेहद सतर्क रहते हैं। वे कभी भी अपने घरों में बाहर इस्तेमाल होने वाले जूते पहनकर अंदर नहीं जाते । इस प्रकार से वे सड़क की धूल और गंदगी को अपने घरों में प्रवेश नहीं होने देते। 

यहाँ दो पर्व बड़े धूमधाम से मनाये जाते हैं । एक पर्व तो लड़कों के लिए होता है और दूसरा पर्व लडकियों के लिए। लड़कियों का पर्व या उत्सव – ‘फीस्ट ऑफ डॉल्स’ (गुड़िया का पर्व) तीन मार्च को मनाया जाता है जो कि सारी लड़कियों के लिए छुट्टी का दिन होता है। इस दिन जापान की गरीब से गरीब लड़की के पास

बच्चा-बच्चा बड़ा होकर इसी कार्प मछली-सा बहादुर और मजबूत बनना चाहता है।

नये साल का उत्सव भी जापान में धूम-धाम से मनाया जाता है। नये ‘वर्ष के अवसर पर जाफनी लोग- अपने दोस्तों के घरों में जाकर उनसे _ भेंट-मुलाकात करते हैं, साथ ही वे उनके लिए उपहार भी ले जाया करते हैं। – नये साल की रात में जापानी अपने घरों को और सड़कों को कागज के बने रंग-बिरंगे लालटेनों से सजाते हैं और नये साल के उत्सव का जमकर लुत्फ उठाते हैं।

जापानी बच्चों को सफाई प्रिय होता है । वे साफ-सुथरे कपड़े पहनते हैं। अपने कमरों में वे कभी भी नहीं थूकते हैं। किसी कमरे में प्रवेश करने के पूर्व वे द्वार पर खटखटाना कभी नहीं झुलते । अपनें मेहमानों का वे शिष्टतापूर्वक स्वागत-सत्कार करते हैं। जापानी लोग हमेशा मीठी बोली बोलते हैं। वे कभी भी ऊँचे स्वर में या चीखकर नहीं बोलते ।

किसी जापानी व्यक्ति को जोर से बात करते शायद ही कभी सुना जा सकता हो । जापानियों के बारे में एक और बात मार्के की है कि कोई भी जापानी यदि गिर जाय और उसे’ चोट लग जाय तो वह गंयगा नहीं और ना ही दुःख प्रकट करेगा। बल्कि ऐसे अवसर पर हर जापाना मुस्कुराकर रह जाता है और दर्द सह लेता है। उन्हें सांस्कृतिक प्रशिक्षण इस तरह का दिया जाता है कि वे अपनी चोट को स्वयं ही मुस्कुरा कर सहन’ सीख लें। यही बात जापानियों को विनम्र और बहादुर व्यक्ति बनने में कारगर सिद्ध होती है।

जापानियों का प्रमुख धर्म शिन्टोइज्म है। जापानियों को उनका यह धर्म सुन्दर चीजों से प्यार करने की और अपने पूर्वजों व मृतकों की पूजा करने की सीख मिलती है। इसी वजह से वे लोग लकड़ी, कागज, चमड़े-सूती और रेशम से सुन्दर चीजों का निर्माण किया करते हैं। उनके द्वारा सुन्दर वस्तुएँ अन्य देशों को भी निर्यात की जाती हैं।

जापानियों को हमेशा ही सम्मान से चतुर और मेहनती कहा जाता है। वे बेकार या निकम्मा कभी नहीं देखे जाते। उनी सबसे बड़ी खासियत है उनकी देशभक्ति की अटूट भावना । अपने राष्ट्र से वे प्रेम करते हैं और इसके लिए हमेशा ही अपनी जान दे देने के लिए तत्पर रहते हैं।

Japan – The Land of the Rising Sun Glossary

 Landscape [लैन्डस्केप] = प्राकृतिक सुन्दरता । Snow-clad [स्नो-क्लैड] = लर्फ से ढंके । Enchant [एनचैन्ट] = मनमोहन । Streams [स्ट्रीम्स] = झरने । Fond of [फॉन्ड ऑफ] = शौकीन | Custom [कस्टम] = रीति-रिवाज । Polite [पोलाइट] = विनम्र । Rudely [यूडली] = रूखाई। Idle [आइडल] = बेकार । Shintoism [शिनटोइज्म] = जापानी धर्म जिसमें – पूर्वजों तथा प्रकृति की पूजा की जाती है | Neighbouring [नेबरिंग) = पड़ोस

के । Visited [विजिटेड] = देखने गये हो । Land [लैन्ड] = देश । Rising [राइजिंग] = उगता हुआ। Share [शेयर) = बाँटना। Experiences [एक्सपीरिएन्सेस] = अनुभव । Popularly [पॉप्यूलरली] = लोकप्रियता से । Known [नोन] = जाना । Lake [लेक] = झीलन। Stream [स्ट्रीम] = . झरना । Feast [फीस्ट] = उत्सव, त्योहार | Similarly [सिमिलरी] = उसी प्रकार से | Hopes [होप्स] = आशा करता है । Greatly [ग्रेटली] = व्यापक रूप ‘ से | Lantern [लैन्टन) = लालटेन । Neatly [नीटली] = साफ-सुथरे ढंग । से । Spit [स्पिट] = थूकना । Knock [नॉक] = खटखटाना । Enter [एन्टर] = प्रवेश करना ।

Polite [पोलाइट] = शिष्ट, विनीत । Quality [क्वालिटी] = गुण । Hurt |हर्ट] = नुकसान पहुँचाना । Training [ट्रेनिंग] = प्रशिक्षण । Bear [बीयर] = सहना । Rare रेयर] = दुर्लभ । Religion [रीलिजन] = धर्म। Honour [ऑनर] = सम्मान करना । Export [एक्सपोर्ट] = निर्यात करना। Idle [आइडल] = सुस्ता, निकम्मा । Patriotism [पैट्रिअटिज्म] = देशभक्ति | Ever ready [एवर रेडी] = सदा तैयार रहना । Remarkable . [रिमार्केबल] = विशिष्टता, विशेषता ।

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