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Bihar Board Class 9 English Grammar Prepositions
ध्यातव्य: English grammar में Preposition एक महत्त्वपूर्ण विषय है। इसकी सही जानकारी नहीं रहने के कारण अनेक गलतियाँ होती हैं और वाक्य अशद्ध हो जाता है।
अंग्रेजी में Preposition की परिभाषा इस प्रकार है-
A Preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show its relation to some other words in the sentence.
अर्थात Preposition किसी Noun या Pronoun के पहले आता है एवं यह उस Noun या Pronoun का सम्बन्ध किसी दूसरे शब्द के साथ दिखाता है। जैसे-
The book is on the table.
He writes with a pen.
यहाँ on और with Prepositions हैं। क्योंकि ये क्रमश: table और pen के साथ संबंध स्थापित करते हैं।
Use of Prepositions with Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs:
(i) नीचे लिखे Nouns के बाद Preposition with लगता है-
affection, ambition, anxiety, appetite, blame, candidate, capacity, compassion, desire, liking, match, need, opportunity, passion, pity, reputation.
(ii) नीचे लिखे Nouns के बाद Preposition with लगता है-
acquaintance, alliance, comparison, enmity, intimacy, relations.
(iii) नीचे लिखे Nouns के बाद Preposition of लगता हैexperience, failure, proof, result, want.
(iv) नीचे लिखे Nouns के बाद Preposition from लगता है-
escape, exemption, inference, descent, respite.
(v) नीचे लिखे Nouns के बाद Preposition to लगता है-
access, antidote, alternative, approach, assent, attachment, attention, disgrace, dislike, exception, indifference, invitation, key, limit, obedience, objection, opposition, preface, reference, submission.
Adjectives followed by Prepositions
(i) नीचे Adjectives के बाद to Preposition लगता है-
addicted, accustomed, adjacent, affectionate, alive, appropriate, beneficial, common, contrary, deaf, devoted, due, equal, essential, faithful, fall, foreign, hostile, inclined, indebted, inimical, limited, loyal, natural, necessary, obedient, obliged, opposite, painful, profitable, reduced, related, responsible, sacred, sensitive, subject, suitable, true, tantamount.
(ii) नीचे लिखे Adjectives के बाद in Preposition लगता है-
accurate, backward, correct, defective, deficient, experienced. fertile, honest, interested
(iii) नीचे लिखे Adjectives के बाद Preposition with लगता है-
acquainted, busy, contented, delighted, disgusted, gifted, infected, infested, intimate, invested, overcome, popular, satisfied.
(iv) नीचे लिखे Adjectives के बाद Preposition of लगता है-
accused, acquitted, afraid, aware, certain, composed, confident, conscious, convicted, convened, deprived, desirous, devoid, dull, envious, fearful, found, greedy, guilty, ignorant, informed. innocent, lame, proud, sick, sure, suspicious, tolerant, void, weary, worthy.
(v) नीचे लिखे Adjectives के बाद Preposition for लगता है-
anxious, eager, eligible, fit, good, grateful, prepared, proper, qualified, ready, sorry, useful, sufficient.
Verbs followed by Prepositions
(i) नीचे दिए Verbs के बाद Preposition to लगता है-
accede, adapt, allot, apologize, appoint, assent, attend, belong, consent, contribute, lead, listen, object, prefer, refer, revert, stoop, submit, succumb, surrender, yield.
(ii) नीचे दिए Verbs के बाद Preposition from लगता है-
abstain, alight, debar, derive, differ, escape, prevent, prohibition, protect, recover, refrain.
(iii) नीचे दिए Verbs के बाद Preposition with लगता है-
associate, bear, clash, comply, condole, credit, disagree, dispense, fill, part, quarrel, side, sympathize.
(iv) नीचे दिए Verbs के बाद Preposition of लगता है-
acquit, beware, boast, complain, despair, die, disapprove, dispose of, dream, divest, repent, approve.
(v) नीचे दिए Verbs के बाद Preposition for लगता है-
canvass, care, feel, hope, mourn, pine, start, wish, vote
(vi) नीचे दिए Verbs के बाद Preposition in लगता है-
delight, employ, excel, fail, indulge, persist.
(vii) नीचे दिए Verbs के बाद Preposition on लगता है-
comment, depend, dwell, encroach, insist.
नीचे कुछ Important Nouns. Adjectives तथा Verbs दिए जाते हैं जिनके साथ भिन्न-भिन्न Prepositions का प्रयोग वाक्यों में करके दिखाया गया है। छात्र उन्हें ध्यान से पढ़ेंगे और प्रयोग जान लेंगे।
Important Questions Solved
Question 1.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition given in the brackets.
- I am agreed ________ you (in, at, with)
- He fell ________ the well. (in, on, into)
- He is at home ________ English. (in, up, by)
- with
- into
- in
Question 2.
Select suitable preposition and fill in the blanks.
- He is leaning ________ a wall. (to, towards, on, against)
- He will soon start ________ home. (to, for, towards, at)
- He send me a box ________ books. (with, of, for to)
- against
- for
- of
Question 3.
Select suitable prepositions and fill in the blanks.
- The frog fell ________ the well. (down, into, in)
- Rama went ________ market. (from, away, to)
- Nancy is afraid ________ days. (of, from, with)
- into
- to
- of
Question 4.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions given in the brackets.
- The Principal is ________ the office. (in, into, on)
- Radha writes ________ a pen. (by, with, from)
- A novel is written ________ him (with, by, of)
- in
- with
- by
Question 5.
Select the suitable prepositions and fill in the blanks.
- I am anxious ________ the result. (for, from, on)
- He is disqualified ________ the post (for, from, t0)
- He deals ________ rice. (in, with from)
- for
- for
- in
Question 6.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
- It is ________ ten o’clock. (above, as, about)
- The sun was ________ the clouds. (before, by, behind)
- I bought this pen ________ five rupees. (from, for, in)
- about
- behind
- in
Question 7.
Fill in the blansks with appropriate prepositions given in the brackets.
- He felt pity ________ the poor. (with, to, for)
- It is a disgrace ________ your school. (on, of, to)
- It is ten ________ my watch. (with, by, as)
- for
- to
- by
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions given in the brackets:
Note – प्रत्येक वाक्य के अंत में brackets के अंदर मोटे-काले अक्षरों में उत्तर दिया गया है।
Question 1.
- I prefer milk ________ tea. (with, to, by)
- She is proud ________ her beauty. (of, with on)
- You have no taste ________ music. (in, for, on)
- He felt pity ________ the poor. (to with, for)
- to
- of
- for
- for
Question 2.
- He does not listen ________ me. (for, on, to)
- I am waiting ________ the postman. (on, for, to)
- How will you deal ________ him? (in, on, with)
- Men are different ________ animals. (with, from, on)
- to
- for
- with
- from
Question 3.
- He came here ________ three o’clock. (on, at, for)
- It has been raining ________ Monday. (for, on, since)
- I have not seen him ________ five days. (from, since, for)
- He goes to school ________ bus. (on, by, from)
- at
- since
- for
- by
Question 4.
- It is ten ________ my watch. (with, in, by)
- She danced ________ joy. (with, for, in)
- They set the house ________ fire. (on, with, to)
- It is a disgrace ________ our school. (on, for, to)
- by
- with
- on
- to
Question 5.
- Take care ________ your health. (on, of, about)
- The teacher is angry ________ you. (at, upon, with)
- He died ________ cholera. (of, with, by)
- Beware ________ mad dogs. (to, on, of)
- of
- with
- of
- of
Question 6.
- I agree ________ you. (in at, with)
- He fell ________ the well. (in, on, into)
- He is at home ________ Englsih. (in, up, by)
- A thief broke ________ my house. (in, into, on)
- with
- into
- in
- into
Question 7.
- Be attentive ________ your duty. (to, on from)
- I believe ________ what he says. (on, upon, in)
- We should abide ________ your advice. (to, by, from)
- He was brought ________ by his grandfather. (on up, in)
- to
- in
- by
- up
Question 8.
- Some people have a real liking ________ the parrot. (for, to, in)
- Manish appeared ________ the examination. (in, at, on)
- He was making fun ________ her. (at, of, in)
- I am anxious ________ the result. (for, from, on)
- for
- at
- of
- for
Question 9.
- He is disqualified ________ the post. (for, from, to)
- The book fell ________ the ground. (at, on, to)
- He believes ________ hard work. (in, on, upon)
- They laughed ________ me. (on, at, for)
- for
- to
- in
- at
Question 10.
- Gandhiji had no ill-will ________ the Lancashire labourers. (for, against, about)
- The village panchayat sat ________ the banyan tree. (of, on, under)
- He looked ________ his parents. (on, after, up)
- She is pleased ________ you. (at, upon, with)
- against
- under
- after
- with
Question 11.
- The ring was sold ________ rupees sixty. (in, for, on)
- I called ________ the Chief Minister of Bihar yesterday. (at, on, to)
- Miranda was aware ________ the danger. (from, of, for)
- He is angry ________ his sons. (at, upon, with)
- for
- on
- of
- with
Question 12.
- The car came ________ a halt. (to, on, by)
- We are not found ________ sweets. (for, of, with)
- He stopped to look ________ the notice-board. (up, at, in)
- Our school breaks ________ at five o’clock. (up, on, by)
- to
- of
- at
- up
अब आपकी सुविधा के लिए प्रत्येक वाक्य के सामने brackets के अंदर केवल उत्तर दिया गया है ताकि आप उसे शीघ्र याद कर सकें।
Question 13.
- I am pleased ________ you.
- Don’t laugh ________ the beggar.
- He is superior ________ this man.
- I do not agree ________ you.
- He waited ________ you.
- with
- at
- to
- with
- for
Question 14.
- He has no interest ________ games.
- He is always in need ________ help.
- He travelled ________ his friend.
- He travelled ________ car.
- What is the time ________ your watch?
- in
- of
- with
- by
- by
Question 15.
- She is blind ________ her faults.
- The dog jumped ________ the river.
- He was absent ________ school.
- She succeeded ________ her examination.
- I am satisfied ________ him.
- to
- into
- from
- in
- with
Question 16.
- None will approve ________ your action.
- We should abide ________ your advice.
- I believe ________ what he says.
- He is disgusted ________ his life.
- Good health depends ________ several factors.
- of
- by
- in
- with
- on
Question 17.
- Macbeth was written ________ Shakespeare.
- She was standing ________ the gate
- He was born ________ 1978.
- She is jealous ________ me.
- He is interested ________ music.
- by
- at
- in
- of
- in
Question 18.
- Girls are found ________ dolls.
- The book feil ________ the ground
- I am not acquainted ________ him.
- He has been working ________ four hours.
- I have faith ________ him.
- of
- to
- with
- for
- in
Question 19.
- I have been reading this book ________ three hours.
- Please keep ________ the grass.
- He was ashamed ________ his deeds.
- You must pay attention ________ your health.
- He is eligible ________ this post.
- for
- off
- with
- to
- for
Question 20.
- You should give ________ smoking.
- He went home ________ Monday.
- He took ________ his coat.
- He was deaf ________ my requests.
- Be good ________ others.
- up
- on
- off
- to
- to
Question 21.
- She is blind ________ the right eye.
- He is prepared ________ the worst.
- Satish is very ________ English.
- We write ________ a pen.
- He is fond ________ sweets.
- in
- for
- in
- with
- of
Question 22.
- He is afraid ________ me.
- Please send ________ a doctor.
- The glass is full ________ milk.
- He objected ________ my proposal.
- The teacher is kind ________ all students.
- of
- for
- of
- to
- to
Question 23.
- This house belongs ________ me.
- She is sorry ________ what she did.
- He deals ________ rice.
- The work was done ________ haste.
- The teacher is kind ________ at students.
- to
- for
- in
- in
- to
Question 24.
- I am tired ________ this work.
- What brought ________ the quarrel?
- He is famous ________ his wisdom.
- What are you talking ________?
- I bought this book ________ Rs. 50.
- of
- about
- for
- about
- for
Question 25.
- You cannot compete ________ him.
- You prevented me ________ doing this.
- He cried ________ the top of his voice.
- He was disqualified ________ the post.
- They were invited ________ tea.
- with
- from
- at
- for
- to
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