Bihar Board Class 11 English Grammar Transformation of Sentences

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Bihar Board Class 11 English Grammar Transformation of Sentences

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों का अध्ययन कीजिए –

  1. Patna is the best town in Bihar.
  2. Patna is better than any other town in Bihar.
  3. No other town in Bihar is so good as Patna.

पहले वाक्य का अर्थ है ‘पटना बिहार में सबसे अच्छा शहर है’ और दूसरे वाक्य का तात्पर्य यह है कि ‘पटना बिहार के किसी भी अन्य शहर से अच्छा है।’ वास्तव में दोनों का अर्थ एक ही है। वाक्यों की बनावट में थोड़ा हेर-फेर है।

तीसरे वाक्य का अर्थ ‘बिहार में कोई भी दूसरा शहर इतना अच्छा नहीं है जितना पटना है।’ इस वाक्य से भी वही अर्थ निकलता है जो पहले या दूसरे वाक्य से निकलता है।

तीनों वाक्यों में केवल adjective के प्रयोग में अन्तर है। पहले वाक्य में superlative degree के adjective का प्रयोग है। दूसरे वाक्य में comparative degree के adjective का ; और तीसरे वाक्य में positive degree के adjective का । पर तीनों वाक्यों में एक ही adjective के तीन degrees हैं। तीनों वाक्यों से sense अभिप्राय) एक ही निकलता है।

अतः, हम यह समझें कि तीनों वाक्यों के रूप में अन्तर है लेकिन अर्थ में नहीं। इसी तरह किसी वाक्य के sense को ज्यों-का-त्यों रखते हुए उस वाक्य के रूप या इस वाक्य की बनावट को बदल देने की क्रिया को Transformation कहा जाता है।

Transformation means the change of a sentence from one grammatical form to another without altering the sense.

1. Removal of ‘Too’ from a sentence :

किसी भी वाक्य में यदि ‘Too’ शब्द का प्रयोग हुआ हो, तो सबसे पहले उस वाक्य का स्पष्ट अर्थ समझ लें और उसे हिन्दी में लिखकर उसका अनुवाद अंगरेजी में इस तरह कर लें कि उसमें ‘too’ का प्रयोग नहीं रहे। यही सबसे सहज उपाय है। जैसे –

(i) He is too weak to walk.
इस वाक्य का हिन्दी में यही अर्थ होगा कि “वह इतना कमजोर है कि वह टहल नहीं सकता है।” इस हिन्दी के वाक्य का अंगरेजी में इस प्रकार अनुवाद किया जा सकता है –

(ii) He is so weak that he cannot walk.
पहले वाक्य में ‘too’ शब्द का प्रयोग है, दूसरे वाक्य में नहीं। दोनों वाक्यों में क्या अन्तर है? ध्यानपूर्वक देखिए –
पहले वाक्य में ……….. too + adjective
दूसरे वाक्य में ……… so (adjective के पहले) + that + subject (he) + cannot …..

अतः, यह स्पष्ट है कि ‘too’ के स्थान पर ‘so …. that…… not ये तीनों शब्द यथास्थान अवश्य रहेंगे। इसके अतिरिक्त, ‘that’ के बाद subject दुहराया जायेगा और उसके बाद verb को उचित tense में negative रूप में रखा जाएगा।

Exercises Solved

Remove ‘Too’ in the following sentences :
Note : उत्तर प्रत्येक वाक्य के सामने तिरछे अक्षरों (italics) में दिया गया है।
Bihar Board Class 11 English Grammar Transformation of Sentences 1
Bihar Board Class 11 English Grammar Transformation of Sentences 2
Bihar Board Class 11 English Grammar Transformation of Sentences 3

2. Interchange of Assertive and Interrogative Sentences

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों का अध्ययन कीजिए –

Interrogative – Can it be true ?
Assertive – It cannot be true.
Interrogative – Who is there who does not love his country ?
Assertive – (i) Every body loves his country,(ii) There is no one who does not love his country.
Interrogative – Is there anything greater than love?
Assertive – There is nothing greater than love.
Interrogative – What does it matter if we lose ?
Assertive – (i) It does not matter if we lose,(ii) It matters little if we lose.
Assertive – Everyone wishes to be happy.
Interrogative – Who does not wish to be happy ?
Assertive – It is useless to waste time.
Interrogative – Why waste time?
Assertive – One swallow does not make a summer.
Intrrogative – Does one swallow make a summer ?

Note – (i) ऊपर जो वाक्य दिए गए है उनसे यह स्पष्ट है कि ये उस तरह से interrogative नहीं बनाए गए हैं जिस तरह से Chapter 6 में affrmative sentence को negative या interrogative बनाया गया है जैसे –

  • Affirmative – I read a book.
  • Negative – I do not read a book.”
  • Interrogative – Do I read a book ?

यहाँ इन दोनों वाक्यों के रूप बदलने से अर्थ में भी अन्तर आ गया है। अतः, यह transformation नहीं हुआ क्यों transformation में अर्थ का अन्तर नहीं आना चाहिए।

(ii) ऊपर दिए गए उदाहरणों से यह भी स्पष्ट है कि कुछ प्रकार के वाक्यों को _interrogative से assertive में नहीं बदला जा सकता है; जैसे –

  • What is your name?
  • Where do you live ?
  • Why do you smile ?
  • Did you have your meal ?

इन वाक्यों को हम assertive sentence में नहीं बदल सकते । हम उन्हीं Interrogative sentences को assertive में बदल सकते हैं जो वास्तव में rhetorical questions हैं अर्थात् जिनके उत्तर प्रश्न में ही निहित हैं। या यों कहिए कि जिन प्रश्नों का उत्तर res/ no में दिया जा सकता है, उन्हीं interrogative वाक्यों को assertive वाक्यों में transform किया जा सकता है, अन्य interrogativesentences को साधारणत: नहीं।

(iii) Interrogative sentence को assertive या assertive sentence को inter rogative में बदलने के लिए विशेष नियम नहीं है। लेकिन स्मरण रखना चाहिए कि अगर assertive sentence में no/not का व्यवहार हुआ हो तो Interrogative sentence में nod not का व्यवहार नहीं होगा। और, अगर assertive sentence में no/not नहीं रहे तो errogative sentence में no/not का अवश्य प्रयोग होगा । अर्थात्,

(a) अगर assertive sentence affirmative रहे तो interrogative sentence negative question हो जायेगा।
(b) अगर assertive sentence negative at interrogative sentence affirmative question हो जायेगा।
(c) उसी प्रकार Interrogative से assertive में बदलते समय यह देखना पड़ता है कि question में affirmative verb है या negative, यदि verb affirmative हो तो उसे negative बनाया जाता है और यदि negative हो तो affirnative बनाया जाता है।

3. Interchange of Affirmative and Negative Sentences

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों का अध्ययन कीजिए –

Affirmative – I was doubtful whether it was you.
Negative – I was not sure whether it was you.
Affirmative – He must not have missed to seet the Taj Mahal.
Negative – He must have seen the Taj Mahal.
Affirmative – I love him.
Negative – I am not without love for him.
Affirmative – I am wiser than you.
Negative – You are not so wise as I.
Negative – None but the poor deserves help.
Affirmative – The poor alone deserve help.
Negative – He does not take winc.
Affirmative – He abstains from wine.
Affirmative – As soon as the train started, he came to the station.
Negative – No sooner did the train start than he came to the station.

इस Chapter 6 में दिए गए affirmative से negative बनाने के जो नियम और उदाहरण दिए गए हैं और ऊपर जो उदाहरण दिए गए हैं, उन्हें विद्यार्थी अच्छी तरह समझने की कोशिश करें।

उपर्युक्त उदाहरणों से यह मालूम होता है कि affirmative से negative अथवा nagative से affirmative बदलने के लिए कोई खास नियम नहीं है। वाक्य के अर्थ को भलीभाँति समझकर आवश्यकतानुसार कोई उचित word या phase चुनकर बैठा दिया जाता है। केवल इसी बात का ख्याल रखना चाहिए कि वाक्य के अर्थ में अन्तर न पड़े और double ‘negative के व्यवहार को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें

कुछ और उदाहरणों को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें –

Negative – He is no mean player
Affirmative – He is a good player.
Negative – This is not impossible.
Affirmative – This is possible.
Negative – He was asked not to smoke.
Affirmative – He was prohibited from smoking.
Negative – He did not lose a single match.
Affirmative – He won all the matches.
Negative – He does not go there very often.
Affirmative – He seldom goes there.
Negative – The doctor had never treated his patients unfairly.
Affirmative – The doctor had always treated his patients fairly.

4. Transformation of Sentence into Interrogative

Change the following sentences into Interrogative :
Note : उत्तर प्रत्येक वाक्य के सामने तिरछे अक्षरों (italics) में दिया गया है।
Bihar Board Class 11 English Grammar Transformation of Sentences 4
Bihar Board Class 11 English Grammar Transformation of Sentences 5

5. Transformation of sentence into Affirmative

Change the following sentences into Affiirmative :
Note : उत्तर प्रत्येक वाक्य के सामने तिरछे अक्षरों (italics) में दिया गया है।
Bihar Board Class 11 English Grammar Transformation of Sentences 6

6. Interchange of the Degrees of Comparison

वाक्य के अर्थ में बिना कोई परिवर्तन किए ही adjective या adverb के degree बदल दिए जा सकते हैं। निम्नलिखित वाक्यों में degree के ऊपर ध्यान दीजिए –

superlative – ‘Shakuntala’ is the best drama in Sanskrit.
Comparative – (i) ‘Shakuntala’ is better than any other drama in Sanskirt, या (ii) ‘Shakuntala’ is better than all other dramas in Sanskrit.
Positive – No other drama in Sanskrit is so good as ‘Shakuntala’ (or, as good as ‘Shakuntala’).

उपर्युक्त सभी वाक्यों के अर्थ एक ही हैं । वाक्यों में प्रयुक्त adjective के degree में अन्तर है। ‘Best’ की जगह पर ‘better than any other’ या ‘better than all other’ रखने की आवश्यकता है, यदि comparative degree के adjective का प्रयोग करना हो। यह भी ध्यान रखना चाहिए कि ‘any other,के बाद singular noun होगा और ‘all other’ के बाद plural noun होगा। (स्मरण रहे कि better than any या better than all कभी नहीं लिखें; इसके बाद other शब्द का अवश्य प्रयोग करें।)

यदि positive degree के adjective का प्रयोग करना हो, तो no other + noun in singular number + so good as (या as good as) लिखा जाएगा। निम्नलिखित उदाहरणों से ये बातें और भी स्पष्ट होंगी।

Superlative – Delhi is the best town in India.
Comparative – Delhi is better than all other towns in India. या Delhi is better than any other town in India.
Positive – No other town in India is so (या as) good as Delhi.
Superlative – Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was the greatest man in India.
Comparative – Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was greater than all other men in India.
या – Pandit Jawaharlal Nchru was greater than any other man in India.
Positive – No other inan in India was so (as) great as Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

कुछ वाक्यों में degree को दूसरे प्रकार से भी बदला जाता है। निम्नलिखित उदाहरणों का अध्ययन कीजिए –

Superlative – Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was one of the greatest men of the world.
Comparative – Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was greater than most other men of the world.
Positive – Very few men of the world were so great as (or, as great as) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
Superlative – Milton was onc of the greatest poets of England.
Comparative – Miltion was greater than most vlher poets of England.
Positive – Very few poets of England were so great as (or, as great as) Milton.
Superlative – Gold is one of the heaviest of metals.
Comparative – Gold is heavier than any other metal.
Positive – Very few metals are as heavy as (or, so heavy as) gold.

Exercise (86) के पहले दिए गए उदाहरणों और उपर्युक्त उदाहरणों में कुछ अन्तर है। उपर्युक्त उदाहरणों में दिया गया है;-‘one of the best, one of the greatest, one of the heaviest, etc.’ इनके पहले बताए गए उदाहरणों में दिया गया है। ‘the best, the greatest, the heaviest of all, इत्यादि । दोनों प्रकार के वाक्यों के अर्थ में भिन्नता है| The greatest’ का अर्थ है ‘सबसे बड़ा’ और ‘one of the greatest’ का अर्थ है ‘सबसे बड़े-बड़े व्यक्तियों में एक’ । अतः, the greatest का अर्थ ही है greater than all other और one of the greatest का अर्थ है ‘greatest than most other’ । अतः, परिवर्तित वाक्यों में भी भिन्नता रहेगी।

One of the best के स्थान पर comparative degree में better than most other.

The best ” ” ” ” ” ” better than all other या better than any other.

उसी प्रकार positive degree में,
One of the best के स्थान पर Very few …… so good as.
The best ” ” No other ……….. so good as.

7. Interchange of Exclamatory and Assertive Sentences

(i) निम्नलिखित वाक्यों का अध्ययन कीजिए –

Exclamatory – O that I were rich !
Assertive – I wish that I were rich: (या) I earnestly desire to be rich.
Exclamatory – Would that I had not wasted my time when I was young!
Assertive – I wish that I had not wasted my time when I was young.
Exclamatory – If only I could gain the first prize!
Assertive – I wish to gain the firsty prize, (या) I earnestly desire o yain the first prize.

उपर्युक्त उदाहरणों को देखने में मालूम होता है कि यदि exclamatory sentence के आरंभ में (a) If I could only, (b) Would that, (c)O that, (d) If I were इत्यादि हों, तो उन्हें assertive में बदलते समय ‘I wish’ अथवा ‘Tearmestly desire’ आदि कर दिया जाता है।

इस तरह के वाक्यों को पढ़ने से मालूम होता है कि कोई हार्दिक इच्छा व्यक्त की जा रही है। If I were a millionaire ! (यदि मैं लखपति होता !) इस वाक्य को पढ़ने से मालूम होता है कि लखपति होने की इच्छा पूरी नहीं हुई है।

(ii) कुछ अन्य उदाहरणों को देखिए –

Exclamatory – Alas that youth should pass away !
Assertive – It is sad to think that youth should pass away.
Exclamatory – Good heavens! Whatadisaster!
Assertive – It is indeed a great disaster.
Exclamatory – A fireman and afraid of sparks !
Assertive – A fireman should not be afraid of sparks.
Exclamatory – What a piece of work is man !
Assertive – Man is a strange piece of work.

उपर्यक्त उदाहरणों को देखने से मालम होता है कि exclamatorv sentence में जिस बात पर विस्मय प्रकट किया जाता है उसी बात को सीधे-सीधे साधारण रूप में रख देने से assertive sentence बन जाता है। यदि कहें कि ‘कितना सुन्दर यह फूल है।’ तो इसको साधारण तरीके से कहा जा सकता है कि ‘यह फूल बहुत सुन्दर है।’ ठीक उसी तरह अँगरेजी में भी वाक्य का भाव समझकर उसे साधारण प्रकार के वाक्य के वाक्य में परिवर्तित किया जा सकता है । उपर्युक्त वाक्यों के लिए कोई विशेष नियम नहीं बन सकता है। अभ्यास द्वारा विद्यार्थी इस प्रकार के वाक्यों को transform कर सकते हैं।

(iii) कुछ और उदाहरणों को देखिए –
matory – What a fine picture it is !
assertive – It is a very fine picture.
Exclamatory – How sweet it smells !
Assertive – He smells very sweet.
Exclamatory – How funny!
Assertive – It is very funny.

इन वाक्यों के अध्ययन से निम्नलिखित बातें मालूम होती हैं –

(a) Exclamatory sentence यदि how, what या such से आरंभ हो, तो उसे assertive में बदलते समय यह देखना चाहिए कि how, what या such के बाद adjective है या noun. यदि noun है तो how, what या such के स्थान पर ‘great’ आदि शब्द रखकर वाक्य में subject, verb और object या complement को उचित स्थान पर रखिए।

(b) How, what या such के बाद यदि adjective हो तो how, what या such के स्थान पर ‘very’ शब्द रखकर वाक्य में subject, verb और object या complement को उचित स्थान पर रखिए।

(c) Assertive Sentence में सबसे पहले subject, उसके बाद verb, उसके बाद परिवर्तित very या great आदि के बाद क्रमश: adjective या Noun रखना चाहिए।

Miscellaneous Exercises Solved

Question 1.
Transform the following sentences as directed :

  1. This box is too heavy to lift (Remove ‘too’)
  2. Who Should not punish him ? (Change into passive voice)
  3. Can a man live for ever? (Change into ‘Assertive’)
  4. He comes to school on time. (Make it emphatic)


  1. This box is so heavy that one cannot lift it.
  2. By whom should he not be punished ?
  3. A man cannot live for ever.
  4. He does come to school on time.

Question 2.
Transform the following sentences as directed :

  1. My father has taught me. (Into passive)
  2. You are too lazy to work. (Remove ‘too’)
  3. He goes to market in the evening. (Make it emphatic)
  4. Bombay is the biggest city in India. (Into positive degree)


  1. I have been taught by my father.
  2. You are so lazy that you cannot work.
  3. He does go to market in the evening.
  4. No other city in India is as big as Bombay.

Question 3.
Transform the following sentences as directed :

  1. The tea is too hot for me to take. (Remove ‘too’)
  2. He knows me. (Change into passive voice)
  3. It this the way to speak to your elders ? (Change into assertive)
  4. I helped him. (Make it emphatic)


  1. The tea is so hot for me that I can’t take.
  2. I am known to him.
  3. This is not the way to speak to your elders.
  4. I did help him.

Question 4.
Transform the following sentences without changing the meaning : [(Model Paper 2009 (A)]

  1. Very few people are as honest as Hari. (To comparative)
  2. He is too tired to work (Remove ‘too’)
  3. He is very intelligent. (To Interoogative)


  1. Hari is more honest than most other people.
  2. He is so tired that he cannot work.
  3. Is he not very intelligent ?

Question 5.
Transform the following sentences without changing the meaning : [Model Paper 2009 (A)]

  1. Can you not pluck this mango. (Into Assertive)
  2. He is as tall as Ram. (Into comparative)
  3. He is too miser to help anyone. (Remove ‘too’)


  1. You can pluck this mango.
  2. Ram is not taller than him.
  3. He is so miser that he cannot help anyone.

Question 6.
Transform the following sentences without changing the meaning: [Model Paper 2009 (A)]

  1. It is too hot to drink. (Remove ‘too’)
  2. Work hard and you will succeed. (Rewrite using if)
  3. There is no smoke with out fire. (Negative to Affirmative).


  1. It is so hot that it cannot be drunk.
  2. If you work hard you will succeed.
  3. Where there’s smoke. There’s fire.

Question 7.
Transform the following sentences without changing the meaning : [Model Paper 2009 (A)]

  1. Mumbai is the biggest city in India. (Comparative)
  2. The gate is something closed. (Negative)
  3. Every loves his country. (Interrogative)


  1. Mumbai is bigger than all other cities in India.
  2. The gate is not always open.
  3. Who doesn’t love his country.

Question 8.
Transform the following sentences without changing the meaning : [Model Paper 2009 (A)]

  1. The sun is too hot to go out. (Remove ‘too’).
  2. He is better than any other boy in the class. (Into positive)
  3. He is very good. (Into interrogative)


  1. The sun is so hot that one can not go out.
  2. No other boy in class is so good as he.
  3. Is he not very good ?

Question 9.
Transform the following sentences without changing the meaning: [Board Examination 2009 Arts)

  1. No other boy in the class is better than Ram. (Into positive)
  2. They are rich. (Into interrogative)
  3. I am too tired to work. (Remove ‘too’)


  1. No other boy is so good as Ram.
  2. Are not they rich.
  3. I am so tired that I cannot work.

Question 10.
Transform the following sentences without changing the meaning : (Board Examination 2009 Sc & Com)

  1. He is too poor to buy this book. (Remove ‘too’)
  2. Hari is taller than all other boys. (into positive degree)
  3. Can you climb up this tree? (into Assertive)


  1. He is so poor that he can not buy this book.
  2. No other boy is so tall as Hari is.
  3. You can not climb up this tree.

Question 11.
Transform the following sentences without changing the meaning: [Model Paper 2010 (A)]

  1. Very few people are as honest as Rashid. (Into comparative)
  2. The sun is too hot to go out. (Remove too)
  3. Can you repair the bridge ? (into Assertive)


  1. Rashid is more honest than most other people.
  2. The sun is so hot that nobody can go out.
  3. You can not repair the bridge.

Question 12.
Transform the following sentences without changing the meaning : [Model Paper 2010 (A)]

  1. I want to know the reason of your coming late in the class. (Interrogative sentence)
  2. India is the poorest country. (to passive sentence)
  3. The sun is too hot.forus to go out (Remove ‘too’)


  1. May I know the reason of your coming late in the class ?
  2. No any country is so poor (or as poor as) as India.
  3. The sun is so hot for us that we cannot go out.

Question 13.
Transform the following sentences as directed : [Model Paper 2010 (A)]

  1. He is too late to catch the train. (Remove “too”)
  2. Sita is not as pretty as Gita ! (To positive degree)
  3. Kolkata is the busiest city in India. (To positive degree)


  1. He is solate that he cannot catch the train.
  2. Sita is prettier than Sita.
  3. No other city in India is as busy as Kolkata.

Question 14.
Transform the following sentences as directed : [Model Paper 2010 (A)]

  1. Can a leopard change his sports? (Into Assertive)
  2. Calcutta is the busiest city in India. (Into comparative)
  3. He is too weak to walk. (Remove “too”)


  1. A leopard cannot change his sports.
  2. Calcutta is busier than any other city in India. Or, Calcuta is busier than all other cities in India.
  3. He is so weak that he cannot walk.

Question 15.
Transform the following sentences without changing the meaning: (Model Paper 2010 (A)]

  1. It is too hot to go out. (Remove “too”)
  2. He is a great miser. (To comparative)
  3. Kolkata is the biggest city in India. (To comparative)


  1. It is a so hot than I cannot go out.
  2. Is he not a great miser ?
  3. Kolkata is bigger than all other cities in India. Or, Kolkata is bigger than any other city in India.

We believe the information shared regarding Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 English Poem Grammar Transformation of Sentences Questions and Answers as far as our knowledge is concerned is true and reliable. In case of any queries or suggestions do leave us your feedback and our team will guide you at the soonest possibility. Bookmark our site to avail latest updates on several state board Solutions at your fingertips.

Bihar Board Class 11 English Letter and Application Writing

Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 English aids you to prepare all the topics in it effectively. You need not worry about the accuracy of the Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 Book 50 Marks Solutions Letter and Application Writing Questions and Answers as they are given adhering to the latest exam pattern and syllabus guidelines. Enhance your subject knowledge by preparing from the Chapter wise Bihar Board Class 11th English Book Solutions and clarify your doubts on the corresponding topics.

Bihar Board Class 11 English Letter and Application Writing

Kinds of Letters: There are four kinds of letters
1. Private letters-They are written to relatives and friends.
2. Business letters-They are written to merchants or films in connection with the business.
3. Official letters-They are written by one official to another in an official capacity.
4. Applications-They is written for various purposes, e.g., for the job, for grant of leave, etc.

Question 1.
You are Hemant/Himakshi. Write a letter to the editor of ‘National Herald’, New Delhi expressing your anguish over the problems faced by people due to illicit liquor and the deadly chemicals like Anthrax.

B/24, Prithvi Raj Road,
New Delhi
March 3,20.

The Editor
National Herald, New Delhi

I Subject: Problems caused by illicit liquor
I take this opportunity to express my deep concern and anguish over the problems caused by illicit liquor and deadly weapons like Anthrax. The news of the death of 70 people in Andhra by consuming Tawdy’ and 1 pouch liquor was really disturbing. It is really callous that certain people, in order to make a few fast bucks can play with the lives of other people. It was learnt that the pouch liquor consumed by the people in Andhra was prepared with a methylated spirit-a poisonous substance. Surely, the law dealing with such crimes is inadequate and more teeth should be provided to deal with .such crimes. The punishment should be exemplary so as to have a deterrent effect Similarly, the scare caused among public regarding chemical weapons like Anthrax is of alarming nature. The vulnerable people are being exposed to the threat of such deadly weapons by the extremists. The Govt. Should crackdown on the source of such chemicals that can have widespread damage in the public.

Yours faithfully

Question 2.
Write a letter to the Editor of the magazine ‘Expressions’, New Delhi on the deterioration in the standard of living in your city. Give suggestions for improvement Sign yourself as PMR.

F104/2, Mira Road, New Delhi
February 16,20
The Editor Expressions

Subject: Regarding deterioration in the standard of living


Through the columns of your esteemed magazine, I want to express my concerns over the deterioration in living standard in Sonipat. The city is crying for civic amenities like an efficient sewage system which seems to crumble particularly during the rainy season. The street lighting is pathetic. Potholes have appeared in all the major roads and need immediate attention.

Then ATM facilities are required in the banks. To start with, at least three ATM centers be opened at Subhash Chowk, Hindu College, and Sec-14 Community center. Online Railway Reservation Facilities need to be provided here. Bill collection facilities for electricity and telephone bills should be given in leading banks as well. It will ease the mad-rush at the collection points.

Then Super Bazars are the primary needs today. To provide perfect competition, leading stores should be encouraged to open their outlet in their chain of superstores. All these things will go a long way in improving the living standard in our city and give a face-lift to it also.

Yours truly

Question 3.
Write a letter to the editor of the Times of India, complaining about the noise pollution in your locality drawing the attention of the Government to take steps to check the same Sign as Gaurav/Gauri, Janta Nagar, Ahmedabad.

628/26, Janata Nagar
February 19,20

The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject: Regarding noise pollution
I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the 1 noise pollution in our locality through the columns of your esteemed daily. Noise pollution seems to have raining decibels in our locality. Big loudspeakers are blaring noise throughout the day. It is not that the noise decibels rise only during the day. Holy noise from the loudspeakers atop the religious places starts early in the morning. Children getting up early to: concentrate on studies find it very frustrating to find so much of distracting I music drumming into their ears. Then the ‘Jaagrans’ held through out the night are another source of noise pollution. More so, incessant use of pressure horns even in silence zones like hospitals is very disturbing for old land sick persons. People seem to have thrown all the norms to winds and are openly flouting the rules. The Govt, needs to curb such things by taking punitive. I hope you will give proper space to these ideas in your daily.

Yours faithfully

Question 4.
Write a letter to the Editor of the ‘Indian Express’, New Delhi complaining about the frequent breakdown in the supply of electricity in your locality. (Tilak Avenue). Sign yourself as PMR.
G-37 Tilak Avenue
March 10,20………..
The Editor

Indian Express, New Delhi

Subject: Regarding frequent break down of electricity supply


I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the frequent breakdown of electricity supply in our locality.

The electric supply^ias been far from satisfactory for for quite some weeks now. The blame Ts put on the transformers which are old ones and far too small in their capacity. It results into frequent tripping and the fuses burning out. The people manning the complaint centres are rude and indifferent to the problems faced by people. It takes hours to get even minor faults attended to.

Then, there is too frequent and unannounced load shedding in our area. Ours is not a power theft prone area and should be not on The priority when the load shedding is required. But surprisingly, our locality has to bear the brunt all the time.

The add to the woes of people, the voltage situation is also very gloomy. It causes heavy loss to the electrical gadgets and some of the are rendered non-working due to poor voltage. Ban on the use of air-conditioners during peak hours should be strictly enforced to improve the power situation.

Yours truly

Question 5.
You are Amrit/Amritha of Bangalore. You are disturbed at the nonavailability of essential commodities in the Fair Price Shops of your area. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Hindu’ drawing the attention of the authorities to the irregularities in the Fair Price Shops. (Word limit 150 words)
B-49, Gulab Bagh
March 23,20 ……….
The Editor
The Hindu, New Delhi

Subject: Regarding non-availability of essential items in Fair Price Shops


I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the nonavailability of essential commodities in the Fair Price Shops in Bangalore.

Life seems to be getting harder and harder for the common man. It is the prime duty of the govt, to ensure that essential commodities like rice, sugar, candles, etc. are available in the Fair Price Shops. But they seem to be performing the vanishing act the moment they appear. Price Shops. But they seem to be performing the vanishing act the moment they appear. ‘Stocks are over’, this is the sign that always welcomes wrong with the distribution system. May be the hoarders and black-marketeers are hand in glove with high-ups in the Govt.

Buying these commodities from the open market makes holes in the pocket of the budget people. It would be heaving sigh of relief for the already burdened common man if the govt, ensured enough supply of essential commodities.

Yours truly

Question 6.
In a letter to your father, Inform him of your success at the Test Examination and your preparation for the Final Examination.

Govinda Mitra Raod,
5th December, 20………….

My dear Father,

Here is a happy pieces of news for you. You will be glad to know that I secured the first position in my class at the Test Examination.

My Final Examination will begin from the 9th March 2009.1 have got a lot of time for my preparation for the Final Examination. I want to use my time properly. I have already read my textbooks thoroughly. Now I am preparing some model questions in each subject. I have made a time-table for my studies. I am preparing each subject well. I devote enough time to writing-work. I hope that I shall finish my preparation by the end of January. Then I will revise my textbooks.

My teachers expect me to secure a good position at the Final Examination. I hope that I shall come up to their expectations.

Please convey my best regards to Mother.

Yours affectionately,

Address- Shri Binod Kumar Sharma,
Statin Road,

Question 7.
Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his success in examination.

Ashok Road,
June 15, 200…

My dear Rajiv,

I have just heard of your brilliant success in the Senior Secondary School Examination. Accept my heartiest congratulations on your success.

You have achieved a rare distinction. It is not an essay job to secure the first position. I was sure you must achieve this distinction. Your regular and patient labour has been crowned with success. You have brought glory not only to yourself but to all your friends. Your grand success gives me inspiration. I hope your will achieve similar distinction in future.

When will you arrange a dinner to celebrate your brilliant success ? Don’t forget to invite me to the dinner.

With best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Question 8.
Your friend is ill. Write a letter of cheers to him.

January 16, 20…

My dear Suresh,

I am sorry to hear of your illness. Today I got a letter from Umesh who has written about your illness.

He says that you are very much nervous. You might be feeling lonely in your hostel. I think your fellow-boarders must be looking after you. It would be better if you are removed to a hospital.

Don’t lose heart. Cheer up. Your disease is not serious. You will recover in a few days. Give up your sadness. You should take complete rest. I hope to hear about your recovery soon.

With best wishes from,

Yours sincere friend,

Question 9.
K.A. University, K. a. The city offers a correspondence course leading to a Diploma in Waste Water Management after plus two. You are Deepak/ Deepti Sinha. Write to the Director, Correspondence course, K. A. University for the brochure and prospectus and enquiring about the job opportunities after completing this course.

38, Labour Colony, Patna
March 25,20……
The Director
Correspondence Course
Pants University,
Patna City

Subject: Information regarding Diploma in Waste Water Management

This has reference to your advertisement in The Hindustan Times regarding the starting of a Diploma in Waste Management in 2008-09 through correspondence. I have appeared for 10 + 2 (Science Stream) exam, in March this year. I would like to blow that are the job opportunities after completing this course. Please elaborate on all the openings through this course.

I am sending a Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- in your favour for sending me the broucher covering other details regarding the course.

Yours Faithfully,
Denesh Singh

Question 10.
Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) has decided to hire one hun¬dred buses for different routes in the city on a per km basis. Write a letter to the Transport Commissioner, DTC, offering ff ve buses to be hired by them on their terms and conditions.

Traffic Manager Krishna Bus Service, Patna
October 16,20……..
The Transport Commissioner Delhi
Transport Corporation

Subject: Regarding Hiring of Private Buses


This has reference to your advertisement in The Hindustan Times dated October 10,20………….. inviting offers for hiring private buses from the transporters.

Ours is a Premier Transport Company having its fleet of more than 150 buses playing on different routes in Bihar, Jharkhand and Nepal Border U.P. and M.P. We have been in this business for the last 50 years. As such, we have got the necessary experience and expertise to handle the volume of passengers.

We have read the terms and conditions laid down by the corporation and promise to abide by them. We offer for hire on km basis five buses from our fleet Our buses are new, comfortable and fitted with CNG kits in keeping with the pollution norms in Delhi. We assure you to provide ultra-modem buses and very polite and expert crew members. Our disciplined drivers and polite conductors will give no room for complaint The inspection of the buses can be done at your convenience with prior intimation. Other formalities of depositing surety money and giving a three-year bond would be completed soon.

Yours faithfully
A.K Deo
traffic Manager

Question 11.
You are Ravi/Rajani living at 5 Ganesb Bagh, Gaya 3. There is a frequent power cut and voltage fluctuation in your area causing great ‘ inconvenience and damaging electrical appliance. Write a letter to the Assistant Engineer of the Electricity Board of your area explaining the difficulties you face, seeking quick action.

5. Ganesh Bagh.
Gaya 3
Electric Bihar State Electricity Bo&rd, Gaya

Subject: Complaint Regarding Frequent Power Cuts


I, on behalf of the residents of Ganesh Bagh, wish to draw your attention towards frequent power cuts and voltage fluctuations in our area. These fluctuations not only anise great inconvenience but also damage electrical appliances. The transformers installed are of a small capacity resulting in low voltage and fluctuations. Many costly TV sets and refrigerators have been damaged here due to high voltage. Fan motors are burnt out. Overload on transformers causes frequent trippings melting of fuses. It is requested that transformers of bigger capacity be installed to regularise power supply in our area. I hope you will take a personal interest in the matter and get the faulty transformers replaced at the earliest –

Yours faithfully

Question 12.
You are John/Urmila, Staff Secretary Grant Public School, Patna The State Transport bus which is playing in your route at 8 a. m. has become irregular, putting a large number of students and office-goers in great difficulty. Write a letter to the Bus Depot Incharge complaining about it and requesting him to send the has regularly.

Doon Public School
The Bus Depot Incharge
State Transport Bus Service

Subject: Regarding Bus Service


I wish to draw your land attention towards the irregular bus service on Rute No. 28 from Patna City to Doon Public School. A large number of students and teachers take the morning bus at 8 a. m.- on this route to reach their destination. But for quite some time now, this bus service has become very irregular patting to inconveniences a lot of daily commuters on this route. Due to disturbed timings of the bus, students reach late in their schools and office goers also are hard-pressed. The earlier bus service is at 7.15 a. m. which is too early for the students. If the bus timings are put back on the right track, lots of commuters can be saved from avoidable ordeal every morning. I hope you would ensure its timely departure from its scheduled station and oblige us.

Thanking you in anticipation

Yours faithfully

Question 13.
Write a letter to the Police Commissioner (Traffic) about the inadequate parking facilities in the commercial street area of Patna, which is causing a lot of inconvenience to the people. You may also offer your suggestions to solve it. You are Rakesh/Renu No. 12, Jayanagar, Patna.

The Commissioner of Police (Traffic)
Civil Lines
July 16, 2013……

Subject: Complaint regarding inadequate parking facilities in commercial street.


I wish to draw your kind attention to inadequate parking facilities in Commercial Street, Patna.

It is one of the busiest areas of the city and is frequented by thousands every day. People have to park their vehicles at whatever vacant space they find. It not only causes inconvenience to the public in general but has resulted in vehicles’ theft as well. This area has become a haven for auto lifters. Encroachments on public land are also on the rise. Pheri-wallas and street hawkers have grabbed all the land meant for pedestrians.

It is requested that parking lots be provided and be let out to private contractors on a yearly basis. Encroachers should be dealt with firmly and the public land is freed from their possession.

It would be easing congestion in the busiest commercial area of the city.

Yours faithfully

R/o 12, Jayanagar

Question 14.
Write a letter to the General Manager, BSNL., complaining about the unsatisfactory working our your Telephone.

The General Manager
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.
10th August 20……….

Subject: Complaint regarding telephone


I take this opportunity to bring to your kind notice the unsatisfactory working of my telephone (Tel. No. 2454011). Several complaints made earlier have yielded no result. So, it was imperative for me to bring it to your notice.

My telephone has remained dead for the last two weeks. The fault is said to be in the underground cable, which has failed to be rectified. At times, there is huge sound disturbance and the telephone is rendered unserviceable.

It is requested that the telephone may be restored without any further delay. I have already faced a lot of difficulty due to my non-functional tele¬phone. I hope my telephone is restored immediately failing which I will be left with no choice but to move the Consumer Court for deficiency of service.

Yours faithfully,
Kaushik Kataria.

B-3/72, G. M. Road

Question 15.
You are Akshaya/Kajol of 123, Parade Ground Road, Secunderabad. You are interested in doing a short-term course in computer programming during summer vacation. Write a letter to the Director, Computer World, Powai, Mumbai, enquiring about the duration of such a course and the terms and conditions for admission.

123, Parade Ground Road :
Andhra Pradesh
May 28,20……..

The Director
Computer World

Subject: Information regarding short-term computer programming course

I have just passed my 10 + 2 exam, and desirous of joining short-term computer programming course at your institute. Your premier institute is the clear-cut market leader in computer education. So, I have decided to pursue this crash course. I would feel obliged in you send me the following information at the earliest

(i) Exact duration of the course.
(ii) Total fees payable for the course including tuition fees and hostel charges.
(iii) Last but not the least, I would like to know if each student is provided individual computers at your institute. I won’t like to share my computer with any other student at all.

Thanking your

Yours faithfully

We believe the information shared regarding Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 English Poem Letter and Application Writing Questions and Answers as far as our knowledge is concerned is true and reliable. In case of any queries or suggestions do leave us your feedback and our team will guide you at the soonest possibility. Bookmark our site to avail latest updates on several state board Solutions at your fingertips.

Bihar Board Class 11 English Book Solutions Story of English Chapter 5 Story of English Poetry

Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 English aids you to prepare all the topics in it effectively. You need not worry about the accuracy of the Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 Book Solutions Story of English Chapter 5 Story of English Poetry Questions and Answers as they are given adhering to the latest exam pattern and syllabus guidelines. Enhance your subject knowledge by preparing from the Chapter wise Bihar Board Class 11th English Book Solutions and clarify your doubts on the corresponding topics.

Rainbow English Book Class 11 Solutions Story of English Chapter 5 Story of English Poetry

Kick start your preparation by using our online resource Bihar Board Class 11 English Solutions. You can even download the Bihar Board Board Solutions for Class 11 Chapter 5 Story of English Poetry Questions and Answers in Prison free of cost through the direct links available on our page. Clear your queries and understand the concept behind them in a simple manner. Simply tap on the concept you wish to prepare in the chapter and go through it.

Bihar Board Class 11 English Story of English Poetry Textual Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Complete the statements given below:

(a) Words in a poem are used for …………………. and ………………….
(b) In his poetic words, Chaucer did not use the ………………….
(c) The word Renaissance means ………………….
(d) The three great poets of the Elizabethan period are …………………. and ………………….
(e) The faiery Queene is a ………………….
(f) Shakespeare’s Sonnet’s deal with ………………….
(a) Words in a poem are used for their sound and images.
(b) In his poetic words, chaucer did not use the Old English irregular lines and alliteration.
(c) The word Renaissance means rebirth and refers to revival of ancient Greek learning.
(d) The three great poets of the Elizabethan period are Christopher Marlowe, Edum Spencer and William Shakespeare.
(e) The Faiery Queene is aromantic epic based on chivalry.
(f) Shakespeare’s Sonnets deal with tragic failure in love and broken friend-ship.

Answer these questions very briefly :

Question 1.
What does Langland do in “The Vision of the Piers the Plowman?
Long man writes in his “The vision of Piers the Plowman” a series of dream visions and he attacks the social ills and urges men to “Learn to Love”.

Question 2.
When was the influence of the Renaissance felt clearly in England?
The influence of The Renaissance was felt clearly in England during the period from the accession of Elizabeth in 1558 to the death of James-I in 1625.

Question 3.
Who wrote “Austrophel and Stella”?
Sir Philip Sidney who was a noble man as well a talent for writing; wrote the beautiful Sonnet; – “A strohel and Stella” in 1591.

Question 4.
Name the two epics in English.
The name of two epics are — “Paradise Lost” and “Paradise Regained”, written by John Milton.

Question 5.
Name four leading Romantic poets of the nineteenth century.
Four leading Romantic poets of the nineteenth century were –
(i) James Thomson
(ii) Robert Blair
(iii) William Collins
(iv) Robert Burns

Question 6.
Who has described poetry as the criticism of life ?
Mathew Arnold has described poety as the criticism of life.

Question 7.
Name any three Pre-Raphaelites poets.
The three Pre-Raphaelites poets are –
(i) Date Gabriel Rossetti
(ii) William Morris
(iii) A.C, Swinburne.

Question 8.
What aspects of modern civilization does T.S. Eliot present in his poems?
T.S. Eliot in his poems such as the, ‘The Love Song’ of J. Alfred Prufrock’ and “The Wasteland” presents the hollowness and vulgarity of the modem civilization, which does not hae any awareness of spritual values.

Question 9.
What were the two concerns of the American poets writing in English?
The two concerns of the American poets writing in English were –
(i) to define the self
(ii) to identify the nation

Question 10.
What were the major concerns of the early Indian poets in English ?
The major concerns of the early Indian poets were –
(i) patriotism
(ii) the glorious past of India.

Question 11.
Name four Canadian poets writing in English.
Four Canadian poets writing in English are –
(i) Jeannethe Armstrong
(ii) Claire Harris
(iii) Cyril Dabydeen
(iv) Arnold Itwaru.

Question 12.
Discuss John Milton as a poet [Sample Paper2009 (A)]
We know that John Milton is a great puritan poet. He is physically challenged but mentally agile, he is second only to Shakespeare. He lost his eye-sight but developed his insight. His style is called grand style, “Paradise lost” and “ParadiseTegained” are his well known epics. His literary reputation reminds us of Surdas in Hindi Literature. His rich sensibility is every inch obvious in his poems. In this way, John Miltan is an unforgettable literary giant in English.

Question 13.
Discuss William Wordsworth as a poet [Sample Paper 2009]
Wiliam Wordsworth wrote lyrics; ballads, odes, sonnets, verse- tales and reflective poems. May it be “Lucy-Poems” or “The Prelude”, his love of nature is always prominent. Nature, for him, is a spiritual presence.. It provides creative training to human sensibility.

The Romantic Revival in English poetry is often associated with the work of Wiliam Wordsworth. The movement refers to a renewed interest in Nature and simple life.

We believe the information shared regarding Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 English Chapter 5 Story of English Poetry Questions and Answers as far as our knowledge is concerned is true and reliable. In case of any queries or suggestions do leave us your feedback and our team will guide you at the soonest possibility. Bookmark our site to avail latest updates on several state board Solutions at your fingertips.

Bihar Board Class 11 English Unseen Passages for Comprehension

Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 English aids you to prepare all the topics in it effectively. You need not worry about the accuracy of the Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 Book 50 Marks Solutions Unseen Passages for Comprehension Questions and Answers as they are given adhering to the latest exam pattern and syllabus guidelines. Enhance your subject knowledge by preparing from the Chapter wise Bihar Board Class 11th English Book Solutions and clarify your doubts on the corresponding topics.

Bihar Board Class 11 English Unseen Passages for Comprehension


Today, India looks like it is on course to join the league of developed nations. It is beginning to establish a reputation not just as the technology nerve centre and back-office to the world but also as its production centre. India’s secularism and democracy serve as a role model for other developing countries. There is great pride in India that easily integrates with a global economy, yet maintains a unique cultural identity.

But what is breathtaking is India’s youth. For despite being an ancient civilization that traces itself to the very dawn of human habitation. India is among the youngest countries in the world. More than half the country is under 25 years of age and more than a third is under 15 years of age.

Brought up in the shadow of the rise of India’s service industry boom, this group feels it can be at least as good as if not better than anyone else in the world. This confidence has them demonstrating a great propensity to consume, throwing away ageing ideas of asceticism and thrift. Even those who do not have enough to consume today feel that they have the capability and opportunity to do so.

The economic activity created by this combination of a growing labour pool and rising consumer demand is enough to propel India to double¬digit economic growth for decades. One Just has to look at the impact that thee baby boomers in the US had over decades of economic activity, as measured by equity and housing prices. This opportunity also represents the greatest threat to India’s future. If the youth of India are not properly educated and if there are not enough jobs created. India will have forever lost its opportunity. There are danger signs in abundance.

Fifty-three per cent of students in primary schools drop out, one-third of children in Class V cannot read, three-quarters of schools do not have a functioning toilet, female literacy is applied 45 per cent and 80 million children in the age group of 6-14 do not even attend school.

India’s IT and BPO industries are engines of job creation, but they still account for only 0.2 per cent of India’s employment. The country has no choice but to dramatically industrialize and inflate its domestic economy. According to a forecast by the Boston Consulting Group, more than half of India’s unemployed within the next decade could be its educated youth. We cannot allow that to happen.

India is stuck in a quagmire of labour laws that hinder employment growth, particularly in the manufacturing sector. Inflexible labour laws inhibit entrepreneurship, so it is quite ironic that laws ostensibly designed to protect labour actually discourage employment.

Answer the following questions briefly :

  1. What makes the author think India is on the verge of joining the select band of developed nations? [3]
  2. Despite the fact that India is one of the oldest civilizations why does the author say it is young? [3]
  3. The author feels that if certain problems are not arrested, India would lose its opportunity. Why would India lose this opportunity? [3]
  4. What hinders employment growth? [3]


  1. India’s self establishment as an important nerve centre of technology and its emergence as a great production centre makes the author think that India is on the verge of joining the select band of developed nations.
  2. The author says that despite being one of the oldest civilizations India is young because more than half the country is under 25 years of age and more than a third is under 15 years of age.
  3. India would lose its opportunity if the youth of India do not get proper education and if jobs are not created for them.
  4. Complex labour laws hinder employment in the manufacturing sector and discourage business industry and employment.


The therapeutic value and healing powers of plants were demonstrated to me when I was a boy of about ten. I had developed an acute persistent abdominal pain that did not respond readily to hospital medication. My mother had taken me to the city’s central hospital on several occasions, where different drugs were tried on me. In total desperation, she took me to Egya Mensa, a well-known herbalist in my home-town in the Western province of Ghana. This man was no stranger to the medical doctors at the hospital He had earned the reputation of offering excellent help when they were confronted with difficult cases where western medicine had failed to effect a cure.

After a brief interview, not very different from what goes on daily in the consulting offices of many general medical practitioners in the United States, he left us waiting in his consulting room while he went out to the field. He returned with several leaves and the bark of a tree and one of his attendants immediately prepared a decoration. I was given a glass of this preparation, it tasted extremely bitter, but within an hour or so I began to feel relieved. The rest of the decoration was put in two large bottles so that I could take doses periodically. Within about three days, the frequent abdominal pains stopped and I recall gaining a good appetite. I have appreciated the healing powers of medicinal plants ever since.

My experience may sound unusual to those who come from urban areas of the developed world, but for those in the less affluent nations, such experiences are a common occurrence. In fact, demographic studies by various national governments and intergovernmental organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) indicate that for 75 to 90 per cent of the rural populations of the world, the herbalist is the only person who handles their medical problems.

In African culture, traditional medical practitioners are always considered to be influential spiritual leaders as well, using magic and religion along with medicines. Illness is handled with the individual’s hidden spiritual powers and with the application of plants that have been found especially to contain healing powers.

(a) On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions:
(i) Why did the author’s mother take him to Egya Mensa? What did Egya Mensa do? [3]
(ii) What do the WHO demographic studies indicate? [3]
(iii) What is the status of traditional medical practitioners in African culture?
(b) Find words in the above passage which convey similar meaning as the following : [l+i+l=3]
(i) often repeated (para 1)
(ii) pertaining to changes concerning people (para 3)
(iii) rich (para 3)
(a) (i) The author’s mother took him to Egya Mensa because different modem drags had failed to cure his abdominal pain. Egya Mensa prepared decoration of several leaves and the bark of a tree. Only a glass of the decoration relieved him of the pain.
(ii) The WHO demographic studies indicate that 75 to 90 per cent of the rural population of the world depends totally on the herbalist for their medical problems.
(iii) In African culture, the status of traditional medical practitioner is very prestigious.
(i) persistent
(ii) demographic
(iii) affluent


Early automobiles were sometimes only ‘horseless carriages’ powered by gasoline or steam engines. Some of them were so noisy that cities often made laws forbidding their use because they frightened horses.

Many countries helped to develop the automobile. The internal- combustion engine was invented in Austria, and France was an early leader in automobile manufacturing. But it was in the United States after 1900 that the automobile was improved most rapidly. As a large and growing country, the United States needed cars and trucks to provide transportation in places not served by trains.

Two brilliant ideas made possible the mass production of automobiles. An American inventor named Eli Whitney thought of one of them, which is known as ‘standardization of parts’. In an effort to speed up production in his gun factory. Whitney decided that each part of a gun could be made by machines so that it would be exactly like all the others of its kind.

Another American, Henry Ford, developed the idea of the assembly line. Before Ford introduced the assembly line, each car was built by hand. Such a process was, of course, very slow. As a result, automobiles were so expensive that only rich people could afford them. Ford proposed a system in which each worker would have only a portion of the wheels. Another would place the wheels on the car. And still, another would insert the bolts that held the wheels to the car. Each worker needed to learn only one or two routine tasks.

But, the really important part of Ford’s idea was to bring the work to the worker. An automobile frame, which looks like a steel skeleton, was put on a moving platform. As the frame moved past the workers, each worker could attach a single part. When the car reached the end of the line, it was completely assembled. Oil, gasoline and water were added and the car was ready to be driven away. With the increased production made possible by the assembly line, automobiles became much cheaper and more and more people were able to afford them.

Today, it can be said that wheels run America. The four rubber tyres of the automobile move America through work and play.

Even though the majority of Americans would find it hard to imagine what life could be without a car, some have begun to realize that the automobile is a mixed blessing. Traffic accidents are increasing steadily and large cities are plagued by traffic congestion. Worst of all, perhaps, is the air pollution caused by the internal-combustion engine. Every car engine bums hundreds of gallons of fuel each year and pumps hundreds of pounds of carbon monoxide and other gases into the air. These gases are one source of the smog that hangs over large cities. Some of these gases are poisonous and dangerous to health, especially for someone with a weak heart or a respiratory disease.

(a) On the basis of your reading, answer the following questions :
(i) How does the standardisation of parts help make mass production possible? [3]
(ii) How does the assembly line help make mass production possible? [3]
(iii) Why do some Americans call the automobile a mixed blessing? (Two points) [3]
(b) Complete the following with a word or phrase from the reading :
(i) Another idea, developed by Henry Ford was the [1]
(ii) With the increased production made possible by the assembly line, cars [1]
(c) Pick out the words from the passage which are similar in meaning to the following [1]
(i) a mixture of smoke and fo Upara 7)

(a) (i) Standardisation of parts helps mass production possible by allowing each part being made by machines so that it is exactly like the others of its kind.
(ii) Assembly line allows a worker to make only a portion and thereby helps mass production possible.
(iii) The Americans call the automobile a mixed blessing because on the one hand it runs America but on the other hand it causes accidents and air pollution.
(b) (i) the moving platform which brought the work to the worker.
(ii) became much cheaper.
(c) (i) smog


Smoking is the major cause of mortality with bronchogenic carcinoma of the lungs and is one of the factors causing death due to malignancies of the larynx, oral cavity, oesophagus, bladder, kidney, pancreas, stomach and uterine cervix and coronary heart diseases.

Nicotine is the major substance present in the smoke that causes physical dependence. The additives do produce damage to the body for example, ammonia can result in a 100-fold increase in the ability of nicotine to enter into the smoke.

Levulinic acid, added to cigarettes to mask the harsh taste of the nicotine, can increase the binding of nicotine to brain receptors, which increases the ‘kick’ of nicotine.

Smoke from the burning end of a cigarette contains over 4000 chemicals and 40 carcinogens. It has long been known that tobacco smoke is carcinogenic or cancer-causing.

The lungs of smokers collect an annual deposit of 1 to 1 Vi pounds of the gooey black material, Invisible gas phase of cigarette smoke contains nitrogen, oxygen and toxic gases like carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, acrolein, hydrogen cyanide and nitrogen oxides. These gases are poisonous and in many cases interfere with the body’s ability to transport oxygen.

Like many carcinogenic compounds, they can act as tumour promoters or tumour initiators by acting directly on the genetic make-up of cells of the body leading to the development of cancer.

During smoking within the first 8-10 seconds, nicotine is absorbed through the lungs and quickly ‘moved’ into the bloodstream and circulated throughout the brain. Nicotine can also enter the bloodstream through the mucous membranes that line the mouth (if tobacco is chewed) or nose (if snuff is used) and even through the skin. Our brain is made of billions of nerve cells. They communicate with each other by chemical messengers called neurotransmitters.

Nicotine is one of the most powerful nerve poisons and binds stereo-selectively to nicotinic receptors located in the brain, autonomic ganglia, the medulla, neuro-muscular junctions. Located throughout the brain, they play a critical role in cognitive processes and memory?

The nicotine molecule is shaped like a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine which is involved in many functions including muscle movement, breathing, heart-rate, learning and memory. Nicotine, because of

(i) Smoking is the major cause of mortality because it causes cancer in various parts of the body like the lungs, the mouth, the larynx, etc. It also causes the blockage of arteries resulting in heart diseases.
(ii) Nicotine in a cigarette makes the people addicted to it because it causes physical dependence.
(iii) Neurotransmitters are actually chemical messengers which help millions of nerve cells to communicate with one another.
(iv) Nicotine produces toxic effects by attaching itself to the acetylcholine sites of the brain.


I stopped to let the car cool off and to study the map. I had expected to be near my objective by now, but everything still seemed alien to me. I was only five when my father had taken; me abroad, and that was eighteen years ago. When my mother had died after a tragic accident, he did not quickly recover from the shock of loneliness. Everything around him was full of her presence, continually reopening the wound. So he decided to emigrate. In the new country, he became absorbed in making a new life for the two of us so that he gradually ceased to grieve. He did not marry again and I was brought up without a woman’s care, but I lacked for nothing for he was both father and mother to me. He always meant to go back one day, but not to stay. His roots and mine had become too firmly embedded in the new land. But he wanted to see the old folk again and to visit my mother’s grave. He became mortally ill a few months before we had planned to go and when he knew that he was dying, he made me promise to go on my own.

I hired a car the day after landing and bought a comprehensive book of maps, which I found most helpful on the cross country journey, but which I did not think I should need on the last stage. It was not that I actually remembered anything at all. But my father had described over and over again what we should see every milestone, after leaving the nearest town, so that I was positive I should recognize it is familiar territory. Well, I had been wrong, for I was now lost.

(a) On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions:
(i) Why did the author’s father emigrate? [3]
(ii) Why did the author not feel the absence of his mother after her death? [3]
(iii) Why did the author’s father want to go back to his old village? [3]
(iv) Why had the author come back to the land of his birth? [3]
(a) (i) After the death of the author’s mother in an accident, the author’s father suffered from the shock of loneliness. Everything around him reminded him of her presence and memories. So he migrated.
(ii) The author did not feel the absence of his mother after her death because his father played the role of his mother also.
(iii) The author’s father wanted to go back to his old village because he wanted to see the old folk again and visit his wife’s grave.
(iv) The author came back to the land of his birth because he had promised his dying father to do so.

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Bihar Board Class 11 English Book Solutions Story of English Chapter 1 How English Began

Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 English aids you to prepare all the topics in it effectively. You need not worry about the accuracy of the Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 Book Solutions Story of English Chapter 1 How English Began Questions and Answers as they are given adhering to the latest exam pattern and syllabus guidelines. Enhance your subject knowledge by preparing from the Chapter wise Bihar Board Class 11th English Book Solutions and clarify your doubts on the corresponding topics.

Rainbow English Book Class 11 Solutions Story of English Chapter 1 How English Began

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Bihar Board Class 11 English How English Began Textual Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Complete the statements given below

(a) English language is ………………. than Persian. [B.M.2009 (A)]
(b) English we speak today has come from ………………. of ………………. tribe. [B.M.2009 (A)]
(c) The Anglo saxon were ………………. people. [B.M.2009 (A)]
(d) Through ………………. English belongs to the ancient ………………. family of languages. [BM.2009(A)]
(a) English language is much younger than Persian
(b) English we speak today has come from the speech of the Germanic tribe.
(c) The Anglo-Saxon were Germanic People.
(d) Through Germanic English belongs to the ancient Indo-European family of languages.

Answer these questions very briefly :

Question 1.
Who did the natives of English call Saxons?
The natives of England called the Germanic invaders as Saxons.

Question 2.
What did the saxons call the natives of England ?
The saxons called the natives of England ‘Wealas’ or foreigners.

Question 3.
What languages were called “English” ? [B.M. 2009 (A)]
The languages germanic or teutonic which were closely related to Latin, Greek, Sanskrit and other languages of the Indo-European family (or group) of languages.

Question 4.
When did the name England come into us? Which word did it replace.
From about AD 1000, the name England came into existence and use. It came into use in place of Anglecynrt.

Question 5.
Write a brief note how English began. [B.M. 2009 (A)]
The English we speak today has developed from the speech of the three Germanic tribes called “Angels”, “Saxons” ad “Jutes”, These three tribes are popularly known as the Anglo-Saxon. These tribes attacked England in the fifth century and gave the country its name and its language. The world “English” has been developed from the name Au gels (Old English, “Engle”).

We believe the information shared regarding Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 English Chapter 1 How English Began Questions and Answers as far as our knowledge is concerned is true and reliable. In case of any queries or suggestions do leave us your feedback and our team will guide you at the soonest possibility. Bookmark our site to avail latest updates on several state board Solutions at your fingertips.

Bihar Board Class 11 English Precis Writing

Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 English aids you to prepare all the topics in it effectively. You need not worry about the accuracy of the Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 Book 50 Marks Solutions Precis Writing Questions and Answers as they are given adhering to the latest exam pattern and syllabus guidelines. Enhance your subject knowledge by preparing from the Chapter wise Bihar Board Class 11th English Book Solutions and clarify your doubts on the corresponding topics.

Bihar Board Class 11 English Precis Writing

1. Make a precis of the following passage giving a suitable title. [7 Marks]

The problem that confronts most of us is whether the individual is merely the instrument of society or the aid of society. Are you and I as individuals to be used, directed, educated, controlled, shaped as a certain pattern by society and government or does society, the state, exist for the individual? Is the individual the end of society or is he merely a puppet to be taught, exploited, butchered as an instrument of war? That is the problem of the world-whether the individual is a mere instrument of society, a plaything of influences to be moulded or whether society exists for the individual.

How are you going to find this out? It is a serious problem, is it not? If the individual is merely an instrument of society, then society is much more important than the individual. If that is true, then we must give up individuality and work for society, our whole educational system must be entirely revolutionized and the individual turned into an instrument to be used and destroyed. But if society exists for the individual, then the function of society is not to make him conform to any pattern but to give him the feel, the urge of freedom. So, we have to find out which is false. [ 213 words ]

Title: The Individual and the Society

Most of us are confused about the role and function of the individual and the society, whether the individual is instrument or the aid of the society and government. Whether the individual is a mere instrument of society or society exists for the individual is a universal problem. If society is more important then individuality can’t exist, but if society exists for the individual then it must give him the feeling of freedom. [ 72 words ]

2. Make a precis of the following passage giving a suitable title. [7 Marks]

Why is society crumbling, as it surely is? One of the fundamental reasons is that the individual, you, has ceased to be creative. It will explain what I mean. You and I have become imitative; we are copying outwardly and inwardly. Outwardly, when learning techniques, when communicating with each other on the verbal level, naturally there must be some imitation, copy. I copy words. To become an engineer I must leam the technique, the use the technique to build a bridge. There must be a certain amount of imitation, copying in outward technique, but when there is inward psychological imitation, surely we cause to be creative. Our education, our social structure, our so-called religious life, are all based on imitation, that is, I fit into a particular social or religious formula. I have ceased to be a real individual.

Title: Individuals and Society Are interrelated

The fundamental reason of the society being broken is loss of its creativeness. We have become imitative, outwardly while learning and communicating a technique. An engineer learns the technique and use it building a bridge. Being imitative inwardly we cease to be creative and a real citizen.

3. Make a precis of the following passage giving a suitable title. [7Marks]

All the great religious teachers of mankind have assisted on this: that man ought not to live for themselves alone. We ought .not, they have said, to spend all our time and energy in getting just what we want for ourselves, power and money and importance in die world, we ought to serve something greater than ourselves, whether a god or a cause or our fellowmen. It is by serving this something greater than men will forget themselves and so achieve happiness. This or something like it is what the great religions have taught, and it is one of the most important of the things that civilization means. It is also the hardest to learn and practise. In fact, most people have found if much too hard.

Title: Teaching of great religions

All the great religious teachers of mankind insisted to serve something greater than to spend our time and energy on our wants. Though it is hardest to learn and which great religions have taught to achieve happiness and what civilization means. [42words]

4. Make a precis of the following passage giving a suitable title. [7Marks]

Educated women have to play the role of teachers. An educated lady can serve the country in the humble capacity of a teacher. The education of children depends mainly upon women. They can teach as well as amuse. They can do research work in art, literature, philosophy and science. We are fortunate in having very intelligent girls *who are anxious to have training in foreign countries. They are being given a scholarship by the Government of India and many of them have proceeded to western countries and have made their mark as educationists. Women can also render social service whenever there is flood, famine, earthquake or some natural calamity. It is also during the war that they can be of utmost utility to their nation. In free India ladies are being given training in first aid, use of gun and rifles and some of them are getting training as drivers and pilots. The defence of the country is a matter of great importance to all arid women should share the burden with men. [ 172 words ]

Title: The Role of Educated Women

Educated women serve the nation in many ways, by educating children, undertaking research work in art, literature, philosophy, science and higher education in foreign countries. They can render social services in natural calamities like flood, famine and earthquake. During the war their utmost contribution to the nation is the job of first aid, nursing, pilot and many other activities. [ 58 words ]

5. Make a precis of the following passage giving a suitable title. [7 Marks]

Human life consists of a succession of small events, each of which is comparatively unimportant and yet the happiness and success of every man; depends upon the manner in which these small events are dealt with. Character is built upon little things—little things well and honourably transacted. The ‘success of a man in business depends upon the attention to little things. The comfort of a household is the result of small things well-arranged. Good government can only be accomplished in the same way by well-regulated provisions for the doing of little things.

Accumulation of knowledge and experience of the most valuable kind is the result of little bits of knowledge and experience carefully treasured up. Those who learn nothing or accumulate nothing in life are set down as failures because they have neglected little things. They may themselves consider | that the world has gone against them but, in fact, they have been their own enemies. [ 156 words ]

Title: Way of Success

Though small-events in human life are unimportant, still the happiness and ( success of every man and the good government depends on the manners of its dealings. Those who remain without accumulation of knowledge and experience, in life are set-down as failures because of neglecting little-things. They become ’ disillusioned, but really they have been their own enemies. – [55 words]

6. Make a precis of the following passage giving a suitable title. [7Marks]

I Today our society abounds with persons, who are mad after their own interest. In Sarvodaya, however, one has to be solicitous of other’s interest. I Man’s nature will have to be changed. Values of life will have to be re-valued. For, if the individual does not change even if exploitation is put out once, it will reappear afterwards. This is a high ideal no doubt, but is capable of being attained. That can be done by making a beginning somewhere.

Bhoodan is the process whereby we can reach this goal. The land problem is a problem that affects crores of people. Hence, the Bhoodan movement makes a direct appeal to the masses and would inevitably cast its influence on their approach and way to life. [ 124 words ]

Title: Sarvodaya and Bhoodan

Persons and after their own interest become desirous of other’s interest in “Sarvodaya”. High-ideals will appear in revalue of life. Bhoodan solves land-problem by making direct appeal to the masses which would inevitably casts its influence on their way to life. [ 41 words ]

7. Make a precis of the following passage giving a suitable title. [TMarks]

Kiran was a universal favourite with her family and neighbours, so that when she fall seriously ill they were all anxious. The wise villagers thought it shameless for the husband to make so much fuss about a mere wife and even to suggest a change of air and asked if shared supposed that no woman had, ever been ill before or whether he had found out that the folk of the place to l which he meant to take her were immortal. Did he imagine that the write to fate did not mn there ? But Sharat and his mother turned a deaf ear to them thinking that the life of .their darling was of greater importance than the united wisdom of a village. So Sharat went to Chander Nagar, and Kiran recovered though she was still very weak. There was a pinch look on her face which filled the beholders with pity, and made their heart tremble, as they thought how narrowly she had escaped death. [ 180 words ]

Title: Kiran’s Illness

Popular Kiran’s serious illness grieved her relations and neighbours. Her husband Sharat, desired her climatic change but the so-called wise villagers opposed the idea as foolish and shameless, but to her husband and mother-in¬law, her life was dearer than villager’s opinion. Therefore, they took her to Chander Nagar where she recovered, although still look weak. She had a narrow escape from death. [60 words ]

8. Make a precis of the following passage giving a suitable title. [7 Marks]

If today I have a quarrel with another man, I do not get beaten merely because I am physically weaker and he can knock me down. I go to law, and the law will decide as fairly as it can between the two of us. Thus, in disputes between man and man, right has taken the place of might. Moreover, the law protects me from robbery and violence. Nobody may come and break into my house, steal my goods, or run off with my children. Of course, there are burglars, but they are very rare, and the laws punishes them whenever it catches them.

It difficult for us to realise how much this safety means. Without safety those high activities of making which make up civilization could not go on. The inventor could not invent, the scientist find out or the artist make beautiful things. [ 146 words ]

Title: The law of the land

In case of a quarrel, law protects physically weaker person, by deciding faily. Nobody can dare to steal my goods or run-off with my children. Civilization made up of higher activities of mankind is meaningless without safety. The inventors could not invent, the scientist find out or the artist make beautiful things. [ 50 words ]

9. Make a precis of the following passage giving a suitable title. [7 Marks]

The very abundance of books, an increasing and confusing abundance in our days, makes it important to know how to choose’promptly and judiciously among them if one is not to spend as much time in the mere choice as in the perusal of the books that are selected. On this subject the first advice I venture to submit is to secure and to read only the best books. There are plenty of them, far more than you will ever find time to read. And when a wide range of excellent works is so readily obtainable, it is surely unfortunate to waste valuable minutes on any others. You may ask what I mean by best books. Passing by for the moment those publications which in each of the great languages of the world we call classics, I mean by the best books those from which you receive most, and can carry away most in the form of either knowledge or stimulation. [ 160 words ]

Title: Choice of Books

Innumerable books are published now-a-days. Naturally, there is no time to read even the best ones which are available in large numbers, One should, therefore, read only the best books and not to spend much time in perusal of the books. Besides classic best books are those that give maximum of wisdom and inspiration. [ 54 words ]

10. Makea precisofthefollowingpasage giving a suitable title. [7 marks]

Now Jumman had an old relation, a material aunt. who had some property. This she transferred to him by a deed on the understanding that she would be well-looked after. So long as the deed remained unregistered, none was so obliging to the old lady as her review none so considerate to her. Her every wish was anticipated and carefully carried out. But everything changed the moment the deed was registered. Jumman wh6 used to wit dotingly on his old aunt now become supremely indifferent. His wife. chairman, went even further. She grudged even the little food that the old lady ate. No meal was now served to her without chairman letting loose a barber two dipped in gall or position. [123 words]

Title: Ingratitude

Jumman had an old aunt. She had some property. She gave it to Jumman on assurance that he would maintain her. Before the registration he was hospitable to her but after registration he requested her. His wife’s treatment was worse. [ 40 words ]

11. Make a precis of the following passage giving a suitable title. [7 Marks]

The cinema is an outstanding wonder of this modem age. Apart from the great pleasure it gives us, it is a means of entertainment. It is in many ways, an education in itself, and no regular patron of the cinema can ever be called illiterate. The cinema is also a very valuable asset to educationists in imparting knowledge. The fdm companies, from time to time, produce historical pictures, and-these pictures are of great assistance to the teacher of history. A couple of hours spent in the company of historical personages dressed in the proper dress of the period can teach us far more than we can learn from a whole week’s browsing in a history textbook. Even some of Shakespeare’s dramas and comedies have been filmed and we thereby gain a much better idea of the play than would be possible from a casual reading of it. [ 146 words ]

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Bihar Board Class 11 English Book Solutions Story of English Chapter 4 Future of English

Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 English aids you to prepare all the topics in it effectively. You need not worry about the accuracy of the Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 Book Solutions Story of English Chapter 4 Future of English Questions and Answers as they are given adhering to the latest exam pattern and syllabus guidelines. Enhance your subject knowledge by preparing from the Chapter wise Bihar Board Class 11th English Book Solutions and clarify your doubts on the corresponding topics.

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Bihar Board Class 11 English Future of English Textual Questions and Answers

Answer these questions very briefly :

Question 1.
Name the language which was a world language about 800 years ago.
About 800 years ago, Latin was a world language. It spread all over Europe as the Roman Empire grew and many new varieties came into existence.

Question 2.
Why is Latin no longer in popular use?
Latin language is no longer in popular use because with the fall of the Roman Empire languages of many countries moved apart from Latin. Many different varieties of languages became new language, such as Spanish, French, Italian.

Question 3.
Name three areas of English language in which rapid changes have been noticed in the last few decades.
There are mainly three areas of English language in which rapid changes have been noticed in the last few decades. These areas are
(i) English Grammar
(ii) Spelling
(iii) Pronunciation.
The concepts of Grammar, spellings and pronunciation have been made simple. So, the English language has developed with a great speed.
In the areas of Internet, Computer and programming English has been widely used.

Question 4.
Discuss the future of English in India. [Sample Paper 2009 (A); Board Exam 2000]
The Future of English is very bright in India. It may be said to be the link language of the country. It played ah important role in our fight against the British. It brought different people belonging to different regions and speaking different languages on one platform.

The English has future in this country also because Indian is economically a rising country. All recent inventions and discoveries are found in the books of English. We cannot do anything without English.

English has future in India also because of globalisation. Market economy has created international trade and marketing. The knowledge of English is indispensable in such a situation. English has generated employment in India. Thousands of call centers require employees who have knowledge of English.

Thus, the future of English in India is bright.

We believe the information shared regarding Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 English Chapter 4 Future of English Questions and Answers as far as our knowledge is concerned is true and reliable. In case of any queries or suggestions do leave us your feedback and our team will guide you at the soonest possibility. Bookmark our site to avail latest updates on several state board Solutions at your fingertips.

Bihar Board Class 11 English Report Writing

Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 English aids you to prepare all the topics in it effectively. You need not worry about the accuracy of the Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 Book 50 Marks Solutions Report Writing Questions and Answers as they are given adhering to the latest exam pattern and syllabus guidelines. Enhance your subject knowledge by preparing from the Chapter wise Bihar Board Class 11th English Book Solutions and clarify your doubts on the corresponding topics.

Bihar Board Class 11 English Report Writing

Question 1.
Your school has celebrated Cleanliness Week organizing a number of inter-house competitions and awarded the prizes in gala function. As secretary of Students; Council of your school, prepare a report in not more than 100 words. Sign yourself as Sunil/Sunita.
Cleanliness Week Celebrated
Inter-house competitions were held in the ‘Cleanliness Week’ of St. Martin School, Bhagalpur. The theme of this drive was to create awareness about clean surroundings among the students. The Tagore (louse was declared first, while the Jagriti House came as the first runner up. The second runner up slot was occupied by The Subhash House. Loads of garbage were dumped by the students in the cleanliness drive. The school was given a face-lift in this operation lasting one week. The team of students distributed in different houses took charge of different wings of the school for cleanliness. Competitions of painting and poster-making were also held on this theme. Individual prizes in ‘Best Painting; and ‘Best Poster’ were bagged by Pankaj (Class XII-E) and Chetna (Class XII-A) respectively.

Secretary, Students’ Council
St. Martin School, Bhagalpur

Question 2.
You are Itajan/Leela. As a resident citizen, you have organised a camp on ‘Say No to Poly Bags’ in your locality. Write a report in about 100 words for the school magazine.
Say No To Poly Bags
‘Say No to Poly Bags’. This is the theme of a three days’ camp being held at Adarsh Nagar, Patna. The threats posed by poly bags and the incessant use thereof-awareness about all this will be given during the camp. Sri Onkar Singh, a well-known environmentalist, will open the camp on Tuesday 25th December 2001 at 10 a.m. Polythene, like plastic, which was dramed as a wonder product is turning out to be the nemesis of humanity. The non- biodegradable product is a real threat to our environment. The switch-over to the use of paper bags and jute bags is the need of the hour. The hazards of poly bags will be highlighted during the camp. People, who care for the world they live in, are welcome to attend it.

R/o Adarsh Nagar,

Question 3.
Recently, your city has experienced torrential rains. Write a report on the loss of life and property to be read out in your school assembly. Your report should be within 100 words.
Rains Spell Doom
The recent widespread torrential rains have caused major loss to the standing crops besides disrupting life. The weathermen have been putting the blame on westerly disturbances. The rains have caught everybody unaware and all the rivers and rivulets are overflowing. The District Administration has pressed army boats into service and people are being shifted to safe places. Refugee camps have been set up and food packets are being dropped in marooned areas, so far, more than fifty thousand people have been evacuated. A red alert has been sounded for low-lying areas. The loss to life and property is yet to be assessed.

Question 4.
You are the correspondent of a newspaper. Write a brief report for your paper on an earthquake in your area. Sign yourself as Abdul Karim.
Earthqualke Hits Lature
Latur: March 21,2002 An earthquake measuring 5.6 on the richter scale hit Latur in the early hours at 3.30 this morning. The tremors were felt for about 10 seconds. People ran out of their houses in panic. There was massive damage to the buildings. About five thousand are feared to be dead. Thousands are still buried under the debris. The epicentre of the quake is said to be in the Hindu kush region. Rescue teams were out in full operation and hundreds of people buried under the debris has been evacuated. Big cracks have appeared in most of the buildings. Most of the people were caught unaware and were sleeping in their houses when the earthquake hit. The estimated loss may run into more than 100 crores.
Abdul Karim

Question 5.
You are Mundit/Manasi working as a newspaper reporter for The Times of India, yesterday, you were invited to attend a press conference convened by the Union Minister for Parliamentary Affairs on the proposed changes in the Constitution of India to provide a stable government to the country. Write a report for publication in your paper in not more than 100 words, covering the government’s proposals.
Press Conference On Constituttional Changes
Patna : Jan. 30, 20….
The Times of India, Newsservice

The press conference called by the Union Minister for Parliamentary Affairs at his residence has initiated a new’s dabate in the political circles. It seems that the Hon’ble Minister had done a lot of spade work on the subject. He spoke eloquently, logically and with the authority of a legal expert on the issue. Almost all the leading media men were present there. The minister for Parliamentary Affairs categorically advocated some drastic changes in the Constitution for the proposed Presidential Form of Govt. He brushed aside the fears raised by some correspondents that the proposed changes go against the spirit of the Constitution and the democratic federal nature of the Indian state. He forcefully pleaded that only a Presidential Form of Govt, can provide a stable govt, to the country.

Question 6.
Annubhav lives in Hazipur. On Monday last week, he was going along with his parents to watch Shakesperae’s play ‘The Merchant of Venice’ at Shri Ram Centre in hazipur. His father was driving his car. Anubhav was very excited. But at Paswan Chowk crossing, there was a bad traffic jam. Write his account of the jam in about 100 words.
When I Was Caught In A Traffic Jam
Last week, my father brought tickets for Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice’ to be played at Shri Ram Centre, Hazipur. The play was to start at 6.30 in the evening. But at the Paswan Chowk crossing, we were caught in a severe traffic jam. The traffic was moving at a snail’s pace. Huge lines of cars, buses and other vehicles could be seen for almost a mile. Hawkers and baloon- seilers were doing a brisk business. People were running for cold drinks during the jam. We cursed our luck for not being able to reach in time. I was dreaming about the easy pace of life during the earlier times.

Question 7.
Sandeep is a member of the Lion’s Club. A blood donation camp was organised on the National Integration Day. He was one of the blood donours on that day. Write Sandeep’s experience and feelings at the time of and after donating blood in about 100 words.
When I Donated Blood
Lion’s Club, Bhagalpur. organised a blood donation camp on National Integration Day. 102 volunteers donated blood in it. I had decided to donate blood on this occasion. But I was anxious, as it was my maiden experience. The doctors first checked my over-all health and then checked my Blood Group. I was aksed to lie down on the bed alongwith several other donors. I felt no pain or weakness during the process of giving blood. After that, I was given refreshment in the form of milk and apples. All my earlier fears about giving blood had gone now. I felt a lot of satisfaction and doing something for a noble cause. The fact that every drop of my blood could make the difference between life and death for some accident victim gave me the ultimate satisfaction.

Question 8.
Write in about 100 words the experience of watching the first show of a popular movie of its release in a local cinema hall.
Watching The First Show Of The Move
‘Kaante’-the much-awaited movie of super-star Amitabh Bacchan was up for release in the first w eek of January. It was to be screened at Baw a Cinema in our city-All my friends were very excited about the movie and we decided to watch its first show. We got one hour before it started and there was a great rush for tickerts. There were rumours that there was black-marketing on tickets. With the arrival of policemen, the black-marketeers got into hiding. The order was restored at the ticket-booth and we, somehow, got the balcony ticket. Once the film started, there was pin-drop silence. It was a jam-packed theatre turned up for the premier show.

Question 9.
Your cousin visited you last week for two days. Describe how you spent your weekend with him in Delhi.
How I Spent My Last Weekend
I invited my cousin last week to give me the pleasure of his company over the weekend. Incidentally, it was also his first visit to Jaipur. So, we decided to visit some places worthseeing. First, we went to the Hawa Mahal and then the Jantar Mantar. The Zoo was also the place where we spent some
quality time. Then we saw the matinee show at Kala Mandir. The theatre itself is one of the best in the country. It is sheer pleasure to watch a movie here. We returned home dead tired. We had a long sleep on Sunday. We went to the city park and had a good sunbath. It was a nice weekeneed spent with my cousin.

Question 10.
Sometimes even dreams come ture. It so happened to Mahabir, a student of Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Shakti Nagar, Muzaffarpur, who won the first prize of Delhi State Lottery, Mahabir never expected that his dream of the previous night would come true the next morning. The editor of the school magazine contacted Mahabir and asked him to write his experience in about 100 words. Putting yourself in Mahabir’s place, reproduce here what he wrote for the magazine.
When I Won A Lottery
I never believe in buying a lottery ticket. About a month back, when I was coming home with my friend, I found a five-rupee coin on the road. My friend suggested me to try my luck with it and buy a lottery ticket. I was anxiously waiting for the thaw. At night. I had a dream that I had won the first prize of Delhi State Lottery. Then in the morning, I matched my ticket number with the number published in the newspaper. I just couldn’t believe that it matched with mine. I reassured myself and began to jump with joy. It may appear improbable, but dreams do come true sometimes.

Question 11.
You are Beena/Biju, As a representative of your resident welfare association, you have attended a workshop on Art and Hand work. Write a report in about 100 words for publication in your association’s newsletter.
Workshop On Art And Handwork
A two days’ workshop on Art and Handwork concluded at Senior Secondary School, Gaya a yesterday. Mr. M.S. Chaturvedi, Principal of the Arts College, Chandigarh was the key-person who addressed the workshop. Other participants drawn from different schools and organisation presented their paper. Useful tips on using waste material for preparing hand works were suggested. Emphasis was laid on the use of indigeneous material for creating things of art. It was an enlightening experience to attend the workshop.

Question 12.
Your younger sister has to go to Pune by train. Explain to her the process of getting a reservation for a train journey.
The Process Of Getting Reservation For A Train Journey
For getting a reservation for a train journey, go to the railway station and see the reservation clerk to make sure whether births are available on the train you intend to travel on a particular date. If the seats are available, fill up the application form and hand it over to the reservation clerk. The number and name of the train, the journey date, the destination, the name of the person going on the journey with his age and sex are to be filled in the specified columns of the form. The reservation clerk checks the form, collects the money, makes an entry in the register and issues the ticket along with the reservation slip.

Question 13.
Your brother lives in a hostel who has to open a bank account Explain to him the process of opening a bank account.
The Process of Opening A Saving Bank Account
A Saving Bank Account can be opened in the name of an individual or jointly in the name of two persons. A minor below ten years can open Savings Bank Account with his guardian. The person opening an account must be introduced by someone having an account in the bank. Just go to the bank you want to open your account with. Fill up the account opening form which requires your name, address, profession and your specimen signatures. You can open the account with just five hundred rupees. The depositor gets the Pass Book showing the money deposited, his name, address and the account number. A cheque book is also issued. But it is issued only to those who maintain a minimum balance of five hundred rupees in their account.

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Bihar Board Class 11 English Book Solutions Story of English Chapter 3 Global English

Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 English aids you to prepare all the topics in it effectively. You need not worry about the accuracy of the Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 Book Solutions Story of English Chapter 3 Global English Questions and Answers as they are given adhering to the latest exam pattern and syllabus guidelines. Enhance your subject knowledge by preparing from the Chapter wise Bihar Board Class 11th English Book Solutions and clarify your doubts on the corresponding topics.

Rainbow English Book Class 11 Solutions Story of English Chapter 3 Global English

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Bihar Board Class 11 English Global English Textual Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements:
(a) There is no difference between American English and British English.
(b) Indian English is closer to American English.
(c) Indian English has developed a distinct set of words and sentence patterns that do not exist in British English.
(a) False
(b) False
(c) True.

Answer these questions very briefly :

Question 1.
Which speech came to be known as ‘Received Pronunciation’ ?
English developed from the speech of Anglo-Saxon into a standard English. Standard British English came to be known as “Received Egiish” or R.P.

Question 2.
What has made English “the most gloriously impure language”?
Borrowing habit of English from many European Language has made English “The most gloriously impure language” Many new words were borrowed from Latin, Spanish, Italian and French Languages.

Question 3.
Name two effects of the worldwide spread of English.
There were two main effects of the world wide spread of English –
(i) New National varieties of English like American English, Australian English, Canadian English, etc. came into existence.
(ii) ‘New Englishes’ (i.e. new varieties of English) developed in countries where English was not a mother tongue. For example, Indian English, Nigerian English, etc.

Question 4.
Make a list of difference between British English and American English. [Sample Paper2009 (A)]
The Phenomenal spread of English across the globe has attracted the attention of myriad of people. There is no one in English in this world. There are Englishes with some special feature and specific linguistic fabric. There are many salient differences between British English and American English.
In British
h English collective Nouns can take either singular (formal agreement) or plural (notional agreement) verb forms, according to whether the emphasis is respectively, on the body as a whole or on the individual members compare a committee was appointed with the committee were unable to agree.

In American English collective nouns are usually singular in construction; the committee was unable to agree the past participle gotten is never used in modem but this form is very common in North-American English. Shall (as opposed to will) is more commonly used by the British then by American.

Apart from these differences there are plethora of conspicuous distinction between these two varieties of English.

Question 5.
Write a brief note on Global English: [Sample Paper 2009 (A)]
English is said to be a global language as no other language is read and spoken in so many countries as it is. Naturally, it has becomes the language of international trade, commerce, science and diplomacy.

Although it has acquired the distinction of being international language, it has been conditioned to die use of local expression. American English, for in stance, differ in spelling of lots of words. The expressions, too, is distinctively its own.

Similarly Indian English has been conditioned in local (Indian) way of life. In the novels of Mulk Raj Anand we find the use of local dialect so far popular.

Thus, English, without any doubt, may be called global English.

We believe the information shared regarding Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 English Chapter 3 Global English Questions and Answers as far as our knowledge is concerned is true and reliable. In case of any queries or suggestions do leave us your feedback and our team will guide you at the soonest possibility. Bookmark our site to avail latest updates on several state board Solutions at your fingertips.

Bihar Board Class 11 English Essay Writing

Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 English aids you to prepare all the topics in it effectively. You need not worry about the accuracy of the Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 Book 50 Marks Solutions Essay Writing Questions and Answers as they are given adhering to the latest exam pattern and syllabus guidelines. Enhance your subject knowledge by preparing from the Chapter wise Bihar Board Class 11th English Book Solutions and clarify your doubts on the corresponding topics.

Bihar Board Class 11 English Essay Writing

1. Your Aim in Life  [Model Paper 2009 (A)
A man without an aim in life cannot be treated as a human being. His life is just like a bike without a break. He cannot attain success in life. Every man must have some definite aim in life. But all our desires cannot be fulfilled in life. There are many problems in life, too. But a man should not be disappointed. He should try hard to succeed. He must have hope and confidence.

I do not know what will happen to me. But I want to become an engineer. This is the aim of my life. I want to serve the nation by becoming an engineer. We know that India is free. We have many plans and projects for the development of the country.

India is rich in natural resources. But we do not use them properly. It is because we have no trained hand in adequate numbers. Our country needs more and more well-trained engineers and technicians. I shall try to do whatever a little bit I can do for the country.

The main aim of my life is to serve the country in the best possible way. I shall be a science graduate in a few years. Before that, I shall try to obtain admission in an engineering college. India needs mechanical engineers more. So, I want to specialize in that branch.

I like to go abroad for higher studies. I want to go either to the USA or to Russia. I shall enrich my knowledge there. When I return, I shall try for a job in some factory, of course, I shall earn money and live a decent life. At the same time, I shall be serving my motherland too.

2. Hostel Life  [Model Paper 2009 (A)]

Sometimes students have to live in hostels. There is a great difference between home life and hostel life. At home a student is free. He is under the care and supervision of his parents. They try to give him all the necessary comforts. Such comforts and affections cannot be found in hostels. In hostels, a student gets more freedom than what he gets at home. He also gets lots of facilities which help him in the all-round development of his personality.

Hostel life has its joys. A student enjoys lots of freedom. A hostel is run by a school or college. It is under the supervision of a hostel superintendent. He looks after the students. He also goes around the hostel to see how the students behave. Freedom gives a sense of joy to students in the hostel. They learn a number of virtues here. They have to get up early in the morning.

They have to read during the study period. In the evening they have to play some games. The strict routine of the hostel creates in them a sense of discipline. Hostel life teaches students how to live together. Students from different places come to the hostel. They live together.

They develop the qualities of love, friendliness and co-operation. But there are some disadvantages of hostel life, too. The arrangement for food is generally poor. Again, if freedom is misused, students may lose their moral virtues. Sometimes the boarders develop bad habits and undesirable manners. But on the whole, hostel life is very useful.

3. Floods   [Model Paper 2009 (A)]

Flood is the overflow of water in the wrong direction. It causes heavy damage to crops and property. It creates a horrible scene. During the rainy season, if it rains heavily, rivers and ponds are full of water. The rain-water falls in the mountains. The snow also melts. Thus the rivers are overflooded. Then the water overflows the banks of rivers.
Then, water is seen everywhere. There is water in the field. There is water on the road. There is water in the house. It washes away crops and houses. Sometimes cattle and human beings are also swept away.

Sometimes the flood comes all of a sudden. People are sleeping in the night, when they wake up in the morning they find water all around. Sometimes the flood comes in the daytime also. Many people lose their lives in the flood.
The flood causes untold miseries. Houses are washed away. All crops are destroyed People become homeless. Farmers become disappointed. After the flood, there spred some diseases. They kill people again. So, the flood creates a horrible scene.

A rich man becomes poor overnight. Sometimes the flood causes heavy damage to roads and railways. The Kosi river in Bihar, for example, is a permanent headache. It is the duty of the Government to tame such rivers. But the flood is not only an agent of destruction. It is also advantageous to agriculture. It brings silt (fneel). The silt increases production. Farmers produce more after the flood. Now all efforts are being made to control the flood.

4. Your Hobby [Model Paper 2009 (A)]

Every man has some hobby or the other. A hobby means an object of personal interest apart from one’s daily life of routine. We do not cultivate a hobby for profit. It is necessary for us to have some hobbies of our own. We are not machines. We cannot always go on working for profit.

It is necessary for us to have some hobbies of our own. We are not machines. We cannot always go on working for profit. There is the proverb, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. If we go on working all the time, our life will become dull. All of us want to get out of such a dull life. In fact there is time to work, and there is also time to relax. We need some hobby to remove dullness and to create interest in life.

There are different kinds of hobbies. The important among them are gradening, fishing, reading books, photography or painting, music, collecting stamps and others. Of all these popular hobbies, I like stamp-collecting most. I like to collect stamps scientifically. I started this collection first when I was about ten.

Now, I purchase stamps from different countries from time to time. My collection is not costly. I have little resources. Stamp-collecting is of great value. Stamps have historical importance. Stamps also give geographical information. Postal stamps give us information about many things.

I like stamp-collecting because it is of great interest. The collection of new stamps give me the joy of discovery. By pursuing this hobby. I like to make friends all over the world.

5. A Journey By Train [Model Paper 2009 (A)]

A Railway Journey is a pleasant one. It affords us all facilities. It is less risky than others.

It was about 10 pm. We were at the Howrah Junction. We were waiting for the train. We were informed that the train would not enter the platform before 10.45. a large number of passengers were also waiting there. So, we were a bit consoled.

We were going to Varanasi. We wanted to spend our Puja holidays there. As soon as the train arrived. We with the help of coolies got into the compartment We were quite comfortable. The train was about to leave. There was no rush in the compartment We thanked God and prayed for a happy journey.

I soon fell asleep. God knows what happened on the way till it was morning. Thus the sun rose in the east. We passed through a station. Soon the hot rays of the October sun made the compartment uncomfortable. I was a bit disturbed. Throughout the journey from Calcutta to Varanasi, nothing has happened that could be remembered. Of course, I made friend with some, passengers in the compartment. We talked about various things.

It was about 2.40 in the afternoon. We were about to come to the end of our journey. The train entered the bridge oyer the Ganges. We had a grand view of the beauty of the city from there. After crossing the bridtge, the train halted for a few minutes. Then it moved to Varanasi. Here we got out of the compartment with our luggage. We went to a hotel. Thus our train journey ended happily.

6. The Happiest Day in Your Life. A Memorable Event in Your Life [Model Paper 2009 (A)] Or. A memorable Dav [Model Paper 2010 (A)]

I had the happiest day of my life in 1994. It was the month of January. My Annual Examination was over. I secured the highest marks in the school. So, the headmaster decided to give me the first prize.

The prize-distribution ceremony was arranged. The school was decorated. All the rooms were cleaned. The playground was also given a new look. Our headmaster was busy, supervising the arrangements. The chief guest was Prof D. Thakur, DPI, Bihar. He came at the right time.

The function started. A large number of people were invited. There were students and their guardians, too. My parents were also there. Prof. Thakur presided over the function. Our Headmaster spoke a few words to welcome the guests and other people. Then the prize-giving ceremony started.

I was the first to be called for the prize. He introduced me to the chief guest. He gave me the prize. He congratulated me. He wished me all success in life. I received five books as a prize. My name was written on those books. Everybody clapped when I went up to the dais to receive the prize. My heart was filled with great joy.

Prof Thakur delivered his presidential address. He advised us to work very hard for success in life. I returned home happily. The prize-distribution day will ever remain fresh in my memory. Everybody in the house was happy. My pasents congratulated me again and again. I slept peacefully at night.

7. My Village [Model Paper 2009 (A)]

Last week I spent an eveming is my village. My village is about 30 kilometres away from Mu raffarpur. It is on the road side. Its name is Manpura. I have been to my village with my friends. An Indian village has its own charms. My village is small. The people are mostly farmers. But no one is landless in my village, Of course, some farmers are better off than others. My villagers are hard-working. In the daytime, they work in their fields. In the evening they return to their honses and spend the night peacefully.

When we reached the village, we found the villagers busy. They were feeding their cattle Some of them were cleaning the cattle sheds. Some others were bringing water from the wells. There were yet others who were bringing grass for their cattle.

An evening in the village is pleasant. There is a peaceful atmosphere all around. Birds are flying about. Children are playing, women are getting ready to cook their evening meals. The sun is about to set. Cowboys return with their cows. The day’s work is going to end in the village.

There is a difference between an evening in a village and a town. Evening activities do not stop in a town after sunset. A town is noisy in the evening. School children return from schools. Office-goers also come back home. We do not find such scenes in a village. But the village has its natural beauty which can be seen in the morning and in the evening.

8. A Football Match [Model Paper 2009 (A)]

The Federation Cup Tournament is held every year in India. It was 3rd of December 1994. The final of the football match was held at the Salt lake Stadium at 6.50 pm. About fifty thousand people had gathered in the stadium to witness the match. Besides, lakhs of people saw the match on TV (TVs). Many others heard running comentaries on their radios. Mohan Bagan and Est Bengal were in the final.

Mohan Bagan had defeated the Mahindra and East Bengal had defeated the Salgaonkar team.

I slso sat in front of the TV set. A number of people were anxious to witness the match. The referee blew the whistle. Both the teams came to the ground. The players of Mohan Bagan team were dreassed in black while the players of the East Bengal team were dressed in white. Both the teams had entered the final several times.

The match started at 6.50 pm. sharp. The play was really superb. The players of Mohan Bagan played the game according to Latin American countries. But East Bengal followed the European style.

Before the interval, neither side could score a god. Mohan Bagan played beautifully through short passes. Their forwards were well combined. But East Bengal put a little pressure on Mohan Bagan. The teams were evenly matched.

After the interval, both the teams began to attack each other with all their art and force. Each side missed a few chances to score. The time was running out. It was difficult to say which side would win. But eight minutes before the final whistle, Mohan Began put the ball into East Bengal’s net. Thus Mohan Bagan secured the trophy. The match was really superb.

9. Indian Festival Or Durga Puja [Model Paper 2010 (A)] [Model Paper 2009 (A)]

India is a land of festivals. The Indians celebrate them with great joys. There are festivals like Holi. Diwali and Durga Puja which are celebrated by the Hindus. The Muslims celebrate Id and Muharram. The Christians celebrate Easter and Christmas.

Of all the festivals of the Hindus, I like Durga Puja. It has a spiritual meaning. Worship to Goddess Durga purifies the soul. Durga Puja has a religious background. It is said that Goddess Durga killed Mahishasur who was a terror to all. This Puja shows the victory of Good over Evil. Durga is the symbol of love and hope.

Durga Puja is generally held in October or November. Nature looks very beautiful. The air is cool. It is neither too hot nor too cold. The image of Goddess Durga is put up at a public place. The image is well beautified. The Puja continues for several days. Scools, colleges and offices are closed on this occasion.

People celebrate this Puja with great joy. children put on new clothes. A fair also is held. Children, ladies and grown-up men visit the fair. They make offerings to Goddess Durga. This Puja is celebrated both in towns and in villages. On the Deshami evening, the images are taken to a river or pond and are immersed in the water.

Durga Puja is a religious festival. It is deeply rooted in Indian life and culture. It is one of the most important Indian festivals.

10. The Bihar Of My Dreams [Model Paper 2009 (A)]

The Bihar of my dreams, every man will have a high moral sense and a deep love for the state. Our’state is backward in the field of science and industry. I want Bihar to be a leading state in new technology so that our industries should grow fast. We should produce everything we need. The Bihar of my dream every man will get a job of his choice. Education will get its due importance. Students will be devoted to their studies politicians will not be allowed to misuse students.

Today we find a big gap between rich and poor. There is corruption in all walks of life. The Bihar of my dream will have social justice. The gap between the rich and poor will be narrowed down. Everybody will get equal opportunity. There will be no shortage of anything. There will be discipline, peace and progress all around. Nationalism will over come to the feelings of casteism and regionalism. There will be an atmosphere of equality, brother hood and freedom all over the state. There will be ‘Ram Rajya’ in the true sense of the term. My God fulfil my dream!

11. The Game I Like Most  [Model Paper 2009 (A)]

In all the games, I like Football most. The reasons for my liking it is given below.

It is an outdoor game. It is an international game. It is played in almost all the countries of the world. It is very easy to play. This game is not costly. It is not time taking. We play it in the evening for an hour and sometimes for one and a half hour. It is very interesting to play. One football will do. It needs a spacious ground. Twenty-two players; eleven in each side take part in it. Here is one refree. He conducts the game and all the players have to obey him. Nobody can object his decision otherwise there would be a great disturbance in the ground. It develops us mentally, physically and morally. It is meant for all round development.

We can play it in off hours. Our college breaks up at 4 P.M. Afterwards, we may go to the field and play it. It removes our worries to a great extent. Play is a play. We must not make it very serious. It is a great pity that some players fall out while at play. Foul games should always be objected. This will tarnish the value of the game.

Its matches are very interesting. Some matches are friendly and some competitive. We cheer up the players. The scorers are always appreciated.

Good players should always be rewarded. Cricket and some other games are time taking. Sometimes our whole day time is spent on them. We can save time by taking part in football.

12. Examination Day Or. Examinations [Model Paper 2009 (A)]

An examination day is a very hard day for all. We prepare for this day for months and months. We reach the gate of the Examination Hall before time and start-talking to other examinees regrading the probable questions. We talk of the guesses, we talk of our preparations and so on.

The gate opens. We enter the hall. We hunt out seats for our Roll No and Roll Code. We are guided by some teachers in locating the seats. There is peace in the hall.

The invigilators distribute the answer books in time. The questions are distributed just at 10 A. M. We stand up and receive the question papers. We start reading them.

Some times, we find that the question is very stiff. Then we get nervous, but we should not be so. A nervous man con’t do anything. We should go through the question paper again and again. Some solution must come out. Nervousness is the worst thing. It does not let any one think anything properly.

We start writing the answers in the name of God. Our Examinantion is over at 1. P.M. Before submitting the ‘Answer Books”, we revise the answer book.

13. The India of Mv Dream [Model Paper 2009 (A)]

In the India of my dream, every man will have a high moral sense and a deep love for the nation. Our country is backward in the field of science and industry. I want India to be a leading country in new technology. Our industries should grow fast. We should produce everything we need. The India of my dream will be to go nuclear for peaceful purposes. Education will get its due importance. Every countryman will get the job of his choice. Students will be devoted to their studies. Politicians will not be allowed to misuse students.

India must be a very strong country in the world. We have to protect our hard earned freedom. The defence of the country will be very strong. India is a peace-loving country. But it will have to be ready for war if it is thrust on us. The India of my dream will follow the policy of truth and non-violence. We have peace only when we are very strong. Our country will like to have friendly relations with its neighbours. The India of my dream will be a mighty country on all fronts.

Today we find a big gap between the rich and the poor. There is a corruption of all walks of life. The India of my dream will have social justice. The gap between the poor and the rich will be narrowed down. Everybody will get. equal opportunity to be at his best self. There will be discipline, peace and progress all around. Nationalism will overcome the feelings of casterism and regionalism. There will be an atmosphere of equality, brotherhood and freedom all over the country. The India of my dream will bring heaven on the earth. There will be Ram Rajya in the true sense of the term. May God fulfil my dream!

14. A Book I have Recently Read Or. The Book You (I) Like Most [Model Paper 2010 (A)]

I have recently read a book that is, The Bhagwat Gita. I like The Bhagwat Gita very much.

The Bhagwat Gita is a holy book of the Hindus. It is said that Lord Krishna himself narrated the reality of life and the duties to be performed while dealing with certain problems, to Aijuna. He had also thrown light on mortality. A great battle was fought at Kurukshetra. It is said that Lord Krishna gave his support to the Pandavas. He was Aijuna’s chariot driver. First, Aijuna refused to fight against his own men. At this Lord Krishna made a long speech.

Lord Krishna advised Aijuna to take heart. He encouraged him to fight. Lord Krishna told him not to think of the result but he should go on doing his duty. He also showed the real nature of the world to Aijuna. Thus Aijuna was convinced of the need to fight. He realized the nothingness of human life.

The Bhagwat Gita is a great book; Every Hindu worships this book and reads it This book presents the basic principle of Indian philosophy. It tells us that all questions regarding castes, races and religions are meaningless. It also says that all people are the children of God. A man must do his duty.

The Bhagwat Gita is a book of everlasting value. Every Indian finds hope and light in its pages. This book has been translated into all the great languages of the world. I love this book. I like to read it again and again. I worship it too. It is the poetry of human life.

15. Terrorism

Newspapers are flooded with reports of Terrorism in Kashmir and Assam. The “ulfa” outfit gunned down military Jawans and Kasmiri militants kill the innocent villagers”. These sensational reports at frontpage appear in our newspapers daily. The extremists keep hostages of innocent persons. The hijacking of aircraft has become the order of the day. The Kalashnikov culture is reigning supreme today. The gun culture having its heyday in the Kashmir valley. These are ominous signs of the dismemberment of the country. Terrorism is assuming a global feature. It has spread its tentacles in western countries too. Theysuperpowers like America and Russia have shown grave concerns over terrorism.

Terrorise is a political weapon being used all-over the globe. The hijacking of planes and lobbing of hand grenades, raining of bullets of AK-47 from ambush, the landmine blast-all these have become the order of the day. The guerillas are out to fulfil their political objectives. Wave upon wave of wanton violence is rocking the foundation of our country. There is a striptease dance of naked violence by ultras in our country. Negative terrorism is a scourage of humanity. It should be curbed with an iron hand. The Indian Parliament has passed anti-terrorist Bill to combat the meanacing problem of terrorism in the country. Terrorism is being played on international fora. The disgruntled youths must be brought into the mainstream of the country. Expeditous steps must be initiated to stem the rot so that people may be concooned in security and peace.

16. Value Of Education [Model Paper 2009 (A)]

This world is a world of science and technology. A man meets his requirements if he values education. Education is the Mother of knowledge.

Everyman in the world has an aim in his life. The aim can be achieved of the values education properly. A Country can progress with the mental growth of its people. Mental and physical fitness depends on the value of education. If a man fails to value education, he fails over all and he can do nothing in future.

In this present era of computer education, we find that foreign countries are in a better position. They value the required education.

In our country, we have many engineers produced by I.I.Ts. They are competent enough to make any change as per die requirement. They are up- to-date in the field of science, and technology. They are honoured even in foreign countries as they valued education. All the research, inventions of long range weapons, aeroplanes and fighter planes are the products of education.

A progressing man is a life-long learner of education. All the developments are the out-come of education. Progressed countries like America, England, Russia etc are the creation of education. If we value education we can understand the problems to come in future. If we successfully understand a problem we can solve it as per our requirement.

Thus, we all are expected to value education it is the demand of the time.

17. Television as Entertainment Or Television [Model Paper 2010 (A)]

We live in the modem world and here the lots of work to do and there are many tensions. Forgiving up this tension and gaining mental energy for doing other day work, only one entertainment is found in everywhere and every house which is television. We can say that television is a good entertainer for all age and all groups of workers who are doctors, engineers, lawyers, players etc. Television also entertains children by giving cartoon programmes and games. Television gives many programmes which entertains so that they feel energetic for their respective work. Television also entertains the students by giving some education programmes in which education become a game and students enjoy the studies. Television provides film, dramma, serial for much entertaining, so, Television is a good entertainer in these days. We see television for entertainment mostly.

18. Computers Or. Computers in Everyday Life [Board Exam. 2009 (A)]

We are in the 21st century and it is the era of computers. In every step of our life computer works and makes the work easy and fast. Every step of life, whether it is the matter of entertainment, computer makes a major role in these days. Computers make us developed in every side. It gives us education by many cassettes. The computer gives us the internment facility by which we find that where the study is best and where we have to apply for. “It gives us full information. Every country is based on its economic system. In the economy, system computer has a great side. It works more fast than hundred workers so it saves the money of the country. So the computer works as a saver of Indian economy. The computer is useful in every walk of life, if we want to give our biodata then we need a computer. So, the computer is required in every walk of life.

19. My Family [Board Exam, 2009 (A)] Or. An Ideal Family [Model Paper 2010 (A)]

An ideal family maintains cordial and friendly relations with their neighbors and those persons who come in their contact.

My family consists of nine persons, myself, my wife, two sons, their wives, and three grandsons. It is an ideal and well-planned family. All of the family members are co-operative, meek, and gentle. I feel proud of them. My grandsons are obedient, well mannered, and smart. They take a keen interest in their studies. In their pastime, they participate in games like cricket football, etc. Though sometimes they indulge in some quarrel among themselves it is only for a while. It is but a fact that all the children are usually free from cares and fears;

Everybody in my family possesses a keen sense of discharging his duties and responsibilities. They never have any differences or disputes among themselves. If any time some mi sure demanding arises among them, my wife pacifies and settle it peacefully. We maintain the most co-operative and friendly relationship with our labors and all other persons who come in our contact.

On the whole, my family is the best example of an ideal unit of society.

20. Railway Station [Board Exam. 2009 (A)]

The railway station is a very colorful place. It is full of life and activities. Passengers are seen walking or talking leisurely till their train arrives. With the arrival of the train, there is an increase in the magnitude of noise and excitement. Every passenger is on his legs. As the train stops everyone rushes towards the compartment. Sometimes a large number of passenger hasten towards one compartment only. The porters higgle and argue with the passengers for their charges. In the rush that follows in getting into and coming out of the compartments, pick-pockets pick the pockets of some of the passengers. When the train steams off, there is calm on the platform. The most interesting comer of a railway station is the second class booking-office. We can see a great crowd near it. People puch one another. They try to get their tickets as soon as possible.

21. A Picnic Party [Board Exam. 2009 (A)]

A picnic is an outing during which a meal is taken out of doors. It is very charming. It brings a change in our dull and mechanical life. It is pleasant to take part in a picnic. Our life is full of cares and anxieties. When we join a picnic, we forget our cares for some time. When we are fed up with the monotony of our everyday life, we organize a picnic. The purpose of a picnic is merry-making, so a program of music is an essential feature of a picture.

People collect the necessary things on the fixed day and go out for the picnic. They take all the necessary things with themselves. When they reach the picnic sport they start cooking their food. Some members of the party gather fuel and make a fire, some prepare vegetables, some bring water. When the food is ready. They sit on the ground and do full justice to the dishes. A picnic gives great pleasure. It makes us happy. It breaks the monotony of our everyday life. It refreshes our minds. It makes us forget our sorrows and anxieties. So a picture party is very pleasant. The picnic party was very delightful I wish I would enjoy party again.

22. A Book fair[Board Exam. 2009 (A); [Model Paper 2010 (A)]

Books are the treasure house of knowledge. Books are our real companions. A book has a great power to shape our life. Good books prove useful and provide guidance. Books enable us to cultivate our mind and they broaden our outlook. Reading also provides an intellectual feast of knowledge and satisfies our hunger. Books cover innumerable subjects and reading them is always a pleasure.

A visit to a bookfair provides us a unique opportunity of having bocks relating to almost all spheres of life under one roof. One is almost lost in the wonderful world of books and it seems very difficult to pull oneself out of the fair. Books provide food for thought and are a storehouse of knowledge and wisdom. Hence a bookfair should never be missed.

Recently, I visited a bookfair in Patna Gandhi maidan. Bookfair held in Gandhi Maidan was a very big book fair. Publishers from all over the country had installed their shops in the fair. Books written by many eminent writers were being sold there. The fair lasted for about a fortnight.

Students from all over Bihar used to visit the book fair and purchased books on different subjects. Boys, girls men, women and children in the large numbers used to visit the fair and purchased book on different subject and classes. It was a very grand fair. Our chef Minister Sri Nitish Kumar inaugurated the fair. I also visited the fair thrice.

23. The Value of Discipline [Board Exam, 2009 (A)] Or. Discipline [Model Paper 2010 (A)]

“Discipline regulates our actions and life. ”

Discipline is the crux of life. Its nature leads a law-abiding life, we the human beings must work for a system tht many urge us to a disciplined life. For this we need regularity, punctuality and proper mental set up because it is the discipline that guarantees progress prosperity and success. Discipline is the key to all progress and promotion. In our society, it is essential on out part to live a regulated life so that others may lead a good and harmonious life. We should keep in mind the motto of “Live and let live”.

Indiscipline endangers our survival and the gutters of the nation will be full of dead bodies and blood. Everyone will be killing or hitting the other. There will be a complete disorder and anarchy in society. The progress and project of the nation would come to a standstill. Life will not run smoothly and people will “resort to Jungle rule. Might is right”. This will put our civilization in a great mess.

Discipline has great significance in our life. So we should adopt it naturally from the very beginning so that we may choose and develop a way to lead a disciplined life. The school, colleges and other institutions should impart such type of education should import to the students so that they may lead a disciplined and regulated life. The school is the best stage where the teachers mold the lives of the students to give it a proper shape. In the schools, we find a great stress son punctuality and regularity. Japan is an outstanding example for us to follow. We should lead a life of inner and outer discipline. Our country needs men of disciplined nature. Without discipline, we are bound to lose in every way. Let us endeavor our best to remain disciplined throughout our life.

24. Co-Education [Board Exam. 2009 (A)]

Co-education means the education of girls and boys arranged together in the same school, college or other institutions.

In this modem world segregation of girls and women in any walk of life sound not only ridiculous but also an outdated proposition. However, our outlook towards the opposite sex is unhealthy. If boys and girls are to have a healthy relationship they have to be exposed to one another from an ender age. Mixing up with the opposite sex makes one liberated and the chance of developing wrong notions is less. Some consider that boys and girls are basically different in nature. In a non-coeducational school, this division is further developed. However, there is a definite disadvantage of non-exposure to the opposite sex which can at times lead to complications later in life. The students of non-co-educational backgrounds have greater chances of developing misconceptions and wrong attitudes towards girls.

The sense of competition is more in a co-educational atmosphere Naturally the young people try to impress the members of the opposite sex. One the other hand, in a non-co-educational school, the opposite sex is always an enigma. Conservative thinking leads to false fears. Repression generally brings out the worst in individuals.

Only a healthy understanding of the other sex and the scientific outlook can shape the child’s value as a social being. This can be possible only in a coeducational atmosphere.

25. The Post Office [Board Exam. 2009 (Arts)]

Introduction: Post Office is the main source (important means) of sending our massages, parcels and other articles to other persons and different places anywhere in the world. It is also a very cheap medium of communication. 229

History: Post Office is made of two words Post and Office (a) Post means (i) to travel with speed (ii) to post letters in some office, to send it to certain places, (b) Office means-place of business. As such Post office is a place to arrange the delivery of letters and other articles to different places anywhere in the world. We may deposit our money also, in different schemes of the Postal Savings Bank account.

In ancient times there was no such arrangement. The system of postal communication was not introduced. But in the course of time man has found out this system. Centuries back it was started with the help of horse-driven coaches and carriages. Men were also engaged to deliver letters door-to-doors. They were called “Post Man”. In present time, the same system with the extraordinary improved system is serving the people by means of trains, airmail and internets, etc. Even today the Postman delivers letter by moving door-to-door.

The post-office is the backbone to a nation. It has brought a new revolution in the field of postal service by its services to each and every comer. In true sense it is our real friend. We cannot think of the day without its assistance.

26. Diary-Writing  [Board Exam. 2009]

Introduction: Diary writing is really the fairest and fine practice and a good hobby as well. Diary is the personal account of our day-to-day life and an important record.

Purpose and Utility: Diary means to note down our day to day activities. There are different ways and various forms of maintaining a diary. To record our daily activities is truly reflected in our personal diary. It also reveals our .shortcomings along with the contributions to our family and society.

Importance of diary writing: All the great men like Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru etc had maintained their diary of day to day account. Their diaries helped them in compiling their autobiography.

Different forms of diaries: People maintaining dairies have different purposes and objectives as well as different forms and processes behind it. Some of them write down their daily account of expenditure and income, while some others for their work and engagements to be materialized in different dates in future. But the real spirit and objective of writing diaries is just to record the details in short of our day to day activities.

Conclusion: On the whole, dairy is the mirror of one’s life, showing them their-in all one’s right and wrong acts. Thus it is the true description of which we perform in our day-to-day life.

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Bihar Board Class 11 English Notice Writing

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Bihar Board Class 11 English Notice Writing

1. Your school is organising a tour to Mumbai and Goa during the winter vacation. Write a notice giving detailed information to the students. You are Madhav/Madhavi, School Pupil Leader, Ram Mohan Roy Seminary.

Feb, 20

Ram Mohan Roy Seminary
Notice Board
Tour to Mumbai and Goa

Our school is organising a tour to Mumbai and Goa during the coming winter vacation. It will be a 10-day tour in which only students of the Senior Secondary classes are allowed to Join. The expenses for traveling, boarding and lodging shall be around Rs. 3000/-(three thousand only) per head. Those who want to join this tour should give their names to the undersigned by the length of this month. A non-objection note by the parents is a must.

Pupil Leader

2. You lost your wallet containing your valuable documents (passport, your certificates and a bunch of keys) while traveling by Puri Express from Patna to Puri. Write a notice for publishing in ‘The Times of India’ (Patna) under ‘Lost and Found’ column. You are Naresh of station Road, Patna.

Lost and Found

Lost my wallet of black colour containing some valuable documents, including my Board’s certificates of All India Senior Secondary Examination, passport and a bunch of keys on 25th June, 200 while traveling by Puri Express from Patna to Puri. The finder will be suitably rewarded.

Contact: Naresh,
Station Road,

3. You are Pushkar, Darbhanga, As the Secretary of the Social Service league of your school, you have organized a cultural benefit show in aid of mentally handicapped children of your town Darbhanga. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice-board, giving necessary information about the program.

Social Service League
St. Secondary School, Darbhanga

You will be glad to know that the Social Service League of Sr. Secondary School is organizing a Cultural Benefit Show in aid of mentally handicapped
children of Darbhanga on 20th April 20 Entry is by tickets. The League will also distribute Donor Cards of Rs. 1000 and Rs. 500 to some distinguished industrialists and traders willing to patronise the benefit show. For tickets and Donor cards contact the undersigned on the working days from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The proceeds of the show will be donated to the Secretary, Society For Mentally Handicapped Children, Darbhanga.

Magic Show: 6 p.m.
Folk Dances: 6.30 p.m.
Dance Drama (Chandalika of Tagore): 7 p.m.
Puppet Show: 7.45 p.m.
Venue-Football Ground, Sr. Secondary School, Darbhanga

10th April 2020

4. You are the Secretary of ABC Colony Welfare Association, Patna. Write a notice to be circulated to all the residents of the colony informing them that there will be no water supply in your colony on 24th and 25th of June, 20 due to maintenance work.

Welfare Association
ABC Colony, Patna

All the residents of ABC Colony, Patna are informed that there will be no water supply in the colony on 24th and 25th June 2009. Maintenance work has necessitated this step. The residents are advised to make necessary arrangements in advance.
Inconvenience is regretted.

S.N. Rao
Secretary 20th June, 20

5. You are the Principal, Senior Secondary School, Patna. Your school is introducing Commerce Section for XI and XII for the first time from July 2009. Draft a proper ‘Admission Notice’ for publication in a newspaper.

Admission Notice
Senior Secondary School, Patna

The school has decided to introduce Commerce Classes for XI and XII from July 15, 2020, There are only 100 seats for each class. Only students getting 60% or more marks in XI and XII need apply. The school will hold an Entrance Test on 5th July 2007 a 9 a.m. at the campus, Prospectus (Rs. 30/-) can be had from the school office on the working days.

Sr. Secondary School

6. Your school has just completed 25 years of its meritorious service to society. The Students’ Council of your school has decided to celebrate its Silver Jubilee. As President of the Council, write a notice in not more than 50 words for the students of your school, informing them about the Councils decision and seeking their co-operation for the success of the proposed Silver Jubilee Celebrations.

17 March 2020

Silver Jubilee Celebrations

It gives me great pleasure to inform all the students that our school has just completed 25 years of its meritorious service to society. On this happy. The occasion, the Students; Council has decided to celebrate the school’s Silver Jubilee with great pomp and circumstance. The kind co-operation of all of you is sought to make the celebrations a success. Please contact the undersigned with your suggestions.

Abhay Singh
D.A.V. College, Siwan

7. The Student’s Council of your school has organised an excursion to Ajanta and Elora for the students of class XII during Winter Breaks. As President of the Council writes a notice in not more than 50 words telling the students about this excursion and inviting their names for joining it.

3 March 2020

Excursion to Ajanta and Ellora

8. Yor the students of class XII, the Students’ Council or the school has organised an excursion to the Ajanta and Elora caves near Aurangabad in Maharashtra, during the coming Winter Break. It will be two days’ excursion and will cost about Rs. 1000/- each. Those who are willing to join should give their names to the undersigned by the tenth of this month.

Student’s Council
Patna High School, Patna

8. You are Robit/Rashi. As the Secretary of the Cultural Club of your school, you have organized a Culural Evening as a thanks giving programme on the last day of your school. Write a notice for your school notice board, giving necessary information about this event in not more then 50 words.

1 March 2020

Cultural Club

The cultural club of our school is holding a thanks giving programme on the excellent performance of the club during the year. The programme will be held on Saturday the 7 October, the last day of the school. All are coordially invited to attend the function in the school hall. The function will begin with ‘Yajan’ at 8 a.m. in the morning.

Cultural Club

9. You are Pushpak/Pooja. As Secretary of the Social Service League of your school, you have organized a cultural benefit show in aid of mentally handicapped children of your town, Vijayawada. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice-board, giving necessary information about the programme.

10 March 20
Social Service League . Patna Collegiate, Patna

The Social Service League of the school is holding a variety show in aid of, mentally handicapped children of our town. The show will be held of the 15th of April at 7 p.m. in the school hall. Many renowned artists of the state have been invited to take part in it. Tickets for the show can be had from the league office.

S.S. League

10. You are Rahul/Rashmi. As President of the Literary Club of your school you have organized an inter-school debate competition on the occasion of the silver Jubilee Celebrations of your school. Write a notice in about 50 words, informing the students of your school about the competition.

26 Feb. 20.

Literary Club

On the occasion of the Silver Jubilee Celebration of our school, the Literary Club of the school is holding an inter-school debate competition on the 28th of the month. The competition will be held in the school hall and will begin at 11 a.m. About fifteen teams are expected to take part in the competition. All are invited to attend.

Rahul Sharma
Literary Club

We believe the information shared regarding Bihar Board Solutions for Class 11 English Poem Notice Writing Questions and Answers as far as our knowledge is concerned is true and reliable. In case of any queries or suggestions do leave us your feedback and our team will guide you at the soonest possibility. Bookmark our site to avail latest updates on several state board Solutions at your fingertips.