Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 द्विघात समीकरण Ex 4.3

Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 द्विघात समीकरण Ex 4.3 Text Book Questions and Answers.

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Bihar Board Class 10 Maths द्विघात समीकरण Ex 4.3

Bihar Board Class 10 Math Book Solution In Hindi Pdf Download प्रश्न 1.
यदि निम्नलिखित द्विघात समीकरणों के मूलों का अस्तित्व हो, तो इन्हें पूर्ण वर्ग बनाने की विधि द्वारा ज्ञात कीजिए।
(i) 2x2 – 7x + 3 = 0
(ii) 2x2 + x – 4 = 0
(iii) 4x2 + 4√3x + 3 = 0
(iv) 2x2 + x + 4 = 0
(i) दिया गया द्विघात समीकरण :
2x2 – 7x + 3 = 0
⇒ \(x^{2}-\frac{7}{2} x+\frac{3}{2}=0\) [प्रत्येक पद में x2 के गुणांक 2 से भाग देने पर]
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Bihar Board Class 10 Math Solution
Bihar Board 10th Math Solution In Hindi
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Class 10th Math Solution In Hindi Bihar Board Pdf
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Bihar Board 10th Math Solution

Bihar Board Class 10 Math Book Solution In Hindi प्रश्न 2.
उपर्युक्त प्रश्न (1) में दिए गए द्विघात समीकरणों के मूल, द्विघाती सूत्र का उपयोग करके ज्ञात कीजिए।
(i) दिया गया द्विघात समीकरण :
2x2 – 7x + 3 = 0
उपर्युक्त समीकरण की तुलना व्यापक द्विघात समीकरण ax2 + bx + c = 0 से करने पर,
a = 2, b = -7 तथा c = 3
Bihar Board Class 10 Math Solution In Hindi
अत: समीकरण के मूल = 3, \(\frac{1}{2}\)

(ii) दिया गया द्विघात समीकरण :
2x2 + x – 4 = 0
उपर्युक्त समीकरण की तुलना व्यापक द्विघात समीकरण ax2 + bx + c = 0 से करने पर,
a = 2, b = 1 तथा c = -4
Math Class 10 Bihar Board

(iii) दिया गया द्विघात समीकरण :
4x2 + 4√3x + 3 = 0
उपर्युक्त समीकरण की तुलना व्यापक द्विघात समीकरण ax2 + bx + c = 0 से करने पर,
Bihar Board Math Solution
द्विघात समीकरण के दो मूल होते हैं और यहाँ b2 – 4ac = 0 है।
अत: दोनों मूल समान होंगे। तब समीकरण के मूल = \(-\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2},-\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\)

(iv) दिया गया समीकरण :
2x2 + x + 4 = 0
उपर्युक्त समीकरण की तुलना व्यापक द्विघात समीकरण ax2 + bx + c = 0 से करने पर,
a = 2, b = 1 तथा c = 4
Bihar Board 10th Math Book Solution
√-31 एक अधिकल्पित संख्या है।
x के मान अधिकल्पित होंगे।
अत: दिए गए समीकरण के मूलों का अस्तित्व नहीं है।

Bihar Board Class 10th Math Solution In Hindi प्रश्न 3.
निम्न समीकरणों के मूल ज्ञात कीजिए :
(i) x – \(\frac{1}{x}\) = 3, x ≠ 0
(ii) \(\frac{1}{x+4}-\frac{1}{x-7}=\frac{11}{30}\), x ≠ -4, 7
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Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 द्विघात समीकरण Ex 4.3 Q3
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Bihar Board Class 10th Math Solution

Bihar Board Class 10 Math Solution प्रश्न 4.
3 वर्ष पूर्व रहमान की आयु (वर्षों में) का व्युत्क्रम और अब से 5 वर्ष पश्चात् आयु के व्युत्क्रम का योग \(\frac{1}{3}\) है। उसकी वर्तमान आयुज्ञात कीजिए।
माना रहमान की वर्तमान आयु x वर्ष है।
3 वर्ष पूर्व उसकी आयु = (x – 3) वर्ष
3 वर्ष पूर्व उसकी आयु का व्युत्क्रम = \(\frac{1}{x-3}\)
5 वर्ष पश्चात् उसकी आयु = (x + 5) वर्ष
5 वर्ष पश्चात् उसकी आयु का व्युत्क्रम = \(\frac{1}{x+5}\)
प्रश्नानुसार, दोनों व्युत्क्रमों का योग = \(\frac{1}{3}\)
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 द्विघात समीकरण Ex 4.3 Q4
धनात्मक (+) चिह्न लेने पर, x = 2 + 5 = 7
ऋणात्मक (-) चिह्न लेने पर, x = 2 – 5 = -3
परन्तु आयु ऋणात्मक नहीं होती; अत: x का मान -3 स्वीकार्य नहीं है
∴ x = 7
अत: रहमान की वर्तमान आयु 7 वर्ष है।

Bihar Board 10th Math Solution In Hindi प्रश्न 5.
एक क्लास टेस्ट में शेफाली के गणित और अंग्रेजी में प्राप्त किए गए अंकों का योग 30 है। यदि उसको गणित में 2 अंक अधिक और अंग्रेजी में 3 अंक कम मिले होते, तो उनके अंकों का गुणनफल 210 होता। उसके द्वारा दोनों विषयों में प्राप्त किए अंक ज्ञात कीजिए।
माना शेफाली ने गणित में x अंक प्राप्त किए।
अंग्रेजी और गणित दोनों के प्राप्तांकों का योग = 30
अंग्रेजी में प्राप्तांक = (30 – x)
यदि उसको गणित में 2 अंक अधिक मिलते अर्थात् गणित में (x + 2) अंक मिलते और अंग्रेजी में 3 अंक कम मिलते अर्थात् अंग्रेजी में (30 – x – 3) या (27 – x) अंक मिलते, तो अंकों का गुणनफल (x + 2) (27 – x) होता अर्थात्
गुणनफल = (x + 2) (27 – x)
= 27x – x2 + 54 – 2x
= 25x – x2 + 54
प्रश्नानुसार, गुणनफल = 210
⇒ 25x – x2 + 54 = 210
⇒ x2 – 25x – 54 + 210 = 0 [पक्षान्तरण करने पर]
⇒ x2 – 25x + 156 = 0 [सरल करने पर]
उपर्युक्त समीकरण की तुलना मानक द्विघात समीकरण ax2 + bx + c = 0 से करने पर,
a = 1, b = -25 तथा c = 156
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 द्विघात समीकरण Ex 4.3 Q5
तब, शेफाली ने गणित में या तो 12 अंक प्राप्त किए या फिर 13 अंक प्राप्त किए।
यदि शेफाली ने गणित में 12 अंक प्राप्त किए, तो अंग्रेजी में (30 – 12) = 18 अंक प्राप्त किए
और यदि शेफाली ने गणित में 13 अंक प्राप्त किए, तो अंग्रेजी में (30 – 13) = 17 अंक प्राप्त किए।
अतः शेफाली ने गणित व अंग्रेजी में क्रमश: 12 व 18 अंक अथवा 13 व 17 अंक प्राप्त किए।

Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solution प्रश्न 6.
एक आयताकार खेत का विकर्ण उसकी छोटी भुजा से 60 मी अधिक लम्बा है। यदि बड़ी भुजा छोटी भुजा से 30 मी अधिक हो, तो खेत की भुजाएँ ज्ञात कीजिए।
माना आयताकार खेत की छोटी भुजा x मी है।
बड़ी भुजा छोटी भुजा से 30 मी अधिक है।
बड़ी भुजा = (x + 30) मी
तब खेत की लम्बाई = (x + 30) मी तथा चौड़ाई = x मी
प्रश्नानुसार, आयताकार खेत का विकर्ण, छोटी भुजा (चौड़ाई) से 60 मी अधिक है।
आयताकार खेत का विकर्ण = (x + 60) मी
परन्तु आयत के लिए,
लम्बाई2 + चौड़ाई2 = विकर्ण2
⇒ (x + 30)2 + x2 = (x + 60)2
⇒ x2 = (x + 60)2 – (x + 30)2
⇒ x2 = (x + 60 + x + 30) (x + 60 – x – 30) [∵ a2 – b2 = (a + b) (a – b)]
⇒ x2 = (2x + 90) (30)
⇒ x2 = 60x + 2700
⇒ x2 – 60x – 2700 = 0 [पक्षान्तरण करने पर]
⇒ x2 – (90 – 30)x – 2700 = 0 [मध्यपद का विखण्डन करने पर]
⇒ x2 – 90x + 30x – 2700 = 0
⇒ x(x – 90) + 30(x – 90) = 0
⇒ (x – 90)(x + 30) = 0
⇒ (x – 90)(x + 30) = 0
यदि x – 90 = 0 हो, तो x = 90
और यदि x + 30 = 0 हो, तो x = -30
परन्तु भुजा की लम्बाई ऋणात्मक नहीं हो सकती; अत: x का मान -30 स्वीकार्य नहीं है।
∴ x = 90
दूसरी भुजा = (x + 30) मी = (90 + 30) = 120 मी
अत: आयताकार खेत की भुजाएँ 90 मी व 120 मी हैं।

Class 10th Math Solution In Hindi Bihar Board Pdf प्रश्न 7.
दो संख्याओं के वर्गों का अन्तर 180 है। छोटी संख्या का वर्ग बड़ी संख्या का आठ गुना है। दोनों संख्याएँ ज्ञात कीजिए।
माना छोटी संख्या x है।
छोटी संख्या का वर्ग बड़ी संख्या का 8 गुना है।
बड़ी संख्या × 8 = छोटी संख्या का वर्ग
बड़ी संख्या × 8 = x2
बड़ी संख्या = \(\frac{x^{2}}{8}\)
प्रश्नानुसार, वर्गों का अन्तर = 180
(बड़ी संख्या)2 – (छोटी संख्या)2 = 180
⇒ \(\left(\frac{x^{2}}{8}\right)^{2}-(x)^{2}=180\)
⇒ \(\frac{x^{4}}{64}\) – (x)2 = 180
⇒ x4 – 64x2 = 11520
⇒ x4 – 64x2 – 11520 = 0
माना x2 = X, तब उक्त समीकरण :
X2 – 64X – 11520 = 0
उपर्युक्त समीकरण की तुलना मानक द्विघात समीकरण AX2 + BX + C = 0 से करने पर,
A = 1, B = -64 तथा C = -11520
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 द्विघात समीकरण Ex 4.3 Q7
धनात्मक (+) चिह्न लेने पर, x = 32 + 112 = 144
ऋणात्मक (-) चिह्न लेने पर, x = 32 + 112 = -80
X = x2
⇒ x2 = 144 या -80
⇒ x = ±12 या √-80 जो कि अधिकल्पित संख्या है।
तब, छोटी संख्या = 12 या -12
तब, बड़ी संख्या = \(\frac{x^{2}}{8}=\frac{144}{8}=18\)
अतः संख्याएँ = 12, 18 अथवा -12, 18

Bihar Board Solution Class 10 Math प्रश्न 8.
एक रेलगाड़ी एकसमान चाल से 360 km की दूरी तय करती है। यदि यह चाल 5 km/h अधिक होती, तो वह उसी यात्रा में 1 घंटा कम समय लेती। रेलगाड़ी की चाल ज्ञात कीजिए।
माना रेलगाड़ी की चाल x km/h है।
सूत्र; समय = \(\frac{\text { दूरी }}{\text { चाल }}\) से
360 किमी दूरी तय करने में लगा समय = \(\frac{360}{x}\) घंटा
यदि रेलगाड़ी की चाल 5 km/h अधिक होती अर्थात् चाल (x + 5) km/h होती, तो
360 km दूरी तय करने में लगा समय = \(\frac{360}{x+5}\) घंटा
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 द्विघात समीकरण Ex 4.3 Q8
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 द्विघात समीकरण Ex 4.3 Q8.1
रेलगाड़ी की चाल ऋणात्मक नहीं हो सकती जिससे x का मान -45 स्वीकार्य नहीं है, तब x = 40
अत: रेलगाड़ी की चाल = 40 km/h

Bihar Board 10th Math Solution प्रश्न 9.
दो पानी के नल एक-साथ एक हौज को 9\(\frac{3}{8}\) घंटों में भर सकते हैं। बड़े व्यास वाला नल हौज को भरने में, कम व्यास वाले नल से 10 घंटे कम समय लेता है। प्रत्येक द्वारा अलग से हौज को भरने के समय ज्ञात कीजिए।
माना कम व्यास वाला नल पानी के हौज को x घंटे में भरता है।
बड़े व्यास वाला नल हौज को भरने में 10 घंटे कम समय लेता है।
बड़े व्यास वाला नल हौज को (x – 10) घंटे में भरेगा।
पहले नल द्वारा हौज को भरने की प्रति घंटा दर = \(\frac{1}{x}\) भाग
इसी प्रकार, दूसरे नल द्वारा हौज को भरने की प्रति घंटा दर = \(\frac{1}{x-10}\) भाग
यदि दोनों नल एक-साथ खुले हों, तो 1 घंटे में हौज का \(\left(\frac{1}{x}+\frac{1}{x-10}\right)\) भाग भर जाएगा। परन्तु दिया है कि 9\(\frac{3}{8}\) घंटे या \(\frac{75}{8}\) घंटे में पूरा हौज भर जाएगा
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 द्विघात समीकरण Ex 4.3 Q9
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 द्विघात समीकरण Ex 4.3 Q9.1
अत: छोटा नल हौज को 25 घंटे या 3\(\frac{3}{4}\) घंटे में भर सकता है।
जब दोनों नल हौज को भरते हैं, तब 9 घंटे से अधिक समय लगता है तब केवल एक नल उसे 3\(\frac{3}{4}\) घंटे में भर दे यह असम्भव एवं असंगत है।
अत: छोटा नल उसे 25 घंटे में भरता है, तब बड़ा नल उसे 25 – 10 = 15 घंटे में भर सकता है।
अत: कम व्यास वाला नल हौज को 25 घंटे में और अधिक व्यास वाला नल उसे 15 घंटे में भर सकता है।

Bihar Board Class 10 Math Solution In Hindi प्रश्न 10.
मैसूर और बैंगलौर के बीच के 132 km यात्रा करने में एक एक्सप्रेस रेलगाड़ी, सवारी गाड़ी से 1 घंटा समय कम लेती है (मध्य के स्टेशनों पर ठहरने का समय ध्यान में न लिया जाए)। यदि एक्सप्रेस रेलगाड़ी की औसत चाल, सवारी गाड़ी की औसत चाल से 11 km/h अधिक हो, तो दोनों रेलगाड़ियों की औसत चाल ज्ञात कीजिए।
माना सवारी गाड़ी की औसत चाल x km/h है।
एक्सप्रेस रेलगाड़ी की औसत चाल सवारीगाड़ी की अपेक्षा 11 km/h अधिक है।
एक्सप्रेस रेलगाड़ी की औसत चाल = (x + 11) km/h.
तब, 132 km यात्रा में सवारी गाड़ी द्वारा लिया समय = \(\frac{\text { दूरी }}{\text { चाल }}=\frac{132}{x}\) घंटा
और उसी यात्रा में एक्सप्रेस रेलगाड़ी द्वारा लिया समय = \(\frac{132}{x+11}\) घंटा
प्रश्नानुसार, एक्सप्रेस रेलगाड़ी 1 घंटा कम समय लेती है।
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 द्विघात समीकरण Ex 4.3 Q10
Bihar Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 4 द्विघात समीकरण Ex 4.3 Q10.1
रेलगाड़ी की चाल ऋणात्मक नहीं हो सकती जिससे x का मान -44 स्वीकार्य नहीं है।
∴ x = 33
अत: सवारी गाड़ी की चाल 33 km/h तथा एक्सप्रेस गाड़ी की चाल (33 + 11) = 44 km/h है।

Bihar Board Class 10 Math Book Solution In Hindi Pdf Download प्रश्न 11.
दो वर्गों के क्षेत्रफलों का योग 468 m2 है। यदि उनके परिमापों का अन्तर 24 m हो, तो दोनों वर्गों की भुजाएँ ज्ञात कीजिए।
माना एक वर्ग की भुजा x m है।
तब, उस वर्ग का परिमाप = 4x m
दोनों वर्गों के परिमापों में 24m का अन्तर है।
दूसरे वर्ग का परिमाप = (4x + 24) m
तब, दूसरे वर्ग की भुजा = (\(\frac{4 x+24}{4}\)) m = \(\frac{4(x+6)}{4}\) m = (x + 6) m
पहले वर्ग का क्षेत्रफल = x2 m2
तथा दूसरे वर्ग का क्षेत्रफल = (x + 6)2 m2 = (x2 + 12x + 36) m2
प्रश्नानुसार, दोनों वर्गों के क्षेत्रफलों का योग = 468 m2
⇒ x2 + (x2 + 12x + 36) = 468
⇒ 2x2 + 12x + 36 – 468 = 0
⇒ 2x2 + 12x – 432 = 0
⇒ 2(x2 + 6x – 216) = 0
⇒ x2 + 6x – 216 = 0
⇒ x2 + 2 × x × 3 + (3)2 – 216 – (3)2 = 0 [32 जोड़ने व घटाने पर]
⇒ (x + 3)2 – 225 = 0
⇒ (x + 3)2 – (15)2 = 0 [पूर्ण वर्ग बनाने पर]
⇒ (x + 3 + 15) (x + 3 – 15) = 0 [∵ a2 – b2 = (a + b) (a – b)]
⇒ (x + 18) (x – 12) = 0
⇒ (x + 18) (x – 12) = 0
यदि x + 18 = 0 हो तो x = -18
या x – 12 = 0 हो, तो x = 12
वर्ग की भुजा x = -18 ऋणात्मक नहीं हो सकती; अत: x का मान -18 स्वीकार्य नहीं है।
छोटे वर्ग की भुजा = 12 m
तब, बड़े वर्ग की भुजा = x + 6 = 12 + 6 = 18 m
अत: वर्गों की भुजाएँ क्रमश: 12 m व 18 m हैं।

Bihar Board Class 10 Hindi Solutions Varnika Chapter 5 धरती कब तक घूमेगी

Bihar Board Class 10 Hindi Book Solutions Varnika Bhag 2 Chapter 5 धरती कब तक घूमेगी Text Book Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

BSEB Bihar Board Class 10 Hindi Solutions Varnika Chapter 5 धरती कब तक घूमेगी

Bihar Board Class 10 Hindi धरती कब तक घूमेगी Text Book Questions and Answers

बोध और अभ्यास

Dharti Kab Tak Ghumegi Bihar Board Class 10  प्रश्न 1.
सीता अपने ही घर में क्यों घुटन महसूस करती है ?
सीता के पति के मरते ही घर की स्थिति दयनीय हो गई। भाइयों में आपसी भेद उत्पन्न हो गये। वे केवल अपनी पत्नी और संतान में ही सिमट गये हैं। माँ की देख-रेख एवं भरण-पोषण के लिए तीनों भाइयों ने एक-एक महीने का भांज बाँध लिया। सीता किसी भी बेटे के साथ रहती है तो अन्तर्मन से दुःखी ही रहती है। बहुओं की कड़वी बातें उसे चुभती रहती है। अपनी ही संतान से आज वह विक्षुप्त हो गई है। अपने मन की व्यथा किसी से वह कह नहीं सकती है। यहीं कारण है कि अपने ही घर में उसे घूटन महसूस होती है।

धरती कब तक घूमेगी कहानी Bihar Board Class 10 प्रश्न 2.
पाली बदलने पर अपने घर दादी माँ के खाने को लेकर बच्चे खुश होते हैं जबकि उनके माता-पिता नाखुशा बच्चे की खुशी और माता-पिता की नाखुशी के कारणों पर विचार करें।
विधवा सीता को उसके बेटों ने बाँट लिया है। तीनों बारी-बारी से एक-एक महीने सीता को खिलाते हैं, सीता उन दिनों उनके यहाँ काम-धाम भी कर देती है। बेटों ने भले अपनी माँ को बाँट लिया है, उससे लगाव नहीं रखते किन्तु सीता ने पोते-पोतियों को नहीं बाँटा है। वह सबको समान रूप से प्यार करती है। इसलिए, बच्चे उससे हिले-मिले रहते हैं। खासकर इस बात से अधिक प्रसन्न होते हैं कि दादी अपनी थाली में उन्हें खिलाती है, उन्हें देखकर खुश होती और डाँट-डपट नहीं करती। दूसरी ओर उनके माता-पिता सीता की बारी उनके यहाँ आते ही नाखुश हो जाते हैं क्योंकि उनका खर्च बढ़ जाता है और उनके बच्चे अपनी दादी के लाड़-प्यार के आगे अपने माता-पिता की जल्दी नहीं सुनते।

धरती कब तक घूमेगी Bihar Board Class 10 प्रश्न 3.
‘इस समय उसकी आँखों के आगे न तो अंधेरा था और न ही उसे धरती और आकाश के बीच घुटन हुई।’ सप्रसंग व्याख्या करें।
प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ साँवर दइया द्वारा रचित ‘धरती कब तक घमेगी’ शीर्षक कहानी से संकलित है। प्रस्तुत संदर्भ उस समय का है जब सीता के बेटे अपनी जिम्मेवारी से मुक्त होकर पचास रुपये प्रतिमाह खर्च देने के लिए निर्णय लेते हैं। रोटी क्या नहीं कराती है अर्थात् सब कुछ कराती है। रोटी के लिए ही अपनी संतान अपने माता-पिता को यूँ ही जीवन-यापन करने के लिए छोड़ देते हैं।

उन्हें माता-पिता को रोटी नहीं केवल अपनी संतान के लिए चिन्ता रहती है। सीता अपने बेटों के फैसलों से संतुष्ट हो या न हो रात्रि में घर से निकल जाती है। अब वह किसी की उपेक्षा की शिकार नहीं होगी। स्वतंत्र जीवन जीयेगी। खुली हवा में वह साँस लेगी। उसकी आँखों के सामने में अँधेरा था और न ही घुटन। वस्तुतः यहाँ रचनाकार समाज में होनेवाले परिवर्तनों को विशेष रूप से चित्रित किया है। माता-पिता अपने ही संतान के बोझ बनते जा रहे हैं। संतान की ऐसी सोच निश्चय ही एक दिन समाज को नि:शेष कर लेगी।

धरती कब तक घूमेगी कहानी का सारांश Bihar Board Class 10 प्रश्न 4.
सीता का चरित्र-चित्रण करें।
सीता जनक की पुत्री और राम की अर्धांगिनी तो नहीं है किन्तु तीन बेटों की एक ऐसी असहाय और विवश माँ है जो उनके लिए बोझ बन गई है। पति के मरने के बाद ही घर में अन्तर्कलह उत्पन्न हो जाता है। आपसी वैमनस्व की परतें जमने लगती है। सीता इन सभी चीजों को देखकर भी मौन रह जाती है। बेटे और बहुओं के दुत्कार उसके हृदय को चोटिल कर देता है फिर भी वह कोई प्रत्युत्तर नहीं देती है। पाली बाँधकर भरण-पोषण करनेवाले अपने बेटों से उसे कोई शिकायत नहीं है।

अन्दर ही अन्दर घूटती रहती है। पति के मरने बाद स्त्री तुच्छ और निराश्रयी हो जाती हो सीता के साथ यह उदाहरण सटीक बैठता है। धरती की तरह सबकुछ सहन करने वाली माँ अपनी संतान का कभी-बुरा नहीं चाहती है। सीता स्वाभिमानीनि है। स्वाभिमान की रक्षा करना वह भली-भाँति जानती है। खर्च देने के नाम पर रात्रि में घर से निकल जाती है। वह मेहनत मजदूरी का अपने जीवन का निर्वहण कर लेगी बेटों से वह खर्च नहीं लेगी।

Dharti Kab Tak Ghumegi Kahani Bihar Board Class 10 प्रश्न 5.
कहानी के शीर्षक की सार्थकता स्पष्ट करें।
शीर्षक किसी भी रचना की पृष्ठभूमि है। शीर्षक की सार्थकता उसके आकर्षण में है तथा रचना की पूर्ण व्याख्या में होती है। शीर्षक रचना के मूल भाव का संवहन करता है। राजस्थानी भाषा के प्रमुख कहानीकार साँवर दइया द्वारा रचित ‘धरती कब तक घूमेगी’ शीर्षक कहानी सामाजिक विडम्बनाओं को चित्रित करती है। धरती अपने किस पर निरन्तर घूमती रहती है आखिर कब तक? कभी-न-कभी तो यह अवश्य रूकेगी। माँ धरती की तरह अपनी संतान के बोझ को सहन कर लेती है किन्तु संतान अपनी माँ का बोझ ढोने में असमर्थ हो जाती है। इस कहानी की प्रधाननायिका सीता है।

पति के मरने के साथ ही, वह तुच्छ और निराश्रयी हो जाती है। उसके बेटे उसे बोझ समझने लगते हैं। अपनी पत्नी और बेटे-बेटी में ही मसगूल रहने वाले अपनी माँ को ही भूल जाते हैं। पाली बाँधकर उसके तीनों बेटे निश्चिन्त हो जाते हैं किन्तु इसमें भी वह बोझ लगती है। एक दिन तीनों बेटों ने मिलकर प्रतिमाह पचास रुपये देने का निर्णय लेते हैं। अपने बेटों के निर्णय से सीता प्रधान मन-ही-मन विक्षुब्ध हो जाती है। उसे अब घुटन सहन नहीं हो पाता है। बेटों के इशारों पर वह कितने दिनों तक घूमेगी। अंततः एक दिन रात्रि में घर से निकल जाती है। अतः इन दृष्टान्तों से स्पष्ट होता है कि प्रस्तुत कहानी का शीर्षक सार्थक और सटीक है।

Dharti Solutions Bihar Board Class 10 प्रश्न 6.
कहानी का सारांश प्रस्तुत करें।
साँवर दइया राजस्थानी भाषा के सफल कहानीकार हैं। इनकी कहानियों में राजस्थानी समाज के गहरे अर्थबोध एवं विविध घटाओं का चित्रण मिलता है। ‘धरती कब तक घूमेगी’ इस कहानी में कहानीकार ने सामाजिक मूल्यों एवं उसकी संवेदनाओं को प्रकट किया है। एक माँ अपनी संतान के लिए सबकुछ अर्पण कर देती है किन्तु वही संतान उस माँ को बोझ समझने लगती है। माँ धरती की तरह सर्वसहमा है। धरती पर तरह-तरह के जुल्म ढाये जाते हैं फिर भी वह बदला नहीं लेती है। बेटे-बहुओं के द्वारा उपेक्षित होने पर भी माँ उनकी शिकायत नहीं करती है। अंतर्मन में सारी आशाओं को दफना देती है। इस कहानी की प्रधाननायिका सीता अपने पति के मरने के बाद आशान्वित होती है कि उसको तीन बेटे हैं। कोई-न-कोई उसके जीवनरूपी नौका को पार कर देगा। किन्तु विधि के विधान को कौन टाल सकता है।

माँ उनके लिए बोझा बन जाती है। पाली बाँधकर उसका भरण-पोषण करते हैं। एक दिन ऐसा भी समय आ जाता है कि ये नियम भी भंग हो जाते हैं। अब वे पचास-पचास रुपये प्रतिमास खर्च में देंगे। पहले से घुटन भरे जीवन जीने वाली सीता अपने बेटों के निर्णय से विक्षुब्ध हो जाती है। अपना ही उसे पराया लगने लगता है। तुच्छ और निराश्रयी सीता एक दिन रात्रि में चुपके से घर से निकल जाती है। वह मेहनत-मजदूरी कर अपने जीवन का निर्वहण कर लेनी किन्तु अपने बेटों पर बोझ नहीं बनेगी। वस्तुतः कहानीकार यहाँ बताना चाहता है कि उन बेटों को भी अपनी संतानें हैं किन्तु शायद वे नहीं जानते हैं कि उनकी भी यही गति होनेवाली है जो वे अपनी माँ को कर रहे हैं। आज का समाज इसी विडम्बनाओं के साथ जीने के लिए विवश है।

वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न

I. सही विकल्प चुनें

Ch 5 Hindi Class 10 Bihar Board प्रश्न 1.
‘धरती कब तक घूमेगी’ के कहानीकार हैं
(क) सातकोड़ी होता.
(ख) ईश्वर पेटलीकर
(ग) श्री निवास
(घ) साँवर दइया
(घ) साँवर दइया

Dharti Mata Ki Kahani Bihar Board प्रश्न 2.
“धरती कब तक घूमेगी” कहानी है
(क) धार्मिक
(ख) मनोवैज्ञानिक
(ग) सामाजिक
(घ) ऐतिहासिक
(ग) सामाजिक

प्रश्न 3.
“धरती कब तक घूमेगी” की नायिका है
(क) मंगम्मा
(ख) पाप्पाति
(ग) सीता
(घ) वल्लि अम्माल
(ग) सीता

प्रश्न 4.
साँवर दइया की कहानी “धरती कब तक घूमेगी” का विषय है
(क) उड़िया समाज
(ख) राजस्थानी समाज
(ग) तमिल समाज
(घ) गुजराती समाज
(ख) राजस्थानी समाज

प्रश्न 5.
सवाल तो ……….. का ही है।
(क) रोटी
(ख) मकान
(ग) कपड़ा
(घ) दूकान
(क) रोटी

II. रिक्त स्थानों की

प्रश्न 1.
सांवर दइया ……….के कथाकार हैं।
धरती कब तक घूमेगी’

प्रश्न 2.
‘धरती कब तक घूमेगी, एक ………..कहानी है।

प्रश्न 3.
सीता जमीन …………लगी।

प्रश्न 4.
………….. तो सब-कुछ बता देती हैं।

प्रश्न 5.
अब …………….तो सीता के हाथ में नहीं था।

प्रश्न 6.
मौन के तीक्ष्ण कीलों का ………..उग आया।

प्रश्न 7.
सवाल तो ………….. का ही है।

प्रश्न 8.
आज सीता के चारों ओर खुली ……….. थी।

अतिलघु उत्तरीय प्रश्व

प्रश्न 1.
‘धरती कब तक घूमेगी’ कहानी की नायिका कौन है ?
‘धरती कब तक घूमेगी’ कहानी की नायिका तीन बेटों वाली सीता है।

प्रश्न 2.
सांवर दइया की कहानियों की विशेषता क्या-क्या है ?
साँवर दइया की कहानियों की विशेषता है राजस्थानी समाज का यथा तथ्य वर्णन।

प्रश्न 3.
‘धरती कब तक घूमेगी’ कहानी के रचयिता कौन हैं?
‘धरती कब तक घूमेगी’ कहानी के रचयिता साँवर दइया हैं।

प्रश्न 4.
‘धरती कब तक घूमेगी’ कहानी का उद्देश्य क्या है?
प्रस्तुत कहानी का उद्देश्य है पुराने पारिवारिक मूल्यों का आज के युग में हो रहे क्षरण का चित्रण।

प्रश्न 5.
सीता के प्रति उसके बेटों और बहुओं का व्यवहार कैसा था?
सीता के प्रति उसके बेटों और बहुओं का व्यवहार अत्यन्त उपेक्षापूर्ण था।

प्रश्न 6.
सीता की आँखों के आगे अंधेरा कब छा गया?
बेटों ने जब तय किया कि वे तीनों हर माह पचास-पचास रुपये देंगे और माँ अपनी रोटी आप बनाएगी तो सीता की आँखों के आगे अंधेरा छा गया।

धरती कब तक घूमेगी लेखक परिचय

साँवर दइया राजस्थानी भाषा के एक प्रमुख कहानीकार हैं । उनकी कहानियों में राजस्थानी समाज गहरे अर्थबोध एवं विविध छटाओं के साथ उपस्थित हुआ है । प्रस्तुत कहानी ‘समकालीन भारतीय साहित्य’ (अप्रैल-जून 1983 ई०) से यहाँ साभार संकलित है । इस कहानी का राजस्थानी से हिंदी में अनुवाद कहानीकार ने स्वयं किया है।

Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Chapter 5 Acceptance Speech

Guys who are planning to learn the fundamentals of English can avail the handy study material Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Chapter 5 Acceptance Speech Questions and Answers here. Refer to the Bihar Board English Solutions for Class 10 PDF available and score better grades. Simply click on the quick links available for Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions and prepare all the concepts in it effectively. Take your preparation to the next level by availing the Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Chapter 5 Acceptance Speech prepared by subject experts.

Panorama English Book Class 10 Solutions Chapter 5 Acceptance Speech

Do you feel the concept of English difficult to understand? Not anymore with our Bihar Board Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 5 Acceptance Speech Questions and Answers. All the Solutions are given to you with detailed explanation and you can enhance your subject knowledge. Use the Bihar Board Textbook Solutions PDF free of cost and prepare whenever you want.

B. 1.1. Write “T” for true and “F” for false statements

1. The acceptance speech was delivered or September 10, 1991.
2. On the occasion of the award of the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Alexander Aris made a speech.
3. Alexander Aris is one of the brothers of Aung San Suu Kyi.
4. Alexander Aris thanked his heart for this honor.
1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T

B. 1.2. Answer the following questions very briefly 

Bihar Board Solution Class 10 English Question 1.
Why had Alexander Aris accepted the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of his mother?
Alexander Aris had accepted the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of his mother because she was under detention by the Burmese Government and was unable to accept it personally by attending the ceremony in Oslo.

Bihar Board Class 10th English Solution Question 2.
Who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991?
Aung San Suu Kyi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991.

Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solution Pdf Download Question 3.
Who was incarcerated in the struggle for peace, freedom, and democracy?
Many senior and highly respected leaders along with Aung San Suu Kyi (the mother of Alexander Aris) were incarcerated.

B.2.1. Complete the following sentences on the basis of the lesson

1. The prize is also intended to engage in this struggle.
2. Mr. Chairman, the whole international community has applauded the choice of
3. Let new dawn.
1. to honor all those
2. your committee
3. age.

B. 2.2. Answer the following questions very briefly

Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solution Question 1.
Why has the whole international community applauded Mr. Chairman?
The whole international community has applauded Mr. Chairman for the choice of his committee.
Bihar Board English Book Class 10 Pdf Download Question 2.

What are more precious than diamond or Silver or gold?
The beauty of genuine brotherhood and peace are more precious than diamond or silver or gold.

Bihar Board English Book Class 10 Question 3.
Who is the Chairman of the committee?
The chairman is the head of the selection committee for the international Nobel Prize.

C. 1. Long Answer Questions

Class 10 Bihar Board English Book Question 1.
“And no one must underestimate that plight” Which plight Aris refers to? Explain.
Aris has become very much aggrieved to see the miserable condition of his countrymen who are living a very troublesome and pathetic life. They are being tortured by the barbarian Burmese government. As such he refers to the plight of those people living in the countryside and towns spending their days in poverty, having no house of their own to live in. He also expresses his sorrow for those in prison and severely beaten. He further expresses his painful sentiments for the young people dying of malaria in the jungles to which they have fled. He is highly annoyed to see the Buddhist monks beaten and dishonored. Many senior and highly respected leaders including his mother have been imprisoned. Thus referring to the plight he says that no one must underestimate that plight.

Bihar Board 10th Class English Book Pdf Question 2.
Peace, freedom, and democracy are essential for a human being. Do you agree ? Give your own opinion.
Peace, freedom, and democracy are the most important factors for a welfare state. No nation can prosper without achieving these objectives.
In my opinion, it is highly essential that a peaceful atmosphere must prevail among the people. Everybody must feel himself to be free from injustice and victimization. There should be a democratic government running by the people’s representatives. There should be equal justice to all. We have the bitter experience of tyranny and torture under British Imperialism.

We were living in slavery in an unpeaceful atmosphere under their political brutality and psychological subjection. After a long time of struggle, we achieve freedom and our country celebrated its independence day on 15th August 1947. Burmese people are also fighting for their liberation from the cruel and oppressive rale under the able leadership of Aung San Suu Kyi and many other highly respected leaders. I am sure that if peace, freedom, and democracy are obtained then there will be equal justice to all the human beings there.

Class 10 English Book Bihar Board Question 3.
The Nobel Peace Prize belongs not only to Aung San Suu Kyi but to all the men, women and children of Burma. Why does Aris say so?
Aung San Suu Kyi, the mother of Aris, is the revolutionary leader of Burma, who has sacrificed all the pleasures and comforts of her life to protect the rights and freedom of her country-men. She is very much pained to see the cruel suppression of the people along with many senior and highly respected leaders like her. She thinks that it is not only her efforts but the contribution of all then, women and children who have continued to sacrifice their well¬being, lives, and comfort for the cause of a democratic Burma.

As such, Aris on behalf of his mother says that the Nobel Prize for the peace does belong not only to his mother, Aung San Suu Kyi but to all the men, women and children of Burma. By saying this, he has expressed his mother’s sentiments, which she has acknowledged after being awarded the Novel Peace Prize in her name.

Bihar Board 10th English Book Question 4.
“The beauty of ‘genuine brotherhood and peace being more precious than diamond or silver of gold.” Why does Aris claim so ? Do you agree with him?
Undoubtedly diamond or silver or gold are most valuable articles. We have to spend a lot of money buying them from the market. It proves the popularity and importance of these materials. But these lifeless articles have no capacity to judge human sentiments. They are unable to share our ‘ miseries. We can not buy peace and pleasure of our mind through these costly materials. Aris has rightly told that the beauty of genuine brotherhood and peace are more precious than diamond or silver or gold. Really we can not buy or exchange genuine brotherhood and peace by these lifeless articles.

I fully agree with his statement. We can not achieve the real beauty of peace and brotherhood through diamond, silver or gold, because equal justice and sense of humanity cannot be achieved by them. They only provide us, physically the worldly pleasure. Our hearts and soul can not get happiness in the true sense. Martin Luther King Jr. had once’ expressed this view which Aris has reminded us. It is an all-time truth and I totally support it.

C. 2. Group Discussion

1. The survival of human society depends on peace and harmony in society.
Man is a social animal which means that he seeks fulfillment, not in insolation but in Society, which implies fellowship, companionship, association, and community. Herbert Spencer’s dictum that “human society exists for the benefit of its members, not the members for the benefit of the society” is an Only half-truth, For the survival of the human society depends on the peace and harmony in the society. Unless the right spirit: is present, the new society would be built on foundations of peace and harmony. So it is, of course, true that everyone is not equal in body or mind. In all other things, there should be equality and freedom from the jealousy that stems from a sense of grievance. It is harmony.

2. The greatest service to society is to establish peace and harmony.
India is a democratic country. Our constitution describes India as a sovereign democratic, secular and socialist republic. Democ racy, secularism, socialism is grand concepts, that have caught the I nation of the masses. But they are ideal in theory, but it is not easy to put – n into practice in away. Reservation in govt jobs has made youth unrest. The anti-reservations- raised the cry. So there is no peace and harmony in Indian Society. There is no place for a worthy man. There is no fair field. There is favoritism, castism. So there no harmony in our society. There is no equality. So our method should be worth and not birth; fair field and no favor, open chance for all without any distinction of caste, religion, community or sex. Then only real service to humanity may be achieved. There would be peace and harmony.

C. 3. Composition

You are Vinay. You are the secretary of the cultural society of your school. You want to organize an award giving function in your school. Write a letter to the Mukhiya of your Panchayat and the Chairman of your Zila Parisad inviting him to attend the function.

June 10, 2010

The Mukhiya Gram Panchayat Pali Ganj Or,
The Chairman Zila Parisad
Pali Ganj

Dear Sir,
Sub:-Invitation Letter
Our school is going to organize an award-giving function in Our school premises on 20th June this year. It would be a great pleasure for us if you could come to our function r and award the students. Please try to come over to our school by about 11 a.m. We will be looking out for you.

Yours Sincerely
Secretary of Cultural Society.

D. Word Study
D.1. Dictionary Use

Ex.1. Correct the spelling of the following words:
circumstanse, permitt, destitusion, strugglle, secretory, selfisness, gennune, precius, tyrranny
Circumstances, Permit, destitution, Struggle, Secretary, Selfissness, Genuine, Precious, tyranny

Ex.2. Find out the words from the lesson which have the following meanings:
act of dedication, society, to put one within the other, to set free
Act of Dedication — Sacrifice
Society — Committee
To put one within the other — incarcerated
Extreme bodily pain — destitution
Freedom — emancipation
To set free — release.

Ex.3. Match the words given in Column ‘A’ with their meanings given in Column ‘B’

(a) detention

(b) plight

(c) tyranny

(d) worthy

(e) lonely

(f) reason

(i) isolated

(ii) cause

(iii) valuable

(iv) delay

(v) condition

(vi) cruelty.

(a) delay
(b) condition
(c) cruelty
(d) valuable
(e) isolated
(f) cause.

D.2 Word Formation

Great — Greatest
Personal — Personally
Nation — National
Child — Childhood, Children

We see the suffixes’,’-ly’, ‘al’, -hood1, ‘-en’ are added to make new” words. Add suitable suffixes to the words given below and make new words.
heavy   high   bright   love
clear   selfish  brother  hard
bold   slow   pray   music
Words Given — New words 
Heavy — heavier/heaviest/heavily clearly boldly
Clear — Clearly
Bold — boldly
High — higher/highest/highly
Selfish — Selfishness
Slow — slowly
Bright — brighter/brightest/brightly
Brother — brotherly
Pray — prayer
Love — lovely/lovliest
Hard — harder/hardly
Music — musical.

E. Grammar

(subject-verb Agreement)
Look at the following sentences.
(1) Circumstances do not permit my mother to be here in person.
(2) Children continue to sacrifice their well being.
in sentences given above “Circumstances and Children” are used as subjects. Both are plural. So, verbs are plural there:

Note: A verb must agree with its subject in number and person. Singular subject takes a singular verb. A plural subject takes a plural verb.

Now study the sentences given below
(i) The colour of there houses is white.
(ii) Oil and water do not mix.
(iii) Nothing but water is seen.
Subject — Verb
(i) colour — is
(ii) oil and water — do
(iii) nothing — is

Some important rules:

  1. Two or more singular nouns or pronouns joined by ‘and’ require a plural verb
    He and I were playing there.
    Are your brother and sister at home?
  2. If the nouns suggest one idea to the mind or refer to the same person or thing, the Verb is singular.
    Bread and butter is the basic need of human beings.
    The poet and singer are on the stage.
    Two and two make four.
  3. Words joined to a singular subject by with, as well as, together with, etc. are parenthetical. The Verb should, therefore, be put in the singular: The teacher with all the students has gone. English, as well as Hindi, is taught here.
  4. Two or more singular subjects connected by ‘either .or’ or ‘or’ require singular Verb.
    Ravi or Vinayak does not know how to swim.
    Either the tiger or the bear has not been seen there.
  5. When two subjects are joined by’either-or’ or’neither…..nor’the Verb agrees with the subject nearer to it.
    Either he or I am to do it.
    Neither you nor he is to blame.
  6. Either, neither, each, everyone, many a, takes a singular verb. Neither of my friends is, guilty.
    Each boy and each girl sings well.
  7. A number of takes a plural verb but ‘the number of takes a singular verb.
    A number of students are in the hall. The number of students is eighty, Politics is harmful.
  8.  When a plural noun denotes some specific quantity or amount considered as a whole, the Verb is singular. Three fourth of the work „ has been done. Sixty miles is a long distance.
  9. A collective noun takes a Singular Verb when the collection is thought of as one whole, but it takes a plural verb when the individuals of which it is composed are thought of;
    The committee has issued its report.
    The committee is divided on this point.
  10. A team of, a set of, a bunch of, a flock of, a pair of, etc take singular 4 Verb.
    A team of players has come.
    A set of books has been sold.

Comprehension Based Questions With Answers

Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow each

1. Firstly, I know that she would begin by saying that she accepts the Nobel Prize for Peace not in her own name but in the name of all the people s of Burma. She would say that this prize belongs not to her but to all tho men, women and children who, even as I speak, continue to sacrifice their well being, their freedom and their lives in pursuit of a democratic Burma. Theirs is the prize and theirs will be the eventual victory in Burma’s long struggle for peace, freedom, and democracy

(i) Who is the speaker here?
(ii) Who is referred to as ‘she’ in this passage?
(iii) How would she accept the Nobel Prize for Peace?
(iv) What would she say about the people of Burma?
(v) Which word in the passage means ‘final’?
(i) Alexander Aris is the speaker here.
(ii) Aung San Suu Kyi is referred to as ‘she’ in this passage.
(iii) She would accept the Nobel Prize for Peace in the name of all the people of Burma. ‘
(iv) She would say that the people of Burma continue to sacrifice their well being, freedom and lives in pursuit of a democratic government in their country.
(v) The word ‘eventual’ means ‘final’.

2. Speaking as her son, however, I would add that I personally believe that by her own dedication and personal sacrifice she has come to be a worthy symbol through whom the plight of all the people of Burma may be recog¬nised. And no one must underestimate that plight. The plight of those in the countryside and towns, living in poverty and destitution, those in prison, battered and. tortured; the plight of the young people, the hope of Burma, dying of malaria in the jungles to which they have fled; that of the Buddhist monks, beaten and dishonored. Nor should we forget the many senior and highly respected leaders besides my mother who is all incarcerated. It is on their behalf that I thank you, from my heart, for this supreme honour. The Burmese people can today hold their heads a little higher in the knowledge that in this far distant land their suffering has been heard and heeded.

(i) What does the speaker personally believe?
(ii) What is the plight of people in Burma?
(iii) What for does he thank and whom to?
(iv) Find out the word from the passage which means: ‘condition
(i) The Speaker personally believes that by her own dedication and personal sacrifice she has come to be a worthy symbol through the people of Borma.
(ii) The plight of those in the country, side and towns, living in poverty and destitution, those in prison, battered and tortured (ekj [kkrs vkSj rax gksrs)] the plight of young people, the dying of malaria in the jungles to which they have fled, that of the Buddhist monks, beaten and dishonored.
(iii) He thanked the awarder who understood Burmese has been heard and heeded.
(iv) The word is plight.

3. We must also remember that the lonely struggle taking place in a heavily guarded compound in Rangoon is part of the much larger struggle, worldwide, for the emancipation of the human spirit from political tyranny and psychological subjection. The Prize, I feel sure, is also intended to hon¬our all those engaged in this struggle wherever they may be. It is not without reason that today’s events in Oslo fall on International Human Rights Day, celebrated throughout the world.

Mr. Chairman, the whole international community has applauded the choice of your committee. Just a few days ago, the United Nations passed a unanimous and historic resolution welcoming Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar’s statement on the significance of this award and endorsing his repeated appeals for my mother’s early release from detention. Let it never be said by future generations that indifference, cynicism or selfishness made us fail to live up to the ideals of humanism which the Nobel Peace Prize encapsulates.

(i) What should they remember?
(ii) What does he feel about the prize?
(iii) What did the United Nations pass? ‘
(iv) What does the speaker say about the future?
(i) They should remember that the lonely struggle taking place in a heavily guarded compound in Rangoon is part of a much larger struggle, worldwide for the emancipation of the human spirit from political tyranny and psychological subjection.
(ii) About the prize, he feels that it is intended to honor all those engaged in this struggle wherever they may be.
(iii) The United Nations passed a unanimous and historic resolu¬tion welcoming Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar’s statement oh the significance of this award and endorsing his re¬peated appeal for his mother’s early release from detention.
(iv) About the future, he says that future generations that indifference, cynicism or selfishness made them fail to live up to the ideals of humanism which the Nobel Peace Prize expresses.

4. Let the strivings of us all, prove Martin Luther King Jr. to have been correct, when he said that humanity can no longer be tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war. Let the efforts of us all, prove that he was not a mere dreamer when he spoke of the beauty of genuine brotherhood and peace being more precious than diamonds or silver or gold. Let new age dawn! Thank you.

(i) From which piece has this extract been taken?
(ii) What does the speaker say about the ideals of humanism?
(iii) What did Martin Luther King Jr say about racism and war?
(iv) What is more precious than diamond or silver or gold?
(v) What does the word ‘encapsulates’ in the passage mean?
(i) This extract has been taken from the piece ‘ Acceptance Speech’.
(ii) The speaker says that indifference, cynicism or selfishness should not make us fail to live up to the ideals of humanism.
(iii) Martin Luther King Jr said that humanity must be freed from racism and war.
(iv) The beauty of genuine brotherhood and peace is more precious than diamond or silver or gold.
(v) The word ‘encapsulate’ means ‘expresses or shows something in a short way.

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Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Poem 5 The Empty Heart

Guys who are planning to learn the fundamentals of English can avail the handy study material Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Poem 5 The Empty Heart Questions and Answers here. Refer to the Bihar Board English Solutions for Class 10 PDF available and score better grades. Simply click on the quick links available for Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions and prepare all the concepts in it effectively. Take your preparation to the next level by availing the Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Poem 5 The Empty Heart prepared by subject experts.

Panorama English Book Class 10 Solutions Poem 5 The Empty Heart

Do you feel the concept of English difficult to understand? Not anymore with our Bihar Board Solutions for Class 10 English Poem 5 The Empty Heart Questions and Answers. All the Solutions are given to you with detailed explanation and you can enhance your subject knowledge. Use the Bihar Board Textbook Solutions PDF free of cost and prepare whenever you want.

A. Answer the following questions briefly:

The Empty Heart Question Answer Bihar Board Class 10 Question 1.
What is your opinion about a greedy man?
In my opinion, the greedy man always remains discontented. He always thinks restlessly for adding more wealth to his assets.

The Empty Heart Bihar Board Class 10 Question 2.
What does he do to satisfy his ambition?
He always runs after earning money, even though unfair practices, to satisfy his ambition even neglecting his own health and family’s welfare.

Empty Heart Meaning In Hindi Bihar Board Class 10 Question 3.
What ultimate result has to come across?
His ambitions for adding more wealth remains unfruitful and he meets a tragic end.

B.1. Write ‘T’for true and ‘F’ for false statement:

1. Periasamy Thoran has written the poem “The Empty Heart”.
2. Perisamy Thoran was a Bengali writer.
3. “The Empty Heart’ The poem was translated by S. Swaminathan.
4. The man was given six pots.
1. – T
2. – F
3. – T
4. – F

B.1.2. Answer the following questions very briefly:

Empty Heart Poem Bihar Board Class 10 Question 1.
Why was the man not content, although he was rich?
The man was not content, because he was greedy and desirous of adding more money and gold to his assets.

The Heart Of The Tree Question Answers Bihar Board Class 10 Question 2.
When was the gift given by the tree?
The gift was given by the tree when he went to the tree and prayed to give him a pitcher containing gold coins.

Heart Class 10 Bihar Board Question 3.
Why was the tree called unkind?
The tree was called unkind because it was not glad to see his greediness and had accepted his prayer not being pleased with him.

The Heart Of The Tree Questions And Answers Bihar Board Class 10 Question 4.
When did the man want one pot of gold?
The man wanted one pot of gold when he was not contented with his wealth and wanted to add more money and gold to his assets.

Question 5.
Why was he given seven pots?
The ‘Kalpaka’ tree found him much greedy and not satisfied with his wealth, gave him seven pots.

C.1. Long Answer Questions:

Question 1.
Explain the title “The Empty Heart” in context with the poem.
The title of the poem “The Empty Heart” is self-explanatory. The poem relates to the description of a rich but greedy man. he is not contented with his wealth. He wants to add more money and gold to his wealth. He prayed to the “Kalpaka” tree to give him a pot filled up with gold coins. The tree provides him seven silver pots full of gold coins. He was given one extra pot half-filled with gold coins. As he was a greedy man he works day and night to fill up the half-filled pot. But he does not succeed in his efforts and dies.

The whole affair shows that he had no human sentiments. His heart was empty. He had no feelings for noble acts.
Therefore the title of the poem is quite appropriate. It signifies the importance of contentment. There is a strong appeal in the poem related to; (i) not to be.greedy (ii) to lead a noble and virtuous life, (ii) to earn money by hard labour and legitimate means and (iv) desires are endless, but life is limited.

As such, if the purse containing money is even half filled it is not the matter of sorrow. But if the heart is empty then it becomes a curse.

Question 2. Is the name “Kalpaka” justified? Explain.
“Kalpaka” is the name of a tree which fulfills our needs if we pray for something to it. In our religious books, this tree is called “Kalpatru”.

As such in the poem, a rich but greedy person goes to “Kalpaka” tree and prays for giving him a pot filled up with gold coins. His prayer was granted and he was given not only one but seven silver pots full of gold coins as gift. He is also given one more pot half-filled with gold, in addition to those seven pots. Moreover, it has given many times more than he demanded.

Therefore the name ‘Kalpaka’ is justified in the poem because it not only solves the problems of the man who goes to it but also gives him many times more than what he demanded…’

Question 3.
Contentment is the style of life. Discuss.
Contentment is the real style of life. It is necessary to lead a happy life. Discontented man always remains unhappy. Money alone cannot provide us the real pleasure of life. It is evident from the poem, “The Empty Heart”.

A rich and greedy person always runs after earning more and more wealth. He spends his whole life in order to expand his assets. He works day and night to fulfill his desire. He loses his peace of mind. There has no pleasure in his life. One day he dies leaving all his wealth.

Thus we learn that contentment is the real style of life, as mentioned in the poem.

Question 4.
“Nothing is wrong with a half-filled purse; ‘T is the void in the heart that is the curse.” Why?
There is an underlying message in this statement. It very well makes us aware about the importance of contentment.

Discontentment is a vice whereas to live peacefully with the limited hard-earned money is a virtue.

The rich man was not contented with seven pitchers full of gold coins. He lost his life to fill the eighth pitcher, as his heart was empty.

Question 5.
What does the term silver pitcher symbolize?
The rich man was very greedy. Having so much of wealth he still desired to have more and more wealth. The ‘Kalpaka’ tree was very unkind. Out of unkindness, he gave him so much and extra seven silver pitchers to increase his greediness.

Therefore the term silver pitcher symbolizes the Kalpaka’s adding fuel of silver to the unlimited greed of the rich man.

C. 2. Group Discussion

Discuss the following in groups or pairs:

Question 1.
The greed for the accumulation of material wealth leads to destruction.
Contentment brings happiness. But there are people who are never .contented. The more they have the more they want. Such people are called greedy. They are never satisfied with what they have. Here goes a story of a King’s greed for gold. His name was Midas. He had much more gold than he needed. Yet he wanted more and more of it. He worshipped the god Mercury and prayed to fulfill his desire.

God Mercury granted him power of touching. Everything he would touch shall turn into gold. The King became glad. But what happened to him. His food, water, daughter everything turned into gold. Now that situation arose, is most unfortunate, he remained without food. So he prayed again to god Mercury to take back his given boon It was also granted. Midas stopped earing for gold. He realized that greed always brings unhappiness or destruction. So, we should never be greedy.

C.3. Composition:

Write a paragraph in about 100 words on each of following:
Question 1.
A rich man empty heart.
Human Character can create wealth but wealth can not create character, rather it gradually ruins it and creates conditions in which the basic virtues of existence decay or are destroyed. Human sympathy, compassion for the poor, the weak and the down-trodden, the elementary qualities of respect and reverence for elders, consideration for others and at times even the dictates of country, are clean forgotten when the obsession with wealth becomes a predominant trait of one’s character. Their hearts become empty from those virtues. Countless instances are known of wealthy people becoming proud, cruel and heartless.

D.1. Word Study

Correct the spelling of the following words:

Atteck apeal stalement
Bigin Change Compare
Grateful Surfer Report


Attack Appeal Stalemate
Begin Change Compare
Grateful Suffer Report

D. 2. Use the following words in sentences:

Care Bridge Demand Hope Guard
Fight Promise Profit Return Smell

Care : You should take more care over your work.
Bridge : There is a bridge over and across the railway.
Demand : It is impossible to satisfy all demands.
Hope : I hope to secure good marks at the examination.
Guard : The guard was not present at the door.
Fight : The dogs were fighting over alone.
Promise : She promised me to be here at 6 O’clock.
Profit : He makes a profit of two hundred rupees every day.
Return : I shall return within an hour.
Smell : Taste and smell are closely connected.


Translate into English:
1. मेरी माँ दयालु है |
2. वे सुबह में टहलते है |
3. तुम्हे आराम करना चाहिये |
4. वह कलम से लिख सकती है |
5. पटना बिहार की राजधानी है |
6. पटना गंगा के किनारे बसा हुआ है |
7. गंगा एक पवित्र नदी है |
8. गंगा को प्रादुपित नहीं करना चाहिये |
9. पटना एक पुराना शहर है |
10. उसने पटना के बारे में पत्र लिखा है |
1. My mother is kind.
2. They walk in the morning.
3. You should take rest.
4. She can write with pen.
5. Patna is the capital of Bihar.
6. Patna is situated on the bank of the Ganges.
7. The Ganga (Ganges) is a holy river.
8. The Ganga should not be polluted.
9. Patna is an ancient city.
10. He has written a letter about Patna.

Comprehensive Based Questions with Answers

1. The man was rich, but not content,
Morning, noon and night he went
To the wish-yielding Tree and prayed:
“O Kalpaka”, I seek your aid;
All I want is a pot of gold.”
(i) Name the poem and the poet.
(ii) What type of the rich man was?
(iii) Why did the man go to the ‘Kalpakitree?’
(iv) What did he get as a boon?
(i) The stanza has been taken from the poem “The Empty Heart” written by the poet Periasamy Thoran
(ii) The rich man was very greedy.
(iii) The man went to the Kalpaka tree to give him a pot of gold in aid.
(iv) He got seven silver pitchers full of gold.

Content (adj.) काँटेन्ट = संतुष्ट (satisfied), Wish-yielding (n)-विश-यील्डिंग = इच्छा की पूर्ति करनेवाला (one who fulfils the wish), Kalpaka (n)- कल्पका = कल्पतरु वृक्ष, धार्मिक तथा पौराणिक कथाओं में वर्णित एक वृक्ष जो मनोकामना पूरी करता है (Kalpatru tree that fulfils one’s wish)|

हिन्दी भाषान्तर :

  • वह व्यक्ति धनाढ्य था, किन्तु संतुष्ट (संतोषी) नहीं,
  • प्रात:काल, दोपहर तथा रात वह गया
  • इच्छा की पूर्ति करनेवाले वृक्ष के पास तथा उसने प्रार्थना की;
  • “ऐ कल्पक” मैं चाहता हूँ, आपकी सहायता
  • वह सब जो मैं चाहता वह है एक स्वर्ण कलश ।

2. His prayer was granted seven fold;
For as a gift to him was given,
Glistening gold in pitchers seven,
Seven Silver pitchers were now with him
Each with gold coins filled to the brim
But the tree unkind took into its mind
To add an eightech, a half full pot.

Granted (v)- ग्रान्टेड = स्वीकार कर लिया (accepted), Gift (n)- गिफ्ट = उपहार (presentation), Pitcher (n)- पिचर = घड़ा, मिट्टी का कलश (an earthenware vessel) ।

हिन्दी भाषान्तर:

  • उसकी प्रार्थना स्वीकार कर ली गई सात गुनी :
  • क्योंकि एक उपहार उसे दिया गया,
  • सात घड़ों में चमकदार सोना
  • सात चाँदी के घड़े (कलश) अब उसके पास थे
  • प्रत्येक सोने के सिक्के से लबालब भरा था
  • किन्तु निर्दयी पेड़ ने अपने मन में विचार किया
  • एक आठवाँ भी आधा भरा हुआ घड़ा उसमें
  • जोड़ देने के लिए । (अर्थात् एक आठवाँ आधा भरा हुआ घड़ा भी उसको दे दिया ।)

3. To fill this quick was his thought;
The seven full vessels he clean forgot;
The demon Desire now made him mad :
The mother, wife, children “good bye” he bade.

Vessel (n) – वेसल = पात्र, घड़ा, कलश (an utencil for holding something), Demon (n)-डीमोन = शैतान, दुरात्मा, दुष्ट प्रवृत्तिवाला व्यक्ति (Wicked, an evil spirit), Bade (past tense of bid) (v)- बेड = कहा, आदेश दिया (told, commanded) ।

हिन्दी भाषान्तर:

  • शीघ्रातिशीघ्र उसे भर देने का उसका विचार था
  • सात भरे हुए घड़ों (कलश) को वह बिल्कुल भूल गया
  • उसकी कुत्सित मनोवृति न अब उसे पागल बना दिया था
  • माँ, पत्नी तथा बच्चों को उसने तिलांजलि दे दी थी।

4. He rose before cock-crow, past midnight he worked;
Eating, drinking and sleep he shirked.
He wrecked his health, his conscience sold
And tried all tricks to gather gold.
(i) What did the man do to gather gold?
(ii) What made him mad?
(iii) How did he wreck his health.
(iv) Find the word from the stanza which means: an evil spirii’.
Answers :
(i) The man to fulfill his desire forgot his family and since morning to late midnight, he worked. He avoided even taking food regularly.
He applied his all tricks either right or wrong to earn money.
(ii) Demon desire for gold made him mad.
(iii) To earn more and more gold he worked day and night, he forgot taking food regularly-So he wrecked his health.
(iv) The word is ‘Demon’.

Rose (past tense of rise) (v) रोज = बिस्तर से उठना (got out of bed), Shirk (v) शर्क = जान बचाना, काम से बचाना (to avoid doing), Wreck (n) रेक = नष्ट होना या करना (ruin or destruction), Conscience (n) कैन्सेस = भले- बुरे का ज्ञान (sense of right or wrong)

हिन्दी भाषान्तर:

  • वह प्रात:काल बिस्तर से उठ जाता था तथा आधी रात तक काम करता था;
  • खाना, पीना तथा सोना-इसकी उपेक्षा करना था
  • उसने अपना स्वास्थ्य नष्ट कर दिया तथा अच्छे-बुरे के ज्ञान को बेच (खो) दिया था ।
  • तथा स्वर्ण एकत्र करने के छलपूर्ण कार्य करता था।

5. Greed is endless, but life is not
Nothing is wrong with a half-filled purse;
‘Tis the void in the heart that is the curse.
Questions :
(i) Describe the word “Shamelessly.” (ii) What happened to the greedy man?
(iii) What does the poet comment at last?
(iv) Find the word from the stanza which means: “Large empty space”
(i) Shamelessly means to work dishonorably. A shameless man has nothing to shame. He considers even wrong thing right.
(ii) At last, the greedy man could not fill up the eight pitchers and died.
(iii) The poet comments “Nothing is wrong with a half-filled purse:
‘Tis the void in the heart that is the curse.
(iv) The word is void.

Word meaning:
Greed (n) ग्रीड = लालच, लोभ (strong desire for more food and wealth), Purse (n) पर्स = बटुआ, रूपये रखने का छोटा बैगा (small bag for keeping money), Void (n/adj.) वॉइड = रिक्त, एक खाली खुला स्थान (empty, a large empty space), Curse (n) कर्स = शाप, अभिशाप, destruction of somebody or something.

हिन्दी भाषान्तर:

  • लोभ अनन्त है, किन्तु जीवन नहीं है।
  • आधा भरा हुआ बटुआ रहना गलत (बुरा) नहीं है।
  • हृदय की रिक्तता (खालीपन) अभिशाप है |

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